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新托福市面上没有真题,备考最佳材料就是旧托福的真题!然而——普通的PBT 真题历年在 考场上偷录的声音质量存在严重的问题,影响我们学习使用! 特点:

小马过河*p04X9小马过河新托福专业备考社区3dw@UC96{0d5~1m本材料取材于旧托福CBT 机考的真题,声音质量很清晰 按照场景分类去学习,同话题横听段子,事半功倍


(1) 历年旧托福mp3 及脚本 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/forum-24-1.html (2) 什么是听写 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-10089-1-1.html (3) 怎样听写 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-105-1-1.html

(4) 语音识别问题起因 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-10833-1-1.html (5) 因听写而进步 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-9539-1-1.html (6) 对听写者说的话 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-2225-1-1.html (7) 听力问题解答 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-103-1-1.html (8) 新托福听力汇总 http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-8779-1-1.html

最全最新全国IBT 考场实况分析电子书:

http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/thread-8948-1-1.html 2005--2007

历年机经汇总校对版 :






新托福考试不像原来旧托福可以偷回每次的考题,能供大家学习的ETS出的听力试题,一共 有17 篇, 分别是官方指南上11 篇文章+practiceonline 里面的6 篇文章

(http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/thread-2691-1-1.html 模拟练习三即是)。这17 篇文章需 要大家在了解过听力的出题思路后,再去使用,而且应该是仔细的揣摩每道题的考点。另外 如果有的同学喜欢背段子的话,那这17 篇文章最适合去背诵了。





考国内的PBT试题,从95 年8 月——2004 年10 月,供42 套题,是适合大众使用的材料。 需要使用者放弃掉每套题中的小对话部分,只取Part B 和Part C使用即可。我更推荐大家把 时间集中在每次旧托福的Part C 的演讲。在www.xiaoma.com 的这个地址里

http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/forum-24-1.html 我从95 年一直按照每套的形式一直放到 2006 年。音频和听力的脚本都在里面。

北美的PBT的试题,被ETS授权给泰德时代于2003 年出版了31 套真题。因为是经过授权出 版的,所以声音质量与考场一致,这个材料虽然没有我们能得到的国内的PBT试题多,但是 声音质量远远好于国内的PBT(因为是大家在考场上偷录的)。以我接触学生的经验来看, 备考听力者比较痛苦的莫过于对场景陌生和对专业场景里的词汇头疼,所以这个声音质量完 美的材料,我把它划分成了场景:campus类、历史类、生物类、地球科学类、天文学类、 人体生理心里累、人类学类、语言学类、和商业类,供大家同一场景连续突破。在这个地址 可以下载http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/forum-23-1.html

具体介绍在这个地址:http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/thread-8781-1-1.html 北美的CBT 的听力试题, 也被我按照场景的模式划分, 在这个地址

http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/thread-2167-1-1.html 其他市面上大家可以购买的书籍是:longman 朗文的绿色的综合教程、delta的蓝色备考策略 (新东方统一强化班是配发)、barron的紫色模考教程。这个地址可以下载模考光盘

http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/thread-2559-1-1.html 这三类教材都是国外不同的出版机构 按照ETS的出题思路出的模拟题,并不是真题。但是,这三个出版机构的语料库是让人羡慕 的,所以备考者使用此三本教材做题是小,熟悉长文章套路和话题及词汇是大。切记不能只 是拿来做题使用!推荐听写。这三个教材的难度顺序是:朗文<三角洲<巴郎。学习者手里 有任何一本外加使用旧托福的听力真题配合听写提高听力实力即可。切莫贪婪都做,做就要 做的彻底!


(1)第三页到第七十六页的听力讲义部分是从朗文的模考光盘里扣出来的。 (2)场景分类训练的上是CBT的材料、场景分类训练的下是北美的PBT材料

(3)听觉导向训练里的36 篇文章是取材于PBT的试题,所以声音质量有点小问题 (4)Mini训练是朗文模考光盘的8 套mini试题

(5)模拟训练1 和模拟训练2 是朗文模考光盘的模拟题 (6)模拟训练3 是practice online上的真题


我的材料,我都已经制作成PDF格式供大家使用,同时提醒大家,不需要再次购买朗文的材 料。使用我的材料加上delta三角洲备考策略的4 套模考题足矣! 如果备考过程里需要泛听一些材料的话,我推荐discovery探索频道的世界百大发现系列的地 球科学单元和天文学单元,在这个地址:http://www.xiaomaguohe.net/bbs/forum-57-1.html Horse

