
更新时间:2023-10-08 10:12:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit1 1.

A: Lisa, it’s time to get up now. Why are you still in bed?

B: Mum, I don’t feel well. I’m 1.________ there is something wrong with me.

A: Oh, dear, what’s the matter? Let me have a look! Oh, your 2._______ looks a little red. B: Yeah, and my head feels very 3._________.

A: Please take your 4.________ first. Maybe you have a fever.

B: I think so. I didn’t wear 5.________ clothes yesterday when we were fishing. It was sunny at first. But 6._________, it got windy. Although I caught a big fish, I have caught a 7.________. I had a cough and a sore throat last night.

A: You should take care of yourself. You are not a baby anymore.

B: I know, mum. Look at the thermometer(温度计),it’s 38.2℃.I think I need to take some 8.________.

A: I agree. But you’d better go to the doctor and listen to the doctor’s 9.________first. Now, you need to get up and drink a cup of hot tea with 10.________ to make your throat comfortable. B. Ok, mum. 2.

People/ he/ importance/ say/ different/find/with/speak/alone/slow/think/understand

Let children learn to judge (判断)their own work. When children learn to speak, other people should not correct their mistakes all the time. If we do, they will stop 1.________. Let them understand the 2.________ between the language they speak and the language other people around them speak. Day after day, they will make some changes to make their language like other 3._______.In the same way, children can learn to do many other things 4.________others’ help. For example, to talk, to run, to climb, or to ride a bike make themselves understand how they should do it. 5.________, they can make some changes they need.

But at school we never let a child 6._______ find out his mistakes and correct them.We usually think he will never know his mistakes if we do not tell him or he will never correct them if we do not make him do it. We should try to let him 7.________the answer to the problems, and find good ways of working them out with the help of other children if he wants.

Can teachers give the students answer books if they do math problems? Let them correct their homework 8._________. When the students tell their teachers that they can’t find the ways to get the right answers, the teachers should help them. Let the students know what they must learn, how to judge their own 9._______, how to know what they know or what they don’t know. These are the 10.________. 3.

A: Hey, Tara. You didn’t come to school last week. What was the matter?

B: I had a cold and fever. My teacher asked me to stay at home until I got well. A: Really, why?

B: As you know, these days a lot of students get 1.________. Every class has got over sixty students and the classroom is pretty small for too many students. So if one student has a cold, 2________ the other students will have a cold, too.

A: I see. We should look after our health and do much more 3.________ than before.

B: I have the same 4,________ as you. Oh, look, you are 5._________ than before. How did you do that?


A: That’s the 6._________ of exercise. I am not too heavy now. B: So how often do you exercise? Every day?

A: No, I exercise 7._________ a week, usually on Tuesday and Saturday. B: Oh, it’s different. I know you 8.________ exercised before.

A: Because I had no time before. But now I will try to spend time exercise although I am still 9.________.

B: Good. Exercise can make us 10._________. I should learn from you and try to exercise. 4.

A: Hi, David, why didn’t you come to Lisa’s birthday party last Friday? B: I was in 1.________ on that day. I called her but nobody replied. A: What happened to you?

B: I had a P.E class on Friday morning. You know, I was always 2._______ about P.E class. A: I know you like playing 3.________ very much. B: But on that day, I 4._________ myself. A: How come?

B: It was really hot that day. At the 5._______ of the class, our P.E teacher asked us to 6.________ running first. You know I am good at it, so I ran very fast. But suddenly, I felt sick and fell down. A: Oh, that’s really terrible.

B: Yes, I cut my knee and couldn’t 7.________ at all. When I was taken to the doctor, he 8._______ my cut carefully and put some medicine on it. A: Was it 9._________?

B: Not really. But the doctor told me to rest for a few days.

A: Yes, you should follow the doctor’s 10.________, then you can feel better soon. B: I think so. 5.

Cheap/ his/ill/make/no/sad/see/nothing/start/some/stop/their

Today was Christmas Eve(圣诞前夜) andTony had 1.__________ important to do. Two months ago his mother Janet fell ill. They spent almost all their money on his mother’s 2.________. His mother was sad this Christmas. So Tony wanted to buy a nice Christmas cake 3.________ her happy.

