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In 1950, New York was the only city with more than 10 million inhabitants. There are now 11cities housing over 11 million people each. Tokyo alone has 17 million. In 1995, their combined population totaled 166 million; in 2015 it is forecast to be over 204 million.

The world’s urban population, increasing at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in the period 1990-2025, to over five billion. Consequently, two-thirds of the people of the world will live in cities, some of which will be huge. Moreover, about 90% of the growth will be in developing countries. This growth, adding around 60 million people per year to city population, will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. The consequences are dramatic. This is change on a scale never before experienced, bringing with it considerable challenges and opportunities.

Why does this growth happen? Most of it results from internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors.

One push factor is due to pressure on land availability. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas. Others move because of climate change or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding. Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move. Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.

On the other hand, there are the pull factors. Cities attract people because of the demand for labor in the manufacturing and service industries. As a result, they offer a higher standard of living to the lucky ones. Cities also tend to offer greater personal freedom.

The world economy has expanded five-fold since 1950, with the cities driving the expansion. Much of this economic expansion has been in the developing countries of Southeast Asia. Therefore, most of the mega-cities of the future will be found there.


The combined total population of these 11 cities ________. 选择一项:

a. was 166 million in 1950 b. was 17 million in 1995 c. is 204 million now

d. will be over 204 million in 2015

答案为D。此题可以运用查读技巧。先在找到第一段中找到包含题中关键信息(The combined total population)的句子,即第一段最后一句,于是可以直接得出选项D。而其他选项虽都在文中提到,但都不是与题干相对应的,因此可排除A,B,C三项。


The world’s rural population ________. 选择一项:

a. increased at one fourth the rate of urban population b. increased at four times the rate of urban population c. will be four times bigger by 2025 d. will double in the period 1990-2025

答案为A。此题需要运用查读技巧,并考查计算能力。先找到文中第二段的第一句,“The world’s urban population, increasing at four times the rate of rural populations” 城镇人口正以4倍于农村人口的速度增长着,即农村人口的增长速度的城镇人口的1/4。因此,不要被选项B所迷惑而误选。


Which of the following is true according to this passage? _________.


a. There are now 11 cities with a total population of 11 million people. b. The world’s urban population will be four times bigger by 2025 c. Various push and pull factors cause people to move 正确

d. Two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities in Southeast Asia and Africa.

答案为C。此题可以运用查读技巧。找出选项A应为“There are now 11 cities with a population of 11 million people each.”选项B应改为“It will double by 2025.”选项D应将“in Southeast Asia and Africa”改为“all over the world”。因此,正确答案为选项C多种内、外因引起人口流动。


People choose to leave rural areas partly because _________. 选择一项:

a. climate change or poor farming methods result in deforestation and flooding 正确 b. the living standards of cities are much lower

c. the population of rural areas increased faster than that of urban areas d. there are not enough space for people to live there

答案为A。 此题考查仔细阅读和分析的能力。文章第四段说明了人们纷纷离开农村的一些原因。四个选项中,只有选项A谈到了气候的改变和落后的农业方法使得山林遭到砍伐,洪水泛滥,这是人们选择离开农村的原因之一。而其他选项均不是文中列举出的原因。


We can conclude from the last paragraph that_________. 选择一项:

a. the world economy has declined since 1950 b. economic expansion leads to mega-cities 正确 c. the expansion is mainly taking place in Europe

d. there isn’t any economic expansion in the developing countries


A Case Study: Desertification around the GobiDesert

The Problems

The GOBIDesert, in the north of China, is now seven times bigger than Britain. China has large desert areas and much of its agricultural land is being threatened by desertification, which is getting worse. In addition, soil erosion has led to a huge loss of farmland and the drying up of rivers. Consequently, the livelihoods of 35 million people are being threatened. Furthermore it is even affecting cities. The nearest sand dune is less than 100 miles from Beijing, where unpleasant sandstorms are becoming more frequent. The worse the situation, the more pressure there is on the government to take action.

The Causes

The reasons for the changes are complex. It is clear that pollution of the air and water by factories is affecting the environment. Trees and other vegetation die, and so soil is eroded. The more trees that die, the less water is held in the earth. The need for wood for fuel and buildings leads to further deforestation, which causes further soil erosion. Local farmers find it more and more difficult to make a living. They end up using inefficient farming methods, which again leads to soil erosion.

The Solutions

The Government is carrying out anti-desertification projects, including the creation of a forest belt around deserts. The tree-planting campaign, known as the Great Green Wall, is meant to protect Beijing from sandstorms. China hopes to control the expansion of desert land by the year 2010 and plans to establish a protected eco-system in desert areas by 2050. 题目1

According to this passage, the Gobi desert is ______. 选择一项: a. as big as Britain b. 20% of the size of Britain c. one seventh of the size of Britain d. seven times bigger than Britain 正确 答案为D。 题目2

The total desert area of China is ______. 选择一项: a. increasing 正确 b. decreasing c. remaining constant d. the largest of the world 答案为A。 题目3

______ leads to soil erosion. 选择一项:

a. The growth of trees and other vegetation b. The deforestation 正确 c. The efficient farming methods d. The pollution of some factories 答案为B 题目4

The Chinese government is planting trees _______. 选择一项:

a. around deserts 正确 b. around Beijing

c. around the border of China

d. all over China 答案为A。 题目5

The expansion of desert land _______. 选择一项:

a. won’t be controlled by 2010 b. will definitely be controlled by 2010 c. should be controlled after 2010

d. is expected to be controlled by 2010 正确 答案为D

The world’s urban population, (世界城市人口)(1)increasing at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in the period 1990 - 2025, to over five billion. Consequently, (2)two-thirds of the people of the world will live in cities, some of (3)which will be huge. Moreover, about 90% of the growth will be in developing countries. This growth, adding around 60 million people per year (4) to city populations, will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. The consequences are dramatic. This is change on a scale never before (5)experienced, bringing with it considerable challenges and opportunities.

Why does this growth happen? Most of it results (6) from internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors.One push factor is due to pressure (7)on land availability. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas. Others move because of climate change or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding. Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people (8)to move. Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.

On the other hand, there are the pull factors. Cities attract people because of the demand (9)for labour in the manufacturing and service industries. As a result, they offer a higher standard of living (10)to the lucky ones. Cities also tend to offer greater personal freedom.

Global Food全球食品“妈妈,我们去麦当劳,好吗?

“Mum, can we go to McDonald’s, please?”Some people might ask, “Where would we be today if we did not have fast food?” and “Where would parents take their children out to eat?’It has been reported that approximately 30% of meals consumed by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains like Burger King and Taco Bell, though probably none is more famous than McDonald’s. The distinctive “golden arch” can now be seen in most major cities in the world. In 2002, McDonalds had approximately 25,000 restaurants in over 120 countries and served 29 million people a day.

Apparently, the secret of their success is a marketing strategy of “think global, act local”. McDonald’s learnt that if they adapted their “Mac” meals to different cultures, it was more successful than having a standardized set of products that taste the same everywhere. So now, around 80% of McDonald’s restaurants are franchised to local people who serve food with a “local” flavor. For example, in Hong Kong, food called “Shake Shake Fries” and “Red Bean Sunday” can be found on the menu, while in Switzerland, “Vegi Macs” are served.

