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library IEEE;



---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM;

--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity lcd is port(

clk, reset : in bit;

SF_D : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

LCD_E, LCD_RS, LCD_RW, SF_CE0 : out bit; LED : out bit_vector(7 downto 0) ); end lcd;

architecture behavior of lcd is

type tx_sequence is (high_setup, high_hold, oneus, low_setup, low_hold, fortyus, done); signal tx_state : tx_sequence := done; signal tx_byte : bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_init : bit := '0';

type init_sequence is (idle, fifteenms, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, done); signal init_state : init_sequence := idle; signal init_init, init_done : bit := '0'; signal i : integer range 0 to 750000 := 0; signal i2 : integer range 0 to 2000 := 0; signal i3 : integer range 0 to 82000 := 0;

signal SF_D0, SF_D1 : bit_vector(3 downto 0); signal LCD_E0, LCD_E1 : bit; signal mux : bit;

type display_state is (init, function_set, entry_set, set_display, clr_display, pause, set_addr, char_f, char_p, char_g, char_a, done);

signal cur_state : display_state := init; begin

LED <= tx_byte; --for diagnostic purposes SF_CE0 <= '1'; --disable intel strataflash LCD_RW <= '0'; --write only

--The following \--when to transmit a command/data and when not to with cur_state select

tx_init <= '0' when init | pause | done, '1' when others;

--control the bus with cur_state select mux <= '1' when init, '0' when others;

--control the initialization sequence with cur_state select init_init <= '1' when init,

'0' when others;--register select with cur_state select

LCD_RS <= '0' when function_set|entry_set|set_display|clr_display|set_addr, '1' when others;

--what byte to transmit to lcd

--refer to datasheet for an explanation of these values with cur_state select

tx_byte <= \\\\\\\\\\--main state machine

display: process(clk, reset) begin

if(reset='1') then

cur_state <= function_set;

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case cur_state is

--refer to intialize state machine below when init =>

if(init_done = '1') then cur_state <= function_set; else

cur_state <= init; end if;

--every other state but pause uses the transmit state machine when function_set => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= entry_set; else

cur_state <= function_set;

end if;

when entry_set => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= set_display; else

cur_state <= entry_set; end if;

when set_display => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= clr_display; else

cur_state <= set_display; end if;

when clr_display => i3 <= 0;

if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= pause; else

cur_state <= clr_display; end if;

when pause => if(i3 = 82000) then cur_state <= set_addr; i3 <= 0;else

cur_state <= pause; i3 <= i3 + 1; end if;

when set_addr => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_J; else

cur_state <= set_addr; end if;

when char_J => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_I; else

cur_state <= char_J; end if;

when char_I => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_A; else

cur_state <= char_I;

end if;

when char_A=> if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_N; else

cur_state <= char_A; end if;

when char_N => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= done; else

cur_state <= char_N; end if;

when done => cur_state <= done; end case; end if;

end process display; with mux select

SF_D <= SF_D0 when '0', --transmit SF_D1 when others; --initialize with mux select

LCD_E <= LCD_E0 when '0', --transmit LCD_E1 when others; --initialize --specified by datasheet

transmit : process(clk, reset, tx_init) begin

if(reset='1') then tx_state <= done;

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case tx_state is

when high_setup => --40ns LCD_E0 <= '0';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 2) then

tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= high_setup;i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when high_hold => --230ns LCD_E0 <= '1';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 12) then

tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when oneus => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(i2 = 50) then

tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when low_setup => LCD_E0 <= '0';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 2) then

tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when low_hold => LCD_E0 <= '1';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 12) then tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when fortyus => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(i2 = 2000) then tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when done => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(tx_init = '1') then tx_state <= high_setup; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0; end if; end case; end if;

end process transmit;--specified by datasheet

power_on_initialize: process(clk, reset, init_init) --power on initialization sequence begin

if(reset='1') then init_state <= idle; init_done <= '0';

