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7月到8月有哪些节日 7月1日:中国共产党诞生日(1921)





7月第一个星期六:国际合作节(国际合作社日)(1995) 7月7日:中国人民抗日战争纪念日(1937)












8月15日:日本正式宣布无条件投降日(1945) 8月22日:邓小平诞辰纪念日(1904)




七夕 -- The seventh evening of the seventh moon 七月初七 盂兰盆节 -- The jar orchid basin saves 七月十五日 中元节 -- is hit by yuan of festival 七月十五日 鬼节 -- spirit festival 七月十五日

地藏节 -- The field hides festival 七月三十

中秋节 -- The Mid-autumn Festival 八月十五











会昌战斗后,起义军陆续折返瑞金,改道东进,经福建省长汀、上杭,沿汀江、韩江南下。9月22日,第11军第25师占领广东省大埔县三河坝,主力继续南进,于23日占领潮安(今潮州)、汕头。在此期间,驻广东的国民党军第8路军总指挥李济深令钱大钧残部牵制第25师,令黄绍竑部经丰顺进攻潮安,令陈济棠、薛岳部3个师1.5万余人组成东路军,由河源东进,寻起义军主力决战。 根据上述情况,中共前委决定,第20军新建的第3师随革命委员会驻守潮汕地区,集中主力6500余人迎击东进之敌。9月28日,起义军主力在揭阳县山湖(玉湖)附近地区同东路军遭遇,将其击溃,继向汤坑(今丰顺市)推进,在汾水村地区与敌再次激战,至30日,起义军伤亡2000余人,无力再战,遂向揭阳撤退。是日晚,黄绍竑部攻占潮安。10月3日,起义军主力在流沙(今普宁市)与由潮汕撤出的革命委员会会合,继续向海丰、陆丰地区撤退,在经过流沙西南钟潭村附近的莲花山时,再次遭到东路军的截击,激战不胜,部队大部溃散。驻守三河坝的第25师,在给钱大钧部以重大杀伤后,向潮安转移,10月5日在饶平县境同由潮汕撤出的第3师一部会合。此后,这两支部队在朱德、陈毅率领下,同毛泽东领导的湘赣边界秋收起义部队会合。
















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go up. This boat is on Feburary 22 tall treats · Washington birthday one day this from sailing of new York harbor. On August 28, 1793, admiral of Alexander · introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad De Haijun leads British army the land of occupational France. On August 28, 1833, british parliament prohibits executing slavery inside whole and British empire. On August 28, 1848, flower cloth war, boer is defeated by Ying Jun in Bumupulaci, had retreated river of made of baked clay Er, made sure Ao Lun treats the dominion of the river thereby. On August 28, 1849, (Italy) Venice suffers besiege for a long time backward Austria surrenders. On August 28, 1867, island of American occupational midway. Midway island (MidwayIsland) belong to Polynesia archipelago, it is the United States does not have organizational system feudal. Be located in Pacific Ocean mid, honolulu northwest 2, 100 kilometers, the midway island battle in the Second World War (the turning point that 1942.6.3 ~

6.6) is Pacific Ocean war. Afterwar the position of its commerce air terminal drops. Cancelled an aerial liner 1950, navy of of the same age withdraws, remain force staying behind only. On August 28, 1879, strange tile of kingly a place of strategic importance makes an appointment with the Zu Lu that in Zu Lu the be defeated in the war absconds by British army capture. Zu Lu war happened 1879, it is the war between British empire and kingdom of south Africa Zu Lu. Be in at the beginning, war because of a few large-scale the attention that bleeds to conflict and cause people, the mark sex event that also becomes England to dominate in colonialism of that one area accordingly. The war is terminative the history that Zu Lu regards independency as the home. On August 28, 1885, vatican distinguishs from acting herd of Jiangxi north condition set Jiangxi east area acting a pasturing area, this is predecessor of parochial of Catholic Yu Jiang. On August 28, 1895, clear Chao Guangxu at the beginning of 21 years July 9 days, hill of the Eight Diagrams is fallen, traitor leaves clear change city gate to greet enemy, hair of Li Shigao, Shen Zhongan, Yang Chun with enemy a street battle, all die, clear die fall. On August 28, 1897, middle east railroad saves Dong Ning in Jilin the county is small peaceful 3 fork in a road hold fragrance river right bank start working celebration. Middle east railroad is tsarist Russia for plunder and aggressive China, a railroad that control far east and builds on our country territory. Middle east railroad is “ Chinese Dong Qingtie road “ abbreviation, because this also is made “ Dong Qingtie road “ , “ east province railroad “ . On August 28, 1900, tsarist Russia army captures Qi Qi breaths out Er, heilongjiang general Shou Shan commits suicide. On August 28, 1900, county of pear tree of production Jilin of tsarist Russia aggressor troops at domestic channel massacre. On August 28, 1909, athenian garrison troops fights kingly tall wiping generation the uprise of absolute system erupts. On August 28, 1916, in the the First World War, italy is opposite formally German declare war. On August 28, 1917, on the west original loan. This loan is Duan Qirui inside government and Japanese temple between firm cabinet famous “ on the west original loan “ one of, pass borrow or lend money, the rights and interests such as the railroad Shandong and northeast area, mineral products, forest betrays Duan Qirui in great quantities Japan. For Japan northeast of comprehensive later embezzlement buries next hidden trouble. Duan Qirui uses this one borrow or lend money, build “ attend a war army “ , strengthened Anhui to fasten the actual strength of warlord further. On August 28, 1928, in the Indian whole nation that Lekerui holds conference of each political parties and groups polls the view has autonomy to get a place inside British empire. On August 28, 1937, the Hainan on Japanese aggressor bomb stands. On August 28, 1945, mao Zedong, Zhou En comes, if king flies in the United States to be stationed in China ambassadorial Hurley accompanies next touching Chongqing, found a state to discuss solidarity a major