He went to a shop and said to the man in it, “Uncle, can I get a cake for 33 cents(分),please?” The man looked at 4.________ and smiled, “I am sorry, son. 5.__________ one costs 40 cents.” Tony turned back and 6._________walking out after he heard this. “Hey, wait a minute. I don’t want to see 7.________ faces today. Here take the cake and happy Christmas.” “ The same to you, uncle. And thank you so much.” Said Tony.

When he was walking, he 8.________a woman sitting under a tree and asking for money. Two kids were sitting next to her. Tony had 9._________ money to give them, so he walked away. But he felt sorry for them, so he gave the cake to 10._________.

When he got home, he told this to his mother. “Son, Christmas is not only about cutting cakes, singing songs, or having parties. The spirit of Christmas is giving and sharing. It is about showing love and kindness. And you have done that. You have celebrate Christmas by helping the poor.” 6.

A: Hi, Mandy, did you enjoy your winter vacation? B; Yes, Bob. How about you? What did you do?


A: I went 1. ________ with some of my friends.

B: It was exciting. I know you are interested in taking 2. _________ by doing different outdoor activities. Did you enjoy yourselves?

A: Not really. We were 3.________ enough on that day. B: So what happened?

A: In the morning, it was sunny. Everybody was excited when climbing the mountain. But at noon, the weather 4.________ a lot, It began to snow heavily. Very soon, the mountain was 5.________ with the white snow.

B: You should 6.________ and went back at once.

A: Actually we did. But on the way back home, I 7._________ and hurt my knee. My friends had to carry me on their backs.

B: You should be careful and know the importance of being 8._________ when climbing mountains. Did you hurt 9._________ seriously? A: Yes, I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. B: Oh, it was a long time.

A: But I read a lot of books when 10._________ in the hospital bed, and really learned a lot. B: You did? Anyway, you really had nothing to do but read.

7. begin/can/decision/find/house/know/life/many/often/room/surprise/think

Mr.Brown was once on his way to his hometown before dark, so he 2._________ to look for an inn(旅馆). He met an old man and asked, “Do you know a good house, and I can 3.________in it for a night?”

The old man didn’t 4._________ what Mr.Brown wanted, and sent him to a large house. The 5. ________owner was a rich man called Me, Smith. Mr. Brown went there and met Mr. Smith. Mr. Brown 6.__________ the house was an inn and Mr. Smith was the innkeeper(旅店老板), and asked him to prepare a 7.__________.

At first Mr. Smith was 8.__________, but he soon knew Mr. Brown’s mistake. So he 9._________ to play a joke on him. Everything Mr. Brown wanted was prepared for him.

The next morning, Mr. Brown ordered breakfast and asked how 10. _________ he needed to pay for it. Then Mr. Smith said with a smile that he was his guest(客人), and then Mr. Brown knew his mistake.

Unit2 1.

A: Hi, Jack. It’s Volunteer Day tomorrow. Do you have any 1._________ for it? B: No. How about you? A: I don’t, either.

B: It’s 2._________ for us to come up with a plan to help 3.________. What are you good at? A: I like reading and I can tell stories very well.

B: So how about 4._________ the old people’s home? You can tell them stories and they may tell you something interesting, too.

A: That sounds like a good activity for us. But what can you do for those 5._________ people? B: You know I am good at singing. Maybe I can sing songs for them to cheer them up. Then they will feel 6._________.

A: That’s good. The old people don’t live with their family members, so they may feel


7._______.sometimes. We need to care for them more.

B: I think we need to make more students know our plans. Why not make some plans and 8.________ them out? Then more students will take part in this 9._________.

A: Good idea.We can’t put off making a good plan for this 10.________visit. Let’s start now. 2.


Many, perhaps, more American students have to work after class of school. This is necessary because higher 1._________ in the United States is not free, nut costs a large amount of money. It is difficult even 2._________ for parents who are not very rich to give children all money they need at school, so students have to make money by 3._________.

