冀教版初中七下期末复习Unit 7 Sports and Good Health知识点归纳 教案

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冀教版初中七下期末复习Unit 7 知识点归纳


1)be bored 无聊的;无趣的 2)like…best最喜欢……

3)teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事 4)learn to do sth. 学会做某事 5)be ready to do sth.准备去做某事 6)catch the ball接球

7)buy …for…为……买…… 8)have fun doing sth.愉快地做某事

9)cheer for…为……喝彩 10)once/twice/three times a day一天一次/两次/



Talking about Frequency谈论频率

1)How often do you eat donuts?你多长时间吃一次面包圈? 2)Twice a day.一天两次。

3)I always wash the dishes after supper.我一直是晚饭后刷碟子。 4)I usually go to school by bus.我通常坐公共汽车去上学。 5)Sometimes I ride my bike.有时候我骑自行车。 6)I never eat onions.我从来不吃洋葱。 三、重点句子 Lesson 49

1. I don?t think so, but we can buy some at the sports store, too. 我想没有,但是我们也可以在体育用品店买。 【句式分析】I don?t think so.表示不同意对方的观点或看法。除此之外,还可以说: I don?t agree (with you). 我不同意你的看法。

I can?t really agree with you. 我实在不敢苟同。/我真的不同意你的说法。 I?m afraid not. 恐怕不行。 Of course not. 当然不是。

肯定形式用:I think so. “我认为如此。” 2. How much are they? 它们是多少钱?

【讲解how much】how much 在本句中意为“多少钱”,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。例如:

How much is your new computer? 你的新电脑多少钱? How much (money) did you pay for the English book? 买这本英语书,你付了多少钱?

【注意】(1)how much 后接be动词时,be 是单数还是复数,取决于be之后的名词。例如:

—How much are the parrots? 这些胡萝卜多少钱? —Two yuan a kilo. 两元一千克。

—How much is this coat ? 这件大衣多少钱? —One hundred and fiftythree yuan. 153元。 (2)how much询问价格时,它的回答若是中国的货币单位应采用汉语拼音yuan, fen来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。例如: —How much is the eraser? 这块橡皮擦多少钱? —Ninetytwo fen. 九角二分。


3. Seventy dollars is too much! 70美元太贵了!

【句式分析】在此句中把seventy dollars看作整体,谓语用单数形式。 Ten yuan is enough. 10元钱就够了。

Twenty years is quite a long time. 二十年是相当长的一段时间。 Lesson 50

1.Here, Danny, catch the basketball. 这里,丹尼,接篮球! 【扩展】

catch up with 赶上,例如:

Let's hurry and catch up with the group ahead. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。 2. Give me a ping-pong ball. 给我一个乒乓球。

【句式分析】这是一个祈使句。相当于“Give a ping-pong ball to me.”。 give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.给某人某物 Please give him the picture.

= Please give the picture to him. 请把那张画给他。 3. I am hitting the ball to Jenny.我在把球打给詹妮。

【讲解hit sth. to sb.】hit the ball to sb.意为“朝某人的方向击球”,to表示“朝??方向”。如:

John hits the ball to me.约翰把球打给我。 【扩展】

hit the ball at sb.意为“拿球砸某人”。at表示“对着;向着”。如: Don?t throw the snowball at me! 不要用雪球砸我! Lesson 51

1. Where did you go today? 你们今天去哪儿了? 【句式分析】这是where引导的特殊疑问句。did是do和does的过去式,do,does和did都是助动词,用来构成否定句和疑问句。如: He doesn?t go to school on foot .他不是步行上学。 We don?t go to school on foot . 我们不是步行上学。

They didn?t go to school on foot yesterday. 昨天他们不是步行上学。 Did he go to school on foot yesterday? 昨天他步行上学吗?

2. … but he thought the ball was too heavy. ??但是他认为球太重了。

【句式分析】这个分句含有一个省略了that的宾语从句。thought是think的过去式,the ball was too heavy是宾语从句。主句用的是过去时态,宾语从句也应用过去时态。如:

He said he got up late.他说他起床晚了。

3. Did Danny learn to play basketball, too?詹妮也学打篮球吗?

【句式分析】本句为一般过去时的疑问词。其结构为:Did+主语+助动词原形+其他?肯定回答为:Yes,主语+did.否定回答为:No,主语+didn?t.例如: —Did you finish your homework?你完成你的作业了吗? —Yes, I did.是的,我做完了。 —No, I didn?t.不,我没有。

4. He wanted to learn, but he thought the ball was too heavy.他想去学,但是他认为球太重了。

【句式分析】本句中the ball was too heavy是thought的宾语从句。在宾语从句中,主句中动词用过去时时,宾语从句也应是过去的相应时态。例如:


He thought I was right.他认为我是正确的。

They said they were going to visit that country.他们说他们将参观那个国家。 Lesson 52

1.“There?s Bob?s team! They are called ?The Bulls?,” says Jenny. “鲍勃的队在那儿!他们被叫作‘公牛队’,”詹妮说。

【句式分析】“They are called ?The Bulls?” 由“be动词(are)+过去分词(called)”构成,是被动语态。如:

The watch is made in Shanghai.这块手表式在上海制造的。 2. “What?s the score now, Jenny?” Li Ming asks. “詹妮,现在比分是多少?”李明问。 “It?s seventy-eight to seventy-eight!:” says Jenny.“78比78!”詹妮说。

【句式分析】问句是由what引导的特殊疑问句。the score作主语时,谓语动词用单数。问“比分是多少”时,特殊疑问词用what。表示“几比几”时介词要用to。如:

—What?s the score now?现在比分是多少? —The score is two to three.比分是2比3。

3. They cheer loudly. “Go, Bob! Go, Bulls!”他们大声地欢呼,“鲍勃,加油!公牛队,加油!”

【讲解cheer】cheer为动词,表示“欢呼,喝彩”。例如: We cheered as he neared the finish line. 当他接近终点线时,我们喝起彩来。

The crowd cheered as the Premier walked through the street. 当总理走过大街时人们欢呼起来。 【辨析cheer for, cheer up】

cheer for表示“为??欢呼,喝彩”。yell for表示“(啦啦队等)为??齐声呐喊”。例如:

The parents came to the school to cheer for their children. 父母来到学校为孩子们而喝彩。

We cheered for Bob?s team very loudly.我们为鲍勃队大声呐喊。 cheer up表示“感到振奋, 感到高兴; 振作起来”。例如: Cheer up! Victory is just round the corner.加油! 胜利就在眼前。

I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.我写那首歌只是为了使自己高兴。 Cheers!(在喝酒时对彼此说的)“干杯!”

4. Did you have fun watching the game?你喜欢观看比赛吗?

【讲解watch the game】watch the game表示“观看比赛”,此处“看”不可用动词see。英语中表示“看”的常见搭配有: see a film 看电影 read a book看书 watch TV 看电视 see a doctor 看病 look at the blackboard 看黑板 Lesson 53

1. If you want to be strong and healthy, you must always eat breakfast .如果你想要强壮和健康,你必须总是吃早饭。

【句式分析】“If you want to be strong and healthy”是由连词if引导的条件状语从句,这个从句用一般现在时态表示将来。如果主句中有情态动词must,can或may等,则主句不用一把将来时。如:


If the weather is fine tomorrow, I may go shopping.如果明天天气好的话,我可能去购物。

2. How often do you eat vegetables? 你多久吃一次蔬菜。

【句式分析】这是how often引导的特殊疑问句。how often意为“多久一次”,用来对频率提问。其答语通常为:three times a day(一天三次),once a month(每月一次),often(经常),never(从来不)等。如: —How often do you water the flowers? 你多久浇一次花? —Every other day. 隔一天浇一次。

—How often do you go to the park? 你们多久去一次公园? —Twice a month.每月去两次。

【扩展】how long提问物体的长度、时间的长短或用于询问时间的延续长度(答语里使用表示时段的短语)。例如:

How long is the Changjiang River? 长江有多长?

How long does it take you to do your homework every day? 你每天花多长时间做作业?

how soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问,用于询问某个事件在多久以后发生;意思是“多久之后”。例如:

How soon will you be back? 你多久后回来?

3. You need to eat more vegetables for a healthy body.为了有个健康的身体,你需要吃更多的蔬菜。

【讲解need】need 在句中为实义动词,通常用法是:

(1)表示“某人需要(做)某事”是need (to do)sth强调需要一个主动动作。例如:

You need some water. 你需要一些水。

We need to tell him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。 You need to eat some food. 你需要吃一些食物。

(2)表示“某人/某事需要被??”用need doing /need to be done。例如: My car needs repairing.我的汽车需要修理。 The flowers need watering.这些花需要浇水。 Her room needs cleaning.她的房间需要打扫。 【扩展】


You needn?t do it again.你不需要再做了。

He needn?t worry about it.这件事他无需担心。

Need he do this homework first?他需要先做作业吗? Lesson 54

1. I?m going to watch more sports on TV! 我打算通过电视观看更多的体育节目运动!

【句式分析】这个句子用的是一般将来时态。其中on TV意为“通过电视”。如: I like watching plays on TV.我喜欢通过电视看电视剧。 【扩展】



2. Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.运动可以使你们的身体健康强壮。 【讲解help】helps后省略了you。help sb.(to)do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。如:

I often help my mother(to)do some housework.我经常帮妈妈做家务。 扩展

help sb. with sth.也可表示“帮助某人做某事”。上面的例句也可以表达为I often help my mother with some housework.

2. Why does it take longer to go home?为什么回家花费的时间长些?

【句式分析】句型It takes +时间/金钱+ to do sth. 表示“花时间/金钱做??”。it在句子中做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。例如:

How long will it take you to do your homework every day?每天做作业要花费你多长时间?

It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week.每周买书通常要花费她20元钱。 It will take (us) three hours to fly.路上要飞3小时。 【扩展】

spend 意为“花费/度过”,人做主语;与 on sth或(in) doing sth连用,表示“花时间做某事”。例如:

It took us one week to finish the work. 我们花一周时间完成那项工作。 =We spent one week in finishing the work.或We spent one week on the work.

it 在这里代替 to finish the work,因为主语是to finish the work太长,所以用形式主语it代替。至于We took one week to finish the work.这种说法也可以,不过一般不用,因为不太地道。

3. Sixty seconds make a minute!60秒构成一分钟!

【讲解make】make表示“总计;等于;组成;构成”。例如: Twenty-four hours make a day.24个小时是一天。

One hundred years make a century. 100年是一个世纪。 Two and three make five. 2加3等于5。 4. Riding a bike is exercise. 骑自行车是锻炼。


Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. 在太阳光下读书对你的眼睛有害。 Lesson 55

1. It is important to help others. 帮助别人是很重要的。 【句式分析】此句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to help others。“It is (was) + adj. + (for/of sb.) to do sth.” 是一个常用句型,表示“对某人来说坐某事是??”。

It is important for us to read English every day. 对我们来说,每天读英语是很重要的。 It is very kind of you to help us with our English study. 你帮助我们学习英语真是太好了。

2. How many minutes a day do you wash the dishes? 你一天洗几分钟盘子?

【句式分析】how many minutes a day意为“一天多少分钟”。对数字提问用how many。如:

He reads two hours a day.他一天读两个小时的书。

→How many hours a day does he read? 他一天读几个小时的书?


四、语法讲解 how often的用法

1. how often常用于询问某动作在单位时间内所发生的次数,是对频度时间状语提问的词语。频度时间状语可以是often, usually, always, sometimes, never等副词,也可以是once a week, three times a month等副词短语。与how often相似的短语how many times(多少次),后面常跟限定的时间,如:How many times a week / a day / a month / a year, 并且要回答出次数。

We usually get up at half past six. 我们通常六点半起床。

Sometimes he goes to see his grandpa on weekends. 周末,他有时候去看望爷爷。 2. 但是,在日常生活中,我们不可能总是用陈述句来表达自己的或他人的一些行动,或者事物所存在的状态。我们还要向对方提出一些问题,请求对方回答。在这种情况下,我们还要用疑问句。请看下面几组对话: —How often do you play football? —I usually play football after school.

—How often does my daughter take the medicine? —Three times a day.

3. 不知大家是否注意到,我们针对上面所说的频度副词和表示“在某段时间内某种动作的次数”的状语提问时,都要用how often。换句话说,如果要回答由how often提问的句子,我们通常要用频度副词或诸如every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等来回答。例如:

—How often do you borrow books from the library? —Twice a month.

4. 在大家所做的练习中,常见的有“句型转换”。这种题型有一种“就划线部分提问”,要求针对陈述句中的划线部分提出问题(也就是把陈述句变成特殊疑问句),其中就有针对上面所说的频度副词或every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等提问的句子。这时候自然要用how often来提问了。例如: Jack watches TV three times a week. →How often does Jack watch TV?

Our school has a sports meeting twice a year. →How often does your school have a sports meeting?

5. 要注意的是,陈述句在变成这种特殊疑问句时,其结构是:How often+助动词(或系动词 be)+主语+实义动词(如果前面是系动词be的某种形式,则不再用实义动词)+其它成分?


四、语法讲解 how often的用法

1. how often常用于询问某动作在单位时间内所发生的次数,是对频度时间状语提问的词语。频度时间状语可以是often, usually, always, sometimes, never等副词,也可以是once a week, three times a month等副词短语。与how often相似的短语how many times(多少次),后面常跟限定的时间,如:How many times a week / a day / a month / a year, 并且要回答出次数。

We usually get up at half past six. 我们通常六点半起床。

Sometimes he goes to see his grandpa on weekends. 周末,他有时候去看望爷爷。 2. 但是,在日常生活中,我们不可能总是用陈述句来表达自己的或他人的一些行动,或者事物所存在的状态。我们还要向对方提出一些问题,请求对方回答。在这种情况下,我们还要用疑问句。请看下面几组对话: —How often do you play football? —I usually play football after school.

—How often does my daughter take the medicine? —Three times a day.

3. 不知大家是否注意到,我们针对上面所说的频度副词和表示“在某段时间内某种动作的次数”的状语提问时,都要用how often。换句话说,如果要回答由how often提问的句子,我们通常要用频度副词或诸如every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等来回答。例如:

—How often do you borrow books from the library? —Twice a month.

4. 在大家所做的练习中,常见的有“句型转换”。这种题型有一种“就划线部分提问”,要求针对陈述句中的划线部分提出问题(也就是把陈述句变成特殊疑问句),其中就有针对上面所说的频度副词或every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等提问的句子。这时候自然要用how often来提问了。例如: Jack watches TV three times a week. →How often does Jack watch TV?

Our school has a sports meeting twice a year. →How often does your school have a sports meeting?

5. 要注意的是,陈述句在变成这种特殊疑问句时,其结构是:How often+助动词(或系动词 be)+主语+实义动词(如果前面是系动词be的某种形式,则不再用实义动词)+其它成分?


