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Next week, the children will l_____ about Australia, so they want to find out about this country b_____ the lessons. Mike’s e-friend will s_____ him some photos. Mr Green c_____ from Australia, so WangBing will ask him. Yang Ling will go to the l_____ and look for books and magazines about Australia.

Now, Liu Tao is r_____ about Australia on the Internet. He knows that Australia is famous (著名) for the i_____ animals —kangaroosandkoalas,abeautifulcity—Sydney,an e _____

game—Australian f_____ game, and people there welcome v _______.


What do you usually do at w_____ ? Some people like to stay at home, but some like to go shopping or p _____ football. My friend Peter always d_____ the same thing at weekends. On Saturdays he does h_____ homework and on Sundays he v_____his grandparents w_____ his parents. But last weekend, he w_____to his uncle’s farm. He p_____ a lot of fruit and h_____a big lunch. It was great f_____.

(三) Cinderella

]Long, long ago, there was a party at the prince’s house. A_______ the girls could go, but Cinderella could not. She did not have any n_________ clothes or shoes. A fairy(仙女)helped her. Cinderella put on beautiful clothes and shoes. Then she went to the p_________.

Cinderella danced with the prince h_________. The prince l_______ her very much. Cinderella went home before 12 o’clock. She left behind(留下) a crystal(水晶) s________.The prince v_________ every house. Many g_______ tried on the shoe, but it did not fit. Cinderella t________ it on and it fit w________.


Welcome to our show(表演), boys and girls. I am Mr Clown. There are many animals in our circus(马戏团) . They are parrots, elephants, pandas and monkeys. This parrot has a big mouth and a long t________. It can sing and t_______. Look! The elephant is coming. It is strong. It has big ears and a l________nose. It can carry(提) heavy things(东西). Look a________ the pandas. They are cute. They are black and w________. They can stand on balls and move. The monkey is thin and brown. It has long a _______ and l_______ . It can climb trees. It can do Maths t________. Let’s watch the

show. It’s great fun.

1. It is Saturday today.Wang Bing has n_____classes.There is going to be a

b______ match between Shanghai and Jiangsu this afternoon.Wang Bing is going to w_____it with his father.Now he is d_____his h_____.After l_____ they are going to Wutaishan Sports Hall.They are going to t_____No.5 bus to g_____there. Wang Bing is very e_____because he l_____basketball best.

2. Today is F_____.Many children are in the school.Jane and her classmates

are in the c_____.They are t_______about their p_____for the weekend.Jane will go to the f_____with her family.They’ll p_____apples,w_____flowers,milk cows and so on.It will be very i_____.

3. My friend has many good h_____.She gets up e_____in the morning and

n_____goes to bed l_____.She always p_____her things in o_____.She usually d_____her homework before dinner.She l_____to her teachers at school.She also h_____her parents at home.She m_____her room c_____and t_____.

4. Liu Tao and his friend are g_____to h_____a picnic tomorrow.They

n_____some food.They are going to b_____some food and some d_____from supermarket.Wang Bing i_____going w_____them,b_____he and his p_____are going to w_____a film.

5. We have our d_____.Li Ming wants to be a s_____in the f_____.He

s_____study h_____.He’ll read many books.Liu Qi wants to be an a_____.He likes p_____.He often p_____pictures in the park.Wang Fang wants to be a dentist.She wants to t_____ c_____of c_____teeth.I like d_____.I want to be a d_____.

6. There was a l_____and s_____lion in the f_____.One day,he c_____a little

mouse.The mouse was very a_____and asked the lion to l_____him go.The lion agreed.The next day,two men caught the lion with a n_____.The lion c_____get out.Then the little mouse c_____and m_____a big hole in the net with his s_____teeth.The lion got out q_____.From then on,they b_____good friends.

7. Last Sunday,Mr White went to Sunshine Town to see his son.When he

c_____out from the train s_____,he didn’t k_____where to go.He s_____a policewoman at the t_____lights,so he asked her for help.She t_____him to c_____the road and walk along Park Street first.Then he should t_____right at the third c_______.Finally,he f_____his son’s house.

8. It’s Christmas this Saturday.Mr Brown is going to b_____presents for his

family.He’s going to p_____then under the pretty Christmas t_____.Mike is going to put a s_____on his bed and w_____for a p_____.Mrs Brown is going to c_____a big dinner,and Helen is going to h_____her mother.

9. The r_____in the city are often very b_____.How can you c_____them

s_____?First,you must l_____for a z_____c_____.Then,you must look at the t_____ l_____and w_____for the green man.You must first look l_____,then r_____and then left a_____.You can a_____cross the road with o_____p_____.Then the d_____can see you e_____.

10. The students will have l_____about A_______ next week.They want to

f_____out m_____about it b_____the lessons.Mike l_____animals.He will ask his e-friend in Australia to s_____him some p_____of koalas and k_____.Liu Tao is a s_______.He will read about A_____football on the I_____.Yang Ling likes nice buildings.She will read b_____and m________ about Sydney Opear House in the l_____.

11. We are going to have a Christmas p_____in our classroom tomorrow.Luch

is going to p_____the piano and David is going to t_____a funny s_____.Tom and Ben are going to p_____on an i_____play. Lily is going to b_____some balloons to make the classroom beautiful.What a_____me?I’m going to dress up as Father Christmas!

12. It was sunny in the morning.Su Hai and I w_____to the park by bike.There

was a parrot s_____in the park.We s_____ some i_______parrots.Then ,the weather b_____windy and cloudy.We f_____kites high in the s_____.In the afternoon,there w_____black clouds in the sky.It r_____.We were hungry and wet.

13. Twenty years ago,Mr Brown w_____letters to his f_____.He u_____the

telephone at home and in the o_____to call p_____.Now he h_____a mobile phone and he can call people a_______.He also writes e_____.Twenty years ago,Mrs Brown m_____friends at school.She b_____things from s_____.Now she has e-friends from all o_____the w_____.She d_____shopping on the Internet.

14. Look at these p______ of our city.What m_____our city

dirty?S_____from cars makes the a_____dirty.R_____makes the streets m_____and dirty.What can we do to k_____our city c_____?We can t_____the bus and the m_____to school.We can m_____some f_____away from our city.We can put rubbish in the b_____and p_____more trees.

15. Water is u_____.We d_____water and use water to c_____things every

day. In many p_____,there is not m_____water.We should not w_____water.Most of our energy c_____from coal and oil.There is not much coal or oil on E_____.We should s_____energy.We should not d_____so much because cars use a lot of energy.Wood comes from t_____.We use wood to make tables,chairs and m_____other t_____.We use p_____to make bags and bottles.

16. My friends and I will be b____ in the summer holiday.My family and I

will v____my grandma and grandpa in L____.We will s_____ there for a month.Yang Ling’s aunt and uncle l_____in Beijing.She will visit them this summer.She will go there by t_____.Su Hai and her f_____will visit D__________and O_____ Park in Hong Kong.Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his p_____.He will take some p_____and s_____them after the h_____.

17. I’m on a farm in Australia now.It’s s_____and warm.There are a lot of

children here. I’m very b_____from morning to n_____.I work and play games with them.Now,I’m w_____an e-mail to you.Terry is lying in the sun.John is r________storybooks. And some children are p_____ football near the house.We are going to p_____oranges and collect eggs tomorrow,so we have to get up e_____tomorrow morning.We enjoy the holiday very much.

18. When you are in England,you must be very c_____in the street because

the traffic d_____on the l_____.Before you c_____a street,you must l_____right first then left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work,the streets are very b_____.Traffic is the m_____dangerous time.When you d_____a car in England,you have to be careful,too.Always remember the traffic moves on the l_____.So you must be careful.Have a look,or you will go the wrong way.

