
更新时间:2024-05-24 01:09:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


学 校代码 10722 学号 1012024107 分

题 目 中、

英 文)

号 G622.0 密

公开 本科毕业论文

农村小学教育面临的困境分析 Analysis of the plight of the rural primary school education 作者姓名 所学专业 小学教育 学科门类

教育学 指导教师 提交论文日期 二〇一四年五月 成绩评定 (

摘 要





As China is a large agricultural country since ancient times, The government attaches great importance to the problem of \rural areas and farmers\Although in recent years, the country increased capital investment to the countryside, farmers and agriculture . However, the key to solve the problem of \areas and farmers\the important proportion in our country's education system , the primary school education plays a fundamental role in the rural education. Therefore, the development of rural primary school education not only can improve the quality of the broad masses of farmers, but also can promote the development of rural economy. At present, rural primary school education career has achieved a certain development, however, the rural primary school education still exists many problems. This article mainly from the teachers' serious aging, loss of many teachers and students, the problem of left-behind children, the problems in primary school \study and analysis, etc, and then put forward the corresponding solutions. Thus more conducive to ease and solve problem to be solved in the aspect of primary school education in rural areas, promote rural primary school education to better development.

Keywords: rural; primary school education; difficulties; measures


