
更新时间:2023-08-31 00:37:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





15. David may ________ , but we must go at once.

A. stay late B. stay lately C. stay a little D. have stayed very late stay late

stay lately lately 近来 答案 A

16. I don't think that your watch is _______.

A. worth of the price B. worth the price

C. worthy of the price D. worthy to buy

worthy: adj. a. be worthy of sth.

eg. Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise. 她的成就值得给予最高奖赏。

b. be worthy to do sth.

eg. She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her.

worth: adj. a. be worth + n.

eg. Our house is worth about $ 60,000.

b. be worth doing

eg. The book is worth reading. =It's worth reading the book.

n. 值某金额的量 The thieves stole $ 1 million worth of jewellery. D选项正确答案:worthy to be bought 答案 B

17. _________, it's very tidy.



A. As her room is small B. Small as her room is

C. As small her room is D. Small as her room

as引导让步状语从句,句子需要倒状。Young as he is, Jack is already familiar with most of the books 答案 B

18. As _______ as possible he opened the door and went out into the cold December night.

A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quietly

quiet adj.安静的 答案 B

quite adv.十分,很;quite big

19. I felt thoroughly ________ in the crowded Manhattan.

A. wondered B. lost C. missed D. separated

wondered 怀疑 lost 迷路 missed 丢失 separated 分开 答案 B

20. The city has decided to _______ all the old buildings.

A. break away from B. get rid of C. come up with D. knock down break away from 1.挣脱 The prisoner broke away from his guards.

2. 脱离某政党、政府等 A province has broken away to form a new state.

get rid of: 摆脱 The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't get rid of them.

come up with sth.: 找到或提出(答案、办法等)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.



knock down: 拆除 These old houses are going to be knocked down. 答案 D

21. When the school master is away, Mr. Johnson will be ______ the whole school.

A. in charge of B. in favor of C. in honor of D. in regard to

in charge of: 处于控制或支配的地位, 负责

Who's in charge here?这儿谁负责?

He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. in favor of sb./sth.: 支持某人/某事

Was he in favor of the death penalty?

in honor of : 出于对某人的敬意

a ceremony in honor of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士举行的仪式

in/with regard to sb./sth. 关于某人/某事 I have nothing to say with/ in regard to your complaints. 答案 A

22. In his speech he _______ his experience as a teaching assistant.

A. returned to B. referred to C. stuck to D. turned to

return sth.(to sb./sth.): 归还,放回

She returned the bird to its cages. 她把鸟放回笼子里

Please return me my 5 yuan/ return my five yuan to me.

Refer to sb./sth.: 提到,说到或涉及到某人(某事物)



When I said some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you. Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事。 stick to sth.: 坚持或维持某事物

“Would you like some wine?”

“No, I'll stick to beer, thanks.” 不,我还是喝啤酒吧。

turn to sb.(sth.): 向某人(某事物)寻求帮助

She has nobody she can turn to. 她求助无门。

The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink. 答案 B

23. He tried his best in the first game, but was ________ by the little boy.

A. won B. hit C. beaten D. held

A:win-won-won; 赢得

B:hit 打

C:beat 打,

D: hold-held-held 举行 答案 C

24. I wanted to go home but my wife _______ on going to the concert.

A. persisted B. resisted C. insisted D. intended

persisted:persist: persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事

He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle. resist+n 抵抗

intend: intend to do sth. 想要做…… 答案 C



25. The government gave several good ______ for increasing the tax on cigarettes.

A. purposes B. reasons C. questions D. problems

purpose 目的 reason 原因 question 问题 problem 问题 答案 B

26. Four people were seriously _______ in the accident.

A. injured B. damaged C. spoiled D. broken injure 受伤

damage: 表示使被损坏的对象失去或降低其自身价值, 但不完全毁掉。

He damaged my car with a stone.

ruin: 常强调完全毁掉。 The storm has ruined the garden.

spoil: 语气比ruin弱,不强调完全毁掉,表示使被害方失去其完美性。

He spoiled his painting by putting too much red paint on it.


He has spoiled his constitution with bad living. 答案 A

27. He spoke so quickly that I didn't ________ what he said.

A. listen B. catch C. miss D. receive

listen 听 listen to catch 抓住,听到 miss 丢失 receive 收到

28. He was poor but proud, and _______ every offer of help.

A. turned down B. turned on C. turned off D. turned out

turn down 拒绝 turn on 打开。turn on the light 开灯



turn off 关上。turn off the light turn out 证明为…… 答案 A

29. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _______ spring.

A. later B. latter C. last D. late

later 以后。 latter 后者 last 最后 late 晚的 答案 D

30. How ________ is it from here to the city center?

A. long B. far C. distant D. near

how long 一段延续的时间

——How long have you studied English?

——I have studied English for 3 years (since 3 years ago)。答案 B

31. I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn't enough money to pay for the _____.

A. journey B. distance C. road D. way

journey 旅行 distance 距离 road 道路 way 方式方法 答案A

32. Her parents wouldn't _______ her to stay out later than 10:30 at night.

A. require B. ask C. encourage D. permit

stay out 不回家 require 要求 ask 要求 encourage 鼓励 permit 允许 答案 D

33. Last Sunday, ________ my great surprise, I met Bullen in town.



A. for B. to C. as D. at

(to one's surprise 使某人感到惊奇) 答案 B

34. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ________ tea.

A. to B. with C. for D. against

prefer……to…… 答案 A

35. I'm in no ________ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.

A. feeling B. attitude C. opinion D. mood

feeling 感情 attitude 态度 opinion 观点 mood 情绪 答案 D

36. Tennis is a _________ invented by an Englishman a hundred years ago.

A. play B. match C. game D. event

play: n. 比赛,竞赛 The tennis players need total concentration during play.

match 比赛 game 运动 event 事件 答案 C

37. That's the biggest ______ he has ever told in his life.

A. talk B. speech C. lesson D. lie

talk:give/have a talk 谈话

speech:make/deliver a speech 做演讲

lesson:teach a lesson: 教训

learn one's lesson: 汲取教训



lie:tell a lie

答案 D

38. _______ that the jewels had been stolen by one of the guards.

A. It turned up B. It turned out C. It turned on D. It turned over

turn up: 露面, 来到 We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7: 30, but he failed to turn up.

turn out: turn out to be sb./sth.; turn out that…证明是某人(某物),原来是┄┄

She turned out to be a friend of my sister./ It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.

turn on 开灯

turn (sb./sth.) over: 翻身或翻转

She turned over and went to sleep.她转过身就睡着了。

答案 B

39. “I'm tired, but let's go.”

“Why _______ rest a while?”

A. let's B. not let's C. not D. let's not答案 C

40. “We won't be finished until tonight.”

“And they _______.”

A. will, either B. won't, too C. will, neither D. won't, either 答案 D



41. “________?”

“A cup of tea, please.”

A. Do you like tea B. Do you like a cup of tea C. Would you like a cup of tea D. What would you like to drink 答案 D

42. “Do you mind if I open the window?”

“________.” A. Sure, certainly not B. All right C. I don't know D. Not at all

答案 D