programme of lasting importance, undertake negotiating with Jiang Jieshi, history say “ Chongqing negotiates “ . After the War of Resistance Against Japan won 1945, to avert civil war, strive for peace, Guo Communist Party is the same as the peaceful negotiation that Kuomintang government had by a definite date 43 days in Chongqing in, history call Chongqing the negotiation. Whole episode process begins from August 29, 1945, come to will end on October 10, country in all both sides was signed “ government and summary of talk of delegate of the Communist Party of China “ (namely “ double 10 agreements “ ) . On August 28, 1953, the whole nation begins increase production managing motion. On Feburary 8, 1957, the Political Bureau of Central Committee of Communist Party of China is passed “ about beginning increase production 1957 the directive of managing motion “ . The directive points out: “Supply the tight situation with government spending for gentle goods and materials, after making economic battle line marched tremendously 1956, change direction to advance steadily, and make necessary rest and reorganization, proper adjustment must be made to the dimensions of construction and speed 1957, the increase production that must begin of a mass character inside countrywide limits with greater effort is managing motion. On August 28, 1957, in August, money of dean of the 5th academy learns the department of defense dark, put forward to construct the proposal of missile test shooting range to the State Council and the Central Military Commission of Central Committee of Communist Party of China. Approval of 28 days of department of defenses establishs missile test site. On August 28, 1963, gold of · of heart of road of equestrian fourth · makes a speech: I have a dream. It is gold of · of heart of road of equestrian fourth · the famous speech that published in Washington Lincoln memorial hall on August 28, 1963, content is main about black nation equality. To the United States even world impact is very big. On August 28, 1971, taiwan is lifted “ protect angle motion “ , protect angle motion, say to protect again angle patriotic motion, guard fishing a chain of islands namely patriotic motion, only then 1970, it is to show the needle is in the United States to Japan so called “ treaty of beautiful day security “ frame issues arbitrary embezzlement my fishing a chain of islands, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits 3 ground (area of chinese mainland area, HongKong and Macow, Taiwan area) a series of patriotic motion protecting an island that reach the civilian force such as abroad Chinese to be initiated independently. Its activity includes to parade demonstrate is mixed ascend a boat to go to sea the means such as Diaoyu Island maritime space. Protect angle motion causes dissatisfaction in Japan, in Taiwan, Hong Kong and chinese mainland 3 ground also did not get the government supports, hit for a time even pressure protect angle motion. On August 28, 1972, committee of U.N. colonialism problem admits Puerto Rico is executed “ self-determination and absolute power “ . On August 28, 1978, dong Xiangyi of player of liberation army female fire, in the fire friendship contest that holds in Bucharest, with the achievement of 593 annulus, broke the world record that standard handgun shoots slow quickly. On August 28, 1981, colloquium of international solar energy is in by a definite date Bulaidu concludes. Our country is admitted to be academician of international solar energy. On August 28, 1983, the 200 thousand people that come from 340 many cities of American are held in Washington “ the Xiang Huacheng 1983 marchs suddenly “ great display one’s strength, commemorate what gold of · of heart of road of fourth · of horse of cacique of famous Black people leads to strive for civil rights to march 20 years. On August 28, 1993, wang Junxia wins gold of kilometre of tounament of track and field of the 4th world. On August 28, 1999, station of space of sign of peace of Russia out of service ends flight holding a person. On August 28, 2001, antiracism congress is not a government to organize forum to be held in

south Africa. On August 28, 2005, people’s Republic of China the seventeenth times the conference passes the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and announce “ management of public security of People’s Republic of China sanctions a method “ . To uphold order of security of society, ensure public safety, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizen, legal person and other organization, standard and mechanism of safeguard public security and examine of its person policeman fulfil obligation of public security government lawfully, make this way. On August 28, 2004, liu Xiang of Chinese flying person obtains man of Athenian Olympic Games gold of 110 meters of column.

