
更新时间:2023-12-16 03:47:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1 Here _____the bus!

A is coming B comes C has come D has been coming 2 It's the third time I ______him this month.

A had seen B see C saw D have seen

3 If you go to the western suburbs of the city , you ___a lot of new buildings . A will see B have seen C see D are going to see 4 ---- I have bought an English -Chinese dictionary. ---- When and where ___you__ _it?

A do buy B did buy C have bought D had bought 5 She showed him the photo she __the day before.

A has taken B took C was taking D had taken 6 While Tom ___, his sister is writing.

A reads B has read C has been reading D is reading 7 By the time he was ten, Edison _____experiments in chemistry. A had already done B already had done

C was already doing D already did 8 I don’t know if it _____or not tomorrow.

A will snow B snows C has snowed D is snowing 9 He was sixty-eight. In two years he _____seventy.

A was going to be B would be C had been D will be 10 Tom ___for more than a week.

A has left B has gone away C went away D has been away 11 He said that honesty _____the key to success.

A was B will be C is D is being 12 She _____in London till nest Monday.

A will have stayed B has stayed C is staying D has been staying 13 We _____each other since I left Shanghai.

A haven't seen B hadn't seen C didn't see D wouldn't see 14 I'll return the book to the library as soon as I_ __it .

A will finish B am going to finish C finished D have finished 15 She has bought some cloth, she ____herself a dress.

A makes B is going to make C would make D has made 16 Don't go and bother him. He _____in the room.

A writes B has written C is writing D has been writing 17 ___you ___?

A Do --marry B Have - married C Have --been married D Are --married 18. Tom: This is a terribly heavy box.

John: I ____you to carry it.

A will help B am going to help C had better to help D had rather help 19 She told me that her father _____to the post office when I arrived A just went B has just gone C had just gone D had just been going 20. Don't get of f until the bus _____.

A stopped B will stop C will have stopped D stops 21 Peter said that he _____home the next day.

A was going to B will go C would go D had gone 22 He ____with us since he returned last month.

A lives B lived C had lived D has lived 23 They ___to help but could not get here in time.

A had wanted B have wanted C was wanting D want

24 They will go to work in the countryside when they ____school next year . A will leave B will have leave C are leaving D leave 25 I didn't know when they ___again.

A came B were coming C had come D had been coming 26 The fence ____near the window.


A stand B is standing C have stood D stands 27 They _____here for more than a month.

A have arrived B have reached C have come D have been 28 We ___a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.

A had had B would have C were having D had

29 She told us she had met you in London last year. _____ you _____her since ? A Had --met B Did --see C Would--meet D Have --seen 30 If it ____tomorrow, we won't go to the school farm.

A is to rain B will be raining C will rain D rains 31-___you ___to the 6:30 broadcast?

A Have--listened B Did --listen C Had -- listened D would --listen 32. I _____Tom has made a mistake.

A am thinking B shall think C think D have been thinking 33 I ___writing the article now.

A finish B is finishing C finished D have finished 34 When ____you___ to study English?

A have --begun B did --begin C had --begun D do -- begin

35.He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _____ill for three months.

A has been B has got C had fallen D had been 36 I'll look after your children after you _____.

A will go B will have gone C are gone D went 37 He __of how he could do more for the people . A will always think B is always thinking

C has always thought D does always think 38 The foreign friends _____here just now.

A left B have left C have been away from D had left 39 The teacher said that we ______ten lessons by the end of this term. A should study B have studied

C were going to study D should have studied 40 We __there when it_ ___to rain.

A were getting --would begin B were about to get --began C had got --had begun D would get--began 41 Han's Christian Anderson __a lot of fairy tales.

A had written B wrote C was writing D has written 42 It _____ten years since he left Shanghai.

A was B is C had been D will be

43 We _____ about two thousand English words by the end of last term.

A learned B have learned C had learned D would learn 44Since when __you __so many young trees?

A have--planted B do --plant C did --plant D had --planted 45 It ___long before we celebrate the New Year's Day.

A isn't B hasn't been C wasn't D won't be 46 ------Where have you been?

------I _____to the railway station.

A have gone B have been C went D am going

47 I ____along the road when suddenly some patted me on the shoulder from behind. A walked B had walked C was walking D would walk 48 My brother ___Tom quite well, they were introduced at a Party.

A is knowing B was knowing C knows D had been knowing 49 I didn't know a thing about the verbs, for I ____them.

A wouldn’t study B haven't studied C hadn't studied D wasn't studying 50 Don't be late, Mary, the train _____at 8 a.m.

