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题型讲解 标题对应属于雅思阅读中非常特殊的一种题型,它是典型的主旨考查题,不同于雅思阅读中的其他细节考查题型。一段话的标题(heading)往往就是这段话的主旨,或者说这段话的中心思想。而要确定段落的中心思想,就不能从某个细节入手,而应考虑整个段落的结构和框架,这样才能得出正确的答案。这种题型对学生的词汇量、语感和整体把握的能力要求较高,所以要求我们在做这种题目的时候要注意整体把握,而不是只抠细节。

解题技巧 1. 先将例子所在的选项从选项列表中划掉。


的。原因很简单,每段话都有一个不同的主旨,只对应一个标题;如果重复,那就意味着两个不同的段落主旨相同,这是不可能的,因为若主旨相同肯定会合成一段而非分成两段。所以,若题目中出现了这样的提示:You may use any heading more than once, 根本不用管,这是个陷阱。 2. 对于Heading题,我们要先读文章,再看选项,读一段话,做一道题。 注意:这种题目不宜先看选项,因为这是一种主旨归纳题而不是细节考查题,最


3. 读每段话时,要抓住该段的主题句或中心词。正确答案往往是主题句的改写


4. 某段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去。

5. 这种题目中的干扰项往往是段落中未展开说明的细节,有时候我们可以适当使用排除法,以缩小选择范围。



实战演练 You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-6. Please choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs listed below.

NB: There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all. You may use any heading more than once. List of Headings i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. An important form of transportation The great industrialization in the 20th century The perceived advantages of mass transit systems Complicated and political factors More efficient and comfortable mass transit systems What is a car culture country Fewer operators but more passengers The decline in 1970 and its reasons From 1920s to early 1970s The definition of mass transit The growing environment concerns and the new systems Mass transit systems in the USA 1. Paragraph A: 2. Paragraph B: 3. Paragraph C: 4. Paragraph D: 5. Paragraph E:

6. Paragraph F:

Mass Transit

A Mass transit refers to municipal or regional public shared transportation, such as buses, streetcars and ferries, open to all on a nonreserved basis. An important form of mass transit is rapid transit, such as subways and surface light rail systems, designed for commuting between urban and suburban (or exurban) centers. Mass transit can be divided into fixed route systems (often involving rails), such as streetcars and subway trains, and non-fixed route transit (along surface streets or water), such as buses and ferries, but does not usually include airplanes, taxis, or long-distance rail with more formal ticketing procedures.

B Mass transit systems offer considerable savings in labor, materials and energy over private transit systems. Since far fewer operators are required for per passenger transported, they can be better trained and more strictly licensed and supervised. When utilized to any reasonable fraction of their capacity, mass transit vehicles carry a far higher passenger load per unit of weight and volume than do private vehicles. They also offer fuel savings, not only because of the relative reduction in weight transported, but also because they are large enough to carry more efficient engines. Further, if emphasis is given to mass transit in the planning of future ground transportation systems, smaller rights of way will be possible, lessening the amount of landscape that must be paved over for highways and roads. Although mass transit offers many savings, it does require some sacrifices in personal convenience. There is the necessity to travel on a fixed rather than an individually selected schedule and to enter and disembark from the system only at certain designated locations. The obvious goal for a mass transit system is to have as few unused passenger accommodation as possible.

C The history of mass transportation is intimately connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace. By the beginning of the 20th century, London, New York, Boston, Paris, Budapest, and other major cities had fixed rail subway systems (sometimes elevated); by the 1920s buses were common. In

the United States, patronage of mass transit grew steadily from 1990 (six billion passengers per year) to 1927 (over 17 billion), but plummeted during the Great Depression. Patronage grew again during World War II, peaking in 1946 at 23 billion riders, but then dropped steadily every year until the mild renaissance of public transit in the early 1970s.