However, fast food is not popular with everyone. It is often called “junk” food because it is said to be unhealthy and full of fat. Furthermore, many people claim that fast food chains produce enormous amounts of waste, while millions of people in developing countries go hungry. At the same time, more and more people no longer cook fresh food at home. “Convenience” food is just too convenient! It is so easy for people with busy working lives to call into their local branch of Marks and Spencer, or some other supermarket chain, to buy ready-made meals on their way home from work. It is even easier to buy a “take-away” from a local restaurant or pick up the phone and order a pizza to be

delivered to your home. 题目1

The secret of fast food chains’ success is _________. 选择一项:

a. franchising to local people

b. having a standardized set of products

c. the marketing strategy of “think global, act local” 正确 d. having a lot of restaurants covering many countries 答案为C 题目2

We can learn from the passage that_________. 选择一项:

a. around one-third of American families eat at one of the big chains 正确 b. there were about 25,000 McDonald’s Restaurants in the USA in 2002 c. in 2002, McDonald’s served 29 million people a day in Europe

d. the percentage of families eating at McDonald’s is higher in the UK than in the USA 答案为A。 题目3

All the following are correct except that _________. 选择一项:

a. most children like going to McDonald’s

b. most countries have different kinds of McDonald’s meals c. about 20% of McDonald’s restaurants are not franchised

d. the “Shake Shake Fries” can be found both in Hong Kong and in Switzerland 正确 答案为D。 题目4

Which of the following is not the reason for more and more people preferring fast food to cooking at home? _________. 选择一项:

a. Because they are more convenient

b. It’s easy for people to buy a “take-away” on their way home

c. People can pick up a phone and order what they want to be delivered to their home d. It is cheaper to buy fast food than to cook at home 正确 答案为D。 题目5

People call fast food “junk food” because _________. 选择一项:

a. they are too convenient

b. they are said to be unhealthy and full of fat 正确 c. they are popular among children d. they produce much waste 答案为B

What a Waste!(真是浪费!处理废物是一个巨大的全球性问题。 )

Dealing with waste is a huge global problem. Unfortunately, many people don’t usually think much about what happens

B. government, education and the environment ole 正确

C. negative feelings towards the media D. advertisement


government, education and the environment ole 题目4

Which one of the following statements is TRUE? ________. 选择一项:

A. The majority of people polled think that the news media is accurate B. 53% of all crimes committed are murders

C. There is not enough time to talk about a wider range of subjects on the news. 正确 D. 42% of TV news time is given totally to crime reports.

答案为C正确答案是:There is not enough time to talk about a wider range of subjects on the news. 题目5

What can be inferred from the last paragraph? ________. 选择一项:

A. People have a tendency to be more aggressive by viewing media violence. B. Violence-oriented news broadcasts should be controlled in a certain way.

C. People will become more insensitive to crimes committed around them after viewing media violence. D. All of the above. 正确


正确答案是:All of the above.

Subject: Reorganisation(主题:重组 ) Date: 12.11.2005 Form: Simon Harris To: Brett Cc:

Dear Brett,

Welcome back to St. Swithen s. I look forward to hearing about your adventures in the US.

I’m writing because there have been a lot of changes since you went away, and you need to know about them before you can start work.

The main change is that we have had a new computer system installed. You will need to be trained in using the system before you can see any patients! I’ve arranged for you to have a training session at 10 o’clock on Monday with our IT consultant, Gerry. He’s a really nice guy.

It’s especially important that you can use the patient records system. We’ve had a few teething problems, and it seems complicated at first; but when you get used to it, you’ll find it really helpful. For example, it’s much quicker than the old system. Remember you used to wait ages before the information came up on the screen? Well, now it’s very quick.

You will also need to be familiar with the appointment booking system, so you can see who your next patient is. The new program makes it impossible to double-book a patient, so we shouldn’t get as many complaints as we used to.

As well as the computer system, we’ve also installed a new electronic security door. You will need a special card from reception and it will need replacing every two months. I’m afraid we made Bill redundant. It’s a shame; I used to enjoy talking to him every morning.

Well, I hope you like the improvements. Most people find that it makes their work easier and faster. There is one downside though; the atmosphere has become less personal. I used to talk to everyone a lot, but now we communicate by email most of the time. I even email people who work in the same room as me! Well, see you on Monday, Brett. Nice to have you back. Best wishes, Simon 题目1

Brett has just come back from ______. 选择一项: a. Europe b. England c. America 正确 d. China 答案为C 题目2

Brett will ______on Monday morning. 选择一项: a. see his next patient b. have a training session 正确 c. get a special card form the reception d. talk to Bill in the morning 答案为B 题目3

The main change that has happened since Brett went away is that _____. 选择一项:

a. the company has had a new computer system installed 正确 b. the company has installed a new electronic security door c. the company has imported many new computers d. the company has dismissed many old staff 答案为A 题目4

The new patient records system is better than the old one because ______.


a. it’s much quicker than the old one 正确

b. you used to have to wait for ages before the information came up on the screen c. you need not be familiar with the appointment booking system d. people need not talk to each other face to face any more 答案为A 题目5

The main disadvantage of the new computer system is that______. 选择一项:

a. you need to be very familiar with the booking system

b. the card from the reception will need replacing every two months c. it’s impossible to double-book a patient d. the atmosphere has become less personal 正确 答案为D

To: All doctors致:所有医生

From: Gerry Jackson, IT Consultant来自:Gerry Jackson,IT顾问 Date: 21st October 2005日期:2005年10月21日

Subject: Computer systems and best practice主题:计算机系统和最佳实践

It is now two months (1)since the new computer system was installed. Although many of you are following the procedures(2) which you learnt at the initial training sessions on 21st and 22nd August, and are benefiting from the new system, a number of you appear to be unaware(3) of how to operate the new system, causing serious problems. 1.The practice of not switching(4) off the computers when you leave your office at the end of the day has led to computers not functioning the next morning. Please turn off the computers when you go home (5)so that the computer starts again the next day.

1.Misspelling of patients’ names has resulted in the duplication of records causing inaccuracy in patients’ data. The new system was supposed to make it almost (6)impossible to double-book appointments. However, since its introduction, double-bookings have increased, (7)leading to confusion and potentially dangerous situations. There may also be a problem that doctors miskey the data. Please check the patient’s name (8)with the patient personally and with their computer record card, which they should take to reception when they arrive.

