
更新时间:2024-07-09 10:27:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Day 17

1. Follow the instructions to the letter.信上的指示 2. She is going to make a copy of the document. 3. I am making no progress on this assignment.

4. What is the extension for the management department? 5. What is the average profit margin of the company?利润率 6. ABC Bank merged with ACE Commercial Bank. 7. How often do you work overtime?

8. How long is this policy good for?有效的;会产生;有支付…能力的begoodfor 9. The product was in stock last week, wasn’t it? 10. When do you think we can reach an agreement?

11. I don’t really understand why the first release date was postponed. 12. When is the plant scheduled to reopen?

13. Could you please tell them to return my call?

14. The sales representatives, John and Sam, were given $50 and $70, respectively. 15. How about stocking upon water for emergency?

16. The stockholder said that our market shares had increased this quarter by 10%. 17. The problem will be taken care of shortly.

18. Why don’t you talk to the technician about the problem? 19. Why is the stock markettumbling these days?暴跌 20. The crates are being moved into the warehouse.板条箱 21. I will do anything to win the contract.



3.我没有在这项任务上取得任何进展。 4.管理部门的内部号码是多少? 5.公司的平均利润是多少?

6.ABC银行与ACE商业银行合并。 7.你多久加班一次?

8.这项政策的有效时间是多久? 9.商品上周在仓库里,不是吗?

10.你认为我们什么时候可以达成一致? 11.我不明白为什么第一个发行日期被推迟。 12.工厂预计什么时候再开工? 13.你能转告他们给我回电话吗?

14.销售代表John和Sam将会分别得到50美元和70美元。 15.为紧急情况储存一些水怎么样?

16.股东说我们这个季度的市场占有率增长了10%。 17.问题马上就会被处理。

18.你为什么不同技术人员说这个问题? 19.最近股票市场暴跌的原因是什么? 20.箱子被搬到了仓库。


