顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究 - 图文

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顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究 经济与管理学院 市场营销 2011级113班 1110650076

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二○一五年 五 月 六日


毕业设计(论文)题目:顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究 学 院 经济与管理学院 专 业 学 号 市场营销 1110650076 姓 名 评阅教师评语: 是否同意答辩: 建议成绩(百分制): 评阅教师签字: 年 月 日


指导教师评语: 同学的论文《顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究》选题恰当、思路清晰、结构安排合理。 论文在阅读文献的基础上进行假设,并基于调查数据对假设进行验证。最后得到顾客感知价值模型中功能价值、情感价值、社会价值、感知购买成本4个变量均对消费者购买行为有显著正向影响,其中感知风险变量对消费者购买行为有显著负向影响。针对研究结论,论文从6个角度出发,对网络商家提出建议。 论文全文字数、格式均达到标准,与本科毕业论文水平相符。在整个论文写作过程中,该同学态度端正,能够按照导师的意见积极修改论文,但在论文进展方面有所拖沓并导致推迟答辩。 指导教师签字: 年 月 日

《 顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究》




Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet technology, more and more people choose online shopping. The network of fierce market competition, businesses have begun to find a breakthrough to gain competitive advantage. Customer perceived value as one of the effective ways to obtain competitive advantage, has become the common concern of scholars and merchants. This paper according to the customer perceived value on purchase behavior of the correlation and the relevant literature was summarized and comb, and summarized by the traditional mode of customer perceived value and online shopping environment of customer perceived value and to explore the effect of customer perceived value on consumers' online clothing purchase behavior.

Keywords: Customer perceived value, purchase behavior, online shopping





Philip Kotler(1994)在提出的顾客让渡价值模型中认为顾客感知价值是顾客在消费过程中获得的总价值与为了获得总价值而需要付出的成本之间的差额的评估。






















Jarvenpaa & Todd (1997)提出影响消费者网上购物感知价值的主要因素:产品价值感知、购物体验、顾客服务、消费者风险。

Zhan Chen and Alan j.dubinsky (2003)等指出网络购物环境下影响顾客感知价值的主要因素包括产品的质量、产品价格、网络购物综合体验、风险感知等。并且通过实证分析,表明以上因素对于网络消费者感知价值有显著的正向影响。























消费者在购买商品时首先关注的就是商品的价格,看定价是否合适,是否在自己的承受能力范围内。Barnes(2000)提到价格是产品的一项重要属性,价格比较低的时候可以提升顾客的满意度,也能建立与增强买卖双方的关系。由于现在网购竞争环境日趋激烈,商家在制定价格时必须要站在顾客的角度考虑,以其所能够承受并且愿意付出的交易成本来为商家提供的产品或服务定价,一方面要密切关注网购市场动态随时进行价格调整,另一方面要调整出合适的价格使顾客愿意为之付出。 2、网络安全因素

网络购物与传统购物最大的不同在于和网络信息技术的高度紧密联系。Chain Store Age(1999)指出有75%的网上消费者利用网银进行网络购物,财务安全性是他们决定在网上进行购物的最主要因素。在交易过程中还会涉及到消费者的交易信息内容、通讯地址、身份信息等,如果信息一旦被泄露,会直接给消费者带来一系列安全性隐患,对于消费者以后的网购行为也会造成严重的影响。所以,对消费者个人身份和隐私的保护成了现在商家吸引消费者的重要因素。


由于网购在虚拟网上进行的存在着一定空间上的距离,所以必须依靠第三方物流公司来进行配送货。马勇(2009)提到能否安全及时的将商品送到消费者的手中,并制定合理对消费者有保障性的的退换货服务,是消费者考虑是否会进行重复购物的重要原因。特别是配送商品效率的高低决定了消费者是否认同网购的便利性决定以后是否愿意继续购买。 4、商家的诚信问题





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文献综述指导教师评语 指导教师评语: 该综述收集了相关研究顾客感知价值的文献,在阅读并梳理这些文献资料的基础上,提出了自己的研究目标并细化形成了研究的提纲。基本达到文献综述的目的。该综述基本符合学院对文献综述的要求。 指导教师签名: 2014 年 12月 25日 文献综述建议成绩(0-8分):


英文名:Research on the Determinants of Purchasing

Intention in Online Shopping

——From the Perspective of Trust and Perceived Risk 中文名:网络销售中影响消费者购买行为的因素研究


来 源:Ola Hultkrantz .Research on the Determinants of

Purchasing Intention in Online Shopping——From the Perspective of Trust and Perceived

Risk[D].ChalmersUniversity of Technology,2010.156-171.

In online shopping,consumers can not obtain comprehensive products information by seeing and touching. And they may even worry about the transaction security. Online shopping offers a transaction situation with distrustful factors and high perceived risks.So in addition to providing cheap prices and continent purchasing services,it is more important for online stores to meet consumers’psychological requirement of security. This article proposes a purchasing intention influence model based on trust and perceived risk theories,and presents the development and validation of scales of model variances. Empirical research is conducted based on interview and questionnaire survey. SEM analysis is used to explore the influences of online stores’brand image,sales management,services,technology security,and consumers’disposition to trust on consumers’trust and perceived risk,as well as their effects on purchasing intention. Finally,the article puts forward a credit enhancement framework involving efforts from government,industry association,enterprises,the third-party payment,and consumers,and also proposes suggestions for the management practice.

The global financial crisis in 2008, thousands of European and American countries in retail stores closed their doors, many export enterprises in China and traditional retail businesses face the same winter. China to Taobao, represented substantial growth in online retail business has become the most important outside the traditional retail trade in the supplementary form. Previous research showed that scholars, not actual contact with the products and businesses, the lack of control, the consumer e-commerce transactions and perceived risk than traditional transactions, perceived risk is much greater. According to IResearch's \Report 2007-2008, online shopping in China, \shows that more than 60% of the respondents believe that the safety of online shopping and online consumer product quality problems that have hindered the main reason for online shopping, and these two points can be Summarized as a lack of trust of consumers for network consumption.

Das and Teng found: the generation of trust, and trust are at risk or uncertain transactions with related cases. Trust after the election, would trust to consider taking some form of cooperation involving the transfer of resources or control the behavior. In the study of Joshi and Stump, both occurred in trust for the manufacturers to suppliers. Internet retail is a high risk and uncertainty of special trading situations, whether in relationships or transactions between the virtual organization, inevitably will face the risk or uncertainty. Because they rely on sources of information, content, quantity, cost and other aspects of the search is different from the risk in the face of the virtual organization, or entity transactions with the face of interpersonal risk perception in different environments. Retail transactions in the network environment, the ability to trust mechanism is the key to trading success.

Trust and be trusted by both factors will affect the generation of trust. ① the personal trust is a disposition to trust does not change with the occasion, stable, generalized, trust those who tend to trust or distrust other people personal traits (McKnight et al.1998). Fan and Chen study shows that the personal characteristics will affect the consumer's trust behavior, especially in the product information is not sufficient network environment. ② those features to be trusted. Mayer et al. made under normal circumstances to be trusted by the three characteristics: ability, benevolence heart, integrity, is recognized as both the integrity and streamlining of the concept. Jarvenpaa and Tractinsk that retail sales in the network, the site has the characteristics of consumer trust: navigation, brand, recommendations, privacy and security, site errors, order fulfillment, third party certification. Koufaris and Hampton-Sosa network of retail trade confidence that the impact of factors, including transaction security, website features, the site features consumer satisfaction. Lee and Overby concluded that the online retail business from the brand, service, technology and transaction security and other areas to improve competitiveness, access to consumer confidence. Among them, the corporate reputation is the business stakeholders on the overall evaluation of the long-term business. Flavian, Guinaliu and Torres study found that compared to traditional retailers, online retail company's brand image of trust has more influence.

In this study, the demographic variables as background variables, the empirical analysis to study the Internet retailers \management \quality\technical security \\\perceived risk \intention\the complex relationship between variables to construct a virtual trading environment of our network, the

network model of trust mechanism in retail transactions. Strong development momentum of online shopping has become an important way to stimulate economic growth.

Networking and innovation in the retail enterprise's brand strategy. Our country have sprung up online stores, the major online retailers in general into a price war quagmire. Therefore, the emphasis on brand building, brand premium mining factors, to promote innovation is essential. Compared to the traditional channels, strong focus on network information,the proliferation of a wide network of retailers, the accumulation of more focused word of mouth. Businesses can rely on the pursuit of short-term effects of speculation and guidance, and to rely more on long-established brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Pay attention to every transaction process, by strengthening the positive interaction with consumers, continue to accumulate credit and reputation, to build reputation, loyalty, and ultimately build brand, and to achieve value-added space to the brand.

In addition, the online retail enterprises should make full use of network technology, to enhance interaction and communication with consumers to obtain more rapid, more complete first-line consumer feedback, so that future offerings more in line with consumer demand. Meanwhile, consumers should be invited to further participate in the interactive and online merchants by increasing consumer participation, to improve product innovation and customer loyalty, so that the formation of premium products and services. Businesses can create customer service database to regular online survey to understand the market demand and changes in consumer spending tend to promote the personal development of breadth and depth of services.

