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Reading and Writing

制作者:李响 制作者单位:广东警官学院

高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社

Unit 7 Culture and EtiquetteCareer Skill Description

1 2 3 4

Getting Things Ready

Things to Do

Things to Write

More Things to Do

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyIn this unit, you will learn how to:

3 2 1 discuss the role of culture understand the in business differences of etiquette business etiquettes between China and the West make up a dialogue between a Chinese businessman and an American one at a tea party

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

Section 1 Getting Things ReadyActivity 2: Read the passage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph.Modern business is global and demands that people 1 travel to foreign countries and mix with foreign clients, colleagues or customers. Each culture has its own etiquette rules. When two or more different cultures mix, it is easy for small etiquette mistakes to 2 be made that could have negative consequences. This can and does lead to bad relationships, lost deals and 3 in the end poor business results. For those wanting to make a good 4 impression, understanding of international business etiquette is crucial. Throughout the world people from different cultures have various etiquette rules around areas 5 such as personal space, communication, gift giving, food, business meetings and much more.


Section 2 Things to Do

Things to Do

Activity 1Listen and Write

Activity 2

Read and Think


Section 2 Things to DoActivity 1 Listen and Write.mix colleague negative impression crucial comment in addition appreciation no longer maintain


Section 2 Things to Do

Question 1Is it necessary for a modern businessman to have a good knowledge of international business etiquette?

Question 2How can a businessman get to know etiquette rules of another culture?

Question 3By what way can stronger and longer lasting business relationships be built?


Section 2 Read and ThinkInternational Business Etiquette Modern business is global and demands that people travel to foreign countries and mix with foreign clients, colleagues or customers. Each culture has its own etiquette rules. When two or more different cultures mix, it is easy for small etiquette mistakes to be made that could have negative consequences. This can and does lead to bad relationships, lost deals and in the end poor business results. For those who want to build stronger and longer lasting business relationships with people of different cultural background, a good knowledge of international business etiquette is crucial.


Section 2 Read and ThinkBusiness Card Etiquette In many countries the business card has certain etiquette rules. For example in the Arab world you would never give or receive a business card with your left hand. In China and Japan you should try and use both hands to give and receive. In addition it is always good etiquette to examine the card

and make a positive comment on it. The Etiquette of Personal Space In the Middle East you can hold an Arab man’s hands as a gesture of friendship, yet one should never touch a woman. Touch someone on the head in Thailand or Indonesia and you would have caused great insult. A slap on the back may be OK in Mexico but in China it is a serious no-no. Without an appreciation of international business etiquette, these things would never be known.w

Section 2 Read and ThinkThe Etiquette of Communication Some cultures like to talk loudly (U.S. and Germany), some softly (India and China); some speak directly (Holland and Denmark), others indirectly (UK and Japan); some tolerate interrupting others while speaking (Brazil), others not (Canada). The Etiquette of Gift Giving Many countries such as China and Japan have many etiquette rules surrounding the exchange of business gifts. Great examples of gifts to avoid are anything alcoholic in Muslim countries, clocks in China, and anything with four of anything in both Japan and China. Some people would believe their way of behavior is fine, but when transferred into an international context it no longer applies. The best advice is: “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”(356 words) wtranslation


Section 2 Read and ThinkTask 1 Test your problem-solving ability.In the Arab world, you have to be very careful when using your left hand. Why?


Section 2 Read and ThinkTask 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False. 1. Etiquette mistakes made by people from different cultures won’t have any influence on their business results. F 2. People who want to be successful in business must know international business etiquette. T 3. In Arabic countries you can give and receive a business card with your right hand. T 4. Arab men never show their friendliness by holding another man’s hands. F 5. Both Americans and Germen like to talk loudly. T 6. What is considered appropriate in one country does not necessarily apply in another. Tnext

Section 2 Read and ThinkTask 3 Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Why is it easy for people from different cultures to make etiquette mistakes? Because etiquette rules are different from culture to culture. 2. What kind of result could it have if one makes even small etiquette mistakes in business? Small etiquette mistakes could lead to bad and harmful consequences. 3. In what countries are people not supposed to slap others on the back? Mexico and China.


Section 2 Read and Think

4. What kind of behaviour is considered an insult in Thailand? A touch on the head. 5. In what country is interrupting others while speaking tolerated? Brazil. 6. Do you think it necessary and important for a successful business to have a good knowledge of international business etiquette? Open.


Section 2 Read and ThinkTask 4 Match A with B.

1- d 2-g 3-j 4-f 5-a 6-e 7-h 8-b 9-c 10-inext


2 Read and ThinkTask 5 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary.global crucial in addition lead to tolerate demand maintain appreciation avoid transfer

appreciation of Western etiquette was shown in their 1. Their ______________ proper behaviours when they were doing business with people from Western countries. 2. Dow Jones is a leading provider of _________ global business news and information services. tolerate your bad manners any longer. 3. Nobody can __________ 4. Experience is, of course, a ________ crucial factor in deciding who would be the best person for the job.

Section 2 Read and Think5. A minor error in international communication may lead to __________ major consequences. in addition 6. People gain valuable work experience and, __________, employers can afford to employ them. 7. We should pay more attention international business etiquettes avoid to __________ making mistakes. demand that John (should) go there at once. 8. I __________ 9. The two countries _________________ friendly relations for have maintained many years. was/has been transferred 10. He _________________________ from the Sales Dept. to the Dept. of Human Resources.back

Section 3 Things to Write

Things to Write

Activity 1:Task-based Writing Writing an Essay

Activity 2:Applied Writing Complete a passage


Section 3 Things to Write

Activity 1: Task-based Writing.Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.


Write an essay

Task 2 Study the following language for writing. Task 3 Study the following model for writing. Task 4 Write an essay.

Section 3 Things to WriteTask 1 Study the following tips for writing. A typical short essay of about 100-120 words usually consists of the following parts: 1. Introduction: An effective introduction serves as a lead-in to what you are going to write about. It usually takes two to three sentences. 2. Development: This is the body of your essay, in which you state your ideas and illustrate them with examples, statistics and/or reasoning. It is also common practice that in one paragraph other people’s opinions about the subject in question are cited and in another one’s own ideas are expressed.

