
更新时间:2023-10-30 17:45:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





who are teachers’ pets, boys or girls? 1)

nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more?

reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. as far as i concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. while in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. in a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. the most

reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in

math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. while in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness 2)

it is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart.

first of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teachers pet in primary school. second,

dents hold the view that it was boys that are teachers pet. thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as in college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers.

what conclusion can i draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. as time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to

such result. last but not least, i hold the view that there is no sex, including boys and girls, can hold teachers love forever 3)

rencently, a survey onwho are teachers petshas developed among students . according to the chart, we can easily find that the majority of pupils answers are girls, the junior students said that all of them were favored, a lot of middle

school students replied: girls! , while college students thought neither of them is teachers pet.

so, why did the phenomenon occurred? i suppose the

following reasons can account for it. in primary school, girls are generally obedient, while boys may be more naughty. girls are good at reading and writing, but boys show nothing superior . of course , teachers think more of girls. in junior

school , boys perform as well as girls , so the teacher will think all of them are great. when go to the senior school , boys

become more initiative and are more interested in mathematics, which can ignite teachers enthusiasm of teaching. on the university , boys and girls have to rely on their own efforts to learn more, thus, the teachers can pay less attention. as far as im concerned, teachers shouldnt hold different attitudes to studentsgender . both girls and boys should be treated equally to have a better prospect. 4)

reading this chart, we can discover that most of the primary school students think girls are teachers pets. in contrast, most of the high school students think boys are teachers pets. while in junior middle schools and in colleges, the numbers of

students who think boys or girls are teachers pets are almost equally, more that they think it depends on teachers mind. for this, its reasons are obviously. first, primary school teachers have to pay more attention to girls. in that not only girls are timid, but also boys may bully them. second, high school teachers believe boys have more advantage to pay off and more likely to be rolled in

world-famous universities than girls meeting the challenge of college entrance examinations. third, in junior middle schools and in colleges, teachers feel boys and girls have similar

capabilities, alternatives and so on. moreover, university teachers know seldom students, not to mention who are their pets.

nowadays, gender is not crucial. it is urgent to persuade

teachers to care about gender in a reasonable way, especially elementary school teachers and high school teachers.





首先问大家第一次接触句酷修改网(不是其他修改网)是自己主动找到的还是老师布置作文,告诉你们的。大多数应该是后者吧。 其实,笔者越接触批改网,对其的反感和厌恶之情也就越深。作为一个喜欢人工智能和微电自控技术但又同时深深受教育于中华文学的人,笔者本身就是矛盾的。因为一方面甚至语言的美丑优劣只有视角、立场和区域的不同,没有绝对高下之分,在第一章中笔者就已经说明过,电子批改的基本算法是不堪我们这些充满“创造力”的考生折磨的,了解了打分的模式,每次按照这个结构出牌,分数一般就恒在一水平线上。没错,笔者认为按照笔者的方法,这个线大概是88-98. 那么,接下来的这个问题就很重要了—— 你是主要是想要高分数还是英语写作能力的提高?


看,你还是处在一个不高的水平上。说到这个可能你会感到笔者的语言展现已经有些不清晰了那么我用具体的测试来说明下: 笔者通过对批改网的测试,有这些样例:


面对这些纯正地道的英语批改网往往给出80分左右的评价,这不禁让笔者想起了“庸医害一人,庸师误一群”,反观之,高考满分作文和四级高分作文就好很多,大概85上下。这似乎在明示我们——通过批改网的训练,你最多只能达到一个四级写作小牛的地步。当然我不是说批改网拿高分的都是只有四级小牛的水平,很多备考gre的同学提笔一写就是92上下…… 但是!笔者的重点是:

第一, 批改网说明的中式英语等可能就是它的语料库本身不完善,很多好

句型可以去如:british national corpus去找。大家为了分数的话还是要改,只不过不能在大脑里留下“这个表达是中式英语,以后不能再用”的想法,你可以多方查证,我聚个非常简单的例子: learn knowledge就是中式英语,应该用obtain,get等,这些就需要你去查证,也许批改网会报错

第二, 很多错误,如时态,单复数,代词指代等,作为一个了解电子评改


第三, 因为写作思维的不同,我们的很多表达只能被中国人理解,但电脑






为了更清楚,我决定分条写,但这样的弊端是相互间联系很小了: 先说总体提分,再说具体:

1. 改的次数。要是没有吃苦的精神,又不是高帅富白富美,那么要拿高分,不吃苦怎么行。一篇作文不改到90上你良心要是安宁,那么,祝贺你,你将有好的心态到老并很有可能是一事无成到老。有同学说了,我基础差,好,那么也要上85,这是底线!那么,怎么改,首先你英语基础不能太差,有同学说我就是很差怎么办,我就是高考英语没及格怎么办?能怎么办,什么都别说了,开始学呗!怎么学?首先语法上,不要求你现在拿回高考的选择题做,100道能对75道以上,你至少要对错误有基础意思。红色错误,一定要改!这是原则一。因为类似于编程,erroring一定是违背基础语法的,这类问题你不能总是说“批改网有问题!“,也许有问题,

不过笔者也只是遇到过某个单词它太笨或者太低级,不认识过于专业的单词或者英美式对于某个东西各有各的说法,但是它只认识一种,举个例子enterogastric disease,肠胃病,但是它不认识,换成intestinal tract disease吧,它又说要加the……当然,我觉得批改网要求加上介词的情况比现实中美国英语要多。也许它是习惯了莎士比亚时代的那个the的富含量……哈,开个玩笑。


apparently,it goes without saying that xxx that(这个东西,比如你说iphone,那你加解释,was invented by jobs/was produced by apple.inc等等,jobs你又可以加who……或者