Finally, it seems that the reason(9) for these problems is that many doctors did not attend their initial training sessions, or arrived late, and therefore were not fully trained in the new system. Consequently, further training days will take place during the next month which you should go to. Please remember (10)to arrive on time. GJ. 题目1

The new computer system was put in ______ago. 选择一项: a. several days b. one month c. two months 正确 d. about one year 答案为C 题目2

The first training session was held in ______. 选择一项: a. August 正确 b. September c. October d. November 答案为A 题目3

What has led to computers not functioning the next morning? 选择一项:

a. Some doctors are unaware of how to operate the new system.

b. Doctors did not switch off the computers when they left their office at the end of the day. 正确 c. Doctors chat on the Internet for a long time. d. Doctors play games on the Internet. 答案为B 题目4

The same patients’ records appeared twice because ______. 选择一项:

a. of misspelling of patients’ names 正确 b. of the practice of not switching off the computer c. of the doctors’ late arrival at the training sessions d. some patients misspelled their names 答案为A 题目5

Which of the following is true according to this passage? 选择一项:

a. If the doctors didn’t turn off the computers, it would be useless forever. b. Patients should take their record card to Gerry Jackson when they arrive. c. Gerry Jackson will hold another training this month.

d. The main reason for all the problems was that many doctors were not fully trained in the new system. 正确 答案为D

Mobile Phones Save Lives手机拯救生命

Mobile phones have changed many people’s lives. Here are two people who tell their terrifying stories.移动电话改变了许多人的生活。这里有两个人讲述他们的恐怖故事。


I was traveling alone in Western Australia last year, and one day I set off to climb a high peak in that area. Although in the summer there are many tourists, I was there out of season so there weren’t any tour groups. Soon after I reached the top, it began to drizzle and the fog came down. Very soon, it was so thick that I couldn’t even make out the path. I take my phone with me everywhere because you never know when you will need it. Eventually I called my dad, who was 9,000 miles away in the UK. He told me to phone the local emergency services, but I felt so stupid that I didn’t want to. Luckily, my dad realized this and made up his mind to call them himself. The rescuers called me on my mobile to find out exactly where I was, but unfortunately the battery ran out after five seconds. I lay down under a rock and waited-it was nearly night-time and I was cold and wet. Just as they were about to call off the search for the night, they found me.

Fortunately one rescuer had said “Let’s try for just five more minutes.” If they had given up, I would have died. Dave

In march 1998 I was working as a journalist in the Kosovan war. A cameraman and I had heard that in one village there was fighting, so we decided to go to investigate. We climbed up the hillside although we were in danger there from snipers. We knew that if we didn’t get close enough to the village, we wouldn’t get the best pictures. In fact, we got some brilliant photos, but then it was so dangerous that we decided to turn back. We were running along a path on the side of the hill when we were fired at—I felt something hit me but there was no pain. When we finally reached our base I thought I had better ring my wife and let her know I was okay. I reached for my mobile phone and found that a bullet had gone through my wallet and embedded itself in the phone. I was so happy that I cried. If I hadn’t had my mobile phone, the shot would have killed me. 题目1

1.Even though Kosovo was full of danger, Dave still went to investigate because he is a _____. 选择一项: a. doctor b. sniper c. journalist 正确 d. cameraman 答案为C 题目2

Where is the bullet in Dave’s story? _____. 选择一项: a. In Dave’s leg b. In Dave’s phone 正确 c. In the gun d. In the village 答案为B 题目3

According to Paul’s story, which of the following statements is ture? _____. 选择一项:

a. The rescuers didn’t find Paul in the end

b. Paul traveled with his father in Western Australia last year c. Paul called the local emergency services for help d. Paul’s mobile battery ran out on the hill 正确 答案为D 题目4

According to the passage, Paul and Dave_____.


a. are both saved by their phones 正确 b. are both from the UK c. do the same job

d. have the same experience of using mobile phones 答案为A 题目5

The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to _____. 选择一项:

a. show mobile phones can provide convenience for our daily life b. tell us two persons’ terrifying stories

c. let us know a mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also a tool for saving lives. 正确 d. prove mobile phones are our best friends in daily life 答案为C


Emails—do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to stay. Here are some tips and ideas(1) for improving your email writing.电子邮件你爱他们还是讨厌他们

First, starting with greeting and ending with a closure may seem old-fashioned, but it avoids

(2)upsetting people by appearing rude. It needn’t be Dear Sir or Madam, and Yours faithfully, but just say Hi or Hello or Dear (and a first name), then close(3) with Regards (for more formal contacts) and Cheers or Bye for friends. In offices and with people you know well and email frequently, you can just begin (4)with their first name.

Getting emails that are not directly relevant (5)to you is very irritating. Having wide mailing group lists doesn’t necessarily keep people(6) informed. It is estimated(7) that 40% of all emails are deleted immediately because they have an irrelevant or frivolous subject-line. Try to organize your mailing groups accurately and keep(8) updating your mailing lists regularly. If you don’t do this, your messages may not(9) get through to the people you want to send them to because they delete them automatically without reading them If your contact(10) is used to deleting irrelevant emails from you, they may also delete any relevant ones automatically.

Emails are usually quick and casual – they should convey a simple message. If you need to send important documents or letters – always send them as an attachment and use all the normal formal writing conventions. The receiver can then download the attachment and save it or print it out for careful reference.

Finally, using acronyms and smileys that your reader doesn’t understand is very frustrating. America Online (AOL), the biggest Internet service provider, list 181 common acronyms and 60 common smileys. Try to use ones that you are sure

your reader will understand. 题目1

_________ is the main idea of this passage. 选择一项:

a. Etiquette is necessary in our society b. Emails offer much benefit to us

c. Giving us some advice about how to improve our email writing 正确 d. The advantages of email 答案为C 题目2

It shows in this passage that emails __________. 选择一项:

a. are quick and casual 正确

b. can’t send too much information at a time c. are not very convenient d. are too difficult to write 答案为A 题目3

__________ are listed by America Online. 选择一项:

a. 180 common acronyms and 40 common smileys b. 181 common acronyms and 60 common smileys 正确 c. 160 common acronyms and 60 common smileys d. 181 common acronyms and 40 common smileys 答案为B 题目4

If we want to send important documents or letters by email, _______ can help us. 选择一项: a. nothing

b. attachments 正确 c. appendices d. messages 答案为B 题目5

According to the passage, which of the following statements is ture? 选择一项:

a. Having wide mailing group lists keeps people informed.

b. We must use “Dear sir or Madam, and yours faithfully” in an email

c. All of us love emails very much.

d. The author wants to give us some tips about improving our email writing. 正确


Net Becomes a British Way of Life

The Internet has become a part of (1)everyday life for most Britons, says a report published this week by market research company Netinfo.

Just over 70% of people(2)questioned for the survey said the net had become essential. The survey reveals that emailing friends and others is the nation’s favourite Internet activity. It also found that people spend an average of seven hours a week online, visiting 13 different websites in seven days. But 10% of all those(3)who surf the net are doing it for more than 20 hours a week.

Just over 2,000 adults in Britain were interviewed for the report. The study found almost 19 million people in the UK – four(4) in ten adults – regularly went online. But the number of new users has slowed down. Numbers online grew by just 11% over the past 12 months compared with 33% the previous year.

The report also reveals the(5) increasing importance of the silver surfer. According to the report the number of older people online grew by more than 40% over the past year. People(6)aged over 55 now make up 17% of the UK Internet population.

The survey also discovered that many workers surf the net(7)for personal reasons while at work. Almost (8)three-quarters of workers with Internet access admitted using it for pleasure, usually to email friends and family. According to Bill Wills, author of the survey, many employees expect some flexibility, and most employers are willing(9)to accept this. “However, employers are less

(10)likely to be understanding, if you’re downloading movies or introducing an unfriendly virus to your company network,” he said. 题目1

Around __________ people questioned for the survey think that the Internet has become essential. 选择一项: a. over 10% b. over 70% 正确 c. 2,000 d. 19 million

答案为B。此题考查细节,可利用关键词“the Internet has become essential”来查找。找到第二段首句“ Just over 70% of people questioned for the survey said the net had become essential.”中 找到答案为B。 正确答案是:over 70% 题目2

In the survey,______ of the adults regularly went online in the UK. 选择一项: a. 1/4

b. 1/5 c. 2/5 正确 d. 3/5 答案为C 题目3

According to the passage,which of the following is Not True?__________. 选择一项:

a. There are many older people online

b. The number of older people online increased by 40% over the past year c. The number of new users and older people has increased d. Only 25% adults often went online in Britain 正确

答案为D,此题可运用研读技巧和排除法,通过阅读第三段和第四段,找出与四个选项相关的信息,再仔细研读每个信息可知A,B,C均为正确的答案。通过排除后可得出正确答案为D。 正确答案是:Only 25% adults often went online in Britain 题目4 正确

What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? __________. 选择一项:

a. The survey discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons during their working time 正确 b. The survey discovered that many workers surf the net for working reasons during their working time c. Most workers used the Internet for pleasure

d. All employers can accept their workers surf the net during the working time

答案为A。此题考查段落大意,可用寻找主题句的方法来解题。通过略读这个段落可以发现,句首包含段落主题(topic)且该句中“personal reasons”进一步揭示了段落的中心思想。所以答案为A。

正确答案是:The survey discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons during their working time 题目5 正确

From the survey,we can infer that __________. 选择一项:

a. the Internet has changed many Britons’ life 正确 b. the importance of the silver surfer is decreasing

c. the employees in Britain are expected to devote all their work time to the company d. most people in Britain surf the net more than 20 hours a week


The Internet Has Changed My Life互联网改变了我的生活

Whatever your interests, problems or passions, you are never alone on the Internet. You can chat with people online at

any time of the night or day.

Here’s what three people say about how the Internet has changed their lives.

Miriam says:

I was severely disabled in a car crash five years ago and now rarely leave the house. I was a DJ and I thought after my accident that I would never be able to make music again. However, because of the Internet I can create, edit and broadcast my music by live webcasts in clubs and bars all over the country. I have hundreds of friends who I meet when I go into chat-rooms and gossip about new bands and new styles of music. I even get fan mail! I have some friends who are visually impaired and they love my music, although they have difficulty in seeing the screen. Apparently, technology is now being developed which will read webpages aloud for people with visual disabilities. Paul says:

My passion is off-road motorcycling, but I don’t know anyone nearby who shares my enthusiasm. I am registered with a lot of motorcycling websites where I can always get help and information. Last week I needed to get a new engine part, but the shops around me didn’t have one ?. I logged in to bikeriders.com and posted a message on a message board explaining the problem. Within 24 hours someone posted back that there was a shop in the north of England that had one, and I could order it on-line. Five years ago I would have spent days on the phone trying to find one.

Janet says:

I was working as a teacher mainly with other women, and I was finding it hard to meet boyfriends and possible partners. To be honest, I was lonely. I registered with a website Boymeetsgirl.com- it was a subscription service so I had to pay something, but when I saw Darren’s online profile(and he was online at the time),I sent him an instant message. When we met, I discovered that we had lots in common. We were originally from the same town, and we had both moved back there after university. We were living on the same street although we didn’t know each other. Through this website I got together with a neighbour, and we were married within a year! 题目1 正确

The passage mainly tells us _______. 选择一项:

a. people are never alone on the Internet b. the Internet has changed people’s life 正确 c. people can do anything on the Internet d. three persons’ stories

答案为B。此题可以从寻找文章的主题句入手。我们从标题可以得知其包含主题信息“the Internet has changed people’s life”,其余3个人的故事都是围绕这一主题展开。 正确答案是:the Internet has changed people’s life 题目2 正确


a. advantages of working at home b. disadvantages of working at office

c. both the advantages and disadvantages of working at home 正确 d. both advantages and disadvantages of working at office

答案为C。此题考查归纳中心思想的能力。我们可以在把握各段大意的基础上进行归纳;一看通篇都是关于working at home的优缺点的,所以最佳答案为C。注意归纳主题时要全面,能够涵盖各段的意思。

正确答案是:both the advantages and disadvantages of working at home

Is It Farewell to the Paperback?这是平装书的告别版吗?

When Steven King published his book Riding the Bullet, around two million people downloaded it

(1)from the Internet within hours. It was the first time(2)that an electronic book had done big business, and it was a wake-up call for the publishing industry.

An electronic book, or e-book, is simply a version of a book that allows you(3) to store and display it digitally. There are already thousands of classic and best-selling titles available (4)on websites such as ebooks.com.

E-book technology allows you to carry around a whole library in a small unit. You can also highlight a word to bring up its definition or increase the font size if you have had bad eyesight. In fact, e-book readers(5)are being developed for people who are visually impaired or dyslexic.

Another advantage is that it let you (6)buy books in segments and carry them around easily, which should appeal (7)to students. In fact, the University of South Dakota is planning to give hand-held devices to (8)all its students to help them in their study.

However, for all this, the current e-book readers are (9)unlikely to make it big. A recent report predicted sales of just 1.9 million in the next 5 years. And the reason? E-books are more difficult to read and they are just not as (10)attractive as the printed word. 题目1 正确

Which statement about Riding the Bullet from the passage is NOT TRUE? 选择一项:

a. It was published by Steven King.

b. Less than two million people downloaded it from the Internet within hours. 正确 c. It was the first time that an electronic book had done big business. d. It was a wake-up call for the publishing industry.

答案为B。此题为事实判断题。 在第一段中关于“Riding the Bullet”的描述中,作者提到around 2 million people 2百万左右的人下载了该书。而B选项认为少于2 million,与事实不符。

正确答案是:Less than two million people downloaded it from the Internet within hours. 题目2


The word “appeal to ” in Para. 4 probably means“___________”. 选择一项: a. to make a request b. to be attractive to 正确 c. to be interested in

d. to take a question to a higher court

答案为B。此题考查动词辨析以及猜词的能力。“appeal to”出现在第四段第一句。要理解该词的意思,就需要联系上下句。前半句指“电子书的另外一个好处是你可以买书中的某些部分,而且便于携带”因此,我们可以推测电子书对学生而言,是很受欢迎。这样,我们就能推测B“有吸引力”与“appeal to”意思一致。而选项A,C,D的意思分别是“请求”,“(人)对?感兴趣”,“上诉(到高等法院)”。所以答案为B 正确答案是:to be attractive to 题目3 正确

Which of the following statements is NOT the advantage of E- books? 选择一项:

a. They can be stored and displayed digitally. b. You can highlight a word to bring up its definition. c. They are more difficult to read. 正确 d. You can buy books in segments.

