
更新时间:2024-02-02 21:00:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




第一节 (共9小题;每小题2分,18分)



Give your eyes a break from that screen.

Let’s face it—you’re attached to your phone. You use it to communicate, play games and surf the internet. But there’s a great way to make your smart phone a life-enriching device without hurting your eyes. Check out the world of podcasts.

Think of podcasts as your YouTube channels for listeners that you can download to your phone. What’s so exciting about that? Well, you can find a lot of amazing shows! Whatever you find that catches your attention, one thing is sure—listening inspires imagination. Because you can only listen to a show and not see it, you have to pay more attention. Therefore, your imagination has the potential to become stronger and more vivid as a result!

Podcasts allow you to experience the world from various angles. Take America’s NPR and Britain’s BBC for example. Both have produced several podcasts. By listening to them, you can learn to appreciate cultural or linguistic distinctions. Choose what you like. In the end, it’s your device—you get to decide who influences you!

So what’s out there? Lots! Since podcasts are created for very specific audiences, you’re sure to find one that interests you. Podcasts have been around for more than a decade, and one that really put podcasting in the spotlight is called Serial. It’s in the form of a story, broken up over several weeks, complete with cliffhangers. Or maybe you like listening to people discuss interesting topics. My personal favorite is White Horse Inn. If you’re a fan of informative speeches, subscribe to one of the many TED Talks podcasts. There are several language-learning podcasts too, like ESLPod. The list goes on. If you’re not sure where to start, look up “top podcasts” and give one of their recommendations a try.

Whether you’re riding a bus, exercising, or just relaxing, pop on some headphones and put your listening skills to the test. Download a podcast App, subscribe to a few and get listening. Or, better yet, if you have an idea for a podcast, why not produce one yourself?

1. According to the passage, we can use podcasts to _______. A. listen to shows B. play games C. chat with friends D. download files 2. If we want to learn a new language, we can choose ______. A. Serial B. White Horse Inn C. TED Talks D. ESLPod 3. We can learn from the passage that ________. A. podcasts can replace smart phones B. people can produce their own podcasts C. people can travel the world with podcasts D. podcasts can be used to cure eyes problems 4. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To recommend a useful app. B. To describe a practical device.

C. To provide people with new technology. D. To keep people away from smart phones.


The Green Invasion

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Green fashions, green brands, green makeup, green lifestyles. “Going green” has taken our weak planet by storm, changing the everyday lives of its citizens. Stores and companies are starting to produce greener, more natural merchandise, but has “going green” become more than just a concern? Has “going green” become a trend among corporations, therefore a fashion for consumers?

Not long ago, U.S. corporations were ignoring the idea of environmentally conscious products and processes. As the green phenomenon came into the picture, however, companies have done a 180 with their sales strategies. Apple Inc. launched “A Greener Apple” campaign and pledged to remove harmful chemicals from its new computer products. Home Depot Inc. announced an Eco-Options stamp for more than 2,500 environmentally friendly products in its stores. And Kohl’s Corp. said it plans to convert (转换) most of its California stores to solar power. These changes, along with being good for our environment, are intended to step up sales. Consumers like to see companies make an effort to help the environment, and by buying those products they feel as if they have contributed to the cause as well.

Although everything seems to be changing its color to green, there is not likely to be another hippie era(嬉皮士时代). This conversion to environmentalism is more gradual and technology-based. Many people really care, even to the extreme, but not everyone cares quite as much as they pretend to. Teenage girls may buy a shirt that says “Hug a Tree.” Do they want to broadcast its message or did they just like the cute squirrel on it? A mother may go to the grocery store and instead of picking the packaged produce, choose the organic greens. Does she know the health benefits or did she choose them because she saw another mom put them in her cart? Some consumers care. Others just follow the lead.

Al Gore is the head who helped encourage the green movement. He emphasizes, “We are invading ourselves and attacking the ecological system of which we are a part. As a result, we now face the prospect of a kind of global civil war between those who refuse to consider the consequences of civilization’s relentless (无休止的) advance and those who refuse to be silent partners in the destruction.” Reading those words, wheels started clicking into place in the minds of millions who want to ensure that Gore’s predictions will never become reality.

Green—the word is everywhere. Trend or not, it still makes a difference. The girl in the “Hug a Tree” shirt has contributed to a cause that may save a tree she would never consider actually hugging. The mom cooking with organic veggies instead of processed goods made that night’s dinner healthier for her family and the environment. “Going green” may be a trend, but that doesn’t mean it’s not helping. This trend will hopefully become a dedicated movement to help save our home, Planet Earth.

5. The author writes the first paragraph to ________. A. motivate readers to follow a trend B. draw readers’ attention to our planet C. lead readers to reconsider “going green” D. encourage readers to question natural products 6. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that _______.

A. companies tend to develop environmental consciousness B. consumers help the environment by buying green products C. companies use “Going Green” strategies to promote their sales D. consumers contribute more to the environment than companies 7. The two examples in paragraph 3 are used to show that ______.

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A. consumers are unwilling to follow the trends B. more people have joined in the green campaign C. some don’t really care that much about environment D. environmental problems are not very easy to deal with 8. Al Gore holds the view that _________. A. a global war is likely to break out B. human beings are turning on each other C. human beings are surrounded by green products D. many people ignore the environmental destruction 9. What is the author’s attitude towards the “Green Trend”?

A. Negative. B. Doubtful. C. Unclear. D. Objective.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)


Why You Should Schedule Some “Me Time” Every Day

Most people in our culture feel the need to be going all the time. If we are not working and putting our energy into something, we believe we are wasting time. We feel taking time for ourselves is a waste. And to some extent, it’s true—pushing yourself nonstop may bring some measure of success. ____10____ Stress and the inability to enjoy a little time-out have very real health and psychological effects, such as headaches, heart attacks, depression and poor concentration.

So, the biggest reason to take a little time out for yourself is to avoid these negative consequences of not doing so. ____11___ Specifically, taking some “me” time can help you avoid bad mood and enable you to control your emotions. If you live with someone, like a spouse, children, or even a pet, they may not understand your need to take “me” time but they certainly will appreciate the way your mood has improved. Contrary to this, the lack of time to yourself can cause you to build up anger that can harm both you and your relationships.

____12___ So you must give yourself permission to take at least a half hour per day, even if it’s divided, just for yourself. If you have to, set the alarm, schedule it on the calendar, or put it on your “to-do” list for the day. Whatever you have to do, make it happen every day. It can be as simple as sitting on the deck, reading a book, and watching the sun come up with a hot cup of coffee. In addition to that, setting boundaries is important. ____13___ Also acknowledge that you need to limit the demands that other people can make on your time.

Taking a little time for yourself refreshes and re-energizes you. It allows you to think more clearly and make better decisions. ____14____ You come to realize that you are important and deserve to have a little time to yourself. If you engage in something you enjoy during your time-out, you also have the satisfaction of reading that book, or writing that poem. But be careful that you use your “me” time for leisurely activities and don’t push yourself to complete anything. Simply enjoy the time out.

A. Taking “me” time benefits those around you as well. B. Actually it is not that difficult to find a little “me” time. C. Taking “me” time also builds your self-worth over time.

D. It might seem easy to schedule a little “me” time, but often it isn’t.

E. Realize that there are limits to what you can do, and build your life around that. F. But more than that, “me” time can make you a better person both inside and out. G. However, going for long periods without time for yourself may cost you in the end.

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