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上宝中学2017学年第一学期期中考试卷 2017.11.7

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26. The temperate dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /'men?s/ B. /'mi:n?s/ C. /'ma?n?s/ D. /'m?n?s/

27. I’m feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I’m sure good times are just ______. A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner

28. The happiest are not those who _____ all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life ______.

A. owns, on their own B. own, with their own hearts C. own, of their own D. own, by their own hearts

29. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. Which of the following can’t be used to replace the underlined part?

A. is interested in B. is fond of C. is in favor of D. goes in for 30. Products produced by Apple Co. are quite popular ____ young people. A. with B. about C. in D. of

31. A mistake ______ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today. A. should B. would C. must D. can

32. The basic design of the house is very _____ that of earlier models, but ___ than it. A. same as, twice bigger B. same as, bigger twice C. similar to, twice bigger D. similar to, bigger twice

33. The fact that the examiners had failed over half the candidates discouraged us, ____? A. didn’t it B. hadn’t they C. did it D. had they 34. He is unwilling to admit ____ the assignment. A. having trouble understanding B. having trouble with understanding C. to have trouble understanding D. to have trouble with understanding 35. I’m not prepared to _____ some private matter _____. A. discuss about, by telephone B. discuss, over the telephone C. talk, on the telephone D. talk about, by the telephone

36. If the fire _____, anybody should ______ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time. A. broke out, ring B. was broken out, phone C. broke out, dial D. was broken out, talk

37. Do not wait for good things to ______ you. You need walk towards happiness. A. happen on B. happen to C. take place on D. take place to 38. The three ______ assisted several ____ to find their hotel.

A. boy volunteers, women tourists B. boy volunteers, woman tourists C. boys volunteers, women tourist D. boys volunteers, woman tourists 39. Wechat attracts ____ the people, they spend 80-90 _____ their spare time on it. A. a large percent of, percent of B. a high percent of, percentage of

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C. a high percentage of, percent of D. a large percentage of, percents of

40. I thought there was some coffee in the cupboard, but there’s _____ and ___ of us want to buy. A. none, none B. nothing, none C. none, no one D. nothing, on one

41. The lady ______ the supermarket because she was ______ her wallet. A. robbed food of, stolen B. robbed of, stolen of C. stole food in, robbed by D. stole food from, robbed of 42. The dog entered the room, ____. A. following after his master B. following his master C. followed with his master D. followed his master 43. Which of the following statements is true? A. House prices are expected to rise sharply. B. She is hoped to win the gold medal

C. I wish everyone will stop interfering and just leave me alone. D. We will assist you finding somewhere to live. 44. Could you tell me ____. A. how he did with it B. when he left

C. what place you went this weekend D. which the way to the nearest cinema is 45. –Perhaps we could volunteer for SITRZ during the holiday. -___________.

A. It’s very sweet of you to say so B. Yes, I’d love to C. That sounds like a good idea D. I’ll be glad to help you

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分) A. shoot B. convince C. entertain D. inform E. accomplish To be a successful speaker is no easy thing. It is essential for you to know why you are speaking and what you wish to ___46___ by your speech. The four most common purposes of speech are to inform, to convince, to move to action, and to entertain. Do you, like a teacher or an expert in a field, wish to illustrate your ideas in detail to people unfamiliar with your subject so that they can understand your ideas clearly and thoroughly? Or, like a debater, with to ___47___ the judges or the audience? Or, like a fund collector for a naturalist foundation, wish to get money? Or, like a comedian or after-dinner speaker, wish to ___48___? The language and tone you use must be proper for your purpose, for your audience, and for the occasion. A speech to the graduating class will have quite different language, tone and manner from information delivered to a group of your friends.

Furthermore, however talented the speaker is, a talk without enough preparation is usually a failure. To speak without preparing is to ____49____ without taking aim. Decide what your aim or objective is; then state it in a complete topic sentence. Make sure that your subject is definite and not too broad.

A. obviously B. responsible C. increasing D. experiencing E. particularly Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with ___50___ numbers of people wanting to escape into the

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wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively and leave no mark. Wild camping is not permitted in many places, ___51___ in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations ___52___ for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, ___53___ bad weather, and making food without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a camp site with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一次)(共8分)

54. The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor ________.(deliver)

55. I can say in all _______ that I knew nothing of these plans.(sincerely)

56. It would be ________ of me not to advise my company to abandon this project.(responsibility) 57. He was of great ________ to me in researches for my books.(assist)

58. Parents may find that a ________ teenager becomes unmanageable.(trouble)

59. Success doesn’t only depend on what you do. What you don’t do is _______ important.(equality)

60. For the sake of historical _________, please permit us to state the true facts.(accurate) 61. Many students apply for ________ to more than one university.(admit)

Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子)(共7分) 62. People set up a lot of new schools after the flood.(改为否定句) People didn’t ________ up _________ new schools after the flood.