答案为C。此题为细节判断题。选项A、B、D三项在文章中有原句,分别为第二段第二句,第三段第二句和第四段第一句。都是谈论电子书的优点,但是从第五段最后一句,即“E-books are more difficult to read and they are just not as attractive as the printed word.”可以得知C不是其优点。所以答案为C。 正确答案是:They are more difficult to read. 题目4 正确

By saying \选择一项:

a. e-book readers will not be made in a big way b. e-books will bring about great changes c. e-book readers will be made bigger and larger d. e-books will not succeed in the near future 正确

答案为D。 此题考查语句理解分析能力。本句中出现“however”说明话题发生了转化即从1、2、3自然段谈论电子书的优势转到第4段介绍其不利因素。“unlikely”和“make it big”就说明目前的电子书阅读器不可能使电子书大获成功。

正确答案是:e-books will not succeed in the near future 题目5 正确

From this passage we can learn that___________. 选择一项:

a. e-books are better than ordinary books because the letters are clear b. e-books are not good for people who find reading difficult c. e-books allow you to store a library in a small unit 正确 d. sales of e-books are expected to increase rapidly in the future

答案为C。此题为事实分析题。采用排除法,选项A认为电子书的字体清晰,B认为电子书对阅读有困难的人没有帮助,D认为电子书的销量会迅速增加。这些与文中意思不符。所以选择答案C。 正确答案是:e-books allow you to store a library in a small unit

Susannah, Laura and Alsain talk about technology and the future. 苏珊娜、劳拉和alsain谈技术和未来。 Susannah

Interviewer: Susannah, can you tell me about a particular form of technology and predict the future of that technology?

Susannah: Well, I think if you consider mobile phones, that eventually we will end up wearing a small unit as a watch. The, the basic phone will become your watch. You will have a tiny microphone in your lapel of your jacket, and, uhm, a tiny earpiece, and basically you will no longer be walking around the street holding something up to your ear. The minute a call comes in, your wrist will vibrate, you will press a little button and you will be able to hear and speak normally. It will look quite odd, I think, but I reckon that ‘s where it’s gonna go. Laura

Interviewer: Laura, can you tell me about a particular form of technology and predict the future of that technology?

Laura: I think that, in the future, computers will take over the education system. We won’t have schools and teachers any more. We’ll just do all the learning via the computers and Internet and home programmes, where we just teach ourselves.

Interviewer: So, will we meet our fellow students?

Laura: We’ll meet people through Internet chat rooms. We won’t actually go out and make friends any more and speak, interact, with other people, it will just all be through the computers. Alsain

Interviewer: Alsain, can you tell me about a particular form of technology and predict the future of that technology?

Alsain: I think people will start missing quite a lot of the pleasure, which they had from simply meeting other people. If you’ve got a mobile phone, you can stay away from them for long periods of time and simply hear their voices; if you’re on the Internet you just type away messages. You may go on for months maybe years without meeting someone,

so I think there will be a comeback to a low-technology world in which people mix with each other a lot more. 题目1 正确

According to this interview, we can learn that_________. 选择一项:

a. Susannah is not glad to use mobile phone

b. Susannah thinks the technology makes people look strange c. Susannah agrees to use computers

d. Susannah thinks people can wear mobile phones on their wrist 正确

答案为D。本题是事实判断题。首先苏珊娜谈到最终手机会像手表那样小巧,可以佩戴。然后阐述新型手机的使用方法,最后表明态度,即“but I reckon that ‘s where it’s gonna go.”。选项A认为苏珊娜不喜欢用手机,与事实不符;选项B苏珊娜认为科技把人变的很奇怪,与事实不符;选项C苏珊娜同意用电脑,文中没有提到这点。因此,可以判断正确答案是D。

正确答案是:Susannah thinks people can wear mobile phones on their wrist 题目2 正确

Laura’s main opinion is that _________. 选择一项:

a. computers will take over the education system. 正确 b. we won’t have schools and teachers any more

c. we’ll just do all the learning via the computers and Internet and home programmes d. we’ll meet people through Internet chat rooms

答案为A。本题考查的是同学们对于作者观点的辨别能力。根据句子在文章中的作用,我们分为三类。一是中心句(表明讨论的主题和中心),二是支撑句(解释说明,补充中心意思),三是总结句(表明观点、态度)。通过Laura的谈话,我们找到她谈论的中心,即“I think that, in the future, computers will take over the education system.”。所以答案为A。

正确答案是:computers will take over the education system. 题目3 正确

Which one is NOT mentioned in this interview? 选择一项: a. Internet b. Mobile phone c. Digital camera 正确 d. Computer

答案为C。本题为事实判断题。文章中出现了“mobile phone”“internet”“computer”“earpiece”没有出现“digital camera”。所以答案为C。 正确答案是:Digital camera

题目4 正确

In Alsain’s opinion, _________. 选择一项:

a. the Internet is very useful

b. we should go back to a low-tech world 正确

c. chatting on the Internet is a good way to interact with people d. our life is bright in the future

答案为B。本题考查细节分析的能力。选项A奥森认为网络很有用,文中没有提到这点;选项C奥森认为网络聊天是人际交往的好方法,与文中所述不符;选项D奥森认为我们的前途很光明,文中没有涉及这点。只有选项B奥森觉得我们还会回到一个人们外出交往很多的低科技的世界,与文章内容相符。所以答案为B。 正确答案是:we should go back to a low-tech world 题目5 正确

The interview is mainly about________. 选择一项:

a. mobile phones and watches b. computers and education c. the Internet and interaction d. technology and the future 正确

答案为D。此题考查归纳中心,主题的能力。本篇文章是一个采访,必定有一个访问的目的,根据篇首语,即“Susannah, Laura and Alsain talk about technology and the future.”可知,讨论的主题是“科技与未来的问题”,所以最佳答案为D。

正确答案是:technology and the future

UK workershave the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in Europe英国已经有最短的假期和欧洲


A recent survey has revealed that the country with the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in Europe is the UK. In the UK, a worker puts in over 43.6 hours a week on average - far higher than any other European country. The average in the European Union (EU) is around 40 hours a week. Astonishingly, in the UK, one in ten workers spends more than 61 hours a week at work. In addition, a British worker only has 20 days’ holiday a year.

Interestingly, however, despite the fact that the British have the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in the EU, the UK's GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe.