The field of consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. This is a broader view of consumer behavior than the traditional one, which focused much more on the buyer and the immediate antecedents and consequences of the purchasing process. This view will lead us to examine indirect influences on consumption decisions as well as consequences that involve more than the purchaser and seller. To survive in a competitive environment, an organization must provide target customers more value than is provided by its competitors. Customer value is the difference between all the benefits derived from a total product and all the costs of acquiring those benefits. 1. Marketing Strategy

It is not possible to select target markets without simultaneously formulating a general marketing strategy for each segment. A decisive criterion in selecting target markets is the ability to provide superior value to those market segments. Since customer value is delivered by the marketing strategy, the firm must develop its general marketing strategy as it evaluates potential target markets. 1.1 The Product

A product is anything a consumer acquires or might acquire to meet perceived need. Consumers are generally buying need satisfaction, not physical product attributes.

1.2 Communications

Marketing communications include advertising, the sales force, public relations, packaging and any other signal that the firm provides about itself and its products. 1.3 Price

Price is the amount of money one must pay to obtain the right to use the product. One can buy ownership of a product or, for many products, limited usage rights. 1.4 Distribution

Distribution, having the product available where target customers can buy it, is essential to success. Only in rare cases will customers go to much trouble to secure a particular brand.Obviously,good channel decisions require a sound knowledge of where target customers shop for the product in question, as the following example shows.

2. Market Analysis components

Market analysis requires a thorough understanding of the organization’s own capabilities, the capabilities of current and future competitors, the consumption process of potential customers, and the economic, physical, and technological environment in which these elements will interact. 2.1 The Consumers

It is not possible to anticipate and react to customers’ needs and desires without a complete understanding of consumer behavior. Discovering customers’ current needs is a complex process, but it can generally be accomplished by direct marketing research, as the following example illustrates. 2.2 The Company

A firm must fully understand its own ability to meet customer needs. This involves evaluating all aspects of the firm, including its financial condition, general managerial skills, production capabilities, research and development capabilities,

technological sophistication,reputation,and marketing skills. Marketing skills would include new product development capabilities, channel strength, advertising abilities, service capabilities, marketing research abilities, market and consumer knowledge, and so forth. 2.3 The Competitors

It is not possible to consistently do a better job of meeting customer needs than the competition without a thorough understanding of the competition’s capabilities and strategies. 2.4 The Conditions

The state of the economy, the physical environment, government regulations, and technological developments affect consumer needs and expectations as well as company and competitor capabilities. The deterioration of the physical environment has produced not only consumer demand for environmentally sound products but also government regulations affecting product design and manufacturing. 2.5 Market segmentation

Market segment is a portion of a larger market whose needs differ somewhat from the larger market. Since a market segment has unique needs, a firm that develops a total product focused solely on the needs of that segment will be able to meet the segment’s desires better than a firm whose product or service attempts to meet the needs of multiple segments. 3. The Nature of consumer behavior 3.1 External influences

Dividing the factors that influence consumers into categories is somewhat arbitrary. For example, we treat learning as an internal influence despite the fact that much human learning involves interaction with, or imitation of, other individuals. Thus, learning could also be considered a group process. 3.2 Internal influences

Internal influences begin with perception, the process by which individuals receive and assign meaning to stimuli. An attitude is an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment. As such, our attitudes are heavily influenced by the external and internal factors that we have discussed in the preceding chapters. 3.3 Self-Concept and Lifestyle

The self-concept is the totality of an individual’s thoughts and feelings about him or herself. It is the total image one has of one’s self as a result of the culture one lives in and the individual situations and future plans. Lifestyle is, quite simply, how

one lives. It includes the products one buys, how one uses them, and what one thinks and feels about them. It is the manifestation of one’s self-concept. 3.4 Situations and Consumer Decisions

Consumer decisions result from perceived problems and opportunities. We will use the term problem to refer both to problems and to opportunities. Consumer problems arise in specific situations, and the nature of the situation influences the resulting consumer behavior. 4. The Meaning Of Consumption

As stated above, all marketing strategies and tactics are based on explicit or implicit beliefs about consumer behavior. Decisions based on explicit assumptions and sound theory and research are more likely to be successful than are decisions based solely on implicit intuition. Thus, knowledge of consumer behavior can be an important competitive advantage. It can greatly reduce the odds of bad decisions.



