crime and punishment

更新时间:2024-03-16 10:56:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Can capital punishment be ever justified?

这个话题可以说是口语话题中截止到目前最难的一道题目。虽然说问到这个题目的频率比较低,但是一旦问到,学生很难当场给出一个令人满意的答案。所以提前的准备是很有必要的。是否应该有死刑的问题其实很早就受到广泛的关注。关于这个问题,主要有两点。Arguments against death penalty: 1 没有人有权利去剥夺任何人的生命,这也就是为什么死刑在大多数欧洲国家是没有的。2 死刑并无法挽回受害人的生命,也并不能减轻受害人家里亲属的痛苦。 3 国家是否有权力决定如何处理死刑犯的尸体(比如说器官移植等) Arguments for death penalty: 1.具有很强的威慑力,是控制犯罪率的很好的方法。2 是对无辜受害人的一种尊重。

incarcerate [?n?kɑrs??ret] vt.1.监禁,禁闭

counterproductive 英[?kaunt?pr??d?ktiv] 美[?ka?nt?pr??d?kt?v] adj.1.反生产的,使达不到预期目标的

inmate 英[?inmeit] 美[??n?met] n. 1.(监狱或精神病院等处)同住者;同狱犯人,囚犯;同病房者

detrimental 英[?detri?mentl] 美[?d?tr??m?ntl] adj. 1.有害的, 不利的 heinous 英[?he?n?s] 美[?hen?s] adj. 1.(道德败坏的人或行为)极邪恶的, 极可耻的

ramification 英[?r?m?f??ke???n] 美[?r?m?f??ke??n] n.1.(众多复杂而又难以预料的)结果,后果

deter 英[d??t?:] 美[d??t?] 过去式:deterred 过去分词:deterred 现在分词:deterring vt. 1.阻止;制止

infringe 英[?n?fr?nd?] 美[?n?fr?nd?] 过去式:infringed 过去分词:infringed 现在分词:infringing 侵犯,侵害(某人的自由、权益等)

rehabilitate 英[?ri:h??biliteit] 美[?rih??b?l??tet] 过去式:rehabilitated 过去分词:rehabilitated 现在分词:rehabilitating vt. 1.改造(罪犯等), 使(长期服刑者)恢复正常生活; 使(重病患者)康复

perpetrator 英[?p?:p??tre?t?] 美[?p?p??tret?] 同反义词n. 1.做坏事者;犯





There has been much discussion revolving around the

issue about whether long term jails should be taken to reduce crime rate. In this essay, I will compare and contrast two conflicting opinions regarding this issue.

Empirical evidence abounds that incarcerating criminals for a long term is counterproductive. To begin with, confining inmates in prison for a long time has detrimental effect to the inmates. It not only undermines their health, but also cause trauma to them. Long time isolation gives rise to the sense of desperation, thus leading to many mental diseases such as insomnia and depression. What’s more, imprisoning a convict for a long time breeds hatred to other individuals as well as the society. As a result, as long as they are released, they may spare no effort to seek revenge, thus leading to increasing number of hardened criminals. They not only commit heinous crime to other people, but also give rise to ramifications on societal level.

Admittedly, imprisoning offenders in cells for a long time has some implications to deter criminal acts. Someone who has criminal tendencies tend to have a second thought about their criminal plans in front of such an infringe punishment. Nevertheless, such strict punishment still can not block some repeated criminals from reverting to crime because a criminal tendency always haunts them.

Having considered the respective merits of both views, I contend that long term jails should not be encouraged as a way to lower crime rate. Also, I would suggest that we should rehabilitate perpetrators in various forms to convert them into a normal person, which I believe is soundly based on the reasoning I have presented.