Mediterranean countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy have some of the longest holidays in Europe, ranging from 33 to 36 days. Although Austria has the longest holiday time of all in Europe (38 days on average), it has an above-average GDP per worker. 题目1 正确

UK Workers have the shortest holidays _________. 选择一项: a. in the world b. in Europe 正确 c. in western Europe d. in the Mediterranean

答案为B。此题可以运用查读技巧。 先找出包含题中关键信息(UK Workers have the shortest holidays)的句子,即标题,然后结合选项内容从标题“UK workers1 have the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in Europe”中我们可以找出答案。 正确答案是:in Europe 题目2 正确

On average workers in the UK puts in ________ hours more than those in the European Union. 选择一项: a. 3.6 hours 正确 b. 17.4 hours c. 20 hours d. 21 hours

答案为A。此题可以运用查读技巧。将题干中的 “average, UK, Europe”作为关键词,在文章中找到带有这个关键词的句子,即文章第1段的第2和第3句“In the UK, a worker puts in over 43.6 hours a week on average - far higher than any other European country. The average in the European Union (EU) is around 40 hours a week.”,由这两句话我们经过计算可以推断出答案。 正确答案是:3.6 hours 题目3 正确

In the UK, _____________ works more than 61 hours a week. 选择一项: a. one in five b. one in ten 正确 c. one in ten d. one in 40

答案为B。此题可以运用查读技巧。 先找出包含题中关键信息(works more than 61 hours a week)的句子,第一段的倒数第二句话,即“Astonishingly, in the UK, one in ten workers spends more than 61 hours a week at work.然后结合选项内容找出答案。 正确答案是:one in ten 题目4 正确

The second paragraph mainly tells us that _________. 选择一项:

a. the British have the shortest holidays b. the British have the longest holidays c. the British have the longest working hours

d. the UK’s GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe 正确

答案为D。 此题考查归纳段落大意的能力。通过最后一句话,即本段的主题句,可以找到答案。此外,从“however(表示转折,强调其后面的内容)despite(表示让步,也是强调句中后一部分的内容”一词可推测出本段着重强调尽管英国假期最短,工期最长,可是人均总产值在欧洲却是最低的之一。因此答案D是正确的。 正确答案是:the UK’s GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe 题目5 正确

_________ has the longest holiday time of all in Europe. 选择一项: a. Spain b. Portugal c. Austria 正确 d. Greece

答案为C。此题可以运用查读技巧。 先找出包含题中关键信息(has the longest holiday time of all in Europe)的句子,即最后一段的最后一句话,然后结合选项内容从标题“Although Austria has the longest holiday time of all in Europe (38 days on average)?”中我们可以找出答案。 正确答案是:Austria

Many people have started to go abroad for their holidays so that they can be more adventurous and visit more unusual places.许多人已经开始出国度假,以便他们可以更冒险,参观更不寻常的地方。

There are several advantages in going abroad. First of all, you can choose a country where you can be more certain of good weather, and you can follow particular interests and hobbies which may not be possible in your own country, such as scuba diving or wildlife holidays. In addition to this, you can learn about foreign countries and foreign cultures. Also, you can practise your foreign language skills.

However, going abroad has some disadvantages. Although you can choose a country with better weather than your own, you may come into contact with unusual illnesses that your body is not used to. While you can follow particular interests and hobbies, you may not be able to speak the language of the people you meet who share your interests. What is more, even though you can learn about foreign cultures, you may find it difficult to adapt to these cultures, for example, attitudes to women may be different and difficult to accept.

In conclusion, personally, despite the disadvantages I prefer taking holidays abroad because they are an opportunity to leave your own country and think and learn more about the world. 题目1 正确

Why have many people started to go abroad for their holidays? 选择一项:

a. Because they want to see more unusual places. 正确 b. Because they want to buy unusual things. c. Because they have relatives abroad. d. Because they are getting richer.

答案为A。 题目2

_________ advantages are mentioned about going abroad for holidays in the second paragraph. 选择一项: a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 正确

答案为D。 正确答案是:Four 题目3

The third paragraph mainly tells about _________. 选择一项:

a. how to choose a country with a better weather b. how to follow your interests and hobbies

c. the disadvantages of going abroad for holidays 正确 d. how to adapt to a foreign culture

答案为C。 题目4

From the last paragraph, we can learn that the author _________. 选择一项:

a. does not like to take holidays abroad because of its disadvantages b. would like to take holidays abroad despite its disadvantages 正确 c. wants to leave his country

d. wants to learn more about the world

答案为B。 题目5

The subject matter of the passage is_________. 选择一项:

a. advantages of traveling abroad

b. disadvantages of traveling abroad

c. both advantages and disadvantages of going abroad for holidays 正确 d. both advantages and disadvantages of taking holidays


Visit the World’s First International Airport in Croydon参观世界上第一次在Croydon国际机场

Between the wars, the name of Croydon was famous worldwide because it held the promise of glamour and romance. The reason was the presence of Croydon Airport: the stepping-off point to Europe and the world for those few who could afford air travel. It was the centre of the British Empire’s airmail services, and the start or finish of many heroic long-distance flights. Croydon was the world’s first international airport. History

At the end of the First World War, the decision was taken to combine two military airfields, and to make them the “Air Port of London” – the capital’s official customs arrival or departure point for all international flights.

When the airport opened in 1920, scheduled flights were introduced, carrying passengers, mail and freight to Paris, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and from 1923 to Berlin. Every effort was made to provide a luxurious standard of in-flight accommodation and entertainment. Passengers wearing evening-dress and ball gowns made the short flight to Paris: they danced and drank champagne during the trip.

Many of the aircraft themselves would be unrecognisable today. Empire Flying Boats offering luxurious travel and first class accommodation catered for the privileged few. There was plenty of space to relax during the many hours in the air, which was very important because trips to the furthest corners of Africa, India and the Far East were measured in days not hours.

Croydon witnessed many of the early landmarks of international flight. Croydon airport finally closed in 1959 – it was unable to expand enough to cope with the massive growth in air travel after the Second World War.

Today you can visit Croydon airport and relive the romance and excitement of the early days of air travel. You can board an Empire Flying Boat standing majestically in open fields and you can eat a meal cooked in the style of that day. You can even operate the old air traffic control machines from the top of the original control tower. 题目1

Croydon airport became so famous worldwide between the two world wars just because _____. 选择一项:

a. it was the centre of the British Empire’s airmail services. b. it was the world’s first international airport.

c. it served as the start or finish of many heroic long-distance flights. d. all of the above. 正确



Croydon functioned as an international airport for _____. 选择一项: a. 36 years b. 39 years 正确 c. 25 years d. 22 years

答案为B。 题目3

When Croydon airport first opened in 1920, the destinations of its scheduled flights included _____. 选择一项: a. London and Paris b. only Paris

c. Paris, Amsterdam and Rotterdam 正确 d. Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Berlin 题目4

According to the passage, which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE? 选择一项:

a. Empire Flying Boats offered luxurious travel services.

b. Aircrafts could fly from Croydon airport to the furthest corners of Africa, India and the Far East. c. Only a few people could afford air travel those days.

d. Flight from London to Paris took a very long time at that time. 正确

答案为D. 题目5

Which one of the following things cannot you do today? _____ . 选择一项:

a. You can fly an Empire Flying Boat in Croydon airport 正确

b. You can operate the old air traffic control machines from the top of the original control tower c. You can board an Empire Flying Boat in Croydon airport

d. You can eat a meal cooked in the style of that day when Croydon airport was in its prime days

答案为A。正确答案是:You can fly an Empire Flying Boat in Croydon airport

Gofly but Don’t Expect Your Luggage to Come too!gofly但不要期望你的行李也来!

What do you get on Gofly for very little money? I decided to find out.

Firstly, Gofly’s booking policy encourages the passenger to book early and online. If you book by telephone, there will be a £10 surcharge per ticket. Online booking is very simple, but the nearer to the date of travel that you book the more expensive the ticket. So, to get a really cheap fare you must book very early. When you book on the day on which you travel, the fare is as expensive as English Airlines (the state airline). Also if you need a flexible ticket, you will have to take a regular airline – budget airlines operate a strict no-change and no-refund policy.