It is easy for them 4.________ part-time jobs on campus. Their school may hire(雇佣)them as teaching assistants, secretaries, workers in offices and 5.________, waiters or waitresses in restaurants. They can work there 24 hours a week and be paid by the hour. It is also possible for them to work outside their school in factories, stories and supermarkets, or help families 6.________ rooms.

At many colleges, students have a three or four 7.________ summer holiday. It is a very good chance for them to work full- time somewhere and get 8.________ money than they can get from part0 time jobs. American students are usually active in class. They like to ask questions and enjoy 9.________ with each other of teachers. A professor’s lecture may be interruped(打断)from time to time by questions. This doesn’t make him unhappy or angry because questions show that students are listening to him 10._________ and are using their heads. 3.

A: Hi, Nancy, what are you reading about?

B: I’m reading a book written by a 1.________ named Mary Brown. A: Really? What’s the book about?

B: It’s about her own 2.________. She is a volunteer. So in this book, she tells us something about her volunteering job.

A: Oh, it’s hard for a middle school student to 3._________ lots of time doing that.

B: Yes. She is a book 4._________. So she volunteers her time to work in a library once a week. And she enjoys watching kids read books there. She thinks reading a book is like going on a 5. ________ with some great persons. You even can talk with them along the way. And she hopes kids will have the same 6.________ like her.

A: That’s a good job. She can read the books at the same time while 7._________ for the kids. B: Yeah. I also want to be a volunteer like her. It’s a 8.________ job. You help others and learn a lot from them, too. It’s also a good way to make your dream come true.

A: I think so. While you are doing something to help others, you are practicing your own 9._______. And it’s good to 10._________ yourself at the same time. B: I agree. 4.

A:Do you have any ideas for the coming vacation?

B: Not,yet. My parents asked me to plan my time well. They thought I needed to finish my homework carefully and did some 1._________ at the same time. A: Like what?

B: They said there were a lot of things that had something to us like visiting 2.________ kids in


the hospital, looking after old people, 3.__________ homeless people and so on. A: Yes, you can be a great person if you one of them well.

B: I think so. In fact, I’d like to 4._________ my time to do those kinds of things. What’s your 5.________?

A: I think you can help those homeless people, then we can do it 6._________.

B: You are going to join me? That will be good. I think we can 7._________ some money first by giving away some notices, and then we can buy some food for them.

A: Good idea. I want more people to know our plan and 8.________ us. How about making some signs and 9._________ them up on the wall? I’m sure many students are 10._______ in it. B: I think so. 5.

Something/ hard/ happen/ that/ final/ time/kind/change/ come/mother/difference/meaning

Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything 1.________, believe in yourself!” When I was a young boy, I was too shy to speak to anyone. My classmates often laughed at me. I was sad but could do 2._________.Later, something happened, and it 3._________ my life. It was an English speech(演讲)competition. My mother asked me to take part in it. What a terrible idea! It 4,_________ I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy, trust yourself! You are sure to win.” Then mother and I talked about many 5.________ topics. 6._________, I chose the topic “believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 7._________. With my 8._________ great love, I did well in the competition, I could 9.__________ believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students.

10.________ classmates who once looked down on me(瞧不起我), now all said congratulations to me. 6.

A:Hey, you look extremely mad. What’s wrong?

B: I…I just can’t 1._________ that terrible driver. He is so…..

A: All right. Please be calm and take it easy. Oh, would you like something to drink? Coffee or cola?

B: 2._________. A cup of water is OK. Just now I was riding my bike along the road. A car passed me 3._________ and suddenly(突然)stopped one meter away from me. At the same time there was another car coming in the other direction, I had to brake(刹车)hard and I 4._________ the person on another bike. A: Did anybody get hurt?

B: Luckily no. But we 5.__________ fell off our bikes. A: That’s why you are so angry?

B: No, no. I got angry because the driver drove off 6.___________ saying anything to us. A: That’s really rude. What was next?

B: I saw the driver waiting at the red light, so I rode as fast as possible and go off my bike and put it on the road in front of his car so that he 7._________ drive away. A: That’s a good idea. Then you …

B: Then I just shouted to him that he knocked two people off their bikes and had 8.________ caused a bad accident. Told him angrily that he didn’t 9.__________ other road users and was a 10.__________ to other people.