Das and Teng研究发现:信任的产生,和信任者处于具有风险或不确定交易情形有关。信任产生后,会使信任者考虑采取一些合作的形式,涉及资源或控制权移转的行为。在Joshi and Stump的研究中,信任发生的双方为制造商对供货商。网络零售是一个存在高风险和不确定性的特殊交易情境,无论是在人际关系或者对于虚拟组织的交易关系中,不可避免地都会面对风险或不确定的情况。由于依赖的信息来源、内容、数量、搜寻成本等方面不同,在面对虚拟组织的风险,与面对人际关系或实体交易环境中的风险感知不同。在网络零售交易环境中,能否产生信任机制是交易成功与否的关键。

信任者和被信任者双方的因素都会影响信任的产生。①信任者的个人信任倾向是一种不随场合改变的、稳定的、一般化的,信任者趋向于信任或不信任他人的个人特质(McKnight et al.1998)。Fan and Chen研究表明,这种个人特质会影响消费者的信任行为,尤其是在产品信息不充足的网络环境中。②被信任者特征。Mayer et al.提出了一般情况下被信任者的三项特征:能力、

仁慈心、正直,被公认兼顾概念的完整性与精简性。Jarvenpaa and Tractinsk指出在网络零售中,网站所具有的特征影响消费者的信任:导航、品牌、建议、隐私与安全、网站错误、订单履行,第三方认证。Koufaris and Hampton-Sosa认为影响网络零售交易信任的因素包括交易安全、网站功能、消费者对网站特征的满意度。Lee and Overby总结认为网络零售企业可以从品牌、服务、技术和交易安全等方面来提高竞争力,获取消费者的信任。其中,企业声誉是企业的利益相关者对企业的长期整体评价。Flavian,Guinaliu and Torres研究发现相比传统零售企业,网络零售企业的品牌形象对信任度具有更大的影响力。




消费者行为学是研究个体,群体和组织为满足其需要而如何选择、获取、使用、处置产品、服务、体验和想法以及由此对消费者和社会产生的影响。传统上,消费者行为研究侧重于购买前和购买后的有关活动。关于消费者行为学的界定较之传统观点更广泛,它将有助于引导我们从更宽广的视角审视消费者决策的间接影响以及对买卖双方的各种后果。为了在竞争激烈的环境中求得生存,企业必须比竞争者更多地为目标客户提供价值。顾客价值是顾客从整体产品中获得的各项利益扣除各种获取费用后的余额。 1.市场营销战略

对每一选取的目标市场,都应分别制定营销战略。选择目标市场的关键性标准或依据是企业是否有能力提供较竞争品高的消费者价值。消费者价值很大程度上是由营销战略决定,所以公司在评估潜在目标市场时,应当发展一般的营销战略。 1.1 产品

产品是消费者获得和用于满足其需要的任何东西。消费者所购买的或追求的是需要的满足,而不是具体形态的物质特性。 1.2 传播

营销传播包括广告、人员分销、公共关系、包装以及企业提供的关于它自身及其产品的其他信号。 1.3 定价

价格是消费者为获得拥有,使用产品的权利而必须支付的金钱数量。消费者可以拥有一件产品,也可以仅仅拥有产品的使用权。 1.4 分销

分销实际上是让顾客在需要的时候能买到产品,它对企业的经营成败至关重要。绝大多数情况下,消费者不愿为获得某一特定品牌而伤身费力。很明显,有效地渠道决策应即建立在掌握消费者在何处购买的知识的基础上。 2.市场分析

市场分析要求全面深入地了解企业自身能力,现在和潜在竞争者的实力,潜在消费者的消费过程以及经济的,物质的和技术的环境。 2.1 消费者

不了解消费者,就无法预测其需要与欲望,也无法对其需要做出恰当的反映。发现消费者现在需要什么是一个复杂的过程,但一般来说,可以通过直接的营销调研予以实现。 2.2 公司

每一个公司都必须透彻了解其满足消费者需要的能力。为此,需要评价公司的各个方面,如财务状况、一般管理技巧、研究和开发能力、技术装备情况、声誉、营销技能等。营销技能包括新产品开发能力、分销能力、服务能力、营销研究能力、市场和消费者知识等。 2.3 竞争者

缺乏对竞争对手的实力及战略的了解,同样不能在满足消费者需要方面始终如一地超越对手。 2.4 宏观环境因素


刺激了消费者对环境友善产品的需求,而且也诱发了更多政府管制措施的出台,这些管制措施反过来又影响产品的设计与制造。 2.5 市场细分


3.消费者行为的性质 3.1 外部影响

将影响消费者行为的因素分类,在某种意义上带有主观或武断成分。例如,我们将学习视为一种内部影响,而事实上人类学习在很大程度上与模仿他人以及与他人相互作用有关,从这一意义上看,学习也可视为一种群体互动过程。 3.2 内部影响