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case init_state is when idle => init_done <= '0'; if(init_init = '1') then init_state <= fifteenms; i <= 0; else

init_state <= idle; i <= i + 1; end if;

when fifteenms => init_done <= '0'; if(i = 750000) then init_state <= one; i <= 0; else

init_state <= fifteenms; i <= i + 1; end if;

when one =>

SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=two; i <= 0;


init_state<=one; i <= i + 1; end if;

when two => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 205000) then init_state<=three; i <= 0; else

init_state<=two; i <= i + 1; end if;

when three => SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=four; i <= 0; else

init_state<=three; i <= i + 1; end if;

when four => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 5000) then

init_state<=five;i <= 0; else

init_state<=four; i <= i + 1; end if;

when five =>

SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=six; i <= 0; else

init_state<=five; i <= i + 1;

end if;

when six => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=seven; i <= 0; else

init_state<=six; i <= i + 1; end if;

when seven => SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=eight; i <= 0; else

init_state<=seven; i <= i + 1; end if;

when eight => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=done; i <= 0; else

init_state<=eight; i <= i + 1; end if;

when done => init_state <= done; init_done <= '1'; end case; end if;

end process power_on_initialize; end behavior;


library IEEE;



---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM;

--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity lcd is port(

clk, reset : in bit;

SF_D : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

LCD_E, LCD_RS, LCD_RW, SF_CE0 : out bit; LED : out bit_vector(7 downto 0) ); end lcd;

architecture behavior of lcd is

type tx_sequence is (high_setup, high_hold, oneus, low_setup, low_hold, fortyus, done); signal tx_state : tx_sequence := done; signal tx_byte : bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_init : bit := '0';

type init_sequence is (idle, fifteenms, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, done); signal init_state : init_sequence := idle; signal init_init, init_done : bit := '0'; signal i : integer range 0 to 750000 := 0; signal i2 : integer range 0 to 2000 := 0; signal i3 : integer range 0 to 82000 := 0;

signal SF_D0, SF_D1 : bit_vector(3 downto 0); signal LCD_E0, LCD_E1 : bit; signal mux : bit;

type display_state is (init, function_set, entry_set, set_display, clr_display, pause, set_addr, char_f, char_p, char_g, char_a, done);

signal cur_state : display_state := init; begin

LED <= tx_byte; --for diagnostic purposes SF_CE0 <= '1'; --disable intel strataflash LCD_RW <= '0'; --write only

--The following \--when to transmit a command/data and when not to

with cur_state select

tx_init <= '0' when init | pause | done, '1' when others; --control the bus with cur_state select mux <= '1' when init, '0' when others;

--control the initialization sequence with cur_state select init_init <= '1' when init,

'0' when others;--register select with cur_state select

LCD_RS <= '0' when function_set|entry_set|set_display|clr_display|set_addr, '1' when others;

--what byte to transmit to lcd

--refer to datasheet for an explanation of these values with cur_state select

tx_byte <= \\\\\\\\\\--main state machine

display: process(clk, reset) begin

if(reset='1') then

cur_state <= function_set;

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case cur_state is

--refer to intialize state machine below when init =>

if(init_done = '1') then cur_state <= function_set; else

cur_state <= init; end if;

--every other state but pause uses the transmit state machine when function_set => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= entry_set; else

cur_state <= function_set; end if;

when entry_set => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= set_display; else

cur_state <= entry_set; end if;

when set_display => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= clr_display; else

cur_state <= set_display; end if;

when clr_display => i3 <= 0;

if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= pause; else

cur_state <= clr_display; end if;

when pause => if(i3 = 82000) then cur_state <= set_addr; i3 <= 0;else

cur_state <= pause; i3 <= i3 + 1; end if;

when set_addr => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_f; else

cur_state <= set_addr; end if;

when char_f => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_p; else

cur_state <= char_f; end if;

when char_p => if(i2 = 2000) then

cur_state <= char_g; else

cur_state <= char_p; end if;

when char_g => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= char_a; else

cur_state <= char_g; end if;

when char_a => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= done; else

cur_state <= char_a; end if;

when done => cur_state <= done; end case; end if;

end process display; with mux select

SF_D <= SF_D0 when '0', --transmit SF_D1 when others; --initialize with mux select

LCD_E <= LCD_E0 when '0', --transmit LCD_E1 when others; --initialize --specified by datasheet

transmit : process(clk, reset, tx_init) begin

if(reset='1') then tx_state <= done;

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case tx_state is

when high_setup => --40ns LCD_E0 <= '0';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 2) then

tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= high_setup;i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when high_hold => --230ns

LCD_E0 <= '1';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 12) then tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when oneus => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(i2 = 50) then

tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when low_setup => LCD_E0 <= '0';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 2) then

tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when low_hold => LCD_E0 <= '1';

SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 12) then tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when fortyus => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(i2 = 2000) then tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;

when done => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(tx_init = '1') then tx_state <= high_setup; i2 <= 0; else

tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0; end if; end case; end if;

end process transmit;--specified by datasheet

power_on_initialize: process(clk, reset, init_init) --power on initialization sequence begin

if(reset='1') then init_state <= idle; init_done <= '0';

elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case init_state is when idle => init_done <= '0'; if(init_init = '1') then init_state <= fifteenms; i <= 0; else

init_state <= idle; i <= i + 1; end if;

when fifteenms => init_done <= '0'; if(i = 750000) then init_state <= one; i <= 0; else

init_state <= fifteenms; i <= i + 1; end if;

when one =>

SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0';

if(i = 11) then init_state<=two; i <= 0; else

init_state<=one; i <= i + 1; end if;

when two => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 205000) then init_state<=three; i <= 0; else

init_state<=two; i <= i + 1; end if;

when three => SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=four; i <= 0; else

init_state<=three; i <= i + 1; end if;

when four => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 5000) then

init_state<=five;i <= 0; else

init_state<=four; i <= i + 1; end if;

when five =>

SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=six; i <= 0;


init_state<=five; i <= i + 1; end if;

when six => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=seven; i <= 0; else

init_state<=six; i <= i + 1; end if;

when seven => SF_D1 <= \LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=eight; i <= 0; else

init_state<=seven; i <= i + 1; end if;

when eight => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=done; i <= 0; else

init_state<=eight; i <= i + 1; end if;

when done => init_state <= done; init_done <= '1'; end case; end if;

end process power_on_initialize; end behavior;

第三种 verilog

该程序实现对 SPARTAN3E 上2x16 LCD 的初始化及各种初始设置,最后输出“OK”字样

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: //

// Create Date: 17:43:15 10/03/2009 // Design Name:

// Module Name: lcd_disp_ok // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: //

// Dependencies: //

// Revision:

// Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: //


module lcd_disp_ok(clk,reset,lcd_rs,lcd_rw,lcd_e,lcd_d,flash_ce);

input clk; input reset;

output lcd_rs; output lcd_rw; output lcd_e;

output [3:0] lcd_d; output flash_ce;

reg lcd_rs,lcd_e; reg [3:0] lcd_d;

assign flash_ce = 1; assign lcd_rw = 0;

reg [19:0] delay_count; reg [19:0] num_count;

parameter state1 = 6'b000001;

parameter state2 = 6'b000010; parameter state3 = 6'b000011; parameter state4 = 6'b000100; parameter state5 = 6'b000101; parameter state6 = 6'b000110; parameter state7 = 6'b000111; parameter state8 = 6'b001000; parameter state9 = 6'b001001; parameter state10 = 6'b001010; parameter state11 = 6'b001011; parameter state12 = 6'b001100; parameter state13 = 6'b001101; parameter state14 = 6'b001110; parameter state15 = 6'b001111; parameter state16 = 6'b010000; parameter state17 = 6'b010001; parameter state18 = 6'b010010; parameter state19 = 6'b010011; parameter state20 = 6'b010100; parameter state21 = 6'b010101; parameter state22 = 6'b010110; parameter state23 = 6'b010111; parameter state24 = 6'b011000; parameter state25 = 6'b011001; parameter state26 = 6'b011010; parameter state27 = 6'b011011; parameter state28 = 6'b011100; parameter state29 = 6'b011101; parameter state30 = 6'b011110; parameter state31 = 6'b011111; parameter state32 = 6'b100000; parameter state33 = 6'b100001; parameter state34 = 6'b100010; parameter state35 = 6'b100011; parameter state36 = 6'b100100; parameter state37 = 6'b100101; parameter state38 = 6'b100110;

parameter state39 = 6'b100111; parameter state40 = 6'b101000; parameter state41 = 6'b101001; parameter state42 = 6'b101010; parameter state43 = 6'b101011; parameter state44 = 6'b101100; parameter state45 = 6'b101101;

parameter state46 = 6'b101110; parameter state47 = 6'b101111; parameter state48 = 6'b110000; parameter state49 = 6'b110001; parameter state50 = 6'b110010; parameter state51 = 6'b110011; parameter state52 = 6'b110100; parameter state53 = 6'b110101; parameter state54 = 6'b110110; parameter state55 = 6'b110111; parameter state56 = 6'b111000; parameter state57 = 6'b111001; parameter state58 = 6'b111010; parameter state59 = 6'b111011;

reg [5:0] state; reg state_change;

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) begin

state_change <= 1'b0; delay_count <= 1'b1; end else

if(delay_count == num_count - 1) begin

state_change <= 1'b1; delay_count <= 1'b1; end else


state_change <= 1'b0;

delay_count <= delay_count + 1'b1;


always @(posedge state_change or posedge reset) if(reset) begin

state <= state1;

num_count <= 20'd750000;

end else



state <= state2; num_count <= 20'd4;

lcd_rs <= 1'b0; lcd_e <= 1'b0; lcd_d <= 4'h3; end


state <= state3;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state4;

num_count <= 20'd205000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state5;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h3; end


state <= state6;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state7;

num_count <= 20'd5000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state8; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h2; end


state <= state9;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state10;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

//set funtion mode state10:begin

state <= state11;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 0; lcd_d <= 4'h2; end


state <= state12;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state13;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state14; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h8; end


state <= state15;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state16;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end //set entry mode state16:begin

state <= state17; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end


state <= state18;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state19;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state20; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h6; end state20:begin

state <= state21;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1;

end state21:begin

state <= state22;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

//set display on/off

state22:begin state <= state23; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end state23:begin

state <= state24;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state24:begin

state <= state25;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state25:begin

state <= state26; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hc; end

state26:begin state <= state27;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state27:begin

state <= state28;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end //clear display

state28:begin state <= state29; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end state29:begin

state <= state30;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state30:begin

state <= state31;

num_count <= 20'd80;

lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state31:begin

state <= state32; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h1; end

state32:begin state <= state33;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state33:begin

state <= state34;

num_count <= 20'd2000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state34:begin

state <= state35;

num_count <= 20'd82000; end

//set DD RAM address state35:begin

state <= state36; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b0; lcd_e <= 1'b0; lcd_d <= 4'h8; end


state <= state37;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state38;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

state38:begin state <= state39;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end

state39:begin state <= state40;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end

state40:begin state <= state41;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

// now starts writing data to DD RAM state41:begin state <= state42; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h4; end


state <= state43;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state44;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state45;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hf; end state45:begin

state <= state46;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1;

end state46:begin

state <= state47;

num_count <= 20'd2000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state48; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h4; end


state <= state49;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state50;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state51; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hb; end


state <= state52;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end

state52:begin state <= state53;

num_count <= 20'd2000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state54; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h2;


state54:begin state <= state55;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state55:begin

state <= state56;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state57; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h1; end state57:begin

state <= state58;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state58:begin

state <= state59;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state35;

num_count <= 20'd800; end


state <= state1; num_count <= 20'd800; end endcase



`timescale 1ns / 1ps

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: //

// Create Date: 15:48:30 04/21/2015 // Design Name:

// Module Name: lcd // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: //

// Dependencies: //

// Revision:

// Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: //

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module lcd(clk,reset,lcd_rs,lcd_rw,lcd_e,lcd_d,flash_ce); input clk; input reset; output lcd_rs; output lcd_rw; output lcd_e;

output [3:0] lcd_d; output flash_ce; reg lcd_rs,lcd_e; reg[3:0] lcd_d; assign flash_ce = 1; assign lcd_rw = 0;

reg [19:0] delay_count; reg [19:0] num_count;

parameter state1 = 6'b000001;

parameter state2 = 6'b000010; parameter state3 = 6'b000011; parameter state4 = 6'b000100; parameter state5 = 6'b000101;

parameter state6 = 6'b000110; parameter state7 = 6'b000111; parameter state8 = 6'b001000; parameter state9 = 6'b001001; parameter state10 = 6'b001010; parameter state11 = 6'b001011; parameter state12 = 6'b001100; parameter state13 = 6'b001101; parameter state14 = 6'b001110; parameter state15 = 6'b001111; parameter state16 = 6'b010000; parameter state17 = 6'b010001; parameter state18 = 6'b010010; parameter state19 = 6'b010011; parameter state20 = 6'b010100; parameter state21 = 6'b010101; parameter state22 = 6'b010110; parameter state23 = 6'b010111; parameter state24 = 6'b011000; parameter state25 = 6'b011001; parameter state26 = 6'b011010; parameter state27 = 6'b011011; parameter state28 = 6'b011100; parameter state29 = 6'b011101; parameter state30 = 6'b011110; parameter state31 = 6'b011111; parameter state32 = 6'b100000; parameter state33 = 6'b100001; parameter state34 = 6'b100010; parameter state35 = 6'b100011; parameter state36 = 6'b100100; parameter state37 = 6'b100101; parameter state38 = 6'b100110; parameter state39 = 6'b100111; parameter state40 = 6'b101000; parameter state41 = 6'b101001; parameter state42 = 6'b101010; parameter state43 = 6'b101011; parameter state44 = 6'b101100; parameter state45 = 6'b101101;

parameter state46 = 6'b101110; parameter state47 = 6'b101111; parameter state48 = 6'b110000; parameter state49 = 6'b110001;

parameter state50 = 6'b110010; parameter state51 = 6'b110011; parameter state52 = 6'b110100; parameter state53 = 6'b110101; parameter state54 = 6'b110110; parameter state55 = 6'b110111; parameter state56 = 6'b111000; parameter state57 = 6'b111001; parameter state58 = 6'b111010; parameter state59 = 6'b111011;

reg [5:0] state; reg state_change;

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) begin

state_change <= 1'b0; delay_count <= 1'b1; end else

if(delay_count == num_count - 1) begin

state_change <= 1'b1; delay_count <= 1'b1; end else


state_change <= 1'b0;

delay_count <= delay_count + 1'b1; end

always @(posedge state_change or posedge reset) if(reset) begin

state <= state1;

num_count <= 20'd750000;

end else



state <= state2; num_count <= 20'd4;

lcd_rs <= 1'b0; lcd_e <= 1'b0; lcd_d <= 4'h3; end


state <= state3;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state4;

num_count <= 20'd205000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state5;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h3; end


state <= state6;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state7;

num_count <= 20'd5000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state8; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h2; end


state <= state9;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state10;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

//set funtion mode state10:begin

state <= state11;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 0; lcd_d <= 4'h2; end


state <= state12;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state13;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state14; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h8; end


state <= state15;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state16;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end //set entry mode state16:begin

state <= state17; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end


state <= state18;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state19;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state20; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h6; end state20:begin

state <= state21;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state21:begin

state <= state22;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

//set display on/off

state22:begin state <= state23; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0;

end state23:begin

state <= state24;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state24:begin

state <= state25;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state25:begin

state <= state26; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hc; end

state26:begin state <= state27;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state27:begin

state <= state28;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end //clear display

state28:begin state <= state29; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end state29:begin

state <= state30;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state30:begin

state <= state31;

num_count <= 20'd80;

lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state31:begin

state <= state32;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h1; end

state32:begin state <= state33;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state33:begin

state <= state34;

num_count <= 20'd2000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end state34:begin

state <= state35;

num_count <= 20'd82000; end

//set DD RAM address state35:begin

state <= state36; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b0; lcd_e <= 1'b0; lcd_d <= 4'h8; end


state <= state37;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end

state37:begin state <= state38;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

state38:begin state <= state39;

num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h0; end

state39:begin state <= state40;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end

state40:begin state <= state41;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end

// now starts writing data to DD RAM state41:begin state <= state42; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h4; end


state <= state43;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state44;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state45; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hf; end state45:begin

state <= state46;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state46:begin state <= state47;

num_count <= 20'd2000;

lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state48; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h4; end


state <= state49;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end


state <= state50;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state51; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'hb; end


state <= state52;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end

state52:begin state <= state53;

num_count <= 20'd2000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state54; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_rs <= 1'b1; lcd_d <= 4'h2;


state54:begin state <= state55;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state55:begin

state <= state56;

num_count <= 20'd80; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state57; num_count <= 20'd4; lcd_d <= 4'h1; end state57:begin

state <= state58;

num_count <= 20'd12; lcd_e <= 1'b1; end state58:begin

state <= state59;

num_count <= 20'd4000; lcd_e <= 1'b0; end


state <= state35;

num_count <= 20'd800; end default:begin

state <= state1; num_count <= 20'd800; end endcase endmodule

