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Unit 1

1.Please do not be ____ by his bad manners since he is merely trying to attract attention. [A] disregarded [B] distorted [C] irritated [D] intervened

2. Craig assured his boss that he would ____ all his energies in doing this new job. [A] call forth [B] call at [C] call on [D] call off

3. Too much ____ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body. [A] disclosure [B] exhibition [C] contact [D] exposure

4. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes ____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

[A] dim [B] blank [C] faint [D] vain

5. It is well known that knowledge is the ____ condition for expansion of mind. [A] incompatible [B] incredible [C] indefinite [D] indispensable

6. Language, culture, and personality may be considered ____ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.

[A] indistinctly [B] separately [C] irrelevantly [D] independently

7. Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to ____ her laughter.

[A] hold back [B] hold on

[C] hold out [D] hold up

8. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ____ attitude toward customers.

[A] impartial [B] mild [C] hostile [D] opposing

9. I ____ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column. [A] express [B] confess [C] verify [D] acknowledge

10. It is strictly ____ that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few. [A] secured [B] forbidden [C] regulated [D] determined

11. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ____ again next spring. [A] assembly [B] session [C] conference [D] convention

12. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

[A] in accordance with [B] in terms of [C] in favor of [D] in honor of

13. Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am ____ to carrying out the plan. [A] obliged [B] committed [C] engaged [D] resolved

14. It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it ____ as well as we had hoped.

[A] came off [B] went off

[C] brought out [D] make out

15. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ____ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand. [A] improve [B] enhance [C] guarantee [D] gear

16. He left early on the ____ that he had a bad toothache and had to see the dentist. [A] prescription [B] pretext [C] knowledge [D] precondition

17. The new edition of the encyclopedia ____ many improvements, which is the result of the persistent effort of all the compilers.

[A] embedded [B] embodied [C] enchanted [D] enclosed

18. The boys and girls ____ together round the camp fire telling stories and singing songs. [A] reversed [B] clapped [C] clustered [D] contracted

19. The new underground railway will ____ the journey to all parts of the city. [A] consume [B] eliminate [C] formulate [D] facilitate

20. The speaker attracted the audience at the very beginning of the lecture by giving a ____ description of his personal experience. [A] global [B] gracious [C] graphic [D] prescriptive

21. It is up to the government to ____ the rights of individual citizens. [A] withdraw [B] withhold

[C] upgrade [D] uphold

22. The notice about the English evening ____ many students who have interest in English. [A] impelled [B] intrigued [C] provoked [D] induced

23. The leader went his own way in ____ of the public opinion, which aroused great anger among the people.

[A] defiance [B] reflection [C] obedience [D] observation

24. Could you just give me a hand? Let's ____ the car into motion; it got a flameout just now. [A] shove [B] nudge [C] prompt [D] poke

25. The river was ____ with waste from that factory. Some measures must be taken to stop its production.

[A] corrupted [B] consumed [C] contaminated [D] infected

26. Poverty is not ____ in most cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in certain areas, it is more visible there.

[A] rare [B] temporary [C] prevalent [D] segmental

27. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in ____ populated areas.

[A] densely [B] intensely [C] abundantly [D] highly

28. As a way of ____ the mails while they were away, the Johnsons asked the cleaning lady to send little printed slips asking the senders to write again later.

[A] picking up [B] coping with [C] passing out [D] getting across

29. Tom's mother tried hard to persuade him to ____ from his intention to invest his savings in stock market.

[A] pull out [B] give up [C] draw in [D] back down

30. An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical ____, well become progressively more reliant on expensive technology. [A] interference [B] interruption [C] intervention [D] interaction Unit 2

1. Do not ____ yourself; it was not your fault.

[A] retort [B] represent [C] reproach [D] repress

2. I deem the girl was in a bad health for the handshake with her was so ____. [A] limp [B] lame [C] soft [D] strong

3. This new process, which is easily learned and operated, should be particularly ____ to companies once put into effect.

[A] advanced [B] favorite [C] advantageous [D] admirable

4. This disease ____ itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes. [A] manifests [B] modifies [C] magnifies [D] exposes

5. Is there any possible ____ explanation for his bad health since he seems to have no obvious disease?

[A] psychiatric [B] psychological [C] surgical [D] physical

6. Their ____ building is located next to the park, so it is very convenient for them to have a walk after supper. [A] residential [B] presidential [C] conditional [D] accidental

7. The hostess welcomed her guests in a ____ manner, which made all the people present at ease. [A] spacious [B] suspicious [C] gracious [D] merciful

8. We should make mental preparation for failure, because there is only a(n) ____ number of possibilities of success.

[A] infinite [B] finite [C] innumerable [D] numerous

9. ____ the bad weather has delayed the flight, so it would be several hours before they could arrive. [A] Presumably [B] Respectively [C] Imaginably [D] Plausibly 10. The baby monkey ____ to its mother all day. [A] held [B] grasped [C] stuck [D] clung

11. Seeing the General coming his way, the soldier stopped and gave him a smart ____. [A] toast [B] salute [C] tribute [D] solution

12. They send information every week, ____ whether it's useful or not. [A] in consideration of [B] irrespective of [C] with the exception of[D] with regard to

13. We had a ____ lesson in ideological education yesterday and were deeply impressed. [A] profound [B] deep [C] extreme [D] shallow

14. Did you get any ____ when you are dismissed from your job? [A] fund [B] loan [C] bonus [D] compensation

15. Children of poor health are very ____ to colds in winter and should be taken care of particularly. [A] willing [B] ready [C] reluctant [D] prone

16. You may not have heard of the ____ poet, but he is very original and creative and I believe he will become well-known someday.

[A] obscure [B] vague [C] vicious [D] prominent

17. In economic reform in our country, the greatest step is to transform the operational ____ of an state-owned enterprise.

[A] system [B] mechanics [C] techniques [D] mechanism

18. I know him very well after so many years, now I have no ____ about his ability. [A] image [B] illusion [C] imagination [D] ideal

19. Now, with the ____ and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.

[A] adventure [B] advance [C] advent [D] adult

20. The machine got somewhat eroded, but this oil will ____ it well.

[A] lubricate [B] decorate [C] extinct [D] illuminate

21. Shakespeare has many great works. Some of them are ____, others are tragedies. [A] comedians [B] comedies [C] funs [D] catastrophes

22. She tried to ____ my mind and discover what I was thinking. [A] examine [B] probe [C] search [D] inspect

23. Please _ the staff that the inspectors will be here on Monday and let them make good preparations. [A] modify [B] ratify [C] rectify [D] notify

24. The government built the monument to ____ those who died in the war. [A] memorize [B] celebrate [C] lament [D] commemorate

25. Technical innovation is ____ in improving the qualities of products. [A] instrumental [B] beneficial [C] important [D] interrelate

26. Please explain your statement. I have no ____ what you are talking about. [A] contemplation [B] imagination [C] notion [D] norm

27. A ____ refers to an act or operation to move an organ, piece of skin, hair, etc. from one person or animal to another.

[A] transplantation [B] shift [C] transformation [D] transmission

28. They ____ evidence and threatened witnesses not to tell the truth to anyone else. [A]produced [B] fabricated [C]created [D] manipulated

29. He was ____ on the telephone so I asked him to speak more clearly. [A]muttering [B] grumbling [C]groping [D] shuddering

30. All the roads ____ from the center of the town and extend in different directions towards major historical sights.

[A]reflect [B] respond [C]deflect [D] radiate

Unit 3

1. Travelling on those bad mountain roads is a ____ and I will never risk my life like that from now on.

[A] nightfall [B] darkness [C] nightmare [D] dream

2. The car ____ the garage door when he was trying to move his car in and caused a minor damage to it. [A] rubbed [B] contacted [C] brushed [D] grazed

3. We must severely punish those terrorism who violate the ____ of civilized societies. [A] notions [B] norms [C] conceptions [D] behaviors

4. The driver lost all the goods ____ for lack of responsibility and caution. [A] on purpose [B] in public [C] in transit [D] in reality

5. He was arrested for using drugs and the ____ publicity mined his career.

[A] continuous [B] resultant [C] remaining [D] reluctant

6. I failed to go to her wedding because it ____ with my examination. [A] disagreed [B] clashed [C] clamped [D] fought

7. The doctor wrote me a ____ for medicine for my cough. [A] description [B] prescription [C] prestige [D] contribution

8. A few ____ members of the crowd attacked the vendor who did not give them a good bargain. [A] military [B] inoffensive [C] mild [D] militant

9. The village was ____ because of the danger of a flood. [A] departed [B] removed [C] emptied [D] evacuated

10. The mass movement for technical ____ is vigorously forging ahead in the factory. [A] conviction [B] innovation [C] initiative [D] enactment

11. I heard that there is a unanimous vote at the afternoon meeting. So what is the ____ of opinion? [A] contract [B] consent [C] compromise [D] consensus

12. She was so poor at her English that her mother hired a(n) ____ to teach her English at home. [A] assistant [B] driller [C] guide [D] tutor

13, ____ he is a very serious and strict scholar, but actually he is not that kind of person at all.

[A] Virtually [B] Seemingly [C] Decisively [D] Likely

14. The whole nation was in the great impact of the earthquake and the ____ confusion. [A] consequent [B] related [C] consumptive [D] conspicuous

15. The pupil was ____ for stealing and cheating in exams several times. [A] deleted [B] canceled [C] ousted [D] expelled

16. Economics and politics are best studied together as the two subjects ____. [A] overlap [B] slash [C] flap [D] slap

17. Though the model worker is already very old, his rich experience is not to be ____. [A] denounced [B] discounted [C] discerned [D] deducted

18. The memory of the accident often ____ to me and makes me upset. [A] attributes [B] occurs [C] reclaims [D] recurs

19. The conviction was not made after the trial and was postponed to the next session for the ____ were divided in opinion.

[A] committee [B] judges [C] judgements [D] jury

20. Records indicate that tortoise can live longer than any other animal with a ____, which forms the axis of skeleton.

[A] skull [B] spine [C] spin [D] ankle

21. The cupboard door is ____ on the right, so it opens on the left. [A] tied [B] hinged [C] depended [D] fastened

22. There need not any introduction. We're already ____ with each other. [A] known [B] acquainted [C] heard [D] met

23. The poor child suffered from malnutrition because he was always eating those ____ food. [A] trash [B] junk [C] litter [D] rubbish

24. I don't think she is cold-blooded; her tears ____ her grief. [A] testified [B] judged [C] accused [D] tolerated

25. The police came and ____ the noisy youths from the cafe room. [A] drove [B] ejected [C] abandoned [D] eliminated

26. ____ of them knew about the plan because it was secret. [A] Some [B] Any [C] No one [D] None

27. There is very ____ hope that he will survive the car accident. [A] few [B] a few [C] much [D] little

28. I have two brothers.One is a scientist; ____ is an artist. [A] another [B] the other [C] others [D] the others

29. On Sundays,they often go to ____ to hear music. [A] a church [B] the church [C] church [D] some churches 30. Do you have ____ coffee left? [A] some [B] any [C] any of [D] a lot

Unit 4

1. He is a(n) ____ and well-behaved child, but his parents worry about him for he talks too little.

[A] obedient [B] transient [C] conscious [D] passionate

2. He becomes more and more arrogant and his imperative accent ____ me completely. [A] confuses [B] dispels [C] compels [D] repels

3. These days I was always dreaming a(n) ____ dream in which I was chased by a horrible demon. [A] enthusiastic [B] fancy [C] optimistic [D] fantastic

4. The villagers all signed a ____ asking for a hospital to be built. [A] bill [B] vote [C] petition [D] treaty

5. Many traditional Chinese believe that high forehead is ____ of great mental power. [A] objective [B] indicative [C] directive [D] decisive

6. For years Blair family ____ the hope of a trip abroad, and it was not realized until recently when they came to China.

[A] nourished [B] nurtured [C] prospered [D] maintained

7. Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____ with each other. [A] comparable [B] identical [C] compatible [D] conspicuous

8. There are many outstanding musicians at that time, but he is no doubt the ____ one of his day. [A] notorious [B] former [C] fundamental [D] foremost

9. Large price increases could ____ demands for even larger wage increases. [A] triple [B] trigger [C] attribute to [D] inject

10. Though you are not well-paid now, it is a job and will bring you great profit in the long run. [A] promising [B] predictable [C] encouraging [D] inspiring

11. In this factory the machines are not regulated ____ but are jointly controlled by a central computer system. [A] independently [B] individually [C] irrespectively [D] irregularly

12. Every chemical change either results from energy being used to produce the change, or causes energy to be ____ in some form.

[A] given off [B] put out [C] set off [D] used up

13. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually ____. [A] shrink [B] delay [C] disperse [D] sink

14. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to ____ enterprises. [A] moveable [B] changing [C] flexible [D] varying

15. If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them to ____ the situation? [A] simplify [B] modify [C] verify [D] rectify

16. I cannot believe she is leaving the company--I thought she was a permanent ____. [A] fitting [B] fixture [C] appliance [D] attachment

17. The newspaper said yesterday two trains ____ and led to more than 200 casualties. [A] smashed [B] crushed [C] collapsed [D] collided

18. The ____ may laugh at his music, but we know better. [A] municipality [B] multitude [C] attitude [D] altitude

19. We must respect others' ____ and should not always pry into others' personal affairs. [A] isolation [B] attachment [C] intimacy [D] privacy

20. The two companies are working in ____ with each other to make their products more competitive in the market.

[A] coincidence [B] corporation [C] ministration [D] collaboration

21. These causes produced the great change in the country that modernized the ____ of higher education from the mid-1860's to the mid-1880's.

[A] branch [B] category

[C] domain [D] scope

22. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the ____ in the financial system will drag down the economy.

[A] shallowness [B] shakiness [C] scantiness [D] stiffness

23. Crisis would be the right term to describe the ____ in many animal species. [A] minimization [B] restriction [C] descent [D] decline

24. The city is an important railroad ____ and industrial and convention center. [A] conjunction [B] network [C] junction [D] link

25. Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to ____ myself of every chance to improve my English.

[A] assure [B] inform [C] avail [D] notify

26. The professor's questions ____ me completely because I couldn't answer any of them. [A] crumpled [B] enlightened [C] baffled [D] intimidated

27. The other day when I sat on the lawn thinking about my university days, the sudden hoot of a whistle my thoughts.

[A] broke up [B] broke into [C] plunge into [D] inserted into

28. The bump on the right side of her cheek spoilt the ____ of her face. [A] impulse [B] dignity [C] temperament [D] symmetry

29. The basketball players in the national team tried to keep themselves ____ in order to defeat their opponent. [A] on duty [B] on watch [C] in shape [D] in time

30. A book had been stolen and some children claimed that Tom did it, but Tom's mother said she was sure her son was ____.

[A] innocent [B] superstitious [C] elegant [D] suspicious

Unit 5

1. There seems to be little ____ of fulfilling the sales program of this year.

[A] consumption [B] presumption [C] probability [D] assessment

2. The recent oil price rise ____ the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing. [A] testifies [B] implies [C] enumerates [D] exemplifies

3. The students are expecting the arrival of a(n) ____ scientist who they heard of in their childhood. [A] eligible [B] imminent [C] productive [D] eminent

4. The region is undergoing a peaceful ____ from colonial rule to self-government. [A] transfer [B] transformation [C] evolution [D] transition

5. Some workers were not satisfied with their salaries and often ____ at it. [A] groaned [B] murmured [C] whispered [D] cracked

6. An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to ____ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.

[A] stimulate [B] renovate [C] arouse [D] advocate

7. Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical ____. [A] obligations [B] regulations [C] observations [D] considerations

8. Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss ____ the bread-winner's death. [A] at the cost of [B] on the verge of [C] as a result of [D] for the sake of

9. In education there should be a good ____ among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment.

[A] distribution [B] balance [C] combination [D] assignment

10. The American dream is most ____ during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.

[A] plausible [B] patriotic [C] primitive [D] partial

11. Only when the police ____ her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money. [A] constrained [B] confronted [C] opposed [D] encountered

12. After much questioning among the people concerned, the headmaster at last ____ the truth about the incident.

[A] induced [B] employed [C] elicited [D] deduced

13. At the ____ where accidents are most likely to take place, the trains always travel at a moderate speed. [A] seminars [B] sectors

[C] regions [D] compartments

14. All these young men participated in a (n) ____ to find the beginning of the Changjiang River. [A] exile [B] excerpt [C] expedition [D] journey

15. My paper was not concise and coherent because of ____ of the ideas related. [A] connection [B] confusion [C] chaos [D] disturbance

16. Don't bother him now, for he feels ____ exhausted after a whole day's work. [A] exclusively [B] absolutely [C] utterly [D] relatively

17. Many people mistakenly thought that Darwin was saying that the monkey was the ____ of the human race. [A] predecessor [B] forerunner [C] succession [D] offspring

18. Don't wear this dress! Its color is too light and it is ____ like glass. [A] apparent [B] transparent [C] vague [D] obvious

19. The shopkeeper thought that business is ____ for him in winter because there are only a bunch of customers each day.

[A] slack [B] dull [C] proper [D] oppressive

20. As soon as we turned the corner, I saw the road ____ steeply. [A] descending [B] decreasing [C] improving [D] declining

21. What I am telling you is strictly ____. Don't let anyone know of it.

[A] secretive [B] special [C] individual [D] confidential

22. My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very ____ about the food he eats. [A] special [B] peculiar [C] particular [D] unusual

23. It is not uncommon for advertisers to make ____ claims about the effectiveness of their products. [A] exaggerated [B] numerous [C] undirected [D] scientific

24. Indiana University ____ an eight-campus network. [A] is composed of [B] makes up [C] constitutes [D] consists

25. In the advanced course students must take objective tests at monthly ____. [A] length [B] distance [C] intervals [D] gaps

26. When the child was afraid in the storm, his parents ____ him. [A] ensured [B] insured [C] assured [D] reassured

27. After three hours' ____ delay, the train at last arrived. [A] encouraging [B] spoiling [C] confronting [D] frustrating

28. If you do any damage to the computer even By any chance, you'll ____ your right to get the fund. [A] compensate [B] donate [C] contribute [D] forfeit

29. Many surveys indicate that accidents can be ____ by careful driving and keeping from alcohol.

[A] deviated [B] averted [C] distracted [D] diverted

30. His argument was so confused that it was hardly ____, so we asked him to reorganize his thought and make another speech.

[A] intelligent [B] intelligible [C] illegible [D] illegal

Unit 6

1. The ____ cats that are still found in some remote places are distantly related to our friendly domestic companions.

[A] savage [B] wild [C] cruel [D] untamed

2. There are two ____ mistakes in this sentence. Can you point them out? [A] arranged [B] planned [C] deliberate [D] calculated

3. The large crowds lingering in the streets were quickly ____ by the heavy rain. [A] dispersed [B] removed [C] disposed [D] disappeared

4. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough ____ for his organizing ability. [A] range [B] space [C] capacity [D] scope

5. Although I tried to concentrate on the lecture I was ____ by the noise from the next door. [A] disturbed [B] interrupted [C] distracted [D] interfered

6. The soldiers ____ themselves by wearing white garments in the snow. [A] pretended [B] masked

[C] disguised [D] concealed

7. The burglar ____ the woman in her stomach with a knife and she died soon. [A] entered [B] perceived [C] permeated [D] stabbed

8. I didn't make out what the professor means because his handwriting is so ____. [A] eligible [B] illegible [C] knowledgeable [D] vague

9. The lieutenant is tall and big and looks very ____ in his new army uniform. [A] childlike [B] vulnerable [C] versatile [D] masculine

10. The ____ meaning of \ [A] literate [B] literary [C] literal [D] lingering

11. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ____ a violent act previously seen on television.

[A] modifying [B] stimulating [C] accelerating [D] duplicating

12. Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. [A] rectifies [B] prolongs [C] furnishes [D] minimises

13. To write a summary effectively, you will need to ____ words for phrases, phrases for sentences, and general entrances for lists of details.

[A] convert [B] complement [C] substitute [D] constitute

14. Professor Light asked his secretary to ____ a hundred copies of this article on the duplicating machine.

[A] run over [B] run down [C] run into [D] run off

15. During the famine of 1943, millions of Chinese peasants ____ to the cities because they could not survive in the rural areas.

[A] migrated [B] emigrated [C] mobilized [D] immigrated

16. When she discovered the ____ of her bag, she went to the police. [A] thief [B] assault [C] theft [D] highjack

17. The girl is ____ with great writing ability, which will make her a good writer in the future. [A] enchanted [B] bestowed [C] endowed [D] endeavored

18. All theories ____ from practice and in turn serve practice. [A] oriented [B] originated [C] eliminated [D] generated

19. The boss's promise to increase the workers' pay was a ____ to union demands. [A] confession [B] deduction [C] concession [D] conference

20. He's ____ on going to Australia for his girlfriend was there waiting for him. [A] eager [B] anxious [C] conscientious [D] intent

21. We must ____ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible. [A] assure [B] secure [C] ensure [D] issue

22. ____ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last night. [A] In spite of [B] But for [C] Because of [D] As for

23. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt ____ lonely. [A] nothing but [B] anything but [C] all but [D] everything but

24. The English language contains a(n) ____ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.

[A] altitude [B] latitude [C] multitude [D] attitude

25. Hand in a composition every ____ week, please. [A] some [B] other [C] others [D] another

26. The government has two ____, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. [A] orientations [B] options [C] opinions [D] ornaments

27. A ____ car would cost far more in Europe, but it is fairly cheap in the U.S. [A] compared [B] comparative [C] considerable [D] comparable

28. She lost a bag a month ago but finally ____ it in the \ [A] reclaimed [B] recycled [C] retrieved [D] responded

29. It is not a ____ business, so very few people would like to have it as a life career. [A] profitable [B] rewarding

[C] prohibited [D] approachable

30. Even though the Red Cross had a ____ large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished.

[A] alienated [B] alternated [C] allocated [D] ascertained

Unit 7

1. I ____ from your speech on the phone that you are a foreigner, for your English is so good.

[A] doubt [B] ensure [C] wonder [D] presume

2. When it rains the ground becomes very ____ and makes it difficult for people to walk on. [A] messy [B] solid [C] muddy [D] fragile

3. What a(n) ____ that I was in Paris at the same time as you! But it is a pity we didn't see each other. [A] chance [B] coincidence [C] cooperation [D] incidence

4. The highest ____ of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic. [A] priority [B] privilege [C] potential [D] premise

5. I can ____ believe that she is lazy at home -- she is very lazy at school. [A] hastily [B] rashly [C] readily [D] respectively

6. There is not much ____ that he would succeed, for his plan is not feasible. [A] likeness [B] likelihood [C] liker [D] liking

7. Being suppressed under the rule of the colonial government for many years, the people ____ for independence.

[A] thirst [B] thrust [C] thrive [D] thrill

8. Our football team is ____ with one from the next town for the championship. [A] confronting [B] contending [C] converging [D] contriving

9. The liquid ____ when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally. [A] flashed [B] glowed [C] glimmered [D] ignited

10. Our problems seem ____ when compared to those of people who never get enough to eat. [A] petty [B] scant [C] lean [D] fragile

11. Every weekend when I came back from school, Mother prepared meals ____ enough for a Sahara-bound camel and made me eat them up.

[A] adequate [B] delicious [C] proficient [D] substantial

12. A third function of intuition is to ____ isolated bits of data and practice into an interesting picture, often in an \

[A] synthesize [B] acknowledge [C] separate [D] illustrate

13. If profit and money are your first ____, and commitment to people your least concern, you have failed education.

[A] potentiality [B] priority [C] superiority [D] responsibility

14. The TV announcer apologized for the breakdown and said that normal service would be ____ as soon as possible.

[A] reserved [B] recited [C] resumed [D] reclaimed

15. The ship Titanic had been given the extra name of \ [A] manufacture [B] production [C] erection [D] construction

16. Japan has ____ its steps toward putting into effect an international treaty banning chemical weapons. [A] hurried [B] bustled [C] accelerated [D] rushed

17. Developing countries should adopt labour-intensive technologies to ____ their comparative advantage of abundant labour.

[A] use [B] exploit [C] employ [D] explore

18. The tests show the earlier in life a person hears a sound the longer it is _______. [A] retained [B] preserved [C] remained [D] reserved

19. The researchers test college students ____ to foreign speech before their second birthday but not since. [A] disclosed [B] exposed [C] exhibited [D] revealed

20. The government has provided the capital library with heavy ____ to keep it one of the largest in the world. [A] subscriptions [B] tips [C] subsidies [D] bonuses

21. Birds play a large part in plant reproduction by ____ seeds across large areas. [A] dispersing [B] disseminating

[C] dispatching [D] dispensing

22. The inscription on the tombstone had been ____ by the weather and could scarcely be read. [A] worn out [B] worn down [C] worn off [D] worn away

23. By the end of the day, the flood water which had covered most of the town had ____. [A] receded [B] retired [C] replaced [D] retreated

24. I need to move to a larger apartment. Do you know of any ____ ones in this neighborhood? [A] vacant [B] bare [C] blank [D] empty

25. He was ____ from the competition because he had not complied with the rules. [A] banished [B] excused [C] disqualified [D] forbidden

26. In British history books Richard III is usually ____ as a wicked man. [A] portrayed [B] drew [C] explained [D] illuminated

27. The special workshop was ____ over by a famous scientist. [A] governed [B] administered [C] presided [D] directed

28. Grandmother has been getting more ____ lately, we have to look after her in turn. [A] vulnerable [B] tough [C] limp [D] feeble

29. There was a ____ of only ten centimetres between the two walls. [A] gulf [B] space

[C] clearance [D] area

30. Although he failed in the maths test, it was wrong to ____ at his efforts. [A] fake [B] mock [C] scorn [D] ridicule

Unit 8

1. After a close physical examination, the doctor finally ____ that the man was mad.

[A] certified [B] secured [C] declared [D] confined

2. This oil is ____ from the seeds of several valuable plants, so it is very nourishing. [A] restored [B] refined [C] manufactured [D] extracted

3. When I came into the factory, I saw workers ____ Skillfully the controls of the machines. [A] manifesting [B] manipulating [C] managing [D] ministering

4. It gave me a ____ to know I had passed the examination. [A] thrill [B] thorn [C] thirst [D] sting

5. Kate's ____ arrived every night to take her out for the evening. [A] participant [B] escort [C] colleague [D] delegation

6. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ____ the speakers stopped for refreshments. [A] at large [B] at intervals [C] at ease [D] at random

7. When travelling, you are advised to take travellers, checks, which provide a secure ____ to carrying your money in cash.

[A] substitute [B] selection [C] preference [D] alternative

8. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a ____ character. [A] gracious [B] suspicious [C] unique [D] particular

9. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ____ produces artificial cold surrounding it.

[A] absorption [B] transition [C] consumption [D] interaction

10. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely ____ my ideas to prove your point. [A] revising [B] contradicting [C] distorting [D] distracting

11. They failed in their attempt to promote this new product for the ____ of the plan. [A] efficiency [B] deficiency [C] lack [D] defiance

12. Don't worry about him. He is ____ enough not to make such a silly mistake. [A] passionate [B] shrewd [C] proficient [D] initiative

13. The young doctor ____ the difficult operation of kidney transplant. [A] reflected [B] conspired [C] represented [D] contemplated

14. The fat woman felt embarrassed when the chair gave a ____ when she sat down on it. [A] moan [B] wail

[c] howl [D] groan

15. When I asked her about her examination result, she just ____, saying that she didn't know and didn't care. [A] waved [B] nodded [C] shook [D] shrugged

16. His ____ were forgiven by the employer, who was a generous and lenient person. [A] defenses [B] annoyance [C] offences [D] jealousy 17. The small countries joined together into a ____. [A] coalition [B] corporation [C] federation [D] company

18. The doctor in the hospital wore a ____ over his ordinary clothes. [A] garment [B] dress [C] cloth [D] gown

19. The newly published review on the book has ____ much controversy. [A] entailed [B] extracted [C] evoked [D] prompted 20. The sick child ____ a little, and then fell asleep. [A] complained [B] groped [C] moaned [D] murmured

21. ____ gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop. [A] Fraction [B] Fracture [C] Conflict [D] Friction

22. We should made laws to curb the ____ of our forests, which is a very bad conduct to harm our environment. [A] rap [B] rape

[C] smuggle [D] rash

23. Wearing plain clothes, the king____ with the people in the streets. [A] wove [B] associated [C] mingled [D] fused

24. We hope to ____ new life into our business, our working atmosphere is so dull these days. [A] project [B] inject [C] incorporate [D] insert

25. We are conducting a ____ to find out how many people are in favor of nuclear power. [A] poll [B] test [C] quiz [D] experiment

26. A man who doesn't like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known to others is called a ____ man. [A] reserved [B] tolerant [C] conservative [D] preserved

27. He reads so ____ that he knows almost everything about various fields of learning. [A] extensively [B] intensively [C] closely [D] exclusively

28. When a fire broke out in the gallery, at least twenty ____ paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso.

[A] worthless [B] priceless [C] valueless [D] inexpensive

29. It ____ me that there might be some fault on my part. [A] struck [B] flashed [C] occurred [D] happened

30. I never see this picture without ____ my early days in the countryside.

[A] reminding of [B] being reminded of [C] reminding to [D] having been reminded

Unit 9

1. I was in the ____ of washing when she came to visit me and brought me a couple of books.

[A] amid [B] center [C] course [D] midst

2. The ____ death of the revolutionary, at his twenties, is a great loss to our party. [A] premature [B] forthcoming [C] advanced [D] hasty

3. He took the ____ by asking the first question to the visiting scholar at his lecture. [A] injection [B] rejection [C] orientation [D] initiative

4. She's very ____ --she spends all her money on clothes. [A] generous [B] extravagant [C] extreme [D] unreasonable

5. A ____ of interest in the matter came into her eyes but soon extinguished. [A] glitter [B] drizzle [C] dazzle [D] gleam

6. These who can ____ difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear. [A] anticipate [B] expect [C] promise [D] foresee

7. The constant ____ between the young couple finally caused divorce. [A] conflict [B] collapse [C] resistance [D] friction

8. We have several difficulties in foreign trade transactions. Now the excess of imports over exports became another ____.

[A] compliment [B] intricacy [C] complication [D] compensation

9. Mohammed is the ____ of the Muslims, who established his teachings, which formed the basis for Koran. [A] infant [B] genius [C] puppet [D] prophet

10. With no pictures at hand, the police artist made a ____ picture of the murderer. [A] composite [B] sophisticated [C] competitive [D] mechanical

11. What causes emotional problems for children of divorce is generally the events that ____ the break up. [A] prevailed [B] presided [C] proceeded [D] preceded

12. Found in all parts of the country, pines are the most ____ trees in this country. [A] ordinary [B] average [C] usual [D] common

13. Swarms of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ____. [A] nuisance [B] disturbance [C] trouble [D] annoyance

14. The head office of the company has been ____ from HongKong to New York for the sake of business expansion.

[A] transported [B] transplanted [C] transferred [D] transmitted

15. You should make certain that everyone understands what is required and how to ____ the procedures. [A] impose [B] implement

[C] reinforce [D] rectify

16. ____ circumstances compelled him to close his business. Now he had to find other ways for a living. [A] Opposite [B] Adverse [C] Opposed [D] Favorable

17. He works as a ____ for this community, delivering letters and newspapers everyday. [A] messenger [B] passerby [C] preacher [D] burglar

18. Our new director is much younger than his ____, who is already 50 years old. [A] successor [B] precedent [C] predecessor [D] offspring

19. She is so ____ --she won't let anyone help her when she is in such a dilemma. [A] willful [B] abnormal [C] obstinate [D] ardent

20, The woman is in a sorry ____, unemployed and with no one to support her. [A] surrounding [B] environment [C] plight [D] embarrassment

21.They work long hours but do not earn enough to ensure a ____ living for themselves and their families. [A] reticent [B] decent [C] innocent [D] descent

22. There are few areas of our lives in which tools do not play an ____ part. [A] indispensable [B] independent [C] indistinguishable [D] indiscriminate

23. Britain's Channel Four television sent him to New York to do a ____ interview for its \programme.

[A] lively [B] live [C] living [D] alive

24. In one of the most high-tech countries in the world, the process applied by an animator is surprisingly ____. [A] physical [B] manual [C] mental [D] sensual

25. It might be ____ noting that while words last a long time, sensitivities do change. [A] deserved [B] worthwhile [C] worth [D] worthy

26. My shoes have been worn out. I'll have to buy____. [A] some new pair [B] a new one [C] some new ones [D] a new pair

27. If ____ letter arrives for me, can you send it to this address? [A] no [B] some [C] any [D] some more

28. Taxes and death may come to____, but they never come with impartiality. [A] all men [B] all of man [C] all men [D] all of men

29. Miss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could contribute____. [A] one other fifty dollars [B] the same amount also [C] more fifty dollars [D] another fifty 30. Our monitor is always ready to do good to____. [A] the other [B] the others [C] other [D] others

Unit 10

1. When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as ____.

[A] novel [B] remote [C] distant [D] foreign

2. My favorite radio song is the one I first heard on a thick 1923 Edison disc I ____ at a garage sale. [A] trifled with [B] scraped through [C] stumbled upon [D] thirsted for

3. Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could ____.

[A] descend [B] decline [C] deteriorate [D] depress

4. Equipment not ____ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop. [A] conforming to [B] consistent with [C] predominant over [D] providing for

5. As an industry, biotechnology stands to ____ electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.

[A] contend [B] contest [C] rival [D] strive

6. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith will ____ in looking after their baby. [A] alternate [B] alter [C] change [D] differ

7. Every manager needs a secretary that he can ____ to take care of something that may occur in his absence. [A] count on [B] count off [C] count for [D] count out

8. If banks on the city failed in one day, there would be a ____ among businessmen. [A] fear [B] terror [C] dread [D] panic

9. Sometimes manufacturers can not sell a product because it does not ____ the expectations of potential customers.

[A] confine to [B] conform to [C] confer with [D] confide to

10. It is commonly held that language problems are very often ____ by cultural misunderstanding. [A] decreased [B] solved [C] compounded [D] overlooked

11. Her letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was ____. [A] unintelligible [B] vague [C] obscure [D] illegible

12. A legend is a popular story ____ history, but which has been elaborated beyond the point of verification. [A] rooted in [B] confined to [C] cherished by [D] lost in

13. Thomas Edison considered genius to be ____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. [A] composed of [B] constituted in [C] consisted of [D] comprised in

14. Labor unions in some western countries are ____ a 35-hour week in order to create more jobs. [A] advocating [B] attacking [C] opposing [D] praising

15. It's been decided as a rule that our faculty gives travelling ____ to those who travel in the course of their work.

[A] allowances [B] alliances

[C] appliances [D] allotments

16. Both military and ____ personnel attended the conference to confer on the defense budget of the country. [A] civilian [B] civil [C] common [D] ordinary

17. Our show features consist of fifty ____ dancing girls, all of whom have attended recent years' beauty contest.

[A] gloomy [B] luxurious [C] gorgeous [D] glorious

18. We shook hands and then embraced each other as a ____ of our friendship. [A] reason [B] significance [C] proof [D] token

19. Can one color ____ into another? If yes, what color will it result? [A] connect [B] merge [C] associate [D] attach

20. This intervention in another nation's affairs has set a ____ which we hope other countries will not follow. [A] precedent [B] precedence [C] priority [D] presentation

21. Some scientists believe that soon it will be ____ for people to travel to the moon. [A] classic [B] commonwealth [C] commonplace [D] commonsense

22. His ____ in English, French and Italian made him a prominent interpreter in the country. [A] proficiency [B] diversion [C] immersion [D] involvement

23. The police ____ that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

[A] allege [B] pledge [C] promise [D] proclaim

24. He makes a living by ____ tobacco and sweets in a small shop. [A] wholesaling [B] retailing [C] retaining [D] reserving

25. It would be nice to have another holiday, but we've got to be ____ --we can't really afford one. [A] real [B] idealistic [C] realistic [D] reasonable

26. The lack of manners and common politeness is not ____ to business deals. It's a social blank. [A] exclusive [B] inclusive [C] elusive [D] impassive

27. In the Christian religion, the unlucky number 13 ____ back to the Last Supper. [A] tracks [B] traces [C] dates [D] tails

28. If you are not ____ enough in your home language, you can't handle abstract thought. [A] literary [B] literate [C] illiterate [D] intelligent

29. A professional novelist ____ the hopes of amateur rivals when he won the Second World One-Day Novel Cup.

[A] abashed [B] dashed [C] gashed [D] crashed

30. The girl was so ____ that they could fool her easily. [A] incredible [B] credible [C] credulous [D] creditable





另外,根据考试大纲的要求,六级阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: ①掌握所读材料的主旨和大意的方法和能力 ②辨别说明主旨和大意的事实和细节的方法和能力

③既能理解字面的含义,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论的方法和能力 ④既能理解个别句子的意义,也能理解上下文的逻辑关系








阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。如何在有限的时间内顺利完成阅读理解题,阅读技巧的训练也是至关重要的。那么,首先就要对选择题的类型有所了解。从目前阅读理解题型看,相对比较固定,并日趋程式化。 主题、主旨类选择题

这类题包括确定短文的主题(topic or main point)、文章的大意(main idea)、题目(title)等,区别主要信息与次要信息。 常见的问题形式有:

①The subject/topic of the passage/article is …

②Which of the following best expresses the main idea/the theme of the passage? ③What does the passage/author mainly discuss?

④Whats the main point/main idea/central thought of the passage/author? ⑤The best summary of the paragraph is…

⑥What/Which of the following is the best title of the passage? ⑦The title that best expresses the main idea is… ⑧The passage is mainly concerned about…

⑨Which of the following best summarizes the author's opinion? 事实和细节类的选择题

在测试中,有些题目是根据文章中的事实和细节而设计的,对阅读理解来说,理解字面意义是最起码的要求,也就是说起码应该理解文字已明确表达的信息,当然,这里也需要运用综合和判断的能力。此类题的目的在于考察考生对组成文章的主体部分的理解程度。这类问獍ㄑ嗜?who)、物(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、文中的数据(data)、事情发生的原因和结果(cause and effect)等。常见的问题形式有:

①According to the passage, what was the …? ②Which of the following is TRUE (or NOT TRUE)? ③Which of the following is/isnt mentioned as a fact? ④ln which year/When did…? ⑤Who was in favor of/was against…?

⑥Which of the following best supports the idea of the passage? ⑦Which of the following may lead to (cause) … ⑧The main reason for … is that …

⑨The main difference between … and … is that … 推论类型选择题

推论、推理类型题要求考生阅读时,把句子水平的阅读理解提高到语篇水平的阅读理解,包括要求考生在宏观上理解上下文的逻辑关系、通过分析判断归纳总结并概括出合理的结论、理解作者的态度、根据文中内容并利用已有的知识来进行合理的预测与推断。即在考试中要能在理解原文直接陈述观点的基础上,领悟作者的言外之意(implication or implied meaning),进行合乎逻辑的推理(making logical inference),得出一个合理的结论。所谓合理,是指准确地从原文中推理,而不是说读者主观认为的合理。 此类题目常见的问题形式有:

①It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that…

②Which of the following can/cant be inferred from the passage? ③The passage suggests/implies that…

④One/We can conclude from the passage that… ⑤What does the article/passage say about…?

⑥According to the passage/paragraph,which of the following is true/false?  ⑦The author may probably agree with/support…

⑧By the first/last sentence of the passage/the first, second paragraph, the author means… ⑨The author seems to be in favor of/be against… ⑩The tone of the passage/author may be …

B11The authors purpose of writing this passage is… 词汇理解选择题


这类题目常见的问题形式有: ①The word \

②According to the passage, the word \ known as… ③The word \ ④According to the passage, what is \ying? ⑤As used in the passage, the phrase \ ⑥From the passage, we can infer that the word \ ⑦The word \


An Eye-Witness Account of Traffic Accident

假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点: 1。 车祸发生的时间及地点 2。 你所见到的车祸情况 3。 你对车祸原因的分析 14 points

It was the morning of April 6th,2003. At about 7:30, I went to school by bike as usual. It was a rainy day and the road was slippery. On the way, I noticed a boy riding in front of me, talking loudly with his friends. He didn't wear a raincoat; instead he held an umbrella in one hand, and rode with another hand. As he turned left to Guangming Road, he failed to see a car coming from behind a truck parked on the corner. Suddenly I heard a big noise and saw an umbrella thrown away. The boy was knocked down by the car. I was completely shocked.

I think the boy’s absent-mindedness accounted much for the accident. He was talking all the time and dangerously used an umbrella while riding a bike. The weather also played a role in the tragedy. The third cause was the unproperly parked truck, which was big enough to make the road conditions invisible to the students who were going to make a turn. All these contributed to this accident.


———————— 11 points

It was last Friday morning. The accident happened when I was on my way to school. It was so terrible that I would never forget it.

I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the road. Then, with a big sound, the accident happened. The red car stoped suddenly on the road so that the driver of following car couldn't respond immiditely. The back of the red car was badly damaged, but fortunately there was no people injured in the accident.

I think the main reasons are as follows. First of all, the red car shouldn't stop suddenly without any signals. Secondly, the following car should keep a certain distance from the front car so that the driver could have enough time to take measures when any any badly situation. Finally, these two drivers were careless. If they had paid more attention to driving, this accident wouldn't have happened.


———————— 8 points

The trafic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways when I was driving my car home at about 4 o’clock.

The yellow car involved in the accident was running at a high speed along the right-hand when it happened. Hardly it reached the junction when it cracked with a truck running from another direction. There was no time for the drivers to change the directions.

I think the accident mostly attributed to such reasons: Firstly and the foremost, it was the carelessness of both of the drivers that mostly

made the accidents happen. It was not too careful for them when running a car. Secondly, the weather also should be responsible for it. The fog made the vision of drivers vague. Last but not the least, the constructure of the roads was unreasonable. The trafic lights are needed at any junctions.


———————— 5 points

It was 8:00 this morning, I went on my way to school. When I just at the school gate, I saw the terrible traffic accident happened.

A student ride a bike in a high speed, and just when he arrived the school gate, a large truck traveled out of the gate and hit him down. He flied over 3m before his bike hit him on the ground. Surely, the poor boy was hurt very bad.

I think there are two reasons for the accident. First, it was just the time we began our first class, The bike rider perhaps did not want to be late, the ride his bike so fast, even didn't low down his speed at the gate. Second, the truck is too large, and at that time, there were too many walk through the gate, so the bike driver have no other way to chose, but to ride in the middle of the road.


———————— 2 points

It was the Traffic Accident in Tianjin Road. The Traffic Accident has been at the morning, May 1. Two children by bike went to school. A car is so fast, the streel. And the car touched two children by bike, and the Traffic Accident has happened. One is touched so far way and the other os put sown. Mary people come here, and they sent to two chidren who go to Hospiton. Wait a time, The ploiemen arrived in the Accident place.

My opiopmtoin: The car driver is so fast by car, and He didn't attendation to the children by bike aside the road. Two children by bike didn't heared the car come. All of above, I think the car

driver must be serier the Traffic Accident.



一、有错必究,眼疾手快 与其他类型考试不同,CET-6考试规定要求作答的那一句话肯定有一个错误,不像高考可能有错也可能无 错、可能改错也可能没错可改,也不可能在一句话中让考生改几处错误。既然如此,考生就应带着批评的态度审视每一个词。如果考生发现所有词全都合适,那么再去从逻辑判断方面审视句子前后的关系,看一看前后句子应该是什么关系,如转折、因果、让步等,最后确定这些关系词是否使用正确。牢记一点,考生在交卷前,留下任何一个空白,都可能留下遗憾。



1.单复数概念。这是最简单、最基本的语法规则,但是由于它本身的特殊用法较多,加之考生的词汇量、语义场的水平差异大,不可能人人都能完全答对。 例

1:This dream...was to find a piece of place, and build a house for one's family...(CET-6,9,03)

此句中的a piece of place应改为a place,或者直接将place改为land。因为place在此为可数名词,通常在land 前才加a piece of。

例2:Can we be so bold as to suggest that we may be able to colonize other planet within the not-too-distant future?(CET-6, 1,00)

人类探索其他星体,不只一个、两个,除了移民月球外,也许还有水星、木星等。故应将other 后的可数名词变成复数形式,而the other后的可数名词则不为复数形式。

2.主谓一致。主谓一致也是初、中级英语的基本知识范畴。然而由于英语中的集体名词、不定代词、指示代词、主谓倒装等特殊变量的存在,给语言学习者带来许多不好把握的地方。 例1:...but behind it lies two myths...(CET-6,6,02)

该句是一个例装句。谓语动词的形式与myths看齐,而非与介宾it一致。故应把lies改为lie。 例2:...perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe's crowded cities were caused by the disease.(CET-6,6,01)

该句的主语是one,而非crowded cities,故谓语动词应改为was。此句的难点在于介词短语又多又长,容易干扰答题者的语法观念。

3.时态的前后一致。时态的前后一致,应属于初级英语学习者掌握的语法概念。然而有些段落时空交叉频繁和复合句中的分句特殊规则,也可能表示真理性的过去等,这些会给时态观念薄弱的考生造成障碍。 例1:These small households were portraits of independence:the entire family,mother,father,children,even grandparents-live in a small house and working together to support each other.(CET-6,9,03)

此句总体上讲述的是这些小家庭是独立的掠影。而后半句解释到这些小家庭里的成员生活在一起,工作在一起的情景,应该用一般现在时,故将working 改为work,和live保持一致。

4.介词的灵活搭配和固定搭配。小小介词变化无穷。它的使用没有百分之百的规则,只有具备语篇中的灵活性,而这种灵活性又具有相当的固定性和规范性。 例1:This is new is the scale.


例2:Then,about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely long formative period of hunting for food, they became farmers.(CET-6,1,02)

when表示\当……时\表示\\。本句中ten thousand years ago 指距今一万多年前,是在长期的原始狩猎时期之后,故应把when改为介词after。 三、语义前后不顺,缺乏逻辑性



例1:Anyone understood the life and death importance of family cooperation and hard work.(CET-6,9.03)

此句中的anyone不太符合上下文语义场的要求,在肯定某一事实时,用everyone取代anyone。 例2:...a few generations late, sends them flooding out again to the suburbs.(CET-6, 6,02)

该句中的late不符合上下文意思,因为late仅表示\迟到\而没有\以后\的意思,要想表达\几代之后(几十年后)\就应该用a few generations later。later有\,最近\的意思。


例1:Under this pressure their whole way of life, even if their bodies, became radically changed.

该句中的if是误用,even if 后边只有their bodies是半句话,\即使他们的身体\只有把if删除,even their bodies\就连他们的身体\这样才可以与前边的短语构成复合主语表示他们的生活方式和身体状态都得以发生巨变。

例2:When U.S. soldiers came home after the World War II, for example, they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. But there was a tremendous boom in home building. (CET-6,9.03)





如:1。A terrible thought suddenly struck me -----had I locked the door?


2。A strange peace came over her when she was alone.



1。非人称主语句采用“无灵主语”(inanimate subject),表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等,但谓语却常常使用“有灵动词”(animate verb)表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如:see,desert,find,bring,witness,give,escape,surround,kill,deprive,serve,send,know,tell,permit,invite,take,drive,prevent…from等,这类句子往往带有拟人化(personification)的修辞色彩(如上面两个例句)。


例如:It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest.




例如:The forty years ,1840--1880,brought almost ten million migrants to America.



例如:1。The beautiful scenery gained the place quite a reputation .


2。Her habit of biting her nails irritates me .



例如:1。When he had to speak ,his confidence suddenly deserted him.


2。It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him.



例如:The blood-stained glove told of the bandit's crime.



例如:It is generally felt that his appointment was a grave mistake.



例如:Rumors had already spread along the street.



例如:Don't talk to me about no opportunity any more ,opportunity's knocking down every door in the country ,trying to get in.


此外,英语的“there be”句式及用不定代词“one”作主语的句子也具有非人称倾向,汉译时仍可采用上面提到的技巧。

例如:In 1955,there was a strike participated by six thousand workers.


