
更新时间:2023-04-06 03:58:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载







I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

1. A. line B. nine C. fun

2. A. Dec. 5 B. Nov. 5 C. Dec. 15

3. A. provides B. produces C. promises

4. A. stay calm B. keep silent C. stay healthy

5. A. That’s a bad excuse.

B. Don't miss the school bus

C. The school bus is always late.


6. A. Ninety. B. Thanks. C. Not very bad.

7. A. Nothing. B. Next week. C. To a museum.

8. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they aren’t. C. They don’t know.

9. A. Well done. B. Me, too. C. Good idea.

10 .A. Thank you. B. Yes, of course. C. You’re right.


11 . Where do they want to go?

12. Who is the woman s favourite writer?

13. Why does Lucy like living here?

A. Because the food is nice.

B. Because the weather is fine.

C. Because the people are kind.

14. What is Lucy going to be in the future?

A. A doctor.

B. A scientist.

15. What subject is Tim good at?

A. History.

B. Chinese.

16. When did Tim start to write poems?

A. When he was 6.

B. When he was 7.

C. A farmer.

C. Physics.

C. When he was 8.

A. No, never.

B. Yes, he has.

C. We don’t know.

17. Has he ever written a poem in English?

A. Five - word poem.

B. Five - line poem.

C. Fourteen — line poem.

18. What kind of poem will he start from?


A. In China.

B. In France.

C. In England.

20. What did the boys make under the large bag?

A. A fire.

B. A ball.

C. Clothes.

21. What made the balloon go up?

A. Smoke.

B. Hot air.

C. Water.

22. Where were they playing football?

A. On the playground.

B. On the street.

C. In the garden.

23. Who took him to the hospital at once?

A. His parents.

B. His classmates.

C. The policemen.

24. Did he pass all the exams?

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn' t.

C. We don' t know.

19. Where did the story happen?

25. What will he do his best to do?

A. He will travel abroad.

B. He will make a lot of money.

C. He will give all his love to others.




26. You can find you need in the magic house.

A. whatever

B. whenever

C. however

D. wherever

27. —What are you going to do for the School Day? —

We’ll a new play,

A. put out

B. put off

C. put into

D. put on

28. The first picture is the second one. They look almost the same.

A. the same as

B. similar to

C. familiar with

D. different from

29. What a mess! Please your room right away.

A. pay for

B. take off

C. tidy up

D. put on

30, —Bruce, I don't like this restaurant. It's too here. —Well, let's go somewhere quiet.

A. dirty

B. noisy

C. dangerous

D. expensive

31. In the US, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity buy them gifts.

A. later on

B. even though

C. rather than

D. in order to

32. hard and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

A. Study

B. To study

C. Studying

D. Studied

33. —Will you come to my birthday party after the high school entrance exam —I won' t come unless Jenny .

A. invites

B. is invited

C. was invited

D. will invite

34. The city fire was finally . Unfortunately, three people lost their lives.

A. hung up

B. broken down

C. put out

D. gone off

35.一What did the teacher say just now?

—She asked us ?

A. if anyone knows the way to the museum

B. what shall we do for the coming weekend

C. why Tom made so many mistakes

D. when are we going to plant trees



Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running—men and women, young and old. People run 36- along the beaches of California,37 Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in 38 living rooms.

Running wasn't so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used 39 , “Hey, what's the hur ry for?" or they might say to 40 , "Is he crazy?" At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at. But today all these have 41 . Men and women of all 42 enjoy running.

Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States 43 these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking 44 exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don * t smoke, and exercise more. " Running is a good exercise 45 it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.

36. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

37. A. among B. through C. with D. on

38.A. our B. your C. his D. their

39. A. to asking B. to speak C. to speaking D. to ask

40. A. them B. themselves C. their D. they

41. A. changed B. stopped C. worked D. done

42. A, people B. cities C. villages D. ages

43. A. come from B. look for C. care for D. think of

44. A. few B. many C. much D. little

45. A. how B. where C. because D. until




Take a look at some coolest inventions.

Solar - powered plane(太阳能飞机)A plane flew for more than 18 hours over the U. S. on Saturday and didn’t use a drop of oil' How? Solar Impulse is a solar - powered plane, the biggest such plane in the world. It has the same weight as a small car. It carries only one person. It can get solar power from the sun.

Super light camera It weighs only 36g. It's as light as six coins. It' s easy for you to take this small camera with you when travelling. It's small, but it also has many uses. You can take a colourful photo or a black and white one. There are many shapes you can use. You can also use the camera as a key ring.

