会展英语教案分析 - 图文

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编写人员_____ 张 倩_ _____ 所教班级_2010商务英语1、2班





根据教高十六号文件的要求,为培养“明德、尚学、强能、善技”的应用型高技能涉外旅游专业人才,特制定商务英语专业课程设置及时间分配表,其中,《会展英语》列入专业必修课,于第四学期开设。 二、性质作用:

该课程通过介绍会展专业中所需的专用英语词汇、术语、句型等语言材料及文化背景知识,帮助学生掌握会展基本知识、熟悉会展流程、了解会展主要业务工作内容,熟悉掌握会展相关词汇及表达,培养学生成为熟悉会展基本业务流程的外语人才。 三、课程目标:

1. 知识目标:

(1)了解会展行业相关知识,如会展业概况,发展前景,国内外重要会展中心等。 (2)了解作为主办方会展筹划的过程,如展会策划、介绍、宣传推广的途径与方法等。




2. 能力目标;




3. 素质目标:

(1) 培养学生正确的人生观、价值观, (2) 培养学生良好的思想品德, (3) 培养学生良好的职业操守,

(4) 培养学生承受压力的能力,


本课程将会展中的典型工作任务划分为“主办方”和“参展商”两个不同的角色,按照展前、展中、展后三个工作流程序化教学内容。根据项目教学法,分为十个项目: 项目1.会展业概述:初步认识会展,了解中国会展业发展情况。

项目2. 会展中心之旅:对会展中心有初步了解,了解会展中心主要设施、服务及功能。



项目5.预定展位:了解预定展位的流程及展位申请表的填写,了解展位类型、展位租赁费用的计算方法等。 项目6. 介绍展会相关服务 项目7. 翻译参展商手册

项目8. 展位接待(1):掌握如何分配展位现场工作任务、掌握展会接待礼仪及肢体语言。

项目9. 展位接待(2):了解参展商代表在展位接待客户时,如何向客户介绍参展公司、公司产品及产品的现场演示。

项目10. 撤展及展后:撤展的注意事项,展会分析、反馈. 五、学习方法与手段:

建议采用教师讲授、学生自学、小组合作学习等学习方法,在学习过程中,能够有效的利用网络资源,丰富学习内容,同时,配合实训练习,体验真实的工作场景。 六、考核方式:



单元 编号 教 学 内 容 Unit 1 1、 课程内容体系介绍 2、 会展业基本情况介绍 学习 Introduction to The course 任务 and Exhibition Industry 学 时 4 3、国内外知名会展中心介绍。 4、学生实训展示 能力 1. 掌握基本的会展词汇、术语。 目标 2. 能够用英语对各类展会、会展中心进行介绍。 知识 1. 了解会展业目前的发展状况及未来发展趋势。 目标 2. 掌握国内外知名会展中心的基本情况。 素质 目标 2. 具备良好的工作态度。 3. 具备良好的团队精神。 1. 了解国内外会展现状。 2. 掌握会展业基本词汇、术语。 3. 展会介绍.。 1. 培养学生良好的团队合作意识。 教 学 目 标 重点 难点 教学中可能存1. 学生以前对会展及相关知识了解很少,教学中,可适当补充基本的会展常识。 在的问2. 学生词汇量较小,会展中涉及大量的会展术语、词汇,授课时应进行相应的补充。 题及解。 决办法 3. 课本内容有限,应该合理利用网络等多种资源,使学生掌握更全面的会展知识。能 力 任 务 训 练 教学 方法 效果 评估 1 当前会展现状。 通过多种途径,熟悉当前会展现状,并用英语进行简要介绍。 2. 国内外知名会展中心介绍。 通过查找网络资源,了解国内外著名会展中心,并能够用英语对其规模、设施等方面进行介绍。 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、案例教学、讨论教学 教师评价 50% 小组成员评价 25% 小组互评 25% 考核 项目 当前会展业的现状。 用英语介绍国内外知名会展中心。

案 首

学科名称 单元名称 授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 会展英语 Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-311 教师 张倩 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 3. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 理论加实践课 1. 课程简介。 2. 介绍中国会展业的发展和现状。 3. 帮助学生了解会展业的产生、特点、分类和发展趋势。 本学期会展英语开设的班级是2010级商务英语1.2班,学生先修过《基础英语》、《商务英语》、《商务英语函电》等课程,具备一定的英语基础,知识面较广,学习积极性高。在教学中,在掌握理论知识的基础上,对学生加大实训的力度,让学生体验真实工作的场景,利用多种渠道和资源,充实课本内容。 1. 知识目标:了解中国会展业的发展和现状 2. 能力目标:能够用英语对国内外知名展会进行介绍 3. 素质目标:提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 1. 中国会展业的历史和现状。 2 掌握会展业基本的词汇、术语。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集大量会展相关信息(如会展业的产生、发展、现状、特点等)。 2. 学生的准备:关注所在城市各种形式的会展。 课堂授课:教师介绍当前会展业的现状、发展等基本知识。 讨论教学:会展业对中国经济的影响。 1. 热身练习:学生介绍自己曾经参加过的展会。 2. 课程简介 (1) 学习本课程的意义所在。 (2) 本课程的主要教学内容 3. 会展业简介 (1) 中国会展业的发展。 (2) 中国会展业的产生、特点和发展趋势。 4. 小组讨论:会展业对中国经济的影响。 利用网络资源,完成以下题目: 1. What is the historical background of world exhibitions? What are the goals of exhibition? 2. Which parties are involves in an exhibition? What are their relationships like? 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/ 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 参考资料 课后分析


步骤 组织教学 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 提出问题 教师活动 提前进入教室,将上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 提问:同学们曾经参加过哪些展会,请简单介绍自己参与展会的经历。 深入到每个小组中,和学生一起探讨出现的问题,并帮助他们解决问题 学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配 提前5分钟 热身练习 小组讨论 10分钟 小组展示 基础知识讲解 任务布置 任务实施 下次课任务 1. 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2. 选择其中一人进行展示发言。 1. 会展业现状。 2. 会展业的发展前景。 3. 国内外知名展会。 利用网络资源,了解并讨论会展业对中国经济的影响 每组选出代表,就“会展业对中国经济的影响”进行阐述。 国内外知名展会介绍。 每位学生都要积极发10分钟 言,阐述自己的观点,并将其加以归纳展示。 讲授 认真听课并做好笔记。 20分钟 布置任务,对学生进行分组、分工。 通过网络,查找相关资源,完成任务。 25分钟 教师评价,指出优点和不足之处。 小组展示 小组互评,其他小组成员提出改进建议。 15分钟 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习 通过多种途径,获取信息。 5分钟

Introduction to the course and Exhibition Industry

Warm-up activity (about 10 mins) What are the importance of exhibition industry? Task 1 General introduction to the course

Step 1 Introducing the course (about 20 mins) 1.Discussion

Do you think what you will learn about “会展”? 2.Teacher’s introduction


模块 1.General Introduction 项目名称 General Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry l. Promoting an Exhibition 2.Services beflore an Exhibition 2.Making Exhibiting Arrangements 3.Moving in an Exhibition 3.Services at an Exhibition 4.Receiving Clients 任务 1.Introducing the Course and Exhibition Industry 2. Introducing an Exhibition 1.Inviting to an Exhibition 2.Enquiring about an Exhibition 3.Choosing an Exhibition 1.Booking a Stand 2.Arranging Shipping 3.Handling Insurance 4.Making Travel Arrangements 1.Building the Booth 2.Decorating the Booth 3.Training Booth Staff. 1.Receiving Customers at a Booth 2.Socializing with Clients 3.Going Sightseeing with Clients 1.Presenting Products 2.Talking with Visiting Clients about New Products 3.Learning to Present Effectively 1.Negotiating about Price 2.Negotiating about Payment 3.Negotiating about Shipment 4.Negotiating about Packing and Insurance 1.Drawing up a Contract 2.Amending a Contract 3.Signing a Contract 1.Learning Exhibition Follow-up Strategy 2.Planning After-show Marketing Activities 3.Following up Sales Orders&Prospects 5.Presenting Products 6.Negotiating Business 7.Signing a Contract 4.Services Exhibition after an 8.Following up Business

1.Measuring the Success of an Exhibition 9.Analyzing Exhibition Results 2.Reporting Exhibition Results 3.Writing Reports on Exhibition Results Step 2 Introducing the exhibition industry (about 15 mins) 1.Teacher’s introduction

Nowadays, many experts in the field think in a narrow sense, “会展” is understood as convention & exhibition industry. In a broad sense, it is understood as MICE industry. 2.Practice

Watch a video about exhibition, and tell what exhibition it is. 3.Discussion

(1) How many exhibitions do you know in Weifang? (2) How many world-famous exhibition hall do you know? 4.Teacher’s introduction

(1) Famous exhibitions in Weifang (2) World-famous exhibition halls Task 2 Introducing an exhibition

Step 1 Vocabulary (about 5 mins) Match the words with their definitions.

(1) exhibitor (2) exhibit (3) venue (4) stand (5) session a. A product or service displayed at an exhibition

b. A small enclosed area where information and products are shown at an exhibition c. A period of time used for a particular activity

d. A company who exhibits its products or services at an exhibition e. A place where an organized activity takes place

Step 2 Discussion (about 10 mins) 1.Have you ever participated/visited an exhibition? If yes, describe your experience. 2.What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition? (visitors, exhibitors and organizers)

3.What are the benefits of exhibiting in an exhibition? (Why do exhibitors take part in an exhibition?)

(1)Ask for results of their discussion and give comments (2)Show students the teacher’s list. Open to a large market

Reinforcing your market position

Strengthening relationship with your customers

Finding potential customers

Conducting inexpensive market research

4. What are the benefits of visiting an exhibition? (Why do visitors take part in an exhibition?) (1)Ask 2 students to come to the front to give a short presentation on their findings. (2)Give comments and show the teacher’s list

To see what’s new.

Evaluate products and suppliers

Step 3 Teacher’s introduction (about 5mins) 1. What functions has the Canton Fair performed?

The Canton Fair not only demonstrated the excellence of products made in China and the strength of China’s powerful productivity, but also functions as the vane of China’s economic development.

2. Why is the Canton Fair the first choice for international buyers?

It brings together the best enterprises and high-quality products from over China, making it the first choice for international buyers. 3.Who are the organizers of the Canton Fair?

The Canton Fair is co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of P.R. China and People’s Government of Guangdong Province.

4.Name some product categories of the Canton Fair.

In Canton Fair, you may find all kinds of products. The product categories include electronics, household electrical appliances, consumer goods, textiles, and garments, etc. 5.What is the total number of buyer attendance so far?

The total number of buyer attendance has reached 5 million so far.

Step 4 Listening practice (about 5 mins)

Listen to the promotional presentation for 108th session of the Canton Fair. Take notes and then share with your partner your answers to the following questions.

Step 5 Reading (about 15 mins) 1.Students read the passage by themselves, mark the new words and finish the following exercise:

Are the statements below true or false? (1) Canton Fair has three sessions annually.

(2) The trading delegations excluded scientific research institutions. (3) Canton Fair offers on-line service besides the traditional business way. (4) The focus of Canton Fair is on import trade. (5) Invisible trade is also carried out at Canton fair

2.Teacher’s explanation

Review and homework (about 5 mins) Homework:

1.Read the following statements and fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the word box. 2.Make an introduction of Canton Fair according to the following questions: When Canton Fair is held? Where Canton Fair is held?

Who are the organizers of Canton Fair? What functions has the Canton Fair performed? Name some product categories of the Canton Fair. Who will attend Canton Fair?

案 首

学科名称 单元名称 授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 会展英语 Unit 1 Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry Exhibition Center 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-311 教师 张倩 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 理论加实践课 1. 介绍会展中心的基本知识 (1) 中国知名会展中心介绍 (2) 世界知名会展中心介绍 2. 通过网络查找会展中心的相关信息,并且能够用英语进行介绍。 本节课主要讲授国内外知名的会展中心,旨在让学生了解中国会展业的迅猛发展势头,大中城市会展中心的修建、会展面积的扩大以及明确会展中心修建的目的、功能等。通过讲授和实践,学生对国内外知名会展中心能够有更加深入的认识,并且能够用英语进行介绍。 1. 知识目标: 了解国内重要的会展场所及其相关情况。 了解世界重要的会展场所及其相关情况。 了解中国会展中心的迅猛发展势头。 2. 能力目标: 能够用英语对国内外知名会展场所进行介绍。 能够掌握会展中心常用术语。 3. 素质目标: 提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 具备正确的工作态度。 1. 了解国内外知名的会展中心及其相关情况。 2. 让学生认识到会展中心除了面积和地理位置不同以外,还有不同的展览领域/对象,不同的会展形象。 3. 会展中心相关术语。 4. 会展中心介绍。 1 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集大量会展中心相关信息(如国内外知名会展中心名称、位置、规模、基本设施、影响力等)。 2 学生的准备:关注所在城市及其周边的会展中心。 3 相关会展网站资料。 4 富华国际会展中心资料。 5 多媒体设备。 6 展会视频、广交会音频资料、世界知名展馆图片、潍坊著名展会图片。 课堂讲授:教师介绍会展中心的现状、发展等基本知识。 实践教学:利用网络,查找知名会展中心,选取其中一个,用英语进行介绍。 多媒体教学 案例教学 讨论教学 1 热身练习: 学生介绍自己了解的会展中心。 2 引入任务: 小组成员通过网络查找二至三个国内外知名会展中心,用英语进行简要介绍。 3 制定计划: 全班同学进行分组,每组进行组内分工,按照教师要求,通过网络等途径进行查找,每组选取两名学生代表,对所搜集的会展中心进行介绍(可利用图片、PPT等多种形式)。 4 实施计划: 各组同学进行实训展示。

作业习题 参考资料 课后分析 5 任务反馈: 教师根据学生实训情况进行点评,并补充相关材料(香港会展中心介绍),讨论并归纳介绍会展中心的方法技巧。 6 课后任务: 学生利用周末时间,参观富华国际会展中心,了解其展馆分布、基本设施等情况,并做好记录。 利用网络资源,完成以下题目: Sum up the reasons why exhibition centers are needed and how many professional centers there are in your city. Describe their respective exhibition images. 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/


步骤 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 时间分配

组织教学 教师维持课堂纪律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 提出问题:同学们曾经参加过哪些展会,展厅有什么特点? 1 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2 学生根据要求,通过网络搜集关于国内外知名会展中心的信息,选取二至三个用英语进行介绍。 1 请每个小组派出一名代表做陈述发言 2 将全班同学分成若干小组,进行现场模拟(组展方介绍会展中心)。 3 根据学生的临场表现进行总结与评价 1. 归纳总结 2. 知识拓展 根据学生的表现进行评判,选出最佳小组。 利用周末时间,参观富华国际会展中心,熟悉其构成、设施,并做好记录。 引入任务 制定计划 提前进入教室,将上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 将所提出的问题板书在黑板上,并要求学生分组讨论 深入到每个小组中,指导学生并与学生一起探讨出现的问题,帮助他们解决问题 做好上课准备 提前5分钟 根据黑板上的问题进行小组讨论 10分钟 每位学生都要积极发言,阐述自己的观点,并将其加以归纳 20分钟 实施计划 认真记录学生们的观点,并进行现场点评。 没有发言的学生认真倾听,并可以随时给自己的队员补充观点。 15分钟 任务反馈 任务考核 课后任务 补充关于香港会展中心介绍的范文,引导学生归纳介绍会展中心的方法。 对每个小组、每个学生进行评价打分。 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习。 记录归纳如何介绍会展中心。 25分钟 小组互评、小组成员互评 自觉完成课文的预习任务。 15分钟 5分钟

Introduction to the Exhibition Centers

Warm-up activity (about 10mins) Lead in question:

What kind of exhibition have you ever attended? Try to describe its exhibition center in English.

Task 1 General introduction

Step 1 Dialogue (about 20mins) 1. Listen to the tape 2. Ask students

Who are the two speakers?

What views/topics are exchanged between the two speakers? (Benefits of taking part in an exhibition; Where do people get the up-to-date information about the market in US?)

3. Briefly introduce to students words and expressions that they don’t know. counterpart/decision-maker/targeted/buyers/imperative/at intervals/prediction/consultant (use ppt)

4. Role-play

Work in groups of three. Two students act as A and B and the other acts as an interpreter. Either A or B should speak Chinese.

? Ask students to practice among themselves (15 minutes)

? Pick up two groups to performance in front of the whole class. (20 minutes) ? Compare the performance of the two groups and point out mistakes in their

translation. (Or the teacher may ask for the audience’s opinion)

? Comment on students’ performance in their role-play and analyze some difficult

words and expressions

Task 2 Exhibition center introduction Requirements

Work in groups, search the internet about famous exhibition centers both ant home and abroad, choose 2—3 of them and introduce them briefly in English. Use pictures or PPT to make the introduction vividly.

Task 3. Introduction to Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Center

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre was opened in 1988. The extension in 1997, which over doubled the size, has today created one of the world's most impressive, efficient and functional meeting and exhibition venues.

The center was voted one of the ten best architectural structures in Hong Kong in 1999, in a competition jointly organized by the Radio Television Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the Hong Kong Economic Times

In the year between 1 July 2004 and 30 June 2005, a total of 1,493 events were held at the HKCEC. There were 1,146 events using major facilities such as exhibition halls, convention halls, theatres, and large meeting rooms. These events included 97 major exhibitions, of which 75 were recurrent whereas 17 were new; 54 international conferences or conventions; 140 entertainment events including 44 film shows and 52 concerts; 347 banquets; and 491 corporate events, press conferences, seminars, and others.

With its superb facilities and environment and friendly, professional staff, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ensures that each event will run smoothly. The centre's design ensures flexibility to meet every space requirement. Facilities include provisions for video-conferencing, teleconferencing, satellite links, simultaneous interpretation in up to eight languages, audio-visual equipment, all available through the centre's full-time event planning and co-ordination staff.

