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跨文化交际学 第一部分 引论


Culture refers to the total pattern of beliefs ,customs,institutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of ahuman community.

The objective culture means we learn the facts about our own or other cultures. The subjective culture includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. 2,文化是什么:

Culture is like an iceberg;culture is our software;culture is like the water a fish swims in;culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves;culture is the grammer of our behavior. 3,文化的特征:

(1)An important characteristic of culture is that it is shared,these shared aspects of culture are part of the objective culture;

(2)As participants in a culture,we are meaning makers,sharing culture is sharing meanings;

(3)Culture are always changing.

4,学习文化与学习做文化的差异 (中西P21) 5,跨文化交际意识的四个不同阶段:

Level one:cultural differences are exotic异国风情的; Level two:cultural differences are frustrating有挫折的; Level three:the different culture is believable;

Level four:the different culture is believable as lived experience. 6,语言与文化的关系:

Language is part of culture;

Language is the carrier and container of culture, as a mirror of culture, language is strongly influenced and shaped by culture;

Language also exerts its influence on culture, language and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other.

第二部分 文化差别和词的涵义


Connotation:the implication of a word,apart from its primary meaning(朗曼);

the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it

explicitly names or describes(韦氏).

2,英汉两种词汇存在语义差异(semantic differences)的四种情况:(语言P151) (1)a term in one language that does not have a counterpart相对应的 in another language;

(2)words or terms in both languages that appear to refer to the same object or concept on the surface,but which actually refer to quite different things;

(3)things or concepts that are represented by one or perhaps two terms in one language,but by many more terms in the other language;that is,finer distinctions exist in the other language;

(4)terms that have more or less the same primary meaning,but which have secondary or additional meanings that may differ considerably from each other. 3,解决英、汉语词汇不对应的方法:(语言P11) (1)explaining the term释义

(2)giving a name that sounds the same as the original term译音 (3)creating a name造词

(4)using two or more methods综合 4,intellectual=知识分子?

In china,the term 知识分子generally includes college teachers,college students,and such people as medical doctors,engineers,interpreters-people who had a college education-and middle school teachers.

In the U.S and Europe,however,intellectuals would include only people of high academic status such as college professors,but not ordinary college students.Intellectual is not always a complimentary term褒义 in the U.S. 5,社会生活和政治生活中缺乏对应关系的词语:

斗争会-----struggle meeting? Revival meeting、bingo party、bingo game? 6,自然现象中缺乏对应关系的词语:

节气---solar terms? 雨水----Rain Water? 惊蛰---Waking of Insects? 清明----Pure and Brightness?

春分=Spring Equinox 夏至=Summer Solstice 秋分=Autumn Equinox 冬至=Winter Solstice


炕(kang) 冰糖葫芦(candied haws on a stick) 秤(steelyard) motel(汽车旅馆) hamburger(汉堡包) time clock(出勤记录钟) 8,“貌合神离”的词语:

High school不等于高等学校,是美国的中学

Service station不等于服务站,是给汽油加油和维修的地方 Rest room不等于休息室,是浴室或厕所

Busboy不是公共汽车上的售票员或司机,是指收拾碗碟擦桌子的杂工 Goldbrick不是金锭,指逃避工作的人,尤指爱偷懒的士兵,懒汉 大忙人不等于busybody, busybody是指爱管闲事的人 Political campaign不等于政治运动,指竞选活动

改善生活不等于improve one’s standard of living, improve one’s standard of living表示提高生活水平

令人发指不等于to make one’s hair stand on end, to make one’s hair stand on end是指令人毛骨悚然

自食其言不等于to eat one’s own words, to eat one’s own words指收回自己说的话,一般多用于强迫别人收回所说的话,使他丢脸

To get a kick out of something不等于被踢出去,To get a kick out of something是指欣赏??或从??中得到极大愉快

To blow one’s own horn不等于各吹各的号,To blow one’s own horn是指自吹自擂,老王卖瓜,自卖自夸

9,英汉两语中称呼亲属的词语(语言P17) 10,区分禽兽“公”和“母”的词语:

General terms 鸡chicken Terms of male 公鸡 cock Terms of female 母鸡hen Terms for young 小鸡chick

鸭duck 鹅goose 马horse 牛cattle, cow 羊sheep 猪pig 狗dog 猫cat 鹿deer 公鸭drake 公鹅gander 公马stallion 公牛bull 公羊ram 公猪boar 公狗dog 公猫tomcat 公鹿stag 母鸭duck 母鹅goose 母马mare 母牛cow 母羊ewe 母猪sow 母狗bitch 母猫cat 母鹿doe 小鸭duckling 小鹅gosling 小马foal 小牛calf 小羊lamb 小猪shoat 小狗puppy 小猫kitten 小鹿fawn 11,表示机关名称和职务名称的词语:

英语 Vice Associate Deputy Lieutenant(陆军中尉) under 副 undersecretary 总统、主席、市长、总督、国务卿、领事、校长、教授、主编、指挥等 中 将、校等 英语实例 Vice-chairman, vice-president Associate professor, associate director Deputy chief-of-staff, deputy director Lieutenant governor, lieutenant general 12,不同文化内涵及其产生的不同联想的词语:

Peasant-----农民?peasant在英语中有贬义的意思,是指社会地位低下、没有教养的人 在中国,poor peasant(贫农)和laborer(劳工)含有正面的、积极的含义,在西方,却有反面的、消极的意味,相反,landlord(地主),capitalist(资本家),boss(老板)对中国人来说有贬义,对中国人来说有贬义,而在资本主义国家却不是.

