剑桥 商务英语中级 模拟试题 BEC

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剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级




Questions 1-7

. Read these sentences and the following business index.

. Which advisor each sentense (1-7) describe?

. For each sentence mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet.


The company invests a large sum of money in high technology.

Answer: E

1. It is engaged in the expansion of a telecommunications line.

2. No other steel industries have such a high rating. .

3. The company is the chief holder of a British company"s shares.

4. As much as forty million U. S. dollars are invested in Taiwan.

5. It has business transactions with an American company.

6. The company gets a very high interest rate from its stocks.

7. AGREements were signed between two companies about technological cooperation.

A. Telecom Asia Corporation Limited (Thailand )

-It serves as international advisor in connection with the debt and equity financing for a US $3

billion telephone line expansion project in Bangkok. (Current)

B. Singapore Telecom international Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)

- It acquires its 50/00 interest in Cambridge Holding Ltd. ,the controlling shareholder of

Cambridge Cable Ltd. of the U. K. (6/1992)

C. Pohang Iron 6 Steel Co. ,Ltd. (Korea) .

In connection with its ratings with Standard & Poor"s and Moody"s investor Services. The

company obtained the highest rating of any steei company in the world. (II/1991)

D. Goldstar Co. ,Ltd. (Korea)

In its investiment in ,and technology agreements with ,Zenith Electronics of the U. S. -the first

transaction of this type in Korea. (2/1991 )

E. Concord Venture Capital Co. , Ltd.(Taiwan) "

-Structured ,marketed to investors and made a principal investment in the Fund with total

equity of NT $ 940 million(US $ 40 million) to invest in Taiwanese high-technology venture

capital opportunities. (I/1991)


Questions 8-1 2

. Read this advertisement of a Canadian computer incorporation.

. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I on page 5 to fill each of the blanks.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

. For each blank (8-12)mark one letter(A -I) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

. One answer has been given as an example.


Our new and improved Bravo series of personal computers is designed to do calculations in a

new way. . .. . ..example . . . . . .

For example , the new Bravo MT has the same features of Intel"s very fast Pentium 60MHz

microprocessor. It"s all the power you need to run an entire workgroup or the latest

graphics-intensive programs, and processes even the most complicated mathematical

calculations five times faster than the DX2/66. ...... 8...... It"s perfect for the power user who

demands high performance at an attractive price point.

Also new from AST is our latest generation of Bravo LC desktops, a value line of energy

efficient 486 personal computers. Our entire Bravo LC family ,while still affordable, has new

muscle--Intel 486 microprocessors up to 100 MHz and a VESA Local Bus slot. Today, it"s

fast, tomorrow it could be even faster, if you choose to raise it to Intel"s Pentium Over Drive

processor. How about more performance in less space? The Bravo LP is a low profile 486 ,

loaded with award-winning engineering. ... ... 9 ... ... And the graphics RAM can be enlarged

to ZMB for 64-bit processing.

Our new Bravo NB notebook computers, recently named the number one of the 20 world"s

top notebook computers ,are some of our best examples of the Bravo family. ... ...10 ... ... It is

particularly ideal for small businesses ,home offices ,and mobile users.

With Bravo , there"s something for everyone. Including high value , performance , and the

most responsive around the-clock phone support anywhere. ... ... 11 ... ...

By the way ,our 486 Bravos are all approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.... ...

12... ...For an AST reseller near you ,please call 800 876- 4 AST.

Example: C

A. Would you expect anything from the world"s fifth largest (and growing )personal computer


B. In addition ,you"ll find .yourself in the enjoyment of free maintenance and


C. If you want speed, power, expandability, and dazzling graphics performance at a very

affordable price, you"ll find it in our Bravo personal computers.

D. The MT also comes with two AL-slots for graphic upgrades and installed windows-based

software solutions.

E. So , you"ll save energy , money ,and perhaps a few trees.

F. For instance, innovative security features help you keep your most confidential work to


G. As a result, you need a certificate issued by the Environment Protection Agency if you buy

a personal computer.

H. The Bravo NB4/33 is even thinner, lighter ,faster , and more affordable- using very little

power with a longer battery life.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

I. Finally, the DX2/66 is inferior to our Bravo MT in speed, function and

graphics performance.