内部影响始于知觉,即个体接触刺激物并对其赋予某种含义的过程。态度是对某人或某种食物的好恶倾向,它包括情感的、认知的、行为的多种成分。它反映人们对外部环境的某些方面如零售店、电视节目、产品的所思、所感、所为、态度在很大程度上为各种内外部影响因素所支配。 3.3 自我概念和生活方式


3.4 消费者决策过程

消费者决策源于消费者意识到或感觉到某个问题的存在和有解决这一问题的机会。消费者问题通常发生在特定的情景下,情境的性质将影响发生于其中的行为。 4.消费的意义



英文名: Consumer behavior research paradigm

conversion process 中文名: 消费者行为研究范式转换过程

来 源:

Thomas samuel kuhn

Study of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist paradigm shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, basic knowledge of related disciplines, and many borrowed paradigm composition have changed dramatically. Background of this changing environment to promote the 20th century, 80 years after the world economic growth and prosperity, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes, purchasing power has been an unprecedented increase, the pursuit of individuality and freedom of consumers desire to become increasingly The more intense.

The first ,Positivist paradigm of consumer behavior research

Empirical studies of consumer behavior paradigm by famous Western philosopher Aristotle, philosophical ideas. Kurt Lewin in \conflict and more\the habit of scientific research. People are used and the frequency by the law to understand the law of development of things, and people like to explore the stability and the tendency of things with the law of development, except for the unusual and the regularity of things will feel cold. Lewin said, when someone mentioned a movie in a child-specific actions, psychologists think the first question is \action? Or at least it is a common action.\this means that repeatability is a phenomenon worthy of study, or whether something is an important indicator.

Positivism is the philosophy of science as Aristotle thought. It assumes that consumers are rational, identifiable, and mental stability, their motivation is to identify behavioral control and prediction; consumer practice in the real existence of simple truth; emphasis on scientific observation and testing, the observed empirical evidence, to gain general rule to predict and control the behavior of consumers. Thus, in the positivist paradigm, consumer behavior research is the assumption that consumer behavior is controlled by some force, but most of these forces are beyond the scope of consumer self-control. Changes in consumer behavior is not so much a manifestation of the subjective will of consumers, it is more affected by various internal and external factors affecting the results. For example, the behavior of the concept of consumer behavior theory suggests that consumer behavior is mainly caused by the stimulation of the external environment. Therefore, the hypothesis \to reduce cognitive inconsistency, the inner state of mind to maintain balance, consumers are always seeking behavior of the internal balance.\From a certain perspective, this behavior is a static concept. As Firat commented it: \the theory of consumer behavior consistent with the orderly conduct.\Thus, consumer behavior characteristics

(such as cognitive reaction, reflex, personal characteristics, etc.) variables follow the \predict certain behaviors of consumers, and forecasts marketing activities of enterprises of great reference.

In short, the positivist paradigm in consumer research, consumers are only a passive, passive object. For example, the act of self-awareness concept assumes that consumers lack the ability, so that through the environmental impact of corporate marketing strategy will be able to control and guide the consumer, such is the positivist paradigm of attack focus. Positivist paradigm assumes that consumers are passive objects, in fact, this assumption is the customer first serious departure from the philosophy of marketing. American Marketing Association Conference in 1988 reiterated the theme: \knowledge in the production of consumer behavior research, consumers unfortunate enough to be converted into laboratory guinea pigs, they became to be observed, the object of interviews and experiments.\

Because of positivism can be assumed that the consumer is an object of knowledge, and experience in consumer spending and therefore the process can be separated, can be broken down into different components. We can use a variety of objective methods of analysis and experience of the consumer process to analyze the different components. These methods include the standard questionnaire, experiment and personality tests. However, these methods are unable to conduct a comprehensive wealth of consumer behavior analysis. As a factor in a process separate and detailed analysis, it ignores the complexity of the system and interaction. Braithwaite believes that the standard quantitative survey methods (such as questionnaires) will limit the description of consumer spending, resulting in a negative way respondents answer questions.

Although a lot of criticism, but we should also see the traditional method of consumption patterns abstract out the prediction of consumer behavior and control role: some of the methods of scientific investigation in the conclusions they come within the scope of observation is credible . In addition, the positivist paradigm \theory of consumer behavior,\of marketing practice.

The second, non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior research

Non-positivist paradigm of consumer behavior is no longer the consumer as a passive response, but for psychological proactive with the ability of actors, they have to interpret the environment of the consumer and construction capabilities. For example, the interpretation of the view that the subjective views of consumer behavior by consumers, content and structure of domination. Shaughnessy said: \the purchase can not simply be based on product benefits and to make rational cost-benefit calculation, but the consumer sense of the process of collection of personal experience.\subjective value system. Postmodern perspective of consumer behavior research and

interpretation of consumer behavior under the focus of research is the consumer's subjective values, language and rhetoric.