Idealist(唯心主义者?) materialist(唯物主义者?)是指讲究物质利益的人,实利主义者 Politician(政治家?),在美国,Politician是贬义,指为谋取个人私利而搞政治、耍手腕的人,政治家应指statesman.

政治(politics?),应译为political activities,political work,political study.


中国人(贬义) 野心勃勃的 平均主义的,“大锅饭”的 中国人(褒义) 宣传 n) 词语 propaganda 词语 ambitious Equalitarian(egalitaria的 美国人(贬义) 传播带有偏见的消息以使人赞成或反对某种观点 做好事的人 Do-gooder 第三部分 日常谈话中的文化差别

1, Greetings打招呼

English : use these sentences “how do you do” “how are you” , “hello” or “hi” are frequently used greeting among colleagues, classmates, friends and family members.

For Chinese learners of English it is important to note that many casual greetings in Chinese cannot be carried over into English used as greetings when they meet English speakers. “吃饭了吗”, “上哪儿呀” “去哪了” etc. 2, Farewells告别

English people: when they meet first time: I’m pleased to meet you or it’s nice to meet/know you. It’s nice to have met you. And when they part, they usually say “good-bye, Bye-bye, so long” or “see you later/ tomorrow/on the next Monday.” Chinese people: usually “再见” “再会” “一会儿见” “明天见” “下星期一见”. And when the visit is over and the guest is seen to the door or gateway by the host, and exchange of utterances like “请留步” “请走好 3,称呼亲属的词语:

“mother” ”father” ”grandmother” can be used alone both in English and Chinese. “aunt” “uncle” are often used together with the addressee’s give name, but not in Chinese. For example, Uncle Tom, Aunt Mary.

English speaking people can named their relative by using their name, but we can’t

空想的社会改良家 美国人(褒义) 有雄心的,有抱负的 平均主义的,平等主义

do like this in Chinese, even between brothers and sisters. For example: “大哥” “二哥” “二姐”.

When addressing strangers, the Chinese people resort to “同志” “师傅” “先生” “小姐” “老爷爷” “伯父” “阿姨” “伯母” “大哥” “大嫂” “大兄弟” “大姐” “小朋友”。

中国人称呼别人时,有时称此人当时所担任的职务,前面加上他的姓,如黄局长,林经理,但是很少听到英语的人称别人为Bureau DirectorSmith(史密斯局长),Manager Jackson(杰克逊经理),Principal Morris(莫里斯校长),只有少数的人可称,如

Doctor-,Judge-,Governor-,Mayor-,professor,汉语中用姓加职务,如陈司令,英语中用姓加军衔,如Captain Johnson(约翰逊上尉),不说Company Commander Johnson,可以说Admiral Benjamin(本杰明海军上尉),却不说Fleet Commander Benjamin. 4, Compliments and praise祝贺和赞扬

English: the response to compliments are almost use “thank you” “I am glad to hear that” “I am glad you like it .”

Chinese: but in Chinese. Modest is a virtue. So although they glad to hear the compliments. But they tend to refuse the compliments. 5, Thanks and replies

In both English and Chinese there are expressions of gratitude.

E: thank you, Many thanks, thank you very much, thank you all the same, I’m really appreciative of your time, it’s very kind of you to offer help, I’m grateful for what you have done for me, I can’t thank you enough etc. English people speaks more frequently than Chinese. Even used among the family members. The reply is often used “Not at all” “don’t mention it” “you’re welcome” “it’s my pleasure” “it’s ok” C: “谢谢” “谢谢你” “非常感谢” “万分感谢” “真不知道该怎么感谢你才好” “多谢了”“谢谢你的好意。” 而中国常用的是“没什么” “不用谢” “不客气” “没什么,这是我应该做的” “这是我的职责。”

第四部分 成语、谚语、格言和典故

1, idioms成语:(语言P178)

Get the hang of熟悉;得知 hold one’s sides with laughter捧腹大笑 put someone in a stew使某人烦恼 Put up with something忍受某事 part of the game事情就是这样 give in屈服,让步

make out理解,了解 turn out结果获得成功 布衣蔬食:coarse clothes and simple fare 害人虫:an evil person/an evil creature

自投罗网:throw oneself into the trap/walk right into the trap 奇花异木:rare flowers and trees/exotic flowers and rare trees 2,proverbs谚语

Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。 Many hands make light work.人多好办事。 Haste makes waste.欲速则不达。

Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。

Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。 Look before you leap.三思而后行。

Where there’s smoke there’sfire.无风不起浪。 Where there’s a will there’s a way.有志者事竟成。

Give a person a dose of his own medicine.以其人之道还治其人之身。 All good things must come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。

3,Compared with English proverbs,the Chinese show certain distinctive features: (1)the immense number;

(2)the distinctive Chinese quality of many of the sayings;

(3)the number that reflect social inequalities and the feelings of those deprived and oppressed;

(4)the influence of Buddhism on Chinese customs and thinking;

(5)another feature is what might be called social harmony,or brotherhood,or “doing good”

4,良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行:Frank advice is like good herbal medicine;hard to take,but ultimately beneficial.

瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠:Neither adjust your shoe in a melonpatch;nor your hat under a plum tree.

要知朝中事,乡间问老农:Ask the common folk if your want to know how the country is faring.

衙门自古朝南开,有理无钱莫进来:Court doors may open,but not to the poor. 一人得道,鸡犬升天:Even the dog swaggers when its master wins favor. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.越是不见越想念。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.常吃苹果少得病。 You can’t have your cake and eat it too.两者不可兼得。 Let sleeping dogs lie.莫惹是非。

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.年逾花甲不堪教。 5,英汉两种说法貌似对应,意义却不同:

It takes two to make a quarrel:一个巴掌拍不响(都有双方都有缺点的意思),但汉语谚语中,还有一件有意义的事情不能靠一个人去完成的意思。

A miss is as good as a mile(没有打中就是没有打中,小失误也是失误,差一毫米和差一公里一样):差之毫厘,失之千里。不过,汉语中还有另一种寓意:小错误不及时纠正,最后会出大错,闯大祸,告诫人们要防微杜渐。 Gilding the lily同画蛇添足,不是锦上添花。

Life begins at forty:人到四十五,正如山出虎?潮怕二十,人怕四十? 6,盲人瞎马:a blind man on a blind horse---rushing headlong to disaster

黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心:the weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen---not with the best of intentions

挂羊头,卖狗肉:hang up a sheep’s head and sell dogmeat---try to palm off sth. inferior to what it purports to be

芝麻开花节节高:a sesame stalk puts forth blossoms notch by notch,higher and higher

一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃:one monk,two buckets;two monks,one bucket;three monks,no bucket,no water---more hands,less work done有点像英语中的too many cocks spoil the broth(厨子太多难烧汤) 7,allusions(典故) from literature(语言P200):

红楼梦 Dream of Red Mansions 水浒传 Water Margin 三国演义 Three Kingdom 西游记 Pilgrimage to the West 阿Q正传 The true story of Ah Q


Forgive and forget:不念旧恶,不记仇 That’s all Greek to me:我对此一窍不通 All’s well that ends well:结果好就一切都好

All is not good that glitters:发亮的东西不一定是金子-----好看的东西不一定都有用 Discretion is the better part of valour:小心即大勇;考虑周到胜过勇敢

A Cleopatra(a woman of breathtaking beauty (from Shakespeare’s Anthony and Cleopatra))

A Shylock(a cruel, greedy, money-grabbing person who will go to no ends to gain wealth(from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice))

A Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde(a person with a two-sided character, one side good and gentle, the other side evil and ruthless.(from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.))

A Frankenstein(usually a monster or thing that destroys its own creator;also,a personwho creates such a thing(from the story Frankenstein by Mary W.Shelley)) A Sherlock Holmes(a detective or shrewd person who has the uncanny ability to track down any quarry or solve any mystery through careful observations, scientific analysis, and logicalreasoning.(from Charles Arthur Conan Doyle’s well-known detective sotries))

An uncle Tom( a meek person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling (from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin))

A Horatio Alger story(often considered a myth,of a poor boy who works hard and finally rises to the top,becoming rich,successful,famous)

A catch-22 situation(an impossible situation(from a postwar American novel titled Catch-22 by Joseph Heller))

8, Allusions from mythology(语言p201):

Europe: Europa, a princess who was abducted and carried off to Crete by a bull that was actually Zeus, king of gods in Greek mythology.

Atlantic Ocean: Atlantics, a mythical island in what is now the Atlantic Ocean Paris:Parisd,son of the king of Troy;in Greekmythology,his abduction of the

beautiful Helen led to the Trojan War

Tuesday :Tyr,Norse god of war noted for his bravery

Wednesday :Woden,most powerful of gods in AngloSaxon mythology Thursday:Thor,Norse god of thunder Friday: Freya, goddess of music

Saturday: Saturn, Roman god of agriculture

Uranium铀: Uranus,Roman mythological god of the heavens

Mercury水银:Mercury,messenger of the Roman gods;also,god of commerce and science

Mars火星: Mars, Roman god of war

Jupiter木星: Jupiter,god of the sky,king of the Roman gods 语言P68-69,202

9,Allusions from religion(语言P69-70,204) 10, Allusions from sports(语言P70-72,204-206)

11,Allusions involve recent or contemporary events,personalities,products,etc.,of a certain society (语言P72,206-207)

12,Allusions in China(语言P73-76,207-208)

