21世纪大学新英语 第三册 读写译教程 课后翻译题
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1. She disguised her sadness with a broad smile on her face.(她以脸上灿烂的笑容掩饰自己的悲伤。)
2. When he returned to his office, he was confronted by/with a great pile of work.(当他回到自己的办公室面对一大堆的工作。) 3. If it is a genuine Michelangelo’s drawing, it will sell for millions.(如果它是米开朗琪罗的真迹,将能售出百万的价格。)
4. They were evicted from the house for not paying their rent.(由于没有支付租金,他们被房东赶出了屋子。)
5. They were hoping to sell their car for $8000,but settled for $6000.(他们本来希望把车以8000美金的价格出售,但却以6000美金的价格将就着处理了。)
6. 我们拒绝了他的提议,以弊大于利为由。(on the grounds that it would do more harm than good)
7. 他说他已经是成年人了,希望父母别再插手干预他的私生活。(stop sticking their nose into his personal life)
8. 在我看来,因特网代表着信息交流的最佳状态。(represents information exchange at its best)
9. 学校有极好的图书馆,我时常沉浸于海明威的著作。(find myself immersed in Hemingway’s works)
10. 公路上,德国产车数量之多,证明其制造之精良。(attest to the excellence of their manufacture)
11. Isn’t it remarkable, I thought, how the students whined and said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject ? But when they forged excuse notes, they were brilliant. (如果让他们就某一主题写200字的作文,他们会抱怨说太难。可是当他们伪造请假条时,丫们个个都是写作高手。这一现象不值得我们注意嘛。)
12. How could I ignored theses gems of fiction and fantasy? Here was
American high school writing at its best-raw, real, urgent, brief, and lying.
13. Everyone smiled as I went on, “You didn’t settle for the old alarm clock story. You used your imaginations. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they’re late or absent or up to some
devilment… ” (大家都笑了,我接着说:“你们不愿老拿闹钟说时了。你们发挥了想象力。当有一天你们的孩子迟到,缺课或想恶作剧,你们会为他们写请假条。”)
14. Here it comes, I thought. The reckoning. (这不,我思忖着,秋后算账的日子到了。)
1. She and her boyfriend have had their future planned for sometime: they want to start farming in a nearby village, where they also intend to build a house. 2. Given the uncertainty of the situation, we decided to put their participation on hold for another year.
3. The UN Security Council voted last night to send a peacekeeping force to the area and watch over developments in other sensitive areas. 4. I will never forget that time, we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the house, looking down at the ground as though hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there. 5. We offer a variety of courses for both full-time and part-time students. You could sign up for a series of courses, which you could take at your own pace. 6. 我心不在焉地听着演讲者鼓励人们忘记烦恼,因为那笔债一直压在我心头。(as the debt has always been on my mind)
7. 通过短短几个星期的培训,和谐团队精神,尤其是对自己和社会责任的认识得到了提高。(in particular a realization of responsibility towards oneself and society developed)
8. 他们的做法威胁到我们的原则,对于接下来的局势将如何发展,毫无疑问有很多担心和关注。(there is undoubtedly much concern about the turn of the situation)
9. 她常感到疲倦,伴有关节痛,硬,这些她认为是“随年龄增长而来的问题。”(which she thought were “problems of ageing”)
10. 随着双方冲突不断升级,当地政府终于决定干预以缓解冲突。(the local government finally decided to step in to help ease the conflict)
11. Ballance, a physician, hopped in his car and followed the ambulance to the hospital to be at Bear’s side while doctors tried to figure out what was going on. When they did, the news wasn’t good: She had glioblastoma, a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer. (拜伦斯是医生,他立刻跳进自己的车跟在救护车的后面一路到了医院,他希望在医生们诊断时他能陪在拜尔身边。医生们诊断完了,不是好消息:拜尔患上了胶质瘤,一种恶性程度很高的脑癌。)
12. Until her brother Phil Bear put his marriage and work in Los Angeles on hold to care for his sister during her final weeks, they cobbled together a system to watch over their friend and allow her keep some of the privacy and independence she cherished.(对在拜尔的最后几周弥留之际,她的弟弟菲尔放下在洛杉矶的家庭和工作来照顾姐姐,在此之前,拜尔的朋友们已经在仓促中迅速组织起来照看拜尔,同时又使拜尔保留一些她所看重的独处和独立。)
13. Other in Baer’s circle offered up a particular talents: A nurse friend helped Baer figure out how to get what she was due from Social Security and her disability insurance; an attorney pal helped Baer’s will; a buddy who was an accountant took over her bills when she could no longer mange
14. “There was just no question in my mind that I would do anything I could, including switch places with Majorie.”he says.(“毫无疑问我将尽一切所能,包括代玛乔瑞受苦。”菲尔说。)
1. If he is very strong, it will be nothing to him to undergo the minor operation. 2. The Great Wall is a world miracle, but ancient Chinese people built it to withstand the invaders. 3. With the development of social welfare, every worker is entitled to the paid holiday on the golden week. 4. With great effort, his average score improves greatly.
5. The most important thing in his job is to make the clients content. 6. 也就是说,我爱朋友可能是因为从他们身上获得快乐,可能是在某些方面他们对我有用,也可能是我发现他们有某种优良的道德品质。(That is, I may love my friend because of the pleasure I get out of them.) 7. 有一位忠诚的朋友是再好不过的,而且他有我喜欢的高尚品质。(Nothing is better than having a faithful friend,)
8. 对友谊的哲学讨论,通常遵循亚里士多德区分朋友的三种类型:愉悦性的友谊,功利性的友谊以及道德性的友谊。(it is common to follow Aristotle in distinguishing three kinds of friendship.)
9. 综观不同友谊的异同点,你会发现这三种不同的亲密友谊似乎都包含你对朋友的关注。(all three kinds of intimate friendship seem to involve a concern for your friend.)
10. 尽管如何理解这三种区分有点不清晰,但基本观点似乎是愉悦性,功利性和道德性是我们热爱朋友的原因。(Although it is a bit unclear how to understand theses distinctions, )
11. Everyone calls himself a friend, but only a fool relies on it: nothing is commoner than the name, nothing rarer than the thing. (人人都称自己是朋友,但只有傻瓜才信以为真:没有什么比朋友这个名称更普通的,也没有什么比真正的朋友更稀有的。)
12. It is not my wish to offend or hurt anyone who has, in the past, called himself my “friend,” but merely to set them straight. (我不是要冒犯或是伤害过去自称是我朋友的人,但只希望他们了解“朋友”的真正含义。) 13. The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself. (我们越爱朋友,越不奉承朋友;只有不宽宥一切才彰显纯真的爱。)
14. Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of
kindness, blow the rest away. (哦,和一个人在一起的安全感难以言表,无需缜密思考,无需斟辞酌句,只需原原本本的将谷子与皮壳全盘托出,这为你知道忠诚的朋友会筛选和接受,保存至的保留的,然后带着温存的气息吹走剩余的。)
1. I don’t think you need to be bothered by his prejudice, which
apparently stems from his foolishness. (他的偏见显然是源自愚蠢。) 2. After the birth of his son, the man has to adjust to there being a new small person in the family who makes his role seem less significant. (此人只得适应家里新添一名成员这个情况。) 3. It was at the point that the stranger entered the dining-room, and stood for a moment looking for round him as if in search of somebody. (好像是在寻找什么人。)
4. Like most engineering projects, it may have looked good on paper, but in practice it was another thing entirely. (在理论上可能看上去很好。)
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