Gofly use an airport much further from the centre of London, adding an extra hour to your journey. Check-in queues were enormous – but this can be problem with all airlines at peak times. Gofly allow only 15kg baggage allowance (regular airlines allow 20kg or more). This was fine for my short trip, but if you went to Greece for a two-week holiday, this would be difficult. Another tip, the earlier you fly in the day, the more punctual the departures. By the evening flights there can be serious delays.

The service both in the airport and on the plane was satisfactory – although the whole experience lacked the glamour and excitement of air travel in the past. There is no Business Class on any of the flights. Gofly believe that traveling by air is now as ordinary as traveling by train, so the service provided is the same. There is a limited range of quite poor quality drinks and meals, which you have to pay for – if you went with a family it would become expensive.

The main problem was my luggage. I waited 90 minutes to collect my bags at Paris airport, apparently because of a lack of staff, and then I was told that they had never left London. I was going to go to the Opera in Paris that evening and needed my evening suit. Gofly would not compensate me for the cost and inconvenience of hiring another one – they said it was the policy of budget airlines to make only minimum guarantees and a standard compensation of £30 per day.

So, in conclusion, unless you want luxury, fine catering, excellent service and absolute guarantees on punctuality and luggage, Gofly will take you from A to B satisfactorily. If you do want all that, you will have to pay for it. 题目1

According to the passage, you can get a cheaper ticket by ________. 选择一项:

a. booking by telephone

b. booking on the day when you travel c. booking early and online 正确 d. buying a ticket at the airport

答案为C。 题目2

Which one of the disadvantages of Golfy listed below applies to all airlines? 选择一项:

a. The airport is far from the centre of London, adding an extra hour to your journey. b. Check-in queues are enormous at peak times. 正确 c. Only 15kg baggage allowance is allowed. d. By the evening there can be serious delays.

答案为B。 题目3

According to the writer, which of the following statements is true? 选择一项:

a. There is Business Class on any of the Gofly flights.

b. The Gofly flight experience was full of the glamour and excitement of air travel as in the past. c. The service provided by Gofly is the same as that provided by trains. 正确 d. The drinks are of poor quality but cost nothing. 答案为C 题目4

According to the passage, what was the problem with the writer’s luggage at Paris airport? 选择一项:

a. His luggage was lost at London airport.

b. The writer waited 90 minutes to collect his luggage at Paris airport.

c. The writer was told by the airport staff that his luggage had never left London. 正确 d. Gofly had to provide an evening suit for the writer to go to the Paris Opera.

答案为C。 题目5

The writer thinks that Gofly can ________. 选择一项:

a. offer luxury and excellent service to people with only limited money. b. provide absolute guarantees on punctuality and luggage. c. provide very delicious meals while you are on board. d. bring passengers to their destinations. 正确

答案为D。 2 Patten Close

Derby DJ5 6XX 16 April 2003 Dear Sir or Madam,亲爱的先生或女士

I am writing to complain about a recent stay at your hotel, The Grand. My wife and I arrived on 21st March and stayed for two nights.(1)firstly we waited twenty minutes at reception (2)because there was nobody at the desk. (3)Then we waited a further twenty minutes because the receptionist could not find our booking. (4)Moreover our luggage was left unattended in reception for three hours until we finally took it to our room ourselves.

Our room was not available immediately when we arrived. (5)Therefore we had to wait another hour before we could go to the room. When we saw the room, it had two single beds and we had asked for a double bed, (6)so we had to change it. Unfortunately the second room was on the top floor and the lift was out of order. And (7)although we had asked for a room with a sea view, it was facing the road.

Although the food in the restaurant was quite good, we were unhappy with the service we received. We had booked an evening meal inclusive in the price of the room. (8)Consequently we did not take money to the dining room and then discovered that we had to pay for the wine immediately. Unfortunately, the waiters were rude and unhelpful. (9) However the manager did agree that we could pay the wine bill in the morning.(10)To sum up I was most dissatisfied with the entire experience and I expect full compensation for the inconvenience caused. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, Arthur Mullard

Welcome to San Francisco欢迎您到三藩来。

Native American tribes lived on the land now known as California before the 1500s until the Spanish colonised the area in the 17th century. They gave San Francisco its name. Gold was discovered in the nearby hills in 1848, starting the Gold Rush, when poor people came from all over the world to make their fortune. The vast mix of races has probably contributed to its famous liberal attitude, shown by the beat generation, hippies and the largest gay community in the world.

Hotels range from the luxurious (you can stay in The Hyatt on Union Square, which is expensive) to the basic (Gold Rush Hostel, which is cheap youth dormitories or simple rooms). San Francisco Guest Services, situated at the airport, can help you to book ahead.

You can eat every type of food cooked by nearly every ethnic group in the world because they all live in San Francisco: Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese are all here – at every price from 5-star restaurants to tiny street stalls. But best of all is the seafood, which comes fresh from the Pacific Ocean and is on your table in minutes.

The most famous sight in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. Also don’t miss a boat trip to the island prison of Alcatraz – from which no one has ever escaped alive, although a few tried to swim across the freezing bay through the dangerous currents to reach the mainland. Boats leave every forty-five minutes, but booking is essential. Take a walk through Chinatown in the centre of the city. Chinatown was started by Chinese immigrants in the first days of the Gold Rush, and is now a vast city within a city. Here Chinese is still spoken in every shop, restaurant and temple every day. Get onto the cable cars and ride up and down San Francisco’s famous hills, ring the bell and hang on the sides. At only $1 it’s the cheapest thrill in the world.

Drive along the coast to the north of the city into wine country, where you can taste and buy the finest Californian wines, or take an eight-hour boat trip far from the coast to see the biggest mammal of all the time – the blue whale. Fact file By air

San FranciscoInternationalAirport – 14 miles south of the city. Accessible by bus and shared-taxi service.

OaklandInternationalAirport – further from the city, but easily reached by a Rapid Transport Link. By sea

Cruise ships of five major cruise lines arrive at Pier 35 inSan FranciscoBay. By car

San Francisco is on Highway 101 over the Golden Gate and Interstate 80 over the BayBridge. 题目1

San Francisco got its name from _____. 选择一项: a. native Americans b. Spanish colonists 正确 c. modern Americans d. British colonists

答案为B。 题目2

During _____, many poor people went to San Francisco to make their fortune. 选择一项:

a. the Gold Rush 正确 b. the Spanish colonial period

c. the ruling period of native American tribal leaders d. the British colonial period

答案为A。 题目3

San Francisco has been known for its famous liberal attitude shown by _____. 选择一项:

a. the beat generation b. hippies

c. the largest gay community in the world d. all of the above 正确


正确答案是:all of the above 题目4

According to the writer, which one of the following sightseeing spots in San Francisco is the most famous ? 选择一项: a. Chinatown

b. The Golden Gate Bridge 正确 c. The island prison of Alcatraz d. Cable cars 答案为B。 题目5

According to the passage, you may go to Oakland International Airport by ______________. 选择一项: a. taxi

b. Rapid Transport Link 正确 c. bus d. ship 答案为B。

Welcome to Oxford欢迎您到牛津来。


Oxford is famous for its university and for its beautiful parks and gardens. It also has wonderful restaurants and concert halls where you can hear the world’s finest musicians. You can go into the Pitt Rivers museum and look at African masks and ancient instruments from faraway tribes – the collection of an adventurer from the 19th century.