D The total number of riders in 1970 was less than that of 1910. The reasons for these declines are complex and often political. Los Angeles, for example, had over 1,000 miles of trolley and interurban lines before 1930; this system was taken over by a private company, dismantled, and replaced with noisy, polluting and comparatively slow buses. Since few people chose to ride them, costs rose, thereby cutting the number of passengers further. To reduce costs, private companies eliminated outlying branches and smaller stations. These trends, along with inexpensive gasoline, suburban and highway development, the deterioration of older subway lines, and the greater freedom cars offered, helped turn the United States into a car culture. E However, as the public has grown increasingly concerned over the impact of cars on the environment and the quality of life in urban areas, there is growing support for the development of more efficient and comfortable mass transit systems. Models for such systems were developed in Europe and Japan. Trains in the Paris Metro, for example, operate on rubber tires and can reach speeds of 48 mph (77km/h). Smaller cities are watching developments in Edmonton, Canada, which built a 7.2 km rapid transit system of lightweight trains at a cost of $ 65 million instead of adding five new freeways at ten times the cost.

F In the United States, efforts to upgrade mass transit systems have experienced mixed results. The trend has been away from private ownership; by 1999 over 90% of North American mass transit was publicly owned and managed. The BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) system serving San Francisco and neighboring cities maintained service during the 1989 earthquake, but it has never attracted the number of riders originally anticipated. Washington D.C.?s Metro system (144 million riders in 1988) included a wider area of service and more efficient schedules. Currently buses account

for 60% of mass transit riders in the Untied States; innovations such as articulated buses and reserved lanes on highways are balanced by the problems of noise, air pollution and traffic. The issue of mass transit has come full circle; it is once again a central social and political issue. ★ 答案与解析

1. 答案为 x。该段首句为下定义,是主题句。

2. 答案为iii。该段的首句是主题句,此后各句中的fewer operators, better trained

and more strictly licensed and supervised, carry a far higher passenger load, offer fuel savings, carry more efficient engines等词全部都是正向的,说明该段在讨论mass transit systems的好处。

3. 答案为ix。第一句说到了mass transportation的history与工业化、城市化等

密切相关。后来提到了from 1920s to early 1970s全球各个城市中mass transportation的情况。

4. 答案为viii。该段的第一句起导入性作用,第二句是主题句,下边各句都是


5. 答案为xi。该段的第一句为主题句。 6. 答案为xii。


技巧进阶 根据英语文章常见的段落展开形式,现为大家提供三大解题思路:首尾句思路,中心词思路,方向性思路。 1. 首尾句思路



实战演练 The Nature of Disputes Questions 14-18

Reading Passage1,”The Nature of Disputes” has 6 sections.

Choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list of headings(ixii)below. Write the appropriate numbers(ixii) in boxes 1418 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i The cost of adjudication

ii Handling rightsbased disputes iii Punishing acts of aggression

iv The role of dependence in disputes v The role of arbitrators

vi Methods of settling conflicting interests vii Ensuring choice for consumers viii Fulfilling employee's needs

ix The use of negotiation for different dispute types x Advantages of negotiation over mediation xi The role of power in settling disagreements xii Disagreement of interests

14.Section A 15.Section B Answer

Example Section C ix 16.Section D 17.Section E 18.Section F

To resolve a dispute means to turn opposing positions into a single outcome. The two parties may choose to focus their attention on one or more of three basic factors. They may seek to(1)reconcile their interests,(2)determine who is right, and/or(3)determine who is more powerful.

Section A

Interests are needs, desires, concerns, fears- the things one cares about or wants. They provide the foundation for a person's or an organisation's position in a dispute. In a dispute, not only do the interests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict. For

example, the director of sales for an electronics company gets into a dispute with the director of manufacturing over the number of TV models to produce. The director of sales wants to produce more models because her interest is in selling TV sets; more models mean more choice for consumers and hence increased sales. The director of manufacturing, however, wants to produce fewer models. His interest is in decreasing manufacturing costs and more models mean higher costs.

Section B

Reconciling such interests is not easy. It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions, and making tradeoffs and compromises where interests are opposed. The most common procedure for doing this is negotiation, the act of communication intended to reach agreement. Another interestsbased procedure is mediation, in which a third party assists the disputants, the two sides in the dispute, in reaching agreement.

Section C

By no means do all negotiations (or mediations)focus on reconciling interests. Some negotiations focus on determining who is right, such as when two lawyers argue about whose case has the greater merit. Other negotiations focus on determining who is more powerful, such as when quarrelling neighbours or nations exchange threats and counter threats. Often negotiations involve a mix of all threesome attempts to satisfy interests, some discussion of rights, and some references to relative power.

Section D

It is often complicated to attempt to determine who is right in a dispute. Although it is usually straightforward where rights are formalised in law, other rights take the form of unwritten but socially accepted standards of behaviour, such as reciprocity, precedent, equality, and seniority.

There are often different-and sometimes contradictorystandards that apply to rights. Reaching agreement on rights, where the outcome will determine who gets what, can often be so difficult that the parties frequently turn to a third party to determine who is right. The most typical rights procedure is adjudication, in which disputants present evidence and arguments to a neutral third party who has the power to make a decision that must be followed by both disputants. (In mediation, by contrast, the third party does not have the power to decide the dispute.) Public adjudication is provided by courts and administrative agencies. Private adjudication is provided by arbitrators.

Section E

A third way to resolve a dispute is on the basis of power. We define power, somewhat narrowly, as the ability to pressure someone to do something he would not otherwise do. Exercising power typically means imposing costs on the other side or threatening to do so. The exercise of power takes two common forms: acts of aggression, such as physical attack, and withholding the benefits that derive from a relationship, as when employees stop working in a strike.

Section F

In relationships of mutual dependence, such as between labour and management or within an organisation or a family, the question of who is more powerful turns on who is less dependent on the other. If a company needs the employees' work more than employees need the company's pay, the company is more dependent and hence less powerful. How dependent one is turns on how satisfactory the alternatives are for satisfying one's interests. The better the alternative, the less dependent one is. If it is easier for the company to replace striking employees than it is for striking employees to find new jobs, the company is less dependent and thereby more powerful. Determining who is the more powerful party without a decisive and potentially destructive power contest is difficult because power is ultimately a matter of perceptions.

★ 答案与解析



14.Section A,通读全段,段落中有一句是for example句型,它前面的句子是主题句,也就是本段的第三句:

In a dispute, not only do the interests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict.

中文译文:在一个冲突中,不仅一方的利益与另一方不一致,而且它们是冲突的。 对照选项列表,本段话的Heading是xii。

15.Section B,通读全段,本段话的第一句:

Reconciling such interests is not easy.



本段的Heading是vi Methods of settling conflicting interests(解决冲突利益的方法)

16.Section D,通读全段,没有明显的主题句。如果理解全段有困难,把本段话的第一句当作是该段话的主题句(实际上,它确实也是本段话的主题句):

It is often complicated to attempt to determine who is right in a dispute.


与选项一一对应,正确答案为ii Handling rightsbased disputes(处理基于对错的冲突)。

17.Section E,通读全段,没有明显的主题句。如果理解全段有困难,把本段话的第一句当作是该段话的主题句(实际上,它确实也是本段话的主题句):

A third way to resolve a dispute is on the basis of power.


关键词是power。与选项一一对应,正确答案为xi The role of power in settling disagreements(力量在解决冲突中的作用)。

18.Section F,通读全段,没有明显的主题句。如果理解全段有困难,把本段话的第一句当作是该段话的主题句(实际上,它确实也是本段话的主题句):

In relationships of mutual dependence,such as between labour and management or within an organisation or a family,the question of who is more powerful turns on who is less dependent on the other. 中文译文:在相互依赖的关系中,例如,劳资关系或在一个家庭或一个组织中,谁更有力量的问题就转换成谁更少依赖于另一方。

本句比较复杂,中间有一个较长的插入语,可先略去不读。关键词是dependence 和dependent。与选项一一对应,正确答案为iv The role of dependence in disputes(依赖性在冲突中的作用)。



Questions 14 - 18

Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs A-G.

Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-E and G from the list of headings below.

Write the appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.

You may use any of the headings more than once.

List of Headings (i) The effect of changing demographics on organisations (ii) Future changes in the European workforce (iii) The unstructured interview and its validity. (iv) The person-skills match approach to selection (v) The implications of a poor person-environment fit (vi) Some poor selection decisions (vii) The validity of selection procedures (viii) The person-environment fit (ix) Past and future demographic changes in Europe (x) Adequate and inadequate explanations of organisational failure Example Paragraph A Answer (x) 14. Paragraph B 15. Paragraph C 16. Paragraph D

Example Paragraph F Answer (ix) 18. Paragraph G


A In 1991, according to the Department of Trade and Industry, a record 48,000 British

companies went out of business. When businesses fail, the post-mortem analysis is traditionally undertaken by accountants and market strategists. Unarguably organisations do fail because of undercapitalisation, poor financial management, adverse market conditions etc. Yet, conversely, organisations with sound financial backing, good product ideas and market acumen often underperform and fail to meet shareholders' expectations. The complexity, degree and sustainment of organisational performance requires an explanation which goes beyond the balance sheet and the “paper conversion” of financial inputs into profit making outputs. A more complete explanation of “what went wrong” necessarily must consider the essence of what an organisation actually is and that one of the financial inputs, the most important and often the most expensive, is people.

B An organisation is only as good as the people it employs. Selecting the right person

for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational and professional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and predisposition to acquire them. This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection.

C Work invariably takes place in the presence and/or under the direction of others, in a

particular organisational setting. The individual has to “fit” in with the work environment, with other employees, with the organisational climate, style of work, organisation and culture of the organisation. Different organisations have different cultures (Cartwright & Cooper, 1991;1992). Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience to working in the same capacity at GEC or Plessey.

D Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the costs of training a

policeman are about £20,000 (approx. US$30,000). The costs of employing an unsuitable technician on an oil rig or in a nuclear plant could, in an emergency, result in millions of pounds of damage or loss of life. The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit (PE-fit) is likely to result in low job satisfaction, lack of organisational commitment and employee stress, which affect organizational

17. Paragraph E

outcomes i.e. productivity, high labour turnover and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i.e. physical, psychological and mental well-being.

E However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of

sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview. Indeed, research has demonstrated that a selection decision is often made within the first four minutes of the interview. In the remaining time, the interviewer then attends exclusively to information that reinforces the initial “accept” or “reject” decision. Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demonstrated that the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poor predictor of future job performance and fares little better than more controversial methods like graphology and astrology. In times of high unemployment, recruitment becomes a “buyer's market” and this was the case in Britain during the 1980s.

F The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social and

economic trends in the European Community show that Europe's population is falling and getting older. The birth rate in the Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacement of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community’s female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% of men.

G The changing demographics will not only affect selection ratios. They will also make

it increasingly important for organisations wishing to maintain their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain and develop their human resources. More flexible working hours, the opportunity to work from home or job share, the provision of childcare facilities etc., will play a major role in attracting and retaining staff in the future.

★ 答案与解析 14-18


14. iv

没有明显的主题句,需要通读全段。实际上,主题句是全段的最后一句: This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection. 15. viii

没有明显的主题句,需要通读全段。 16. v

段落中包含For example句型,主题句是它前面的句子(也就是全段的第一句): Poor selection decisions are expensive. 此题,容易误选为vi,它的意思是:一些poor selection decisions。而主题句的意思是:

poor selection decisions的代价是昂贵的。 17. iii


However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview.


这句比较复杂,不好理解。应重点看主句部分many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview。正确答案为:

(iii)The unstructured interview and its validity

18. i

该段话的前两句是not only but also句型,主题句为第二句:

They will also make it increasingly important for organisations wishing to maintain their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain and develop their human resources.



You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on exercise one. Questions 1-5

This reading passage has six paragraphs.

Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-ix in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them. You may use any of the heading more than once.

List of Headings i. Responsibilities of responding police officers ii. Perceived advantages of rapid response iii. Police response to public satisfaction iv. Communicating response time to people requesting help v. When rapid response is and is not necessary vi. Role of technology in improving police response vii. Response time and success of response viii. Public demand for catching criminals ix. Obstacles to quickly contacting the police

Example Answer Paragraph A vi

1. Paragraph B 2. Paragraph C 3. Paragraph D 4. Paragraph E 5. Paragraph F


A Police departments in the United States and Canada see it as central to their development that they respond to calls for help as quickly as possible. This ability to react fast has been greatly improved with the aid of technology. The telephone and police radio, already along in use, assist greatly in the reduction of police response time. In more recent times there has been the introduction of the ?911? emergency system, which allows the public easier and faster contact with police, and the use of police computer systems, which assist police in planning patrols and assigning emergency requests to the police officers nearest to the scene of the emergency.

B An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits. The more obvious ones are the ability of police to apply first-aid lifesaving techniques quickly and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It aids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime, as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department, too, is enhanced if rapid response is consistent, and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say, rapid response offers the police some degree of satisfaction in its police force. C While these may be the desired consequences of rapid police response, actual research has not shown it to be quite so beneficial. For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes—still quite a rapid response—the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. Similarly, in identifying witnesses to emergencies or crimes, police are far more likely to be successful if they arrive at the scene no more than four minutes on average, after receiving a call for help. Yet both police officers and the public define ?rapid response? as responding up to 10-12 minutes after calling the police for help.

D Should police assume all the responsibility for ensuring a rapid response? Studies have shown that people tend to delay after an incident occurs before contacting the police. A crime victim may be injured and thus unable to call for help, for example, or no telephone may be available at the scene of the incident. Often, however, there is no such physical barrier to calling the police. Indeed, it is very common for crime victims to call their parents, their minister, or even their insurance company first. When the police are finally called in such cases the effectiveness of even the most rapid of responses is greatly diminished.

E The effectiveness of rapid response also needs to be seen in light of the nature of the crime. For example, when someone rings the police after discovering their television set has been stolen from their home, there is little point, in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime, in ensuring a very rapid response. It is

common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours, days, even weeks after it has occurred. When the victim is directly involved in the crime, however, as in the case of a robbery, rapid response, provided the victim was quickly able to contact the police, is more likely to be advantageous. Based on statistics comparing crimes that are discovered and those in which the victim is directly involved, Spelman and Brown (1981) suggest that three in four calls to the police need not be met with rapid response.

F It becomes clear that the importance of response time in collecting evidence or catching criminals after a crime must be weighed against a variety of factors. Yet because police department officials assume the public strongly demand rapid response, they believe that every call to the police should be met with it. Studies have shown, however, that while the public wants quick response, more important is the information given by the police to the person asking for help. If a caller is told the police will arrive in five minutes but in fact it takes ten minutes or more, waiting the extra time can be extremely frustrating. But if a caller is told he or she will have to wait 10 minutes and the police indeed arrive within that time, the caller is normally satisfied. Thus, rather than emphsising rapid response, the focus of energies should be on establishing realistic expectations in the caller and making every attempt to meet them.

★ 答案与解析


2. ii 通读全段,可以确定主题句就是第

1句:An important part of police

strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits. (作为警察策略的一个重要组成部分,警察的快速反应被警察和公众一致认为提供了大量的好处。)正确答案为:ii. Perceived advantages of rapid response (快速反应可见的好处)。

3. vii 先读该段的第1句话:While these may be the desired consequences of rapid

police response, actual research has not shown it to be quite so beneficial. (虽然这些是警察快速反应所期望的结果,但实际的研究表明情况并没有那么有利。)

根据前面讲的规律,这句话肯定是主题句,即警察的快速反应并没有那么有利。如果只依据此句,还是不能确定答案,那么就需要通读全段了。实际上,实际上主题句是该段的第1句和最后一句。正确答案为:vii. Response time and success of response (反应时间和反应的成功性)。

4. ix 该段的第1句是个问句,那么第2句应是主题句,看该段的第2句:Studies

have shown that people tend to delay after an incident occurs before contacting the police. (研究表明,人们在事件发生后警察联系前,往往会拖延一段时间。)在主题句之后,作者解释了受害人不能及时联系警察的原因,所以正确答案为:ix Obstacles to quickly contacting the police(快速联系警察的障碍)。

5. v 该段的第


effectiveness of rapid response also needs to be seen in light of the nature of the crime. (快速反应的有效性还和罪行的性质有关)如果只依此句,还是不能确定答案,那就需要通读全段了。正确答案为:v When rapid response is and is not necessary.

6. iv 通读全段可知,全段都在谈论

response times, 其中有这样一句:Studies

have shown, however, that while the public wants quick response, more important is the information given by the police to the person asking for help.(研究表明,尽管公众希望得到快速反应,警方向求助者提供的信息却更为重要。)根据前面所讲的规律,这就话应该是主题句。show后面的从句是重点,因为它正是正确选项的改写。所以正确答案为: iv Communicating response time to people requesting help (把采取行动的时间告知寻求帮助的人)。



You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-15 which are based on the passage.

Questions 1-5

This reading passage has six sections.

Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-xi in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.

List of Headings i The presumptions of policy makers ii Need for more equitable parenting policies iii The impact of dual employment iv Comparison of employed and non-employed mothers v The benefits of balanced responsibility vi The unchanged role of the female parent vii The effect of stress on the female parent viii Disadvantages of parental equality ix The expert?s view of the male parent?s role x Commitment of mothers to their paid jobs xi Origins of anxiety in working mothers

Example Answer Section A ii

1. Section B 2. Section C 3. Section D 4. Section E 5. Section F


Section A

There are still significant gaps between women and men in terms of their involvement in family life, the tasks they perform and the responsibilities they take. Yet, at least in developed Western countries, both women and men express a desire for greater equality in family life. It is evident that in terms of attitudes and beliefs, the problem cannot simply be thought of in terms of women wanting men to share more equally and men being reluctant to do so. The challenge now is to develop policies and practices based on a presumption of shared responsibility between men and women, and a presumption that there are potential benefits for men and women, as well as for families and the community, if there is greater gender equality in the responsibilities and pleasures of family life. These are becoming key concerns of researchers, policy makers, community workers and, more importantly, family members themselves. Section B

Despite the significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in the paid workforce, Australian research studies over the last 15 years are consistent in showing that divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed (Watson, 1991). In terms of time, women perform approximately 90 per cent of childcare tasks and 70 per cent of family work, and only 14 per cent of fathers are highly participants in terms of time spent on family work (Russell, 1983). Demo and Acock (1993), in a recent US study, also found that women continue to perform a constant and major proportion of household labour (68 per cent to 95 per cent) across all family types (first marriage, divorced, step-family or never married), regardless of whether they are employed or non-employed in paid work. Section C

Divisions of labour for family work are particularly problematic in families in which both parents are employed outside the home (dual-worker families). Employed mothers adjust their jobs and personal lives to accommodate family commitments more than employed fathers do. Mothers are less likely to work overtime and are

more likely to take time off work to attend to children?s needs (Van den Heuvel, 1993). Mothers spend less time on personal leisure activities than their partners, a factor that often leads to resentment (Demo and Acock, 1993). Section D

The parental role is central to the stress-related anxiety reported by employed mothers, and a major contributor to such stress is their taking a greater role in childcare (Van den Heubel, 1993). Edgar and Glezer (1992) found that close to 90 per cent of both husbands and wives agreed that the man should share equally in childcare, yet 55 per cent of husbands and wives claimed that the men actually did this. (These claims are consistent despite the findings mentioned earlier that point to a much lower participation rate by fathers.) A mother?s wanting her partner to do more housework and childcare is a better predictor of poor family adjustment than is actual time spent by fathers in these tasks (Demo and Acock, 1993). It is this desire, together with its lack of fulfillment in most families, that bring about stress in the female parent. Section E

Family therapists and social work researchers are increasingly defining family problems in terms of a lack of involvement and support form fathers and are concerned with difficulties involved in having fathers take responsibility for the solution of family and child behaviour problems (Edgar and Glezer, 1986). Yet, a father accepting responsibility for behaviour problems is linked with positive outcomes. Section F

Research studies lend strong support to the argument that there are benefits for families considering a change to a fairer of more equitable division of the pleasures and pains of family life. Greater equality in the performance of family work is associated with lower levels of family stress and higher self-esteem, better health, and higher marital satisfaction for mothers. There is also higher marital satisfaction for fathers, especially when they take more responsibility for the needs of their children—fathers are happier when they are more involved (Russell, 1984).

★ 答案与解析

1-5: 标题对应题

1. vi 该段的第一句是主题句:Despite the significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in the paid workforce, Australian research studies over the last 15 years are consistent in showing that divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed (Watson, 1991). (虽然有孩子的妇女参加工作的人数显著上升,但过去的15年里澳大利亚的研究一致表明,家庭劳动的分工实际上是非常固定的) 这句话比较复杂,应重点开showing后的宾语从句:… divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed… 2. iii 主题句是该段的第1句:Divisions of labour for family work are particularly problematic in families in which both parents are employed outside the home (dual-worker families). 家庭工作的劳务分工在父母都在外工作的家庭(双职家庭)中尤为突出。

3. xi 主题句就是该段第第1句:The parental role is central to the stress-related

anxiety reported by employed mothers, and a major contributor to such stress is their taking a greater role in childcare (Van den Heubel, 1993).(外出工作的母亲们说家长身份是产生与压力有关的焦虑的主要原因,产生这种压力的主要因素是她们要承担照顾孩子的主要责任……)此题是这5道题中最难的。如果读不懂句子的意思就很容易错选vii The effect of stress on the female parent (压力对母亲的影响),而实际上本段说的是产生压力的原因。

4. ix 主题句是该段的第1句:Family therapists and social work researchers are

increasingly defining family problems in terms of a lack of involvement and support form fathers and are concerned with difficulties involved in having fathers take responsibility for the solution of family and child behavior problems. (家庭治疗师和社会工作研究者愈发认为家庭问题与缺乏父亲的参与和支持有关,而且他们还关注让父亲负责解决家庭和孩子行为方面问题所面临的困难) 本句特别复杂,不好理解。但如果抓住句首的family therapists and social work researchers 并理解后面所谈的都是有关父亲的事,就不难选出正确答案。

5. v 主题句是该段的第1句:Research studies lend strong support to the

List of Headings (i) The effect of changing demographics on organisations (ii) Future changes in the European workforce (iii) The unstructured interview and its validity. (iv) The person-skills match approach to selection (v) The implications of a poor person-environment fit (vi) Some poor selection decisions (vii) The validity of selection procedures (viii) The person-environment fit (ix) Past and future demographic changes in Europe (x) Adequate and inadequate explanations of organisational failure Example Paragraph A Answer (x) 14. Paragraph B 15. Paragraph C 16. Paragraph D

Example Paragraph F Answer (ix) 18. Paragraph G


A In 1991, according to the Department of Trade and Industry, a record

48,000 British companies went out of business. When businesses fail, the post-mortem analysis is traditionally undertaken by accountants and market strategists. Unarguably organisations do fail because of undercapitalisation, poor financial management, adverse market conditions etc. Yet, conversely, organisations with sound financial backing, good product ideas and market acumen often underperform and fail to meet shareholders' expectations. The complexity, degree and sustainment of organisational performance requires an explanation which goes beyond the balance sheet and the “paper conversion” of financial inputs into profit making outputs. A more complete explanation of “what went wrong” necessarily must consider the essence of what an organisation actually is

17. Paragraph E

and that one of the financial inputs, the most important and often the most expensive, is people.

B An organisation is only as good as the people it employs. Selecting the

right person for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational and professional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and predisposition to acquire them. This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection.

C Work invariably takes place in the presence and/or under the direction of

others, in a particular organisational setting. The individual has to “fit” in with the work environment, with other employees, with the organisational climate, style of work, organisation and culture of the organisation. Different organisations have different cultures (Cartwright & Cooper, 1991;1992). Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience to working in the same capacity at GEC or Plessey.

D Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the costs of training a

policeman are about £20,000 (approx. US$30,000). The costs of employing an unsuitable technician on an oil rig or in a nuclear plant could, in an emergency, result in millions of pounds of damage or loss of life. The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit (PE-fit) is likely to result in low job satisfaction, lack of organisational commitment and employee stress, which affect organizational outcomes i.e. productivity, high labour turnover and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i.e. physical, psychological and mental well-being.

E However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the

range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview. Indeed, research has demonstrated that a selection decision is often made within the first four minutes of the interview. In the remaining time, the interviewer then attends exclusively to information that reinforces the initial “accept” or “reject” decision. Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demonstrated that the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poor predictor of future job performance and fares little better than more controversial methods like graphology and astrology. In times of high unemployment, recruitment becomes a “buyer's market” and this was the case in Britain during the 1980s.

F The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social

and economic trends in the European Community show that Europe's population is falling and getting older. The birth rate in the Community is

now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacement of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community’s female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% of men.

G The changing demographics will not only affect selection ratios. They will

also make it increasingly important for organisations wishing to maintain their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain and develop their human resources. More flexible working hours, the opportunity to work from home or job share, the provision of childcare facilities etc., will play a major role in attracting and retaining staff in the future.

★ 答案与解析 14-18


14. iv

没有明显的主题句,需要通读全段。实际上,主题句是全段的最后一句: This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection. 15. viii

没有明显的主题句,需要通读全段。 16. v

段落中包含For example句型,主题句是它前面的句子(也就是全段的第一句): Poor selection decisions are expensive. 此题,容易误选为vi,它的意思是:一些poor selection decisions。而主题句的意思是:poor selection decisions的代价是昂贵的。 17. iii


However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview.


这句比较复杂,不好理解。应重点看主句部分many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview。正确答案为:

(iii)The unstructured interview and its validity

18. i

该段话的前两句是not only but also句型,主题句为第二句:

They will also make it increasingly important for organisations wishing to maintain their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain and develop their human resources.

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