On the night Hong Kong's sovereignty returned to China, the Centre hosted the banquet for more than 4,000 diplomats and government officials plus many other celebratory receptions and parties. More than 22,500 formal meals were prepared and served in eight days.

The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre expertly hosts special events: concerts, film shows, live broadcast entertainment, award presentation ceremonies, and pet shows. The centre has welcomed top local stars Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau, and international celebrities. Gala film shows have included blockbusters like Mission: Impossible 2, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Anna & the King. We have also hosted the Miss World Beauty Contest.

Work for students:

Ask students what aspects will usually be covered if asked to introduce an exhibition center? Possible aspects include: ★History ★Location

★Facilities and services available ★Successful events held ★Awards and honors received

Key points:

Use the introduction as an example to show how we can introduce an exhibition and convention center.

Give students a basic knowledge of what facilities in addition to exhibition halls are usually available inside an exhibition and convention center.

Task 4. Assignment Field work:

Work in groups of up to six

Choose an important exhibition and convention center in China and do a research on that center.

Prepare for a presentation to introduce the center to the whole class. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)

E. Presentation done by students (introduction to an exhibition center in China)

Assignment Field work:

Work in groups of up to six. Choose an important exhibition and convention center in China and do a research on that center. Prepare for a presentation to introduce the center to the whole class. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)]


课程名称 会展英语 指导教师 张倩

单元名称 实训项目 授课班级 Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry 知名会展中心介绍 所属专业 授课地点 商务英语 2-311 2010商务英2012.3.1 2 授课日期 课时 语1.2班 1. 多媒体设备 2. 知名会展中心图片 实训准备 3. 潍坊富华国际会展中心图片 4. 多媒体课件 5. 网络连接 1. 使学生了解国内外知名会展中心的基本情况(地理位置、面积、设施等)。 实训目标 2. 能够用英语介绍会展中心。 3. 了解当时国内外会展业发展的迅猛势头。 1. 知名会展中心介绍。 实训内容 2. 小组任务。 1. 引入任务:用英语介绍知名会展中心。 2. 制定计划:全班分为两个大组,每个大组分若干小组,每组四人,两组同学分别查找国内知名会展中心和国外知名会展中心的信息,并做好记录、整理。 3. 实施计划:每组派出一名代表,根据搜集的信息,利实训步骤 用多媒体、图片、PPT等多种形式介绍会展中心。 4. 任务反馈:教师根据学生展示情况给予点评,同时补充会展中心的相关情况。组织同学们分析归纳:如何有效的介绍会展中心。 5. 任务考核:教师和其他各小组分别打分、评价。 1. 能够有效的进行信息搜集。 实训重点难点 2. 用英语介绍会展中心。 3. 团队分工、协作能力的培养 通过本次实训,学生对国内外知名的会展场所有了更加深入的了解,同时掌握介绍会展中心的方法,能够用英实训效果 语介绍,团队协作能力也得到了一定的提高,取得了较好的效果。 1. 部分同学介绍时,过于全面,重点不够突出。 2. 部分同学口语表达不够流畅。 发现问题 3. 部分同学团队合作意识不够强,在实训中表现不积极。 针对本次课中反映的问题,今后授课中,应该注意学生课后分析 的口语表达和团队合作意识的培养。 单元设计

案 首

单元 编号 教 学 内 容 Unit 2 1. 展会介绍 2. 展会邀请 3. 展会咨询 4. 展会选择 能力 目标 2. 能够用英语对展会进行介绍。 3. 能够口头或书面对潜在客户进行展会邀请。 知识 1. 了解握国内外知名会展基本情况。 目标 2. 明确展会咨询的主要途径。 素质 目标 2. 具备良好的工作态度。 3. 具备随机应变处理突发事件的能力。 1. 国内外知名展会介绍和推广。 2. 会展相关词汇、句型。 3. 展会邀请函的写作。 教学中可能存1. 学生以前对会展及相关知识了解很少,教学中,可适当补充基本的会展常识。 在的问2. 学生词汇量较小,会展中涉及大量的会展术语、词汇,授课时应进行补充。 题及解决办法 3. 课本内容有限,应该合理利用网络等多种资源。 1. 展会的介绍和推广 能 力 任 务 训 练 通过多种途径,了解展会推广的重要性和主要推广途径,能够有效的进行展会推广和介绍。。 2. 知名展会介绍 通过查找网络资源,了解国内外知名展会,并且能够用英语进行简单介绍。 3. 展会邀请。 通过学习,能够口头或书面对潜在客户进行展会邀请。 教学 方法 效果 评估 考核 项目 学科名称 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、案例教学、讨论教学 教师评价 50% 小组成员评价 25% 小组互评 25% 用英语介绍广交会。 展会邀请函的写作。 会展英语 1. 培养学生良好的团队合作意识。 1. 掌握会展基本的词汇、句型。 学习 Promoting an Exhibition 任务 学 时 4 教 学 目 标 重点 难点

单元名称 授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 Unit 2 Promoting an Exhibition 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-415 教师 张倩 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 理论加实践课 1. 介绍展会的基本知识 (1) 中国知名展会介绍 (2) 世界知名展会介绍 2. 通过网络查找知名展会的相关信息,并且能够用英语进行介绍、推广。 本节课主要讲授国内外知名的展会,旨在让学生了解中国会展业的迅猛发展势头,培养学生关注所在城市的各种形式的展会,能够对展会进行有效的推广、介绍。 1. 知识目标: 了解国内重要的展会及其相关情况。 了解世界重要的展会及其相关情况。 了解展会推广的途径。 2. 能力目标: 能够用英语对国内外知名展会进行介绍。 能够掌握展会常用术语。 3. 素质目标: 提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 具备正确的工作态度。 1. 了解国内外知名的展会及其相关情况。 2. 让学生认识到展会对促进经济发展的重大作用。 3. 展会相关术语。 4. 著名展会介绍。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集大量国内外著名展会的相关信息。 2. 学生的准备:关注所在城市及其周边各种形式的展会。 3. 相关会展网站资料、 4. 多媒体设备 5. 展会视频、广交会音频资料、世界知名展会图片、潍坊著名展会图片。 课堂讲授:教师介绍广交会等知名展会情况。 实践教学:利用网络,查找知名展会,选取其中一个,用英语进行介绍。 多媒体教学 案例教学 讨论教学 1. 热身练习: 学生介绍自己参与过的展会。 2. 引入任务: 小组成员通过网络查找二至三个国内外展会,用英语进行简要介绍。 3. 制定计划: 每组选取两名学生代表,对所搜集的展会进行介绍。 4. 实施计划: 学生实训展示。 5. 任务反馈: 教师根据学生实训情况进行点评,并补充相关材料(广交会和世博会),讨论归纳介绍展会的方法技巧。 6. 课后任务: 如果你是一个汽车销售商,选择三个适合参加的展会并进行简单介绍。 利用网络资源,完成以下题目: Do you know anything about the Hong Kong Book Exhibition? Tell your partner what you know about it.