Where to stay

You can stay in luxury at the Randolph Hotel or in simple bed and breakfast accommodation on Cowley Road.

Where to eat

You can eat at 5-star French restaurants or more simple but excellent Asian places. But best of all are the English pubs where you can eat roasts and pies and drink fine British beer.

What to do in the City

The most famous sight in the city is Christchurch Cathedral. Also don’t miss the Bodleian Library where you can see the Book of Kells, which is over 1,000 years old.

Where to go outside of the City

Go along the Woodstock Road to the north of the city to Woodstock where you can visit Blenheim Palace, the family home of Winston Churchill. Or take a trip to Stratford on Avon to see a play in Shakespeare’s hometown.

How to get there Fact File

By car: take the M40 from London. Oxford is 40 miles from the capital.

By train: from Heathrow or Paddington: there are hourly train services to the station which is situated half a mile to the west of the city centre. 题目1

You should go to ______ in Oxford if you want to have a clear idea of traditional African craftsmanship. 选择一项: a. African Arts Center

b. an adventurer’ private museum c. Pitt Rivers museum 正确 d. Oxford University

答案为C。此题可以运用查读技巧。先找出包含题中关键信息 “African craftsmanship” 及各选项内容相关的句子,查读中,我们知道第一段的第三句话明确告诉我们正确答案是选项C。 正确答案是:Pitt Rivers museum 题目2

According to the passage, the best eating places suggested by the writer are ______. 选择一项:

a. 5-star French restaurants b. Asian restaurants c. the English pubs 正确 d. Italian restaurants

答案为C。 题目3 正确

The Book of Kells is stored in ______. 选择一项:

a. Christchurch Cathedral b. Bodleian Library 正确 c. Woodstock d. Stratford on Avon

答案为B。 题目4

The recommended place by the writer is ______ if you are an admirer of Winston Churchill. 选择一项: a. Bodleian Library b. Blenheim Palace 正确 c. Stratford on Avon d. Christchurch Cathedral

答案为B。 题目5

When you drive a car to Oxford from London, you should take ______. 选择一项: a. the M40 正确 b. the Heathrow highway c. the Paddington highway d. the hourly bus services


There are many rumours about the death of Amy Johnson. 关于Amy Johnson的死有许多谣言。She crashed (1) into the River Thames in 1941, but her body was never found. Some people think she was flying a plane unofficially to take her lover, who was a German spy, back (2)to Germany. Others believe that British planes accidentally shot (3)down her plane and the government wanted to cover (4)up the death of a hero. People also say that Amy Johnson pretended to crash so that she could escape (5) from the war in Britain and have a nicer life (6)in another country. But it is most likely that she was accidentally killed (7)by the propellers of the boat that came to rescue her, but the government did not want to upset the British people (8)with this sad story.

Tabetha Adventure Centretabetha冒险中心

Open April to October四月至十月开放

Deep in the heart of the Brecon Beacons in Wales, Tabetha Adventure Centre offers you the chance(1) to do something wildly different for your holidays this year.

The rivers and lakes of this remote wilderness area allow us (2)to offer a range of water-based activities:

Solo canoe-training is give in (3)two-person canoes; then you go solo in the last days of the course. White-water rafting – four to a raft, you will enjoy the experience and friendship of working together to pilot these tiny crafts through rapid rivers and(4) challenging currents. Sailing and yachting courses are also (5)available for beginners and more (6)experienced sailors on the beautiful natural lakes.

The mountains and cliffs also offer a (7)wide range of opportunities:

day hiking and overnight wild camping rock climbing for all levels of ability bungee jumping

birdwatching in the high peaks

Finally , for the really adventurous, our one-week parachute preparation course,(8) leading to a jump where you come in over the Atlantic Ocean and land (9)on the beach.

And for the really tough, we run a five-day or ten-day survival skills course – to prepare you(10)life brings. 题目1

If I’m an airhog(飞行爱好者), which course should I choose? __________. 选择一项:

a. Solo canoe-training courses b. Sailing and yachting courses c. Bungee jumping courses

d. Parachute preparation courses 正确

答案为D。 题目2

According to the passage, we can know Tabetha is __________. 选择一项:

a. an adventure Centre 正确 b. a school

c. a children’s playground d. a company

答案为A。 题目3

This advertisement is aimed at those__________. 选择一项:

a. who like to stay at home during their holiday b. who are going to travel abroad

c. who want to take an adventure course during their holiday 正确 d. who are interested in joining a club

答案为C。 题目4

for whatever __________people will share a raft while doing white-water rafting.. 选择一项: a. Two b. Three c. Four 正确 d. Five

答案为C。 题目5

Which of the following is NOT TRUE? __________. 选择一项:

a. All the courses in this adventure Centre can give us some opportunities to challenge ourselves b. If your holiday is in January, you can still take the courses 正确 c. The centre offers a new way for people to spend their holiday

d. Some adventure courses will enable us to enjoy the experience of working with others


正确答案是:If your holiday is in January, you can still take the courses LETTER A

Dear Editor,

I was absolutely appalled by the senseless death of Ivan Maccles last week. It is quite impossible to believe that people are allowed to risk their lives like this and that the university lets the club use its name.

Personally, I think that people should want to be safe and protected from danger, they should not find dangerous activities thrilling and exciting. Equally, this club will attract weak and vulnerable young people, who believe they must do something totally outrageous to impress people and win respect. This club has no value, either for the members or for society. In fact, it puts a value on the most negative thing of all-possible death. If I saw a vulnerable and unbalanced person playing with a gun, I would take it away from him. Similarly when we see people are about to hurt themselves, we must stop them.

In addition, dangerous sports waste the limited resources of the NHS. They waste time and money on treating and saving people who don’t care if they die.

The University should stop the Extreme Sports Club and the government should ban extreme sports throughout the country.

Yours sincerely

P. Vega Student LETTER B

Dear Editor,

I am of course horrified by the death of lvan Maccles – he was a friend of mine. However, banning extreme sports is pointless and illogical. People will always enjoy pushing themselves to the limits of their ability, whether it is by rock-climbing or by going on polar expeditions, or by taking part in activities such as our own. Why are some risks acceptable, even brave and noble, and others are not?

When people are injured and need medical attention, it is not civilised to ask if they deserve the doctor’s help. Do we refuse to treat smokers for cancer? Do we stop treating overweight people who have heart attacks or bad drivers who have accidents?

Nobody in extreme sports wants to die, but there is a risk in every activity that challenges the human spirit and some of us choose to take that risk.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Dickens

President of the University Extreme Sports Club 题目1

In letter A, the author’s attitude to extreme sports is _________. 选择一项: a. negative 正确 b. positive c. admiring d. indifferent 答案为A。

正确答案是:negative 题目2