63. Mary didn’t go back in a hurry. I didn’t go back in a hurry.(合并句子) ________ Mary ________ I _______ _______.

64. They managed to bring up four children even though they were very poor.(改为同义句) They ________ ________ to bring up four children even though they were very poor. 65. The task is so difficult that I can’t deal with it.(保持句意基本不变) The task is _______ difficult for me to ________ ________.

66. Did they write a column in the newspaper last night?(改为被动语态) ________ a column ________ in the newspaper last night?

67. I happened to be having a meeting when you called.(改为同义句) ________ ________ that I was having a meeting when you called.

68. people, more, to, about, health, they, worry, used, than, their(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)

Ⅶ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共32分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(6分)

Videodisc holds great promise of helping to meet the needs of American schoolchildren who

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have problems seeing, hearing, speaking, or socializing. Almost eleven percent of the students aged 3~21 in this country have an impairment that affects their ability to benefit from a regular education program. Handicapped students require special education because they are often markedly different from most children in one or more of the following ways: mentally retarded (发展迟缓的), learning-disabled, emotionally disturbed, deaf, visually handicapped, physically handicapped, or other health impairments. The education of these handicapped children is rewarding but challenging.

A special education student usually needs a longer period of time to acquire information. Repetitive teaching techniques are often beneficial, and indefatigable(孜孜不倦的) consistency on the part of the teacher is frequently necessary. Interactive videodisc courseware has characteristics that can be capitalized upon to meet the challenges that special education poses. A videodisc program is infinitely patient. Repetition of any videodisc lesson can continue endlessly, and designers can assure absolute consistency within a program. Most important, according to special educator William Healey of the University of Arizona, is that videodisc ―adds an extra dimension of realism for children who need graphic representations‖.

Healey explained that deaf and mentally retarded children especially have difficulty grasping figurative (比喻的) language and higher-order language concepts. He believes that for special education, the power of videodisc lies in the ability of the technology to visually represent language concepts normally taken for granted by non-handicapped persons. Complex figurative language forms such as idioms and metaphors come most readily to mind as being difficult for handicapped learners.

74. The word“impairment”(Line 3,Para.1)probably means _______. A. habit B. disability C. misconception D. belief 75. Which of the following teaching techniques is beneficial to the handicapped students? A. Task-based method B. Inquiry-Based Learning C. Cooperative Learning D. Repetitive teaching technique 76. The special education mentioned in the passage is mainly concerned with _______. A. genius students from day-care centers to colleges B. students who are fond of computer video games

C. students who are either mentally or physically disabled D. teachers of language in the University of Arizona

77. A videodisc courseware is beneficial to those who have study difficulties because ______. A. its fancy design is very attractive

B. it allows the user to go back to where he wants to restudy C. the content of it is healthy and promising D. it is developed by university professors

78. According to Professor Healey, we may infer that mentally retarded children perhaps _____. A. need graphic representations in order to understand higher-order language concepts

B. are good at studying English idioms but often fail to grasp higher order language concepts C. are not very patient with videodisc which helps them to understand the world concepts D. tend to be deal as well and have difficulty learning the simple concept“before and after” 79. The best phrase that summarize the main idea of the passage is ___. A. handicapped students and their problems

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B. videodisc and special education

C. computer assisted teaching programs D. normal children and handicapped kids

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(6分)

The continuous presentation of frightening stories about global warming in the popular media makes us unnecessarily frightened. Even worse, it ___80___ our kids.

Al Gore famously described how a sea-level rise of 20 feet would almost completely flood Florida, New York, Holland, and Shanghai, even though the United Nations says that such a thing will not even happen, estimating that sea levels will rise 20 times less than that.

When faced with these exaggerations (夸大), some of us say that they are for a good cause, and surely there is no harm done if the result is that we focus even more on tacking climate change.

This argument is astonishingly wrong. Such exaggerations do plenty of harm. Worrying excessively about global warming means that we worry less about other things, where we could do so much more good. We focus, ___81___, on global warming’s impact on malaria (疟疾)—which will put slightly more people at ___82___ in 100 years—instead of tacking the half a billion people suffering from malaria today with prevention and treatment policies that are much cheaper and dramatically more effective than carbon reduction would be.

Exaggeration also wears out the public’s ___83___ to cope with global warming. If the planet is certain to be destroyed owing to global warming, people wonder, why do anything? A record 54% of American voters now believe the news media make global warming appear worse than it really is. A majority of people now believe –incorrectly – that global warming is not even caused by humans.

But the ___84___ cost of exaggeration, I believe, is the unnecessary alarm that it causes – particularly among children. An article in The Washington Post cited nine-year-old Alyssa, who cries about the possibility of mass animal extinction from global warming.

The newspaper also reported that parents are taking over effective outlets for their 8-year-olds’ concern with dying polar bears. They might be better off educating them and letting them know that,

related to common belief, the global polar bear population has doubled over the past half-century, to about 22,000. ___85___ the possible disappearing of summer Arctic ice, polar bears will not become extinct.

80. A. exhausts B. depresses C. terrifies D. exploits 81. A. for example B. in addition C. by contrast D. in short 82. A. peace B. leisure C. case D. risk 83. A. ability B. endurance C. willingness D. preference 84. A. smallest B. worst C. fewest D. least 85. A. Despite B. Besides C. Without D. Except

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

I’m usually fairly skeptical(怀疑的)about any research that concludes that people are either

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happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today’s children are significantly more a___86___ than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago.

Why are America’s kids so stressed? The report cites two main c___87___: increasing physical isolation brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things--and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.

Considering that we can’t turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation.

At the top of the list is nurturing(培育) a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. S___88___ social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.

To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can p___89___ the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and they will get more sleep.

L___90___ the amount of virtual(虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to. It’s not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.

Keep your e___91___ for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.

Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxieties and p___92___ a good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(6分)

With 26 British prime ministers, 58 Nobel prize winners, over 150 Olympic medals list that reads like a historical hall of fame, the institutions of Oxford and Cambridge – collectively known as Oxbridge –are seen, by many people, as the dream alma mater(母校).

However, as admission season dawns, and the October 15 deadline for Oxbridge inches ever closer, many students may wonder what makes the UK’s top two institutions so special. Why does Oxbridge symbolize the academic dream for so many? Do the universities deserve the reputation they hold in the minds of so many teenagers, parents and academics?

There is no doubt that both Oxford and Cambridge have a long standing history of academia. Yet, what is often overlooked is the strong reputation of countless other universities in the UK.

A simple click on Google can tell students that the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, for example, has over 18 Nobel Prize winners and 50 world leaders. University College London attracts students from 150 countries and has exchange and research links with nearly 300 overseas universities. Manchester University has the largest student union of all UK universities.

I suddenly realized the Oxbridge effect when I was out in London with friends. I met some new people and was surprised by their reaction when I told them I was going to study at Cambridge. One person even got down on one knee and kissed my hand.

From then on, I told people I was going on a gap year. Although I knew that Oxbridge provides a good education, I had never expected to get such extreme reactions. It was this that

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made me start to feel uncomfortable about the way that Oxbridge is viewed.

The Cambridge Tab, the university’s student newspaper, has argued that what makes Cambridge special is the fact that the students are told that they are unique and a cut above the rest, so they believe it.

For students applying now, yes, you will receive a world class education at Oxbridge, but you will find the same at numerous other universities throughout the country. Every time you hear about the brilliance of Oxbridge, consider that just because many believe, it does not have to be so.

93. When was the deadline if you apply for the admission to the institutions of Oxford and Cambridge?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 94. Both Oxford and Cambridge have a long standing history of academia, don’t they?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 95. Name another two universities in the UK which have a strong reputation.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 96. How did the writer avoid over-reaction from people to her admission into Cambridge?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 97. What is the writer’s suggestion to students applying to universities?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 98. What do you think of the writer’s suggestion? Why?


Ⅷ. Writing(作文)(共15分)

99. Write at least 60 words on the topic“A/An _____ day”.(以“.…..的一天”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)



26-30 CDDCA 31-35 CCAAB 36-40 CBACA 41-45 DBABC 46.E 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. C 51. E 52. B 53. D

54. delivery 55. sincerity 56. irresponsible 57. assistance 58. troublesome 59. equally 60. accuracy 61. admission

62. set , many 63. Neither , nor 64. were able 66. Was , written 67. It happened 68. People worry more about their health than they used to. 69. phoned the office worker who take charge of sales.

70. very keen on physics, and my ambition is to be architect.

71. thieves hurried abroad, and the two women tourists went after him.

72. Then , people had to program the computer , and it would take several hours. 73. In a flash, figure out the calculations which you can do in your whole life. 74. B 75. D 76. C 77. B 78. A 79. B 80. C 81. A 82. D 83. C 84. B 85. A

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86.anxious 87. causes 88. Strengthening 89. pull 90.Limit 91. expectations 92. provide 93. October 15 94. Yes , they do

95. the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, 96. By telling/She told people she was going on a gap year.

97. (Being open-minded and) not/ Not/No limiting the choice on the Oxbridge./ Other universities can also offer them a world class education./Go to other famous universities (for a world class education). 98. 合理即可

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