参考资料 课后分析 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/


步骤 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪教师活动 提前进入教室,将学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配

组织教学 律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 提出问题: 如何介绍展会。请根据掌握的信息,对广交会和世博会进行介绍。 1. 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2. 学生根据要求,通过网络搜集关于广交会和世博会的信息,选取二至三个用英语进行介绍。 1. 请每个小组派出一名代表做陈述发言 2. 将全班同学分成若干小组,进行现场模拟 3. 根据学生的临场表现进行总结与评价 1. 归纳总结 2. 知识拓展 根据学生的表现进行评判,选出最佳小组。 利用课余时间,搜集一至两个感兴趣的展会,并用英语进行介绍。 引入任务 上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 将所提出的问题板书在黑板上,并要求学生分组讨论 提前5分钟 根据黑板上的问题进行小组讨论 10分钟 制定计划 深入到每个小组中,和学生一起探讨出现的问题,并帮助他们解决问题。 每位学生都要积极发 言,阐述自己的观点, 并将其加以归纳。 20分钟 实施计划 认真记录学生们的观点,并进行现场点评。 没有发言的学生认真倾听,并可以随时给自己的队员补充观点 15分钟 任务反馈 任务考核 课后任务 补充关于广交会和世博会介绍的范文,引导学生归纳介绍推广展会的的方法。 对每个小组、每个学生进行评价打分。 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习。 记录归纳如何介绍推广展会。 25分钟 小组互评、小组成员互评 自觉完成课文的预习任务。 15分钟 5分钟 Promoting an Exhibition

Warm-up activity (about 10 mins) Have you ever attended any exhibitions or trade fairs? Share your experiences with your


Task 1 A Demonstration of PPT related to Exhibitions (about 20 mins) Shanghai Expo , 2010 (brief) China Hi-tech Fair 2003 (detailed)

Purpose: Most students haven’t been to any exhibition, so the demonstration will give them a

very vivid idea about what is an exhibition.

Task 2 Preparation for a presentation about a well-known exhibition

Teacher asks the students to surf the Internet (www.tdctrade.com) to find out an exhibition that they are interested in.

Students are required to take down the following information about an exhibition in notes: ●Name of the exhibition ●Categories of exhibits ●Types of Entry ●Which trade is it in? ●Features & advantages ●History (past successes)

Task 3. Format to follow (about 15 mins)

Teacher asks the students to think about how they are going to present the information they’ve got from the Internet. (Group Discussion)

Students present their ideas of how they are going to organize their presentation

Teacher demonstrates to the students a sample of an exhibition introduction including the following items: ●Name of the exhibition ●Categories of exhibits ●Types of Entry ●Which trade is it in? ●Features & advantages ●History (past successes)

Task 4. Organize the information (about 25 mins) Following the sample given by the teacher, students are required to prepare a in-class presentation including the information they have searched through Internet. Students are required to prepare a PPT.

Introduction to Canton Fair

The China Import and Export Fair, also called The Canton Fair, has been held twice a year in Spring and Autumn since it was inaugurated in the Spring of 1957. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China and the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and organized by China Foreign Trade Centre. It is also called “Canton Fair” because it is regularly held in every April and October in Guangzhou (or Canton). It is China’s largest trade fair of the highest level and of the largest attendance and business turnover.

Fifty Trading Delegations, composed of thousands of China’s best foreign trade corporations (enterprises) with good credibility and sound financial capabilities, take part in the fair, including foreign trade companies, factories

scientific research institutions,

foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc.. At the Opening Ceremony of the Fair on Oct 15 2006, the Premier of the State Council of China, Mr. Wen Jiabao announced, on behalf of the Chinese government, that the 50-year-old Chinese Export Commodities Fair (Canton Fair for short) would change its name to China Import and Export Fair as from the 101st session. This decision and the newly added import function demonstrate the great changes in China’s foreign trade policy. The Chinese government will actively expand import and promote a balanced development of import and export.

The 101st session of The China Import and Export Fair was held simultaneously in Pazhou and Liuhua in Guangzhou from April 15 to April 30, 2007. The schedule was from April 15 to 20 for Phase I, from April 25 to 30 for Phase II, with an interval from April 21 to 24. However, what was the most different from the previous sessions was that the 101st Canton Fair set up an International Pavilion from 15—20 April, 2007 at the Pazhou Complex, with gross exhibition space of 10,400 sqm.

The setting up of the International Pavilion was welcomed by overseas enterprises. 314 enterprises from 36 countries and regions participated in the International Pavilion.

The Canton Fair attaches great importance to the quality of enterprises, products and

Intellectual Property Rights protection.。Only the most outstanding enterprises and products can be exhibited at the fair. It sets up a Reception Center for Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Trade Disputes, which is responsible for handling trade disputes concerning exhibitors and buyers and complaints of IPR infringements(侵权), with a view to establishing a fair and just business environment

Canton Fair was a great innovation through which The New China explored ways to expand foreign trade and open up more to the outside world. Canton Fair has served as the bridge between Chinese enterprises and the global market .

Task 5. Give the presentation and evaluate (about 20 mins) Students demonstrate their PPT and make the presentation to the whole class introducing one exhibition.

Tasks after class: (about 5 mins) Do you know any thing about the Hong Kong Book Exhibition? Surf the Internet (www.tdctrade.com) to find useful information about it and try to introduce it briefly.

案 首

学科名称 单元名称 会展英语 Unit 2 Inviting to an Exhibition 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-415 教师 张倩

授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 参考资料 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 理论加实践课 1. 展会邀请 (1)课本课文 (2)听力 2. 展会邀请函的写作。 本节课主要讲授对展会潜在客户的邀请,授课过程中,以基础知识讲授、角色扮演、模拟场景写作等方法,使学生能够成功邀请潜在客户参展。 1. 知识目标: 掌握课文中出现的单词、句式。 了解展会邀请函及其回复函的写作方法和技巧。 了解展会邀请函的格式、常用句式。 2. 能力目标: 能够正确书写展会邀请函,邀请参展商参展。 能够正确回复展会邀请函。 能够掌握展会邀请函常用术语、句式。 3. 素质目标: 提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 具备正确的工作态度。 1. 展会邀请函的写作。 2. 展会邀请函的回复。 3. 展会邀请函的写作技巧。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集展会邀请函及其回复函的样本。 2. 学生的准备:做好课前预习。 3. 相关会展网站资料、 4. 多媒体设备 5. 展会视频、广交会音频资料、世界知名展会图片、潍坊著名展会图片。 课堂讲授:教师介绍展会邀请函的格式、内容、写作技巧等基础知识。 角色扮演:学生分别扮演参展商和展会组展方工作人员,对参展商进行邀请。 多媒体教学 案例教学 讨论教学 1. 引入任务: 两人一组,分别扮演参展商和组展方工作人员,模拟口头展会邀请和书写展会邀请函。 2. 制定计划: 小组分工,按照教师邀请进行准备。 3. 实施计划: 学生实训展示。 4. 任务反馈: 教师根据学生实训情况进行点评,并补充相关材料(展会邀请函样本、写作技巧、重点句型等),讨论归纳介绍展会的方法技巧。 5. 课后任务: 搜集展会邀请函样本,并尝试根据内容进行回复(接受邀请/谢绝邀请)。 You are Mr. Solis. Your company is interested in visiting the IBC 2011 Exhibition. Write a letter of acceptance of 60-80 words to Jenny Green, the Sales Manager of Core Electronics Co., Ltd to ask for further information about the event. 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社)

课后分析 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/


步骤 组织教学 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪教师活动 提前进入教室,将学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配

律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 引入任务 两人一组,分别扮演参展商和组展方工作人员,模拟口头展会邀请和书写展会邀请函。 1. 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2. 学生根据要求,书写展会邀请函及其回复函。 1. 将全班同学分成若干小组,进行现场模拟 2. 根据学生的临场表现进行总结与评价 1. 归纳总结 2. 知识拓展 根据学生的表现进行评判,选出最佳小组。 利用课余时间,搜集展会邀请函样本,并尝试根据内容进行回复(接受邀请/谢绝邀请)。 上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 将具体要求板书在黑板上,并要求学生分组讨论 提前5分钟 根据要求进行小组讨论、准备任务。 10分钟 制定计划 深入到每个小组中,和学生一起探讨出现的问题,并帮助他们解决问题。 每位学生都要积极发 言,阐述自己的观点,20分钟 并将其加以归纳。 实施计划 认真记录学生们的观点,并进行现场点评。 没有发言的学生认真倾听,并可以随时给自己的队员补充观点 15分钟 任务反馈 任务考核 课后任务 补充展会招展函及其回复函样本、写作技巧、注意事项等。 对每个小组、每个学生进行评价打分。 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习。 记录归纳如何正确书写展会邀请函。 25分钟 小组互评、小组成员互评 自觉完成课文的预习任务。 15分钟 5分钟

Inviting to an Exhibition

Task 1 Inviting to an Exhibition

Step 1 Reading and Discussion (about 15mins) 1.Read the following passage about inviting guests to an exhibition and then discuss the questions with your partner.

(1) Before the exhibition, why is it important for an exhibitor to write invitations to their prospects and customers?

It important for an exhibitor to write invitations to their prospects and customers before the event because the invitation can give them advance warning that you will be launching some new products and also give them a reason to visit and buy. (2) What benefits can pre-exhibition invitations bring to the exhibitor?

Invitations to the exhibition can help to increase exhibition attendance, create more business and also act as a memory jolt for exhibitors to have an excuse to contact their customers and renew contacts.

Step 2 Listening (about 10mins) 1.Listen to a radio advertisement for IBC 2010 Exhibition. Fill in the fact-file of the event. Script

1.IBC 2011 Exhibition is recruiting exhibitors now! You are warmly invited to be part of the super event!

2.Each year, over 1,300 companies from around the world exhibit at IBC, exhibiting in around 100,000 square meters spread around thirteen halls at the RAI. They choose IBC because of its 48,000 attendees from 140 countries around the world, its track record of innovation with developing and driving new exhibitor opportunities such the Connected World, the 1,000 journalists that visit the show every year, its carefully tailored networking opportunities, and its location in Amsterdam, at the heart of the European market. 3.Why should you exhibit at IBC2011?

For companies looking to raise their profile, move into new market sectors, develop distribution channels, generate sales leads or simply network with the best of the industry, IBC is the one place to do it. 4.Why should you visit IBC2011?

For visitors to the show, the exhibition is the perfect place to browse, purchase and discuss the latest technologies that could have a powerful impact on their business. 5.IBC 2011, the event you can’t miss for your business! 2.Teacher check the answer

Step 3 Reading (about 20mins) 1.Read a letter inviting a potential exhibitor to attend an exhibition. Are the statements below true or false?

(1) IBC specializes in electronic media industry.

(2) IBC is renowned for its ability to organize exhibitions as well as conferences. (3) IBC is open for the public and professional people as well. (4) IBC offers training with low charges.

(5)The latest information is available from the official website. Answer:1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 2. Teacher explains the letter

Step 4 Role-play Writing (about 20mins) 1. Write letters according to the requirements ? Student A

? You are Jenny Green, the Sales Manager of Core Electronics Co., Ltd. You are organizing your exhibition at IBC2011 to showcase your latest technology in electronic media.