小马过河*p#Nz+5@vA:campus topic类(适用于新托福的长对话部分)




小马过河y3W&oo%RY$&v1T6U3M5 EP&c3D3L5 BD:地球科学类E:天文学类

wwwxaomcomk6SkV_7小马过河新托福专业备考社区z&*sUA3 s%dQTOEFLBT,托福新托福机经小马过河留学美国海外YH#S+@97 @0Z#_5u)F:人体生理心理类




(2)听写:请参考:这里(http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-10089-1-1.html) 和这里(http://www.xiaoma.com/bbs/thread-105-1-1.html) (3) 跟读中弥补听写的缺陷

wwwxaomacm6 oC2 L2m4 W4 C#yM#q(4) 总结整理场景词汇并时常温习

n5 ^你会得到:

TOEFLBT托福新托福机经小马过河留学美国海外6 h9 Rμ o4d8 8(1) 听写真题,更快的提高托福听力的实力

小马过河新托福专业备考社区26Oh48wp4#g(2) 跟读真题,更准备的把握学术文章特征 (3) 总结词汇,应对以后专业词汇得心应手


如大家在使用过程里还有文字错误,请与我联系woshimajun@hotmail.com Horse


campus topic 17 人体生理心理学 2 人类学 5 历史 17 地球科学 5 天文学 3 生物 15

Campus topic


Listen to a conversation between two students 1. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.How to decorate a room B.Ways to reduce noise C.Moving to a new dorm D.Noise from traffic

2. Why can the man barely hear traffic while in his dorm room?



A.Windows with double glass were put in. B.The man put curtains on his windows. C.A window was replaced with a wall. D.There is less traffic than in the past. 3. What bothers the man about his room? A.It is near a busy street. B.There is a hole in one wall. C.He can hear his neighbor's music. D.Paint is peeling from the walls.

4. How do the speakers describe the walls at the new dorms? A.They are made of concrete.

B.They consist of two sheets of plasterboard. C.They are attached to a single frame. D.They are decorated nicely.

5. What will the man probably do to improve his room? A.Replace the window B.Buy a new stereo C.Put up new plasterboard D.Put up some wall angings

请听完后先做题 文字答案及解释 在下面

W: So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?

M: There aren?t much different than the old dorms, just some new pane and windows. The

windows are nice so they shut off the noise really well. The street?s just outside, but I can barely hear the traffic.

W: Um, they must be good windows, I bet they must have double panes and glass; they shut off a lot of noise that the single pane wouldn?t stop.

M: Yeah, I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor?s room. Sometimes he turns up the music so loud that I have trouble getting into sleep. Anyway I guess I?m better off than the people who?ll be moving into the new dorms. Did you see how thin the walls are that they putting up between those rooms?

W: I haven?t seen them but I did read something about them in the campus newspaper. They are supposed to be better than the thick concrete wall you?ve got here. M: Better? How?

W: Well, what they doing is separating each room with 2 thin layer of plasterboards and each one is nailed to a different frame. That way they vibrate independently.

M: Oh, I see, so the sound from one room doesn?t just vibrate the wall and go directly into next room. There is a gap between 2 layers of wall. W: That?s right.

M: Well, I?m still stuck with this neighbor and I am not sure what to do.

W: You know heavy bear wall doesn?t help. You should hang something up like some fur rags or



some decorated cross. That would act like a kind of a second wall and absorb some sound. I got some extras you can use, if you like.

M: I?d appreciate it; anything to get a good night sleep. Correct answers: B A C B D 第二篇(书店买书)

1. Why did the woman change jobs? A.To earn a better salary B.To work on campus C.To work during the day D.To meet new people

2. Why was the man unable to find the book he was looking for? A.It was placed on the wrong shelf. B.It was sold out.

C.He misread his syllabus.

D.The course card was labeled correctly.

3. What will the woman probably do next?

A.Point to the aisle where the English books are located B.Show the man where the computer paper is located C.Help the man find an economics book

D.Ask someone in the computer department to help the man ★Listen to part of the discussion in a bookstore

W: Can I help you find something? Oh, hi, Rick!

M: Oh, hi, Julie. When did you start working here? I thought you were waiting tables in Teresa?s café.

W: Yeah, I quitted, because I had to work too many nights. I started here just a few days ago. It?s perfect! I work all afternoon shift. So my mornings are free for classes, and I can study at night. So what are you looking for?