A is starting B has started C would start D starts

51 There will come a day when the people of the whole country __a happy life . A live B will live C will have lived D are living


52 If I had enough money, I ____a trip.

A took B would take C had taken D would have taken

53 My father, who died fifteen years ago, _____very kind to me. A is B was C had been D would be 54 We _our seats till the party had begun.

A hadn't found B didn't find C haven't found D wouldn't fine 55 We _____that you would be able to visit us.

A hope B were hoping C have hoped D hoped 56 By 1914 Einstein ___world fame.

A gained B would gain C had gained D was gaining 57 The man put on his hat and _____away.

A had gone B would go C has gone D went 58 Comrade Wang ____the Party for about three years.

A has attended B has joined C has been in D has taken part in 59 -------______ you _____to New York? -------Yes, I ______there three years ago. A Have --been--went B Did --go --have been C Have --gone --went D Have --been --had gone

60 she was praised for what she ____

A did B has done C would do D had done 61 The book _____on the floor for ten minutes, but no one has picked it up. A is lying B has lain C has been lying D lay 62 The boy _____. A bullet _______through his chest on the left side A. had died --passed B died --had passed C died passed D had died --had passed 63 It ____and the streets were still wet.

A had been raining B rained C has rained D would rain 64 If I ____when he comes, wake me up.

A sleep B will sleep C am sleeping D will be sleeping 65 Hardly ____the bell _____when the teacher came in. A did --ring B would --ring C has--rung D had --rung 66 I ____from him so far.

A didn’t hear B don't hear C haven't heard D hadn't heard 67 The students went out before the bell ___. A had rung B has rung C didn't ring D hadn't rung 68 It was two years since I ___with here.

A had dined B was dining C dined D had been dining 69 By this time next year, we _____all the land onto rice fields.

A had turned B will have turned C have turned D have been turning 70 What_____ you ______this time tomorrow morning? A will--do B have--been doing C are--doing D will--be doing 71 In the past it ____people two years to go round the world. A had taken B has taken C took D was taking 72 Great changed ____in my hometown in the past few years.

A were taken place B have been taken place C took place D have taken place

73 His father _____several times during the war of liberation.

A had been wounded B was wounded C wounded D had wounded 74 This novel ____well.

A sells B is sold C will be sold D has been sold 75 _____ the new color film ____this year?

A Will--be shown B Did--show C Are--shown D Has--been shown 76 The work _____ in two days.

A has been finished B will finish C will be finished D are finished 77 I shouldn't trust him because he _____the police.


A is known by B knows C has known to D is known to

78 Thousands of people took part in the work when the Three Gorges project _____. A would be built B was building C were being built D had been built 79 This sick man _____to hospital right away. A must send B will send C ought be sent D must be sent 80 Do you know when the Chinese Communist Party _____? A is found B found C has been founded D was founded 81 When I got to his home, I____ that he _____to Beijing. A told --had gone B was told --went C was told--had gone D told --had been

82 we _____to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish. A warned B have warned C have been warned D were warning 83-__you __in the heavy rain last night? A Were--caught B Did--catch C Had--been caught D Have--caught 84 How long _____the concert _____?

A has -been lasted B did--last C will --be lasted D was --lasted 85 when sugar ____ enough, a black substance appears. A heats B is heated C will beat D will be heated 86 The fire of London _______on the right of September, 1666.

A was broken out B had broken out C broke out D broken out 87 The police __outside the ball in large numbers.

A have stationed B were stationed C stationed D has been stationed 88 -------Why does Mary look to be so sorry? - ------Because she ___by her classmates.

A has been laughed B has laughed at C was laughed D has been laughed at 89 English textbooks ______in that publishing house.

A were published B have been published C are published D had been published 90 The story ______, and everybody knows about it. A has got round B got round C was got round D has been got round 91 She wondered what _____over here.

A has happened B was happened C had been happened D had happened 92 _____this dictionary _____to your brother?

A Does --belong B Is --belonged C Has --been belonged D Is--belonging 93 During the illness of their mother, the children ____by a neighbor. A took care of B were taken care C were taken care of D have been taken care 94 For this he ____on twice.

A has operated B operated C had been operated D has been operated 95 Water ____into steam if it is heated to its boiling point.

A is going to be turned B will be turned C has been turned D is being turned 96 We’d better do our Christmas shopping. Time ___

A is running out B is run out C have been ran out D is running out of

97. Rainforests and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near

future. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut

98. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _______ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 99. Hundreds of jobs _______ if the factory closes.

A. lose B will be lost C. are lost D. will lose 100. A new cinema _______ here. They hope to finish it next month. A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built