Questions 13-20

. Read this brochure about the Canadian city, Saint John, and answer questions 13 to 20 that


Canada"s Most Cost-Effective City

In today"s business climate, every corporate decision is measured by one standard-how it

influences bottom line. So for businesses in Saint John, New Brunswick , important decisions

usually comes easier. The reason? Saint John is the country"s most cost-effective city.

Many Companies ,including major telemarketing operations ,are moving in to take advantage

of substantially more competitive operating costs for human resources , workers"

compensation, telecommunications and business convenience.

1. In Saint John, city center rents run approximately one-third less than the national average.

Downtown Class A office space ranges in price from the low to mid teens. Class B rents for

much lower fees. Salaries cost an average of 23 percent less when compared to other major

centers. These reduced costs and lower household expenses make for a winning combination

where employers and employees both benefit. .

2. From superhighways to future highways ,Saint John has it all. Leading-edge technology

supplied by companies like NBTel will link your firm to the world. Combine this technology

with low-cost telecommunications rates and round-the-clock service ,and you have three good

reasons why national firms like Northern Telecom ,Canada Trust and Meditrust now call Saint

John home.

3. NBTel"s Competitive telecommunications rates can help an employer realize annual

savings of 25 percent and more. Lower property and commercial taxes ,Canada"s second

lowest electric power rates, and no business of salary taxes make. Saint John an ideal

cost-saving location. In recent comparative studies to detemine the least expensive city center,

Saint John ranked number one compared to 27 U. S. cities.

4. Saint John means profitability and good business sense. To help companies considering

business expansion or relocation ,the newly created Greater Saint John Economic

Development Commission is ready to take an active role in your evaluation process. General

manager Steve Carson says the Commission"s role is simple :We"re

here to make it easier to set up or expand a business in Saint John.

Questions 13-16

. For questions 13-1 6,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.

. For each paragraph (1-4)mark one letter (AG) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

13. Paragraph 1 ..........

14. Paragraph 2 ..........

15. Paragraph 3 ..........

16. Paragraph 4 ..........

A. Low living cost

B. Good traffic and telecommunication services

O. Sanit John"s cheap rents

D. Two classes of rents

E. The number one expensive city center

F. Encouragement for new business activities

G. Good business sense

Questions 17-20

. Using the information in the text , complete each sentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list

below (A -G) .

. For each sentence (17 20) mark one letter (AG) on your Answer Sheet.

. De not mark any letter twice.

17. The task of Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission is to. . . . . .

18. In Saint John, employees"wages. . . . . .

19. There are a few reasons why national companies. . . . . .

20. In Saint John ,New Brunswick it is easier than elsewhere for companies to. . . . .

A. cost twenty-three percent less than other major centers

B. make important decisions

C. take advantage of human resources

D. link your business to others all over the world

E. determine the cheapest city center

F. consider Saint John to be their home

G. help set up or expand a business in this city


Questions 21 -35

. Read this advertisement.

. Choose the best word to fill each gap.

. For each question (21 35) mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D)on your Answer Sheet.

. One answer has been given as an example.

Too much to read! It"s impossible to find time to read today"s top business books-and

thousands are published each year. Yet not keeping up with those books could be a

serious-and expensive mistake. Often the ideas and insights they . . . . . . example. . . . . are

available nowhere else. But how can you even. . . . . .21. . . . . . which titles are worthwhile-let

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

alone find time to read them?

Fortunately, there"s a . . . .. .22. .. . . . : Soundview Executive Book Summaries. It really. . . . . .

23.. . . . . In fact, it"s . . . . . . 24. . . . . . to work. It is ingenious and essential. Every month,

you . . . . . . 25. . . . . two or three quick reading, time saving . . . . . .26. . . .. . of the best new

business books. Each contains all the key points in the . . . . . . 27. . . . . . book. The big

difference ,instead of 200 to 500 pages ,the summary is only & pages. Instead of . . . . . .

28. . . . . . five ,ten or more hours to read ,it takes just 15 minutes.

Of the thousands of business books . . . . . . