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Unit 6



● 产品包装综述:介绍产品包装在国际贸易业务中的重要地位,以及包装的主


● 接受顾客咨询及满足顾客需要:接待顾客的咨询,提出建议;针对客户的不


● 解决常见问题:针对常见问题,掌握对不同问题的处理方法。通过与客户的


● 常见邮件的写作:熟悉常见邮件,掌握如何以电子邮件就包装问题与客户进


Unit Objectives

After studying this unit, you are able to:

● Understand the general information about packing

● Talk about the packing method with clients

● Deal with common problems concerning packing

● Write and answer emails about packing details

1. Warming-up

Task 1

Discuss with your classmates and point out the meaning of the following

Task 2

Besides the following functions of the packing, do you know others?Use No Hooks

勿用吊钩 Do Not Crush 切勿挤压 Keep Away From Heat 远离热源 This Side Up 此端向上 Poison 有毒品

2.Reading A

Background Information

Packing is of particular importance in foreign trade because ocean voyages may be most damaging to the goods that are not properly packed. Accident, rough weather, unloading, reloading and pilferage, everything on the way has to be taken into consideration to ensure the safe arrival of the goods. Different types of goods—goods subject to breakage, goods subject to moisture, goods with still other special treatment in transit —require different types of packing. That’s why some large export forms have a special department for export packing and the whole question is under regular review. Many firms employ special export packers or forwarding agents to do their packing for them.

Task 1

Before reading the passage, see how much you know about packing by answering the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of packing?

Packing serves as a form of protection, facilitates loading, unloading and storage, and prevents pilferage; furthermore, it can promote sales.

2. How many types of packing are usually used in international trade?

Packing can be pided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing) and sales packing (usually known as inner packing). Still, there is another category of packing, called “neutral packing”.


An Introduction to Packing

Packing is of great importance in international trade. It may be appropriately said that packing is to goods what clothing is to men. Packing not only serves as a form of protection, but also facilitates loading, unloading and stowage, and prevents pilferage. Furthermore it can promote sales. Packing can be pided into transport packing (usually

known as outer packing) and sales packing (usually known as inner packing). Transport packing is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. It must not only be solid enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage, but also be pilferage-proof, easy to store and convenient to load and unload. Sales packing is done mainly to push sales. It is now universally recognized as a decisive aid in selling household consumer goods. It can be realized in various forms and with different materials as long as it is nice to look at, easy to handle and helpful to the sales. Still, there is another category of packing, called “neutral packing”. This kind of packing carries no mark of the name of the original country of the packed goods and no signs of the original trademark, with the view to elude the tariff of the import country or satisfy the buyer’s special requirement.


Outer packing must be strikingly marked to facilitate identification and transportation. There are three principal types of marking which may have to be done on export package:

(1) The consignee’s own distinctive marks including the consignee’s initials, usually in a square, circle, triangle or diamond, and the name of the port of destination;

(2) Any official mark required by authorities. For example, some countries require the name of the original country of the goods to be marked on every package, and weight and dimensions may also be required;

(3) Special directions or warnings. For example, various warnings are to be stenciled on the packages for the benefit of both the owner and the carrier, such as THIS SIDE UP, DO NOT DROP, and OPEN THIS SIDE.

Requirement for inner packing is increasingly high, with beautiful color, creative design and convenient handling as its chief concern. The primary motive for inner packing is to promote the sales of the particular goods.

Details such as manner of packing, kinds of packing materials and the burden of packing cost should be unmistakably stipulated in the contract concerned and strictly observed by both the selling side and the buying side. Letter about packing issues should be concise and clear. Any changes regarding packing stipulated in the contract should be mutually discussed and determined before packing.







Task 2

Read the passage. Choose from the following expressions and fill in the appropriate.

For the purpose of export, the marks on outer packing usually include: consignee’s code name, countr y of origin, warning marks, weight and dimensions

Good packaging can aid market, because it has: creative design; beautiful color

Contract concerning packing should include details such as: manner of packing; packing cost; packing materials

Task 3

Read the passage again and tick off the facts that you have to take into consideration in outer packing.

Task 4

Besides concerns for the functions, companies must also pay attention the

socialrelated issues when making decisions on packing. Discuss with your

classmates and name some.


Task 1

Miss Brown is talking with Mr. Grey about the packing. Listen to the

conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Miss Brown: Good morning, Mr. Grey. Welcome to our company.

Mr. Grey: Good morning, Miss Brown. My purpose of coming here today is

to talk about the 1 with you.

Miss Brown: OK. So, what’s your idea about it?

Mr. Grey: The products we ordered from you are very 2 ,

so we’ve got to be very careful. I s uggest we use 3 4 .