? Write a formal invitation of 120-140 words to your prospective client, Mr. Solis from Star Technology Company to visit your stand. ? Include the following points:

? inviting Mr. Solis to the event

? giving information about the time and venue of the event ? introducing your company, your product and your market. ? stating the benefits from the visit for Mr. Solis and his company ? expressing your wishes to establish business relations

Dear Mr. Solis,

We have the pleasure in informing you that our company is putting up a booth at the IBC2011 Exhibition to display our latest technology in electronics and answer any queries regarding our products. We are delighted to invite you to visit our booth. The IBC2011 Exhibition is running at RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam from 8-13 September 2011.

Core Electronics Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing and exporting wireless speakers. Our main markets are in South America and Western Europe.

At the exhibition, we are introducing you a kind of new technology named Freedom Driver, which is patent innovation speaker for PC and Ipod. We are sure that this new technology will be of your great interest. As the only manufacturer in China holding this technology, we wish to set up business relationship with you directly.

A special gift has been reserved for you. Your esteemed presence would be an honour. We are looking

forward to seeing you at the exhibition.

Yours sincerely

Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the ieee computer society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 international conference on parallel data processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, October 25 to October 28, 2004.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. we have accepted many papers several foreign ries, including two China.

If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours, Peter white 请信的回复

无论是收到哪种邀请信都要复信,明确表示接受与否。而且无论接受与否都要对邀请者表示感谢。接受邀请的回信一般包含以下内容:首先感谢对方的邀请,并重述邀请信中的主要内容;然后愉快地表示接受邀请,并简要说明自己的打算;最后表示期待赴会和与对方见面的心情。下面是一封接受邀请的信,与上面第一封邀请信相对应: Dear Alice,

Thank you very much for your invitation. It will be great pleasure for me to join you on friday for the wonderful film. I will arrive at the cinema before eight. I look forward to meeting you on friday. Thank you for thinking of me.

yours, Jane

谢绝邀请的回信一般包含以下几方面的内容:首先还是要对对方的邀请表示感谢;然后具体说明自己无法接受邀请的原因,并对无法出席表示遗憾;最后表达自己的祝愿,即祝愿自己未能参加的会议或者活动能够顺利进行。下面是一封谢绝邀请的信,与上面的第二封邀请信相对应: Dear professor white,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th august, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 international conference on parallel data processing to be held in bellaire, michigan, october 25 to 28, 2004.

Much to my regret, i shall not be able to honor the invitation because i have been suffering a disease since this summer. i am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of computer science. i wish the conference a complete success.

faithfully yours,

Step 5 Conclusions (about 10mins) 1. Discuss:

How to write an invitation letter

? State the occasion, activity or event and the name of the host/hostess (organizer). ? Make clear who is invited.

? Specify the date, time, address and any other necessary information. ? Express your hope that your invitation will be accepted. ? Express that you are looking forward to seeing the person.

2. Teacher and students conclude the useful expressions for formal written invitations. ? Inviting

? We should be delighted if you could attend... ? We should be very pleased if you could... ? You are cordially invited to...

? ...has/have the pleasure in inviting...to... ? Asking for replying

? Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. ? Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come. ? Thanking

? Thank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation to... ? I was delighted to receive your invitation to... ? Accepting

? We would be very pleased to... ? We should be delighted to... ? Declining

? Unfortunately, due to... we are unable to...

Supplementary material Basic Information

To invite attendees to present at a meeting is very important; in some degree, it decideds the success of the meeting.


印刷品,包括邀请函(Letter of Invitation)、组织文件(documentation)、会议通知(Meeting Notice)等;也有的使用电子邮件或网站公告等形式。 会议邀请函常见内容:

会议名称和主题(Name & Theme); 会议的日期和地点(Date, Time & Location);

会议的相关组织信息(Related Organization), 如:主办单位(Organizer)、承办单位(Host)、协办单位(Co-Organizer)、赞助单位(Sponsor)、支持单位(Supporter)等。 主要议程及其他活动安排(Agenda & Other Activities); 费用及支付方式(Fee & Terms of Payment); 会议回执(Return Receipt of Meeting Participation)。

Review and Homework (about 5mins) Write a letter according to the following requirements:

? You are Mr. Solis. Your company is interested in visiting the IBC 2011 Exhibition.

? Write a letter of acceptance of 60-80 words to Jenny Green, the Sales Manager of Core Electronics

Co., Ltd to ask for further information about the event. ? Include the following points:

? ? ? ? ?

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit your stand at the IBC2011 Exhibition. We are delighted to attend the event to know more about your new technology and products.

As this will be the first time that we have visited IBC Exhibition, we would be grateful if you could give further information about the event. Moreover, would you please tell us the travel arrangements and send us the application form?

We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.

Yours sincerely Carlos Solis Purchasing Manager

thanking Ms. Green for her invitation expressing interest in visiting the event asking for further details about the fair asking for the travel arrangements asking for the application form

Dear Ms. Green,

案 首

学科名称 单元名称 授课班级 会展英语 Unit 2 Enquiring about an Exhibition 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-415 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 教师 张倩

授课日期 课 型 授课内容 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 参考资料 课后分析 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 理论加实践课 1. 展会咨询 (1)课本课文 (2)听力 2. 展会咨询的主要方式、途径。 3. 展会咨询的常见问题。 本节课主要讲授展前咨询,参展商在参展前,往往需要向主办方进行相关咨询,本次课主要根据相关对话,要求学生进行角色扮演,以达到教学目的。 1. 知识目标: 掌握课文中出现的单词、句式。 了解展会咨询的常见途径。 了解展会咨询的常见问题。 2. 能力目标: 能够明确展会咨询的常见途径。 能够对客户提出的咨询问题进行相应的回复。。 3. 素质目标: 提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 具备正确的工作态度。 培养学生 1. 展会咨询的主要途径。 2. 重要词汇、句式。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集展会咨询的常见问题。 2. 学生的准备:做好课前预习。 3. 相关会展网站资料、 4. 多媒体设备 5. 听力材料。 课堂讲授 角色扮演 多媒体教学 案例教学 讨论教学 1. 引入任务: 两人一组,分别扮演参展商和组展方咨询人员,模拟口头展会咨询过程。 2. 制定计划: 小组分工,按照教师要求进行准备。 3. 实施计划: 学生实训展示。 4. 任务反馈: 教师根据学生实训情况进行点评,并补充相关材料(展会咨询主要方式、咨询问题、回答技巧、重点句型等),讨论归纳介绍展会的方法技巧。 Read the passage prepared by teacher. 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/


步骤 组织教学 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪律,调整好学生教师活动 提前进入教室,将上课所用资料准备学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配 提前5分钟

学科名称 单元名称 授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 会展英语 Unit 3 Making exhibiting arrangements 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-415 教师 张倩 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 理论加实践课 1. 展位预定的流程 2. 展位预定表的填写和设计。 3. 展位位置的选择。 4. 展位的种类。 通过本节课的学习,学生对展位的种类有了一定的了解,根据展位种类及参展的具体要求,能够对展位位置进行合理的选择,同时掌握展位预定表的设计和填写方法和技巧。 1. 知识目标: (1)了解国内外展位预定的主要流程。 (2)了解展会展位的主要类型。 2. 能力目标: (1)能够完成展位预定表的设计和填写 (2)能够合理选择展位。 (3)能够掌握展会常用术语。 4. 素质目标: (1)提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 (2)具备正确的工作态度。 1. 了解展位的主要种类。 2. 展位的选择。 3. 展位预定的流程。 4. 展位预定表的填写。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集展位预定表样本。 2. 学生的准备:通过网络等资源,了解展位的主要种类。 3. 相关会展网站资料。 4. 多媒体设备 6. 展会、展台图片。 课堂讲授:教师介绍广交会等知名展会情况。 实践教学:利用网络,查找展位预定的流程、注意事项。 多媒体教学 案例教学 讨论教学 1. 热身练习: 展会相关术语的翻译。 2. 引入任务: 小组成员通过网络查找展会预定的方法、展位预定表样本。 3. 制定计划: 每组选取两名学生代表,介绍展位预定的流程。 4. 实施计划: 学生实训展示。 5. 任务反馈: 教师根据学生实训情况进行点评,并补充相关材料(展位预定流程、展位预定表等)。 6. 课后任务: 设计香港图书展的展位预定表。 设计香港图书展的展位预定表。

参考资料 课后分析 句子翻译练习。 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/


步骤 组织教学 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 提出问题: 如何进行展位预定。展位预定表的主要内容有哪些、如何填写。 1. 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2. 学生根据要求,通过网络搜集展位预定表,明确其主要内容和填写方法。 1. 请每个小组派出一名代表做陈述发言 2. 将全班同学分成若干小组,进行现场模拟(电话预定展位)。 3. 根据学生的临场表现进行总结与评价 1. 归纳总结 2. 知识拓展 根据学生的表现进行评判,选出最佳小组。 利用课余时间,设计香港图书展的展位预定表。 教师活动 提前进入教室,将上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 将所提出的问题板书在黑板上,并要求学生分组讨论 深入到每个小组中,和学生一起探讨出现的问题,并帮助他们解决问题。 学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配 提前5分钟 引入任务 根据黑板上的问题进行小组讨论 10分钟 制定计划 每位学生都要积极发 言,阐述自己的观点, 并将其加以归纳。 20分钟 实施计划 认真记录学生们的观点,并进行现场点评。 没有发言的学生认真倾听,并可以随时给自己的队员补充观点 15分钟 任务反馈 任务考核 课后任务 补充关于展位预定流程的相关知识,讲解展位预定表的填写。 对每个小组、每个学生进行评价打分。 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习。 记录归纳如何填写展位预定表。 25分钟 小组互评、小组成员互评 自觉完成课文的预习任务。 15分钟 5分钟

Booth Sales and Application

Expected Outcomes

1. Ability to apply a range of theories and concepts to diverse areas of study 2. Improved verbal & written skills

3. To gain ideas about booth sales and application 4. Increased understanding of how to choose a booth II Contents

1. Filling in an application form

2. Design and complete an application form 3. Booth enquiry

4. Types of booths and booth design 5. Choosing a booth

6. Principles in setting up booths

III Materials and/or equipment needed

1. Reference materials prepared by the teacher 2. Overhead projector 3. Computer

Task 1 Reading and Discussion (about 20 mins)

Ways of finding out a show

Discussion among students:

Question: Through what ways can a business find out suitable trade shows to attend? (Channels of advertising an exhibition covered before can serve as a reminder here)

Show students of the ways of finding out a show with key points in the PPT and ask students to organize the key points into a short oral introduction of about 3 minutes.

Suggested version of the oral introduction:

There are a lot of ways for a business to find out about trade shows. The business can contact the association it belongs to. It would know about upcoming trade shows. The business can contact the local large meeting facilities to find out what sort of trade shows are coming and when. A business can get a hold of known trade show organizers and ask to be put on a fax or mail list. It’s also wise to subscribe to and read industry and trade magazines and newsletters. They will always list all the events going on in the field.

Task 2. A brief introduction to a booth (about 25 mins) Factors to be considered when booking a booth

(This part can also be done in detail under the theme “ designing a booth” in later parts of the course)

Task 3 Application Form- Filling out and designing (about 25 mins) Step 1 Show Students samples of application forms

Application form with booth design Application (overseas) Booth Reservation Form 2007

Step 2 Activity-----filling in an application form

Students are required to fill out the application, supposing the company they work for intends to book a booth at a show.

Ask students what problem do they have with filling out the application form? Explain to students:

*What is a shell booth? *What is raw space? *What is corner charge?

*A deposit/application fee is usually required with the application. *penisular and island booth by using “exhibitor’s manual” pdf file

Step 3. Introduce to students the elements usually included in an exhibition form. Company Information Product Category Options of Participation

Participation Fee and Payment Method Company Stamp and Signature

Step 4 Introduce to students what the following terms mean standard booth 标准摊位 premium booth 特级展台 raw space 展览空地 shell booth 标准展台

Step 5 Link to the following website and demonstrate to students what is a premium booth (in distinction to a standard booth) Show students a sample of format of participation: Standard Booth