Google glasses They are the latest technology from Google. People who wear the glasses can record what they see and hear around them, and put them on the Internet for the world to see. There is a GPS system in the glasses, and it will find where you are and tell you where you need to go. Google glasses are a bit like a helpful secretary (秘书).You can tell them what you want to write in an e - mail and they will type it for you.

46. The solar - powered plane can't .

A. fly without oil

B. carry 18 persons

C. get power from the sun

D. fly for more than 18 hours

47. Which has the same weight as six coins according to the passage?

A. Solar 一powered plane.

B. Super light camera.

C. Google glasses.

D. All the above.

48. Google glasses can __________ if you need.

A. record other people' s activities

B. drive and park your car

C. find a helpful secretary for you

D. only take colourful photos

49. From the passage, we can know .

A. what google glasses can do

B. who invented the solar - powered plane

C. how to make a solar - powered plane

D. who invented the super light camera

Do you know crosstalk? It's also known by its Chinese name xiangsheng. It is a famous Chinese show in the form of a dialogue usually between two people. It came into being in Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty (the mid - 19th century ). It began as a form of street show, and it also borrowed from other arts, such as Beijing Opera. No matter what the form is, the crosstalk show just wants to make people laugh.

Crosstalk is one of China' s most important and popular performing arts. Modem crosstalk usually has four skills ——speaking, imitating (模仿),teasing (逗乐)and singing. Some stories come from everyday life, popular ideas and hot news. Some come from history stories. During the show, sometimes one actor is angry with the other because of their different ideas. Crosstalk is full of fun with singing, different sounds, musical instruments, and even crying. So if something makes you unhappy, you can enjoy crosstalk.

Nowadays, you can watch it in tea houses and theatres. Of course, you can also listen to it on radio while taking a walk or driving a car. And you can watch it on TV with your families.

50. When did crosstalk come into being in Beijing? A. Around 1750. B. Around 1850. C. Around 1800. D. Around 1700.

51. What are the main skills in modem crosstalk?

A. Speaking, imitating, teasing and singing. C. Speaking, musical instruments and fighting.

52. Where can we enjoy crosstalk nowadays?

A. At home.

C. In a car or park.


A rich Japanese was on vacation in New York. One day he went into a shop. He wanted to buy a nice - looking watch very much, but the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the owner' s hands and ran out with it. It all happened in a few seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man already disappeared (消失)among the people.

The rich man went on. At the next comer. he saw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he asked in a low voice, "It's only a hundred dollars. " "The young man doesn’t know I saw him stealing the watch ,'‘ he thought. The rich man paid him at once and went back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch.

His friend had a look at the watch and began laughing. He said, “You are foolish. This watch isn ’t worth even ten dollars. I'm sure the shop owner and the young man planned this play together."

53.Which country did the rich Japanese travel to?

A. The UK.

B. The USA.

C. Fiance.

D. Australia. 54.The owner of the shop asked

dollars for the watch. A. 500 B. 250 C. 100

D. 150 55. The rich man's friend began laughing because . B. Singing, crying and fighting. D. Imitating, singing and crying. B. In tea houses or theatres. D. All of the above.

A. the watch was nice

B. the watch was really cheap

C. he had a watch like that

D. he thought the rich man was foolish

56. From the story, we can learn that ____ may be dishonest.

A. the rich man’ s friend

B. the shop owner

C. the young man

D. both B and C


One of the most famous scientists to study adaptations(适应,改变)was Charles Darwin. He was born in England in 1809. He wasn' t the best student in his school. When he was 16, his father sent him to a medical school. Charles liked spending time outdoors observing(观察)nature more than attending medical classes. He dropped out without graduating.

Next, Charles' father sent him to school to become a minister (牧帀).This time he made it to graduation, but he didn' t want to do the work of a minister. His friends encouraged him to follow his interest in science.

After graduation, Charles was invited to sail (乘船航行)on the Beagle as an unpaid scientist. He wasn’ t the first choice, but he was the lucky one to go. The Beagle was to travel to South America and then around the world. The crew' s task was to make maps o£ the places they visited.

On December 27th, 1831, Charles Darwin sailed from England on the Beagle. The trip \ was planned to last two years. In fact, it lasted five. During the time, he saw many amazing things. He collected lots of plants and animals and took them back to England to study.