Brown said in the marketing sense, the interpretation of the concept is different from post-modernism in the fact that the former assumes that man is a self-governing body, freedom of thought, self-understanding of the individual. For example, the concept of humanism and phenomenology that consumers are internally consistent and rational, and can determine their own process of consumer experience and value. Thus, similar to the traditional view, outlook also assumes that the consumer has the interpretation that constitute the essence of nature. In addition, the interpretation of the concept also emphasize that consumers should have a good fantasy, emotional experience and the pursuit of happiness consumption side, that consumers are always on the environment and the internal consistency of the statements describe subjectivity, thus making the environment more meaningful and more predictable; Moreover, the consumer's subjective description of the community can also assume that most people understand and share.

Then modernist view of consumption is that consumers do not mind the essence of both fixed or something to drive their behavior. Therefore, the subjective feelings of self-recognition and context-specific and dependent on the atmosphere. The context and the atmosphere but also by the impact of social roles among consumers. Therefore, the consumption of the resulting image is constantly changing and subjective feelings or transformation. Their consumption by the consumers with whom, what kind of consumer environment, and why consumer spending and other variables. Postmodernism insists that consumer identity is intermittent, incomplete, and subject to change. Firat that consumers self-image performance, characteristics and values of a multi-dimensional variability, and they are not aware of the changing and contradictory values and lifestyles between the incompatibility. Therefore, the post-modernist view of consumer behavior to focus on consumers through their own consumption and lifestyle different to change their living environment as reflected in the creativity and autonomy capabilities.

Through the analysis of the various points of view can know that consumers making purchasing decisions, not only focus on product effectiveness, but also pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. Material goods to meet consumer needs only appearance, but more important is that we must pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. For consumers, the consumer can have symbolic value in two areas: increasing consumer self-identity and symbolic value of self-identity of the community to improve the social symbolic value. Match the consumer with this act as individuals and consumers to create and maintain meaning and value of the social environment an important role. Therefore, advertising is often seen as symbolic construction and maintenance of a major symbol means. These tend to focus on the brand of cultural significance, so Elliot that the brand is often used to create and maintain a sense of identity such as the primary means of symbolism. Firat think it also reflects consumer culture contact with the general human

freedom: the product obtained by replacing a different image, to gain a different self. This new image to obtain the freedom of self, that is, from a single, rigid, and the result of the liberation tradition.

However, the interpretation of the concept of non-positivist and post-modern paradigm has also been criticism of the following aspects: (1) neglect of Africa undisciplined factors on consumer behavior consumer behavior constraint. Thompson et al pointed out that the post-modernist view of consumption is based on an ideal assumption: the consumer behavior of the constraints of culture, history and reality of physical limits as a precondition for the development of the status quo. Therefore, the non-positivist paradigm with special emphasis on the consumer can freely choose the image of self-identity without any fear, uncertainty and threat. This assumption is clearly unrealistic. (2) Some scholars, such as Foxall that the non-positivist research methods is simply to give up the nature of science, always out in their content consumption environment, and thus their views and conclusions do not constitute research and to facilitate in-depth understanding of the complete theoretical system. (3) non-positivist research methods, if not based on empirical findings of research based on the doctrine, then the explanatory power will be greatly reduced. Non-positivist research methods rely mainly on external interpersonal subjective evidence, that these interpersonal need positivist approach.

In short, non-positivist paradigm and the interpretation of post-modern perspective view of consumer behavior research for the different research methods, they are often discussed from the perspective of abstract marketing theory and practice of major issues, so these basic assumptions and theoretical perspective conclusions are puzzling, but also difficult to apply the training and education marketers.



消费者行为研究的实证主义范式深受西方著名哲学家亚里斯多德哲学思想的影响。Kurt Lewin在《亚里斯多德与伽利略思想模式冲突与比较》一书中指出,亚里斯多德的哲学思想一直影响着我们,也影响着科学研究的习惯。人们习惯于通过规律及发生频率来了解事物的发展规律,而且人们喜欢探索具有稳定性与倾向性的事物的发展规律,对于不常见和例外事情的规律性会感到感冒。Lewin说道,当某人提到某部电影中某个孩子特定的动作时,心理学家想到的第一个问题就是“所有小孩子都做过这个动作吗?或至少它是一个共同性动作。”有规律性的东西总是常见的,这意味着可重复性是现象或事物是否值得研究的一个重要指标。