M: Well, I can?t seem to find the 8th book for English 626. I only found these seven. I?m probably looking right at it

W: Um…English 626…English 626… Are you sure they are 8?

M: Yeah, they are 8 titles on my shortlist. And look, the card on the shelf had eight listed. But I can only find seven of the books.

W: You are right. Oh, here they are. They are on the wrong shelves over here by economics books.

I?ll have to put these into the English books so they are not so hard to find. M: Thanks a lot. Can you point me the direction of the computer paper?

W: Sure, it?s… 2 or 3 aisles over. Why don?t you follow me? It?s easier just to show you. Correct answers: C A B 第三篇(选课)

1. What is the main role of Janet's academic adviser? A.He helps her study for exams.

B.He provides recommendations to graduate schools.



C.He assists her in planning her schedule. D.He teaches the economics course.

2. Why isn't Janet taking an economics course this semester? A.She has just taken one.

B.She has not taken the prerequisite. C.It is too difficult.

D.It is not offered this semester.

3. Why does Janet want to take modern American poetry? A.It is a prerequisite for another course.

B.She has heard good things about the professor. C.Her adviser teaches the course. D.She likes to read poetry.

4. Under what circumstance does the adviser recommend that Janet take calculus? A.If she has taken the prerequisite B.If it fits into her schedule

C.If her grade point average is high enough D.If she takes only three other courses

★Listen to part of a conversion between a student and her academic adviser

M: Janet! Nice to see you again. Ready to plan you schedule for next semester?

W: Yeah, I?ve already looked at the list of classes. And I hope to take business law and intro to finance this coming semester.

M: That sounds good. And it is always best plans the courses in your major first and then fit out the requirements on the electives then.

W: I like to take one other business course, but I am sure which one? M: How are about an economics course?

W: I took one class this past semester and got a lot out of it.

M: Oh, that?s right I remember you telling me about it. Well, let?s see what else you need? W: I need another English course and was thinking about taking a poetry class. M: Let me see, the prerequisite for all the poetry classes is the English composition. W: I took that my first semester.

M: Well, modern American poetry fits in your schedule W: With Doctor Turner?

M: Um-huh…

W: That?ll be great! I heard all about her from my roommate, the English major.

M: This should up to be a pretty good semester for you, what else do you need to take?

W: I have to take one more math course but I have been putting it at all. I heard that calculus is really tough.

M: It is! But you may want to take it and just take these four courses this semester. W: That?s not a bad idea! I just hope it doesn?t affect my grade point average! Correct answers: C A B D 第四篇(学生抗议食堂)

1. Why is the woman talking to the man?



A.She is conducting a survey.

B.She is campaigning for student council representative. C.She is writing a paper about nutrition.

D.She is asking advice about a meal contract.

2. How does the man know about the cafeteria food? A.He works in the kitchen. B.He eats there regularly.

C.He is studying nutrition.

D.He is in charge of meal contracts.

3. What food does the man think could be improved? A.Bread B.Soup C.Vegetables D.Dessert

4. How does the man feel about the cafeteria food? A.He strongly dislikes it. B.He thinks it is too expensive. C.He thinks it is adequate. D.He wants more variety.

5. What change does the man recommend? A.The price of dinner should be lowered. B.The dining hall should open at 6:30.

C.More meal plan options should be available.

D.The dining hall should stay open later.

★Listen to a conversion between two students outside a university dining hall W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: No I guess not.

M: Great! This is for a student council report; we want to find out what students think the campus food service the results would tell us what kind of changes to push for. M: I think everyone has pretty strong opinions about that.

W: Yeah, that?s one thing I found out already. Ok, first how often do you eat in the cafeteria? M: Almost everyday, I?ve got a meal contract.

W: And do you usually eat here at Anderson hall. M: Yeah, I live next door.

W: And you mention that you have a meal contract, is that right? M: Uh-huh! For breakfast and dinner, Monday to Saturday.

W: What?s your general impression of the food here?

M: Well, people complain a lot, but basically I think it?s ok. The vegetables are usually overcooked, but I mean they had to feed hundreds of people here. You are not going to get something freshly prepared just for you.

W: What if I just put down generally satisfactory, would like more fresh vegetables, ok? M: Sure.



W: So you think the other things like soup and dessert?s okay? M: Yeah, that?s about right.

W: Is there anything you like to change about the cafeteria?

M: Yes, the hours. Sometimes it?s a real rush for me to get back here before 6:30. Correct answers: A B C C D 第五篇(学习问题)

1. Why does the woman ask for help?

A.She doesn't have enough time to work on a paper. B.She is unable to find a book.

C.She needs to have a book renewed. D.A computer she needs to use is broken. 2. What does the man offer to do for the woman? A.Order the book from a different library B.Look up the name of the author of a book

C.Check another section of the library for a book D.Show her how to use the computer 3. What will the woman probably do next? A.Ask her professor for help with the paper B.Borrow the book from a friend C.Look for the book in a bookstore D.Pay a fee for a library service

********************************************************* 4. Why is the man talking to the woman? A.He has lost his astronomy notes.

B.He wants to change his class schedule. C.He needs advice about which classes to take. D.He wants to make a complaint about a class. 5. What is the man's problem?

A.He registered for too many classes. B.The astronomy class is full. C.He missed a deadline. D.He lost his class schedule. 6. What will the man probably do next? A.Write an astronomy paper B.Decide which course to add C.Sign the form

D.Look for the astronomy professor

********************************************************** 7. What can be inferred about the woman? A.She wants to read Tina's research paper. B.She lives off campus.

C.She wants the information from yesterday's class.



D.She'll miss class today.

8. What does the man say about his notes? A.They're hard to read. B.He lost them.

C.He lent them to Tina. D.They're incomplete.

9. When will the woman probably talk with Tina? A.During class

B.After going to the doctor C.After copying the notes D.At lunchtime ★

W: Excuse me! I need to a copy of Steven Hakim?s Brief History of Time. And I don?t know where to look for it?

M: Did you check the status on the library?s computer? W: I tried but I couldn?t figure out what to do.

M: Well I can call it up right here. You wanted Hakim?s book right? It looks like it will be out for another 6 weeks.

W: Oh no, I really need it for paper that due in 2 weeks. Is there anything you can do?

M: Sure, we can try to get it from another library, just fill out this form and it should be here in 3 or 5 days. But it will cost 2 dollars.

W: What a relief! That?s a really help!

********************************************************** ★

M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course? W: Yes, it is. Just write the name of the course you want to drop on this little form. M: Great! Now where do I write the Astronomy course that I want to add?

W: Sorry it?s too late to add a course. You could only add courses two weeks since this semester. And Friday was the last day.

M: But I?m senior. And if I dropped the class without adding in, I wouldn?t have enough credits to graduate.

W: So, what you have to do then is to get the professor?s approval and have him sign the special add form. Then bring it back to me, and I put it through. M: Okay. Thanks. I hope I?ll be able to find them.

********************************************************** ★

M: Hi, Lanyard, we missed you in psychology class yesterday. W: I have a terrible cough. So I stayed at home. Do you take notes?

M: Well, no one can ever recite for my handwriting. Tina was there, too. And you are more likely to be able to read her notes.

W: Do you know where she is today?

M: I know she has class in the morning. But she always eats lunch in the cafeteria around noon.



W: Good! I?ll try to catch her then.

Correct answers: B A D / B C D / C A D 第六篇(打工场景)

1. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.A class assignment B.A journalism class C.The woman's job

D.The man's work experience

2. What was the topic of the woman's article? A.Choosing journalism as a career B.People's reactions to a school play C.How to take good photographs

D.The experiences of the director of a school play 3. What job is the man going to apply for? A.News writer B.Director of a play C.Photographer D.Newspaper editor

4. What will the woman do tomorrow? A.Make copies of her article B.Write an essay for a literature class C.Take the man to a play

D.Introduce the man to her coworkers 5. What will the man probably do next? A.Make an appointment for an interview B.Study for a math exam

C.Write an article for the school newspaper D.Send the woman some of his photographs ★Listen to a conversation between two students

M: So you are going to be writing for the school newspaper?

W: Yes, I?m excited about it. I?m thinking about journalism as a career. M: Well! Congratulations! How do they decide whom to hire?

W: I have to send the writing sample. I used one of the essays I?ve written for the literature class, then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about it. M: What did you write about?

W: Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students? play that has been performed this month.

M: Oh, I saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It really called in a stir around here. W: Yeah, I know. That?s what I wrote about --people?s reaction to it. It?s really interesting. M: Have you finished the article? Can I read it?

W: Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one.

M: Thanks. I wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like fun.