Miss Brown: Well, I think cartons are better for goods like this.

Mr. Grey: Cartons? I’m afraid cartons are not strong enough for 5 6 .

Miss Brown: Surely we can use wooden cases if you want us to, but the charge

would be much higher.

Mr. Grey: It doesn’t matter how much the 7 will be. I just want

to have my goods safely packed.


Miss Brown: Good morning, Mr. Grey. Welcome to our company.

Mr. Grey: Good morning, Miss Brown. My purpose of coming here today is

to talk about the packing with you.

Miss Brown: OK. So, what’s your idea about it?

Mr. Grey: The products we ordered from you are very fragile, so we’ve

got to be very careful. I suggest we use wooden cases.

Miss Brown: Well, I think cartons are better for goods like this.

Mr. Grey: Cartons? I’m afraid cartons are not strong enough for heavy


Miss Brown: Surely we can use wooden cases if you want us to, but the charge

would be much higher.

Mr. G rey: It doesn’t matter how much the freight will be. I just want

to have my goods safely packed.

Miss Brown: Good, then we’ll use wooden cases.

Task 2

Mr. Grey is talking to Miss Brown about changing packing materials. Listen

to the conversation and match the people with the correct information.


Miss Brown: Good morning, Mr. Grey. Nice to meet you again.

Mr. Grey: Nice to meet you, too. The main purpose of my visit today is to discuss the outer packing of our goods again.

Miss Brown: What’s wrong?

Mr. Grey: We agreed to pack the goods in wooden cases last time, but recently our government has prohibited wooden packing materials. Could you pack in corrugated cardboard boxes?

Miss Brown: Sure. In fact our standard carton has been approved by many foreign clients.

Mr. Grey: But will it be strong enough for long distance transportation? Miss Brown: Of course. We use iron straps for reinforcement. And each carton is lined with waterproof paper.

Mr. Grey: That sounds good. Thanks for your detailed explanation.

Miss Brown: My pleasure.

Task 3

Mr. Grey is talking to Miss Brown about a problem occurred in packing. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).


Mr. Grey: Hello, Miss Brown. I made this special trip here to have a look at the packing of our products because in the last shipment we received, there were a few items damaged by dampness.

Miss Brown: I’m sorry for that, but it’s something unusual. We have taken care of them and improved the packing.

Mr. Grey: Could you be more specific?

Miss Brown: Although we used cartons, we had taken measures to prevent them from dampness. We had lined them with plastic sheets on the inside. Mr. Grey: Oh, maybe it was caused by other factors. I’ll try to find the reason. One more thing, how about putting a “Keep Dry” mark on the outside?

Miss Brown: Sure, no problem.

Mr. Grey: Thanks for your time and efforts.

Task 4

Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.


Mr. Grey: My visit today is to discuss the marks on the outer packing. Miss Brown: Well, the dimension of our carton is 50 cm high, 60 cm wide and 70 cm long. The gross weight is 15 kg, while the net weight is 13 kg. Do you have other requirements?

Mr. Grey: I’d like you to stencil “Handle with Care”, “Fragile” and any other relative marks on the cartons.

Miss Brown: Sure. No need to worry about that.

Mr. Grey: Also, will you stencil “Made in China” on the packing? Miss Brown: OK. We’ll do as instructed.

Mr. Grey: Thank you.

Task 5

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.

1. What is the main idea of this conversation?

To discuss about inner packing of the goods.

2. What suggestion does Mr. Grey give?

Since packing plays an important part in promotion, it should be able to catch the consumer’s eye.

3. What does Miss Brown think of Mr. Grey’s suggestion?

He is right, and it happens to coincide with the design of her company.

4. What does Mr. Grey think of the sample?

It’s very attractive.


Mr. Grey: Since we have settled the outer packing, now shall we discuss the inner packing of the goods?

Miss Brown: OK! We use boxes with beautiful design on them for window display.

Mr. Grey: That’s good! Do you mind if I give y ou a little suggestion about the inner packing of the products?

Miss Brown: Not at all. Go ahead.

Mr. Grey: Well, you know, since packing plays an important part in promotion, it should be able to catch the consumer’s eye.

Miss Brown: Yes, you are right. It happens to coincide with our design. Mr. Grey: Good. Have you got any samples here?

Miss Brown: Sure. Here it is.

Mr. Grey: It’s very attractive. You are really an expert in this line. Miss Brown: Thank you.


Task 1

Work in pairs. Practice making conversations with the words provided according to the example below.

Task 2

Work in pairs. Suppose the manager of a packing company is receiving a client. Practice making a conversation. Some useful expressions are

Task 3

Work in pairs. An American businessman is visiting a sales manager in a packing company, enquiring about packing. Role play it according to the