Twenty - three years later, Darwin published a scientific paper with another man named Wallace. Darwin described how some animals have adaptations that help them survive. They are passed on to offspring (后代).

57. The Beagle was a( n),

A. ship

B. plane C plant D. animal

58. When Darwin published the scientific paper, he was years old.

A. twenty - three

B. twenty - two

C. forty - five

D. fifty

59. The underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refers to .

A. adaptations

B. Darwin and Wallace

C. animals

D. Darwin *s ideas

60. Which of the following is true?

A. Darwin graduated from a medical school.

B. Some animals have adaptations so that they can survive.

C. Darwin published a scientific paper by himself.

D. Darwin was first chosen to sail on the Beagle.

卷II (非选择题,共45分)




阅读短文,并按要求完成66 -70题。

Have you ever thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you grow up? Many people think that we can have only one job in our lifetime. We all know that this is not true, but quite a few people actually think this way. For example, when people choose a major (专业)in college, they think that the decisions they make now will decide their jobs for the rest of their lives. However, there are many examples where people became successful after changing their careers (职业)later in life.

J. K. Rowling, writer of the famous novel Harry Potter, was actually a school teacher before she began writing books. In fact, she was out of work before the first Harry Potter book came out.

Former US President Ronald Reagan began as an actor when he was a young man. He later decided that he wanted to do political work. This kind of passion(激情)finally led him (p become President of the United States.

The famous 19th century artist Vincent Van Gogh was not a painter from the beginning. He once worked as an art salesman and later became a preacher. It was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.

Careers are always open to change. The important thing is to find what you are really good at or what you really want to do. Once you find that passion, it * s all a matter of how hard you try.

66、67小题完成句子;68小题回答问题;69小题找出并写下最后一段的主题句;70 小题


66. Many people became successful changing their careers later in life.

67. J. K. Rowling was before the first Harry Potter book came out.

68. Was Vincent Van Gogh a painter from the beginning?





The mobile phone is a useful thing, but maybe I don't know 71. h to use it. Some-times it makes things difficult for me.

One day I wanted to see a friend nearby. I could 72. a at his house in five minutes, but I looked at my mobile 73. and thought 74. would be better to ring him up. I 75. r him for the first time, but the line was busy. Five minutes later, there was an answer, but it was the wrong number. Then I tried 76. a and this time I got an answer from him.

1 asked him if he was at home. And he said - at 77. h . I thought he said 一he would be at home all afternoon. So I went to his house, but then I found 78. in. I called him for the fourth time. This time I got so 79. m that I shouted, "You are not at home? But you just told me over the telephone that you were at home!"

Here 80. (be) his answer, "I was at home at that time, but I am not at home now.

I went back to my room, sat down in front of the mobile phone and looked at it. What else could I do? Nothing!



81. am, jump, in, sorry, to, I


82. the, fallen, baby, has, asleep


83. the, best, honesty, is, truly, policy


84. upside, bowl, please, turn, the, down


85. what, in order to, must, be, done, make the play ?



86. 课外阅读能丰富学生的课余生活,开拓他们的视野。但是,目前许多学生并不重视课外阅读。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,对这一状况进行分析并提出建议。







3. ……




1 -5 AAABA 6 -10 CCACA 11-15 BACBB 16-20 AABBA 21-25 BABAC


26-30 ADBCB 31-35 CABCC


36-40 CBDDB 41-45 ADADC




61. simple 62. close 63. dancing 64. others 65. studies

IX. (2分/小题,共计10分)

6,6. after 67. out of work 68. No, he wasn't.

69. Careers are always open to change.

70. 最重要事情是找到你真正擅长的或想要做的事情。

X. (1分/小题,共计10分)

71. how 72. arrive 73. phone 74. it 75. rang

76. again 77. home 78. nobody 79. mad 80. was

XI. A)(1分/小题,共计5分)

81. I am sorry to jump in.

82. The baby has fallen asleep.

83. Honest truly is the best policy.

84. Please turn the bowl upside down.

85. What must be done in order to make the play?

B)(15) 86. One possible version:

At present, only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. First of all, quite a few students are busy with too much homework. Secondly, they don't have time for reading. What's more, some students haven't formed the habits of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on the phone or the Internet.

However, reading is very important. By reading, students can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help them develop the way of thinking. Last but not least, reading can make students, life more colorful.

There is still something we can do to help the “students read more books. For one thing, tea chers are supposed to cut down the homework so that students can have time to read. For another; it's a good idea to build reading clubs so that students can read more book.

