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新世纪视听说B3U5-BPart I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. 1.

A) She will do the man a favor. B) She feels uncomfortable. C) She won't open the window. D) She wants to change her seat.

Script: A: Do you mind opening the window?

B: Yes, I do. It's cold and I'm sitting near the window. 正确答案:C 学生答案:A

得分:0分 2.

A) work as a salesman B) work as a mechanic C) go back home D) go traveling

Script: A: What are you going to do in the summer vacation, Andy? B: Hit the road, of course. 正确答案:D 学生答案:C


Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A: Hi, Eileen! It's so nice to see you. Are you here alone?

B: Well ... yeah, Peter! I am wondering where the other guys are. I think the email said 6 o'clock, and now it's 6:15.

A: Guys are pretty busy, you know. But they sure come. Anyway, I'm here. Hey, that's a beautiful ring. Are you married?

B: It's an engagement ring. Glen and I will marry two months later. I'll send invitations to you guys all.

A: Wow, congratulations, and thanks. And are you still working in the advertising company? B: Nope. I didn't like a nine-five job. Now I'm self-employed. A: Self-employed? What do you mean?

B: I have a personal studio, and I do artistic photographing for individuals, ads design for companies. Things like that. I like it.

A: Um-hmm. I can see that. You're still that freedom-loving girl in college. B: And I got support from Glen. By the way, what about you, Peter?

A: Eh ... I am working for a consulting company. A lot of work to do every day, and there are extra hours. It's not the kind of job I dreamed in college.

B: Well, maybe you should think about changing your job. You can start networking. I know some people among my clients, and maybe I can help ...

A: Thanks a lot, Eileen. Let's talk about it later, because here comes Julian, the handsome guy. B: Oh ... yeah. Hi! 3.

The conversation is between _____. A) Eileen and Glen B) Eileen and Peter C) Peter and Julian D) Peter and Glen

正确答案:B 学生答案:B

得分:2分 4.

When will Eileen be married? A) Two months later. B) Next month. C) Next week.

D) She is already married.

正确答案:A 学生答案:D

得分:0分 5.

Where does Peter work now? A) In an advertising company. B) In a consulting company. C) Self-employed.

D) In a personal studio.

正确答案:B 学生答案:B


Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.


At any time, most college students are stressed about something; it's just part of going to school. While having stress in your life is normal and often unavoidable, being stressed is something you can control. The following tips will help you to control your stress and help you to relax.

First, get some sleep. Many college students do not sleep enough. But getting more sleep can help your mind focus. This can mean a quick nap, a night when you go to bed early, or a promise to yourself to stick with a regular sleep schedule. Sometimes, one good night's sleep can be all you need to deal with stress.

Second, eat well. Your eating habits may have been disrupted when you started school. But think about what and when you've eaten over the past few days. Stress is also related to physical health. So eat something balanced and healthy, such as fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Third, do more exercises. Exercise doesn't necessarily have to involve a 2-hour, exhausting workout at the campus gym. It can mean a relaxing, 30-minute walk while listening to your favorite music. In fact, in a little over an hour, you can walk 15 minutes to your favorite off-campus restaurant, eat a quick and healthy meal, walk back, and take a good nap. Imagine how much better you'll feel!

Fourth and last, get some quiet time. Take one moment and think: when was the last time you had some quality, quiet time alone? You may share your room, your bathroom, your classrooms, your dining hall, the gym, the bookstore, the library, and anywhere else you go during an average day. Finding a few moments of peace and quiet ?with no cell phone, roommates, or

crowds ?might be just what you need. Stepping out from the crazy college environment for a few minutes can do wonders for reducing your stress. 6.

_____ is normal and often unavoidable in your life. A) Having stress B) Being stressed C) Going to school

D) Feeling unsuccessful

Script: _____ is normal and often unavoidable in your life. 正确答案:A 学生答案:A

得分:2分 7.

What does getting more sleep mean? A) Sleeping overtime in the morning. B) Sleeping whenever you feel stressed. C) Sticking to a regular sleep schedule. D) Getting a comfortable bed.

Script: What does getting more sleep mean? 正确答案:C 学生答案:C

得分:2分 8.

You should eat _____ to control stress. A) what you like

B) what you don't like C) simple foods D) balanced foods

Script: You should eat _____ to control stress. 正确答案:D 学生答案:D

得分:2分 9.

What is NOT involved in \A) A 2-hour workout at the campus gym. B) A thirty-minute walk every morning. C) Listening to relaxing music.

D) Walking from an off-campus restaurant back to school.

Script: What is NOT involved in \正确答案:C 学生答案:D

得分:0分 10.

Finding some quiet time can mean _____. A) watching a quiet film with your best friend B) not using your cell phone

C) reading in the library with other students D) not arguing with anyone all day

Script: Finding some quiet time can mean _____. 正确答案:B 学生答案:B


Passage Two

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.


When most people think of the word \they think of a pupil as a container, and the teachers are supposed to fill that container with \

But real education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not forcing something into a person, but rather producing knowledge from him, it is the drawing out of what is in the mind.

So many of the discussions and controversies about the content of education are useless, because they are concerned with what should \taken out, and how this can best be done.

A college student once said to me after a lecture, \don't have a chance to learn anything.\I think he was expressing his dissatisfaction with the container-filling view of education. He was being so stuffed with various facts and materials that he had no time to think independently, to draw on his own resources, and to use his own mind.

So real education must produce from the pupil what is latent in every human being, for example, the rules of reason, the knowledge of what is proper for men to be and to do, the ability to come to conclusions.

After all, pupils are not containers. They are more like oysters. The job of teaching is not to stuff them and then seal them up, but to help them open and reveal the riches within. There are pearls in each of us, if only we knew how to cultivate them. 11.

The traditional view of education is to think of students as _____. A) books B) flowers C) containers D) pictures

Script: The traditional view of education is to think of students as _____. 正确答案:C 学生答案:C

得分:2分 12.

What does real education mean?

A) Teaching the student to be a real person. B) Developing the student's various skills.

C) Helping the student to put theory into practice. D) Drawing out knowledge from the student.

Script: What does real education mean? 正确答案:D 学生答案:D

得分:2分 13.

\A) the ability to come to conclusions B) the knowledge about the future C) the rules of good behavior

D) the awareness of what is possible

Script: \正确答案:A 学生答案:A

得分:2分 14.

Why didn't the student have any time to think independently? A) Because he didn't have enough motivation.

B) Because he was stuffed with various facts. C) Because he was under a lot of pressure.

D) Because his teacher couldn't teach him anything.

Script: Why didn't the student have any time to think independently? 正确答案:B 学生答案:A

得分:0分 15.

In the end, the pupils are compared to _____ that have pearls. A) containers B) oysters

C) treasure boxes D) safes

Script: In the end, the pupils are compared to _____ that have pearls. 正确答案:B 学生答案:B


Part II Oral Tasks ( 3 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Listen carefully and then answer the question.

16. Which college will the woman probably attend?

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345

17. Why will the woman probably not go to Harvard University?

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345

18. Did the person they are talking about study hard?

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345

19. What is he going to do if he doesn’t get into graduate school?

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345

Section B

Directions: There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read the text aloud. Your voice will be recorded into the system. You’ll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop it when hearing the ending signal sound. Your reading should be limited in 1.5 minutes.

Now you have 1 minute to prepare. 20.

Still feeling nervous about making friends? Don't forget how good you are. Your college would not have accepted you if you weren't an amazing person. This is the truth. The cool thing about college is that there are so many different groups and organizations that you're bound to find someplace where you're comfortable. Follow your heart, join some new activities, and remember to say hi.

Before living on campus, you will receive your roommate's name and contact information. You may be a little nervous, a little excited. Then contact by email, but you should also try to connect via phone before meeting on move-in day. As long as you're honest and respectful with each other, things should be fine.

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345678910

Section C

Directions: Look at the picture below, which is about Linda, a second-year college

student. What does the picture tell you about her? What is she doing and why? Now you are required to describe what you have seen by answering those questions. Also tell how different your life is from hers. You’ll have 1 minute to prepare and another 2 minutes to complete your presentation.

Now you have 1 minute to prepare. 21.

思考/准备 学生答案:

得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345678910

Part III Video Tasks ( 6 minutes )

Section A

Directions: True or False. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

22. Dan has worked with computers at a company for three years. A. T B. F

正确答案:B 学生答案:A


23. Gian works on the web. A. T B. F

正确答案:A 学生答案:A


24. Dave needs a strong foundation in math and foreign languages to do the job. A. T

B. F

正确答案:B 学生答案:B


25. Jackie's ideal job is teaching. A. T B. F

正确答案:A 学生答案:A


26. Vanessa loves taking pictures and wants to be a film director. A. T B. F

正确答案:B 学生答案:A


Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks. Watch the video clip a and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Natalie: I work for a (27)_________________ that was launched ten years ago and I have been working there for (28)_________________ . ...

Kumiko: ... The other one is (29)_________________ . I like working with dogs because they give me (30)_________________ love (31)_________________ . ...

Calum: My ideal job would be a (32)_________________ or work for a newspaper, and (33)_________________ I could see the world, and also keep (34)_________________ with events. For my job you should be able to (35)_________________ , and you should be

(36)_________________ .

27. ______________________

正确答案:television station 学生答案:telephone station

得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.00

28. ______________________

正确答案:about a year 学生答案:four about years

得分:0分 您可以修改得分:

29. ______________________

正确答案:training dogs 学生答案:training dogs

得分:2分 您可以修改得分:

30. ______________________

正确答案:unconditional 学生答案:unconditional

得分:2分 您可以修改得分:

31. ______________________

正确答案:all the time 学生答案:all the time

得分:2分 您可以修改得分:

32. ______________________

正确答案:reporter 学生答案:reporter

得分:2分 您可以修改得分:02.00 02.00 02.00 02.00 02.00

33. ______________________

正确答案:that way 学生答案:not very well

得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.00

34. ______________________

正确答案:up-to-date 学生答案:up

得分:0分 您可以修改得分:

35. ______________________

正确答案:write well 学生答案:write well

得分:2分 您可以修改得分:

36. ______________________

正确答案:well-informed 学生答案:

得分:0分 您可以修改得分:

02.00 02.00 02.00

