
更新时间:2023-09-23 12:06:01 阅读量: 自然科学 文档下载







听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍。 11. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

12. A. He will move the table. B. He will make a phone call. C. He will borrow a table. 13. A. The sights of Beijing. B. Nancy’s friend. C. Plans for the summer holidays. 14. A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Snowy. 15. A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For five days. Ⅲ. 听较长对话或短文,选择正确答案作答21–30小题。听两遍。 Text 1.

16. Liu Ying is a . A. journalist. B. teacher. C. student. 17. Which diagram is right?

A. B. C. Text 2.

18. Where does Maria want to go with her father at first?

A. To the park. B. To the cinema. C. To the beach. 19. What time will they leave according to (根据) the conversation? A. 4:45pm. B. 2:45pm. C. 2:00pm. 20. What does Maria want to do later?

A. Wait for her mother. B. Walk through the park C. Go down to the beach. VI. 听短文,根据所听到内容补全句子。听两遍。

21.For everyone going to London,the most thing is money. 22.530 dollors will be for everyone. 23.You will be met by your new family when you . 24.If you have any ,you can call Leech School office. 25.I wish you have a good . 第二部分:笔试(共95分)


1.The boys are usually _______ with football because the game is_________. A.exciting,exciting B.exciting,excited C.excited,excited D.excited,exciting 2.Are you going to ________________ ?

A.somewhere else B.else somewhere C.anywhere else D.else anywhere

3.He’s worked in the factory all his life,and _____________.

A.so his wife is B.so is his wife C.so his wife has D.so has his wife 4. — Are the family _________ of the boy? — Certainly.He’s the family’s ___________.

A.proud,proud B.proud,pride C.pride,pride D.pride,proud 5. —— When will you go surfing ? —— ______________ next week.

A.Some time B.Sometime C.Some times D.Sometimes 6. —— You haven’t been to shanghai,have you? —— ___________.How I wish to go .

A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I haven’t C.No,I haven’t D.No,I have 7. —— Will you go to the net bar (网吧) with me? —— Sorry,my mother always tell me ___________ there. A.not go B.don’t go C.not to go D.to not go 8.His grangfather _________ for five years.

A.has died B.died C.was dying D.has been dead 9.You must be very tired.Why not ________ a rest?

A.stop taking B.stop to take C.to stop taking D.to stop to take

10.Tell him ____________ I will come back soon. A.when B.that C.as soon as D.so

11.There was an important meeting last night.Mr Smith to it. A.was invited B. invited C.is invited D.is invited 12.I will show you the photos in West Lake after they . A.were taken;are come out; B.taken; come out; C. were taken;will come out; D.taken;are come out; 13.--Jim is leaving for a holiday. –-Really? Where he ? A.has; gone B.will;go C.did;go D.does;go

14.The lost child was last seen near the river an hour ago. A. plays B. playing C.played D.play 15.--What an old college! --Yes, it 100 years ago. A.built B.has built C.was built D.was building II.完形填空:(12分)

The old Olympic Games began around the year 776BC in Greece.AT that time there were not as __1__ games as today.Running,jumping and wrestling were the very _2__ games,but they were the same as they __3__ now.In the old times,these games were only for __4___.women were not allowed to __5__ part in the games.

Today there are many __6__ of games in the Olympics.In most of the games,both men and women can __7__ for medals.Women are not__8__ watching.They are allowed to do many games,__9__

running,jumping,wresting,swimming,shooting and so on.And they are __10__ allowed to do some ball games——basketball,volleyball and pingpang.

However,__11__ women in every country are able to take part in the Olympics

today.__12__,women from some Arab countries are still not allowed to join in the Olympic Games.

1.A.many B.much C.plenty D.little 2.A.new B.interesting C.old D.dangerous 3.A.were B.are C.will be D.had been 4.A.man B.men C.people D.persons 5.A.play B.make C.take D.keep 6.A.kind B.kinds C.lot D.lots 7.A.look B.wait C.hit D.compete 8.A.really B.just C.good D.fine 9.A.so B.like C.as D.for 10.A.also B.too C.yet D.always 11.A.no B.none C.all D.not

12.A.For example B.As a result C.And so D.By the way III.阅读理解:(30分) (1)

The village was a long way from the town. It was twelve or thirteen hundred kilometers.