不过,诠释观和后现代非实证主义范式也受到了以下几方面的批评:(1)忽视消费行为中非散漫因素对消费行为的限制作用。Thompson等指出后现代主义消费观基于一种理想的假设:消费者的消费行为以文化的约束、历史的限制及现实物质发展现状为前提条件。因此,非实证主义范式特别强调消费者能自由选择自我认同的形象不受任何不确定性与恐惧的威胁。这种假设显然是不现实的。(2)一些学者如Foxall认为非实证主义研究方法根本就是放弃了科学的本质,总是将消费脱离其所在的内容环境,因而它们的观点与结论不能构成便于深入研究和理解的完整理论体系。 (3)非实证主义研究方法结论如果不是建立在实证主义的研究成果基础之上,那么解释力就会大大减弱。非实证主义的研究方法主要依赖人际主观外在证明,这些人际证明就需要实证主义的方法。



指导教师评语: 该外文翻译语句表达基本通顺,但有些语句欠推敲。英文文献的选择与论文相关,字数达到要求,达到了本科毕业的标准。 指导教师签名: 2014年12月25日 外文翻译建议成绩(0-7分) 浙 江 科 技 学 院 本科毕业设计(论文) 任 务 书 题 目: 顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销专业 班 级: 2011级113班 1110650076 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 发放日期: 2014年11月25日

一、 主要任务与目标: 主要任务: 论文根据顾客感知价值结合中国网络购物的现状与问题进行深入的研究与分析,列出调研提纲,提交调查问卷和调研结果分析。在调研报告中要充分利用计算机资源对调查问卷中的信息进行分析和研究。通过科学的分析,提出丰富顾客感知价值以促进网络消费者购买行为的一些个人建议。相关企业根据研究结果可以了解影响网络购物的顾客购买行为的因素,为制定营销策略提供依据。 目标: 本研究将感知价值范围介于网络购物行业,从感知价值理论出发,分析影响消费者购买行为的因素,通过问卷调查的方式来分析各个维度的感知价值对顾客的购买行为有怎样的影响,并对提升网络购物行业的感知价值提出建议,具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。 二、主要内容与基本要求: 主要内容: 论文先阐述了本文研究背景和研究意义,并对国内外研究做出综述,奠定本文研究的总体背景。阐明顾客感知价值以及购买行为的概念以及相关内容,拓实本文研究的理论基础;提出了我国网络购物的现状,并分析了网络购物中顾客感知价值的五个维度;进行顾客感知价值对网络消费者购买行为影响的具体研究。通过数据分析消费者的感知风险价值,对购物网站提出建议,以减少该网店的消费者感知风险因素,以吸引更多的消费者在该网店消费。 基本要求: 1、要求能深入地研究,要有充分的文献资料收集,在深入分析问题的基础上,提出切实、可行的策略,尽可能有一定的理论依据和相应的实例分析。 2、写作思路要清楚,对相关概念理解正确,要抓住主要问题,有独立见解。结论恰如其分。 3、主要论文整体内容的协调,前后观点一致,摘要与内容、目录与内容一致。 三、计划进度: 1、2014年10月21日,师生面谈,探索选题方向和思路。 2、2014年11月07日至12月08日,阅读文献,在不断修正中形成较为具体的研究方法,形成开题报告和文献综述初稿。 3、2014年12月21日,开题报告答辩。 4、2015年4月15日,收集资料和数据,;整理文献,形成论文初稿。 5、2015年 4月至5月,修改论文。 6、2015年5月下旬,进行论文答辩。 四、主要参考文献 [1] Porter, M. E. Competitive Advantage [M]. New York: Free Press, 1985: 95-102. [2] Alarie A Zeithaml. Consumer perceptions of price, quality and

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浙 江 科 技 学 院 本科毕业设计(论文) 开 题 报 告 题 目: 顾客感知价值对网络消费者服装购买行为的影响研究 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 班 级: 2011级113班 学 号: 1110650076 学生姓名: 指导教师: 开题日期: 2014年12月10日

