2015新版广州小学六年级英语module3, 4

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一. 连连看

发明家 forever 自由的 movie 永远 invention 发明 free 电影 inventor 路

没错 make…better 让…更好 full 成功的 sold

出售过去式 that’s right 当作 as

满的 successful

推 turn…into 把…变成 get bored 感到厌烦 manner 输掉比赛 inside

方法 态度 礼貌 lose the game 在里面 push

等待轮到某人 wait for one’s turn 排队 push in 插队 laugh at 嘲笑 middle 通过 in line 中间 through

没有 none 沮丧 bottom 底部 lit 除了 upset 点亮 except

brightly 明亮地 lead 带来 bring 路 upset 引领 road 沮丧

二. 请填空

1) 有时候演员们在电影里很搞笑,让我们大笑。 Sometimes ____________ is very ____________ in the ____________. And it ____________us laugh a lot.

2) 灯泡真是历史上著名的发明。它的发明家也很


____________ is really a famous ____________ in the ____________. Its ____________is also very ____________.

3) 一个好的领导者不一定总是一个好人。

A good ____________ is not always a good ____________.

4) 这个音乐家同时也擅长绘画。

This ____________ is good at ____________ at the same time.

5) 计算机把我们从枯燥的工作中解放出来。这使


The computer ____________us from boring work. This ____________ us have ____________time.

6) 我可能要卖掉公司,回归家庭了。

I will _________ _________ the company and _________ home. 7) 汤姆再一次失去了机会

Tom _________ the chance _________ again. 8) 别忘了饭后洗手。

Don’t forget to wash your hand when you _________ eating. 9) 当你排队的时候推别人,这是很没有礼貌的。

It is ____________to ______________ people when you are waiting in ____________.

10) 如果车厢满了,我们应该把作为让给老年人。

If the bus is ____________, we should give our ____________ to old people.

11) 这是一个很好的方法来表示我们态度和礼貌

It is a good ____________ to show our ____________ and ____________. 12) 他的话语有一种魔术的力量

His _______ have a _______ power. 13) 在森林的中间,有一个小木屋。

In the ___________ of the forest, there is a little wooden house.

14) 在小木屋里面,有一块指示牌。

_________ the house, ______ ___ a _______. 15) 在指示牌的底部,有一个洞,把你的手穿过去。

At the __________ of the _________, there is a hole. Put your hands ____________ it.

16) 他感到很沮丧,因为没有一件合适的衣服穿。

He felt very____________, because ____________ of the clothes is suitable to wear.

17) 我们中没有人带来了蜡烛,除了我。

___________ of us ___________ the

candles,___________ me.

18) 蜡烛明亮地点亮了前路。

The candles ___________ ___________ up the ___________ ahead.

19) 这些蜡烛指引我们走出黑暗。

These candles ___________ us to get out of the ___________. 20) 晚餐请带写披萨过来。

Please ______ some pizza ______ dinner. 21) 穿过森林,你就会看到木屋。

___________ ___________ the forest and you will see the wooden house. 22) 所有东西味道都不错,除了这块蛋糕。

Everything tastes good, ___________ ___________ this cake. 23) 坚持住,别放弃。

___________ ___________, don’t give up. 24) 瓶子里充满了果汁,但是果粒在瓶子底部

The bottle is _____ ____ juice, but the real fruit is _____ ______ ________ ___ the bottle. 25) “点亮蜡烛!”他喊到。

“_______ ____ the candle!” He ______ _____. 26) 从前,有三本通往魔法世界的书,但是我们现


______ _____, there are three books ______ _____ a magic world. But we can find _______ ____ ___________ now. 27) 在蛋糕的中间夹着巧克力酱。

There is chocolate cream ____ _______ ________ ___ the cake.

三. 请选择

1) He _________ many cars last year, so this year he

stops _________ and has a holiday. A. sold; sell B. sell, sold C. sold; selling D. sold; to sell

2) Is it _________ that animals are our friends?

A. sell B. turn C. true D. lose 3) My father work in a big _________.

A. once B. come C. company D. game-maker 4) ---I drink water _________ a day. ---Oh, you

should drink more water.

A. true B. probably C. finish D. once

5) When I _________ home, mom is cooking dinner

for me every day.

A. true B. sell C. finish D. return 6) He feels sad because he _________ the game.

A. sell B. come C. lose D. iPad

7) Can I go out with my friends after I _________ my


A. true B. finish C. true D. once 8) _________ here. I want to see your face.

A. company B. return C. finish D. come 9) _________ the old lady got on the bus, I stood up and gave her my seat.

A. full B. laugh C. push D. as 10) It is _________ to make fun of others.

A. full B. laugh C. impolite D. as 11) He often tells us funny stories and make us


A. full B. laugh C. manner D. push 四. 请翻译

1) Sun Yatsen is the famous leader in Chinese history.

2) The inventor made light bulb to make our life easier.

3) Who is the actor in that movie?

4) If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs. 5) He made these things come true. 6) Once again he was very successful.

7) Yesterday, as I waited in line at the supermarket, a girl tried to push in.

8) We should always give our seat to people in need.

五. 重点强化 1. free

adj.(形容词):__________ __________ v. (动词):__________ 例句: He is free. He frees her. 2. make

意思:___________ _____________


Don’t make the homework too much! 意思:___________ He can make sentence by himself. 意思:___________

3. manner

manner 的意思有___________ ___________ ___________。

其中,哪些是可数的名词? 不可数的呢?

eg. He has a good manner.

He shows a warm manner when he welcome us. There is no easy manner to win.



love doing 再一次 finish school 完成学业 once again 成为现实 come true 出生 be born in 热爱做某事

except for 在…底部 at the bottom of 点亮 lit up 在中间 in the middle of 坚持 walk through 除…之外 none of 没有 carry on 穿过

二. 请填空

1) 当我们嘲笑别人的时候,我们要想一想有一天很可能相同的事情也发生在自己身上。

When we ____________________ others, we should think this will probably someday happen to us, too. 2)小明不想站起来,那就坐下吧。

Xiao Ming doesn’t want to ________________, so he can ____________. 3) 我们应该把座位让给需要的人。

We should ____________________ to someone ____________________. 4) 妈妈现在超市等着轮到自己。

Mum ____________________ at the supermarket. 5) 我们应该排队,不应该插队 _________________________________________________________



1) 选择题和讲解填空


方法复习: 无情无be要借助。


be 动词的对应:I---am you/we/they---are he/Tom---is 情态动词的对应: 只有原形,任何人称不用变形 助动词的对应: 三单---does 其他人成---do


1. Mr Wang is thirsty. ______ _______ thirsy? 2. The elephent’s ears are long. _______ elephent’s ears long?

3. We like birds. ______ _________ ________ birds? 4. I can sing and dance. _________ _________sing and dance? 5. I am listening to music. _________ _________listening to music? 6. Tom can clean the classroom. _________ _________ clean the classroom? 7. They are in the zoo. _________ _________ in the zoo?

8. There are some flowers in the vase. _________ _________ _________ flowers in the vase? 9. This is my sister. _________ _________ _________ sister?


1)Are you in Class 2, Grade 6? No, ________ ________.

2)Is this a box? Yes,________ ________. 3)Is Mike your brother? No, ________ ________.

4)Are they ducks? Yes,________ ________. 5)Is that a teacher ‘s desk? No, ________ ________.

6) Is there a forest in the park? Yes,________ ________.

1)Can you use a computer? No, ________ ________.

2)Can Lily speak Chinese? Yes,________ ________.

1) Does your brother like playing football? Yes,________ ________. 2) Did your uncle read books? No, ________ ________.

3) Do they go to see him? Yes,________ ________.


完型填空 1

完型填空 2


