Feelings and impressions 全模块教案

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Module7 Feelings and impressions

一、 课时分配

Period1: Unit1

Period2: Unit3 Activities1.2.3.7 .8 and 10 Period3: Unit2

Period4: Unit3 Activities4.5.6.9.around the world.11and 12 二、活动设计

活动1:Describe things


活动2:Message collection


活动3:挑战解说员 说明:课前教师先准备好写有各种物体名称的小卡片若干,由一位同学上台随机抽选卡片,并将卡片上所写物体用It looks/ sounds/ smells/ tastes/ feels…等描述出来,若其他同学能猜出这样物品则为挑战成功,否则挑战失败。

以上活动所需语言:That smells delicious! It tastes too strong. It doesn’t smell fresh. They feel very comfortable. She sounds really nice. And she looks very pretty. …

活动4:Catch the thief.




以上活动所需语言:The person is 14 years old. He is 1.68 meters tall and looks strong. He has dark hair. He often wears a T-shirt and jeans. He is polite and quiet and smiles a lot. …

三、 分课时教案

Period1: Unit1

Step1: Warming-up

1. Listen to an English song.

2. Ask: Do you like this song? How does it sound?

教学意图和说明:歌曲容易激发学生兴趣,使学生很快融入到课堂之中,体现寓教于乐。问句过渡自然,迅速步入主题,引出系动词用法。 Step2: Presentation

Present look, sound, smell, taste, feel, then ask: Do you like…?


How does it/do they…?

教学意图和说明:练习时,呈现大量的实物(如flower, chocolate等)以及图片(如Beijing roast duck, silk shirts, sea等),重复上述两个问句,给学生足够的理解,学会运用。 Step3: Pair work

1. Work in pairs like this:

A: Do you like flowers? B: Yes, I do. They look nice. Do you like jazz? 2. SB Activity8.

3. Workbook, Page136, Activity1.

教学意图和说明:两人练习,发散学生思维,想出各种问句及对此的感受,加深对句型的理解与运用 Step4: Match

1. Look at the pictures and make sentences like: It smells sour, and so on. (Activity1.) 2. Match sentences with the pictures. (Activity2.) Step5: Listening

Listen to the tape and repeat. (Activity1 and Activity7)

教学意图和说明:让学生听的时候仔细,尤其要模仿出语气,语调以及重读音节的发音。 Step6: Game

The host: It looks beautiful. ---Is it a flower? The host: No, it isn’t. It feels comfortable. --- Is it a silk shirt? The host: Yes, it is.

The winner will instead the host.

教学意图和说明:尊重学生的意愿和情感,设计此项活动,可以引起学生的兴趣和共鸣,激发学生的求知欲。促使学生产生学习内驱力,充分发挥学生的想象力和能动性,自主自觉地融入到语言学习活动中去。 Step7: Listen, read and answer

1. Listen to the tape and answer two questions. (Activity3.)

2. Read the dialogue and write “T” or “F” for the sentences. (Activity3.) 3. Answer the questions. (Activity4.)

4. Make a dialogue like that. These sentences may help you: What’s the matter? I’m afraid I …. Have a try! You must introduce me to…. Sure we will.

教学意图和说明:由听到读,并让学生带有目标阅读,提高阅读效率。阅读由易到难,先理解文章大意,再理解句子,然后到字词分析,最后模仿原文编对话。使学生学会正确的阅读方法,养成良好的阅读习惯。 Step8: Practice

1. Complete the sentences. (Activity5.)

2. Complete the table with the words in the boxes in Activities2 and 4. (Activity6.) 教学意图和说明:发散学生思维,巩固刚学的新知识,加以巩固记忆和使用。 Step9: Homework

Workbook: Activities2, 4 and 5.

Period2: Unit3 Activities1.2.3.7. 8 and 10 Step1: Greeting


Ask the students: Are you happy today? What makes you happy? When do you feel sad? …


Step2: Homework check

教学意图和说明:由学生自己解说家庭作业,即检查家庭作业,又起到复习巩固的作用。给学生提供展示自我的机会,培养他们的自信心。 Step3: Listening Practice

1. Listen to the sounds. Then check the correct sounds for the words. (Workbook, Activity9)

2. Listen to the conversation and check the true sentences. (Workbook, Activity8) 3. Listen and complete the table. (Activity8) 教学意图和说明:听录音,通过听力训练检测学生对所学知识掌握的情况。在做听力练习时,教师应提示学生注意语速,语调,注意模仿,并指导学生抓关键词,听重点。 Step4: Group work

1. Introduce yourself to your classmates. Tell them what you like and don’t like, say why. e.g. I love pizza. It tastes good. (Activity1,)

2. Ask questions to the other students in your group, like: Why are jeans so popular, do you

think? Do you like swimming in the sea? Why or why not? And so on. (P137, Activity6)

教学意图和说明:小组活动,给每个同学开口说英语的机会,提高练习密度。问题贴近生活,让每个学生都有话可说。 Step5: Exercise

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 2. Check the answers one by one and tell the reasons. (Activity2)

教学意图和说明:练习和巩固所学句型。同时培养学生听和说的技能。 Step6: Complete

Look at the picture. Complete each sentence with two suitable words. (Activity3)


Step7: Message collection Work in groups.

The first student says: Melons smell delicious.

The second student says: Melons smell delicious. They taste sour.

The third student says: Melons smell delicious. They taste sour. They don’t feel soft. The fourth student says: Melons smell delicious. They taste sour. They don’t feel soft. … 教学意图和说明:充分发挥学生的想象力,培养学生记忆能力和小组合作精神。突出语言的交流功能。

Step8: Playing a game

Who is the best explainer? 教学意图和说明:课前教师先准备好写有各种物体名称的小卡片若干,由一位同学上台随机抽选卡片,并将卡片上所写物体用It looks/ sounds/ smells/ tastes/ feels…等描述出来,若其他同学能猜出这样物品则为挑战成功,否则挑战失败。

富有情趣的物体描述,不仅唤起学生的新异感,而且能使学生熟练地掌握所学内容,并将所学内容很好地用于实践当中。 Step9: Pair work


Work in pairs. Describe something to your partner. Can your partner guess what it is? (Activity7)

教学意图和说明:将刚才全班练习转变为同桌练习,加大练习面。同时将猜测活动调动起来的兴奋点持续下去。 Step10: Homework

Write about how things feel, look, smell, sound and taste. (Activity10) 教学意图和说明:使学生能将所学语言与现实运用联系起来。

Period3: Unit2

Step1: Leading-in

Ask students what I am like, warm, friendly or strict.

Ask students what I look like, medium height, thin, long hair and so on.

教学意图和说明:通过学生感兴趣的问题,调动学生的情绪,弄清be like 和look like 之间的区别。

Step2: Compare

Talk about what Chinese people are like and look like. And what Americans are like and

look like. Fill in the chart. What they are like What they look like Chinese people warm, cheerful… black eyes… Americans lively… quite tall… 教学意图和说明:运用图片及学生已有认识,让学生了解中美国人之间性格,体形等各方面的差异。增加学生课外知识,拓展学生思维。培养世界意识。 Step3: Pair work

Look at the pictures and talk about how they look. (Activity1). Use the words: is, has, wears, and carries.

教学意图和说明:这部分内容学生在go for it 教材中已学过,不作为新课提出,而是以复习方式做一巩固。只加进carry的用法。 Step4: Games time

1. Catch the thief.

2. A student describes one of his friends: the person is tall, he often wears…. The others guess who it is.

教学意图和说明:游戏1中给出一些外貌特征等较为相似的画像,通过听外貌描述,选出哪个是警察要抓的小偷。游戏2加大难度,由学生自己来描述其他同学的外貌,加深对句型的了解。同时检测学生对所学知识的掌握情况。 Step5: Answer the questions

1. Learning to learn: talking to other people is not just speaking and understanding the

language. It’s what you look like, what you do, what you like doing….

2. Ask: What do you like doing?

What do you feel when you speak English?

What does he feel when he is with strangers? (Activity5)



际工具,也要求了解和学习目标语言国家的文化。 Step6: Group work

Ask in your group: When do you feel afraid? When do you feel angry? (Activity6)

教学意图和说明:贴近生活,并且让学生有话可说,把英语生活化,体现了英语即生活。同时调动学生各方面的情绪,激活他们已有的知识水平。既复习了句子,又活跃了课堂气氛,让学生在轻松愉快中完成了知识的积累。 Step7: Reading

Fast reading: Sally’s letter and find out which is her photo. (Activity2) Read again and match the questions with the paragraphs. (Activity3) Intensive reading: Answer the questions.

教学意图和说明:让学生带有目标阅读,提高阅读效率。阅读由易到难,先理解文章大意,再理解句子,最后到字词分析。采用任务型教学手段,培养学生的阅读能力。学会正确的阅读方法,养成良好的阅读习惯。 Step8: Writing

Write a reply to describe yourself. Say: what you look like. What you like doing. How you

feel when… (Activity7)

Check a few students’ writings in class.

教学意图和说明:学生写完之后,当场抽几个用投影机改,纠正常见错误,然后让学生进行小组探讨、互评。加强学生语言理解。 Step9: Homework

Describe someone in your class.


Period4: Unit3 Activities4.5.6.9.around the world.11and 12

Step1: Warming-up

Show some pictures about the singer stars.

1. Ask: what is he/she like? What does he/she look like? 2. Try to describe them.

教学意图和说明:明星图片形象直观,容易调动学生积极性,迅速地把注意力转移到课堂之上。很好地起到复习效果。 Step2: Match

Match the words with the questions. (Activity4)

教学意图和说明:练习巩固,帮助学生分清哪些时候用be like,哪些时候用look like. Step3: Ask and answer

-- What does your dad look like? -- He’s tall and handsome. -- What is your dad like? -- He’s friendly.

Make the similar dialogue with your mum, your neighbor, your math teacher… (Activity5) 教学意图和说明:将上述知识运用于实际语言操练之中,加强巩固所学知识。 Step4: Self-assessment

Key words and expressions check


Sentences check 教学意图和说明:通过图片展示,情景提示和根据旧单词解释等方式检测学生对单词的掌握情况。

通过看图写话,根据单词造句,翻译句子等方式检测学生对完成本单元任务必须掌握语言的掌握情况。 Step5: Exercises

1. Complete the conversation. (Activity6)

2. Read the passage and match the paragraphs with the information. (Workbook, Activity10)

3. Read the passage again and answer the questions. (Workbook, Activity11) 教学意图和说明:填空,阅读等大量的练习加深学生对所学语言的理解运用。 Step6: How to greeting

Learn how British people and Americans greet in usual. (Around the world)

Find the differences among British people Americans and Chinese people when they greet with others.

Complete the passage. (Activity9)

教学意图和说明:文化渗透,为学生更好的完成交际奠定基础。 Step7: Homework

Think of someone you know and write a description of them. Write about their: age, height, size, hair, face and impression.