一、选题的背景与意义: http://zhidao.http://www.wodefanwen.com//question/1605533509194048067.html?fr=iks&word=?aìa±¨???ú????2é??·??§?ú?′&ie=gbk 1.1选题背景 顾客感知价值一直被视作为是企业竞争优势的根本来源和企业持续成长的动力,在商业领域受到了关注和得到了实践,也成为营销学研究的一个重点领域。21世纪是一个信息时代,互联网经济兴起并快速发展。随着我国互联网基础建设的日趋完善,用户网龄的逐渐增长,网络技术的升级进步,互联网日益影响着人们的工作和生活,电子商务逐步引起企业和社会的普遍关注。互联网的快速发展带动了网上购物的发展和壮大。根据eMarketer新数字显示2014年B2C电子商务全球销售总额将达到14710亿美元,增长近20% 。按区域划分,中国是亚太地区电子商务销售额的重要组成部分占全球销售额的31.2%。据2014年6月中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的《第34次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》的数据显示,截至2014年6月,我国网民规模达6.32亿,教2013年底增加1442万人。互联网普及率为46.9%,较2013年底提升了1.1个百分点 。而网络购物作为大部分网民的爱好,其规模也日益快速扩张,2014年6月,网络购物用户规模已达到3.0189亿人,使用率提升至52.5%,半年新增用户2962万人,增长率为9.8%,由此可见增长非常迅速。由此可见互联网的快速发展开启了全新的网上购物时代,但是目前网上购物在我国仍处在发展中阶段并不成熟,研究显示,许多消费者会在网络上搜寻产品相关资讯,但最后却没有进行网上购买,大部分消费者没有上升至习惯性购买阶段,依然停留在尝试性购买阶段,造成这种状况的原因除了技术与商业机制等因素外,更多的因素是来自于消费者自身因素和网络商家缺乏对网络消费者的消费行为和心理的足够了解和研究。相关研究表明,充分挖掘和发挥顾客感知价值,有利于提升和促进消费者的网络购买行为,所以顾客感知价值已成为为获取竞争优势,是促进消费者更好的购买的有效途径之一,已成为学者和商家共同关注的焦点,也被越来越多的网络商家所关注。本文的研究课题就是在这一背景下提出的。 1.2研究意义 在网络环境下,从顾客感知价值的角度出发通过问卷调查的方式来分析顾客感知价值各个维度对顾客的购买行为有怎样的影响,并对提升网络购物行业的感知价值提出建议。本研究具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。 本研究的理论意义在于从一定程度简化了顾客感知价值维度模型,结合感知价值的权衡说和网络购物的特点,构建出网购顾客感知价值模型从功能价值、情感价值、社会价值、感知购买成本和感知风险几个因素出发来研究消费者网络服装购买的影响因素,一定程度上在理论研究领域可以有助于平和相关学者现有的研究理论促进研究结果的一般化。 本研究的现实意义据相关数据显示,我国网民网上购买的产品大多数以服装类产品为主,所以本文通过以网上对服装类耐用品作为研究对象,以问卷调查的方式分析了影响消费者购买行为的因素,具有一定的实用性。相关网络商家可以根据研究结果了解影响网络购物消费者购买行为的因素,促进网络顾客购买制定合理的营销策略。 二、研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题: 2.1基本内容 本研究着重于网络服装购买过程中顾客感知价值因素对顾客购买行为的影响,结合顾客感知价值和购买行为的相关研究理论,构建理论模型。主要研究内容如下: (一)针对当前网络购物发展状况,在整理顾客感知价值和购买行为的相关文献的基础上,提出网络购买过程中顾客感知价值的感知因素,并构建对顾客购买行为的影响的研究模型。 (二)除对网络服装购买过程中消费者个人特征对顾客购买行为的影响研究外,更着重于研究顾客感知价值所包含的因素同促进消费者购买意愿之间的联系。通过实证研究分析验证所构建的顾客感知价值对顾客购买行为影响模型及假设。 (三)根据实证研究结果,针对网店商家提出若干建议,有助于商家制定正确的营销策略,促进消费者购买。 2.2拟解决的主要问题 根据顾客感知价值维度结合网络购物特点,研究其与消费者购买行为意向的关系。从而促进消费者的网络购买行为和为网络商家制定有效策略提供参考和依据。 三、研究的方法与技术路线: 3.1研究方法 本文在研究中,主要采用了文献分析法、问卷调查法和计量分析三种方法。 (一)文献分析法:主要参考有关顾客感知价值理论,购买行为理论,有关感知价值影响因素的研究等相关的文献。本文在大量阅读国内外相关文献、借鉴已有的研究成果以及结合我国目前网络购物发展实际情况的基础上,提出论文的研究思路。 (二)问卷调查法:收集本文所需的感知价值对网络消费者服装购买影响的原始数据,调查主要包括:功能价值、情感价值、社会价值、感知购买成本、感知风险和消费的购买行为等因素 (三)计量分析法:论文采用SPSS20.0统计分析软件,对所得数据进行一系列分析,主要包括:描述性统计分析、信度与效度分析、相关分析、回归分析,得出的结论具有一定的科学性和合理性。 3.2本文研究的技术路线 如下图所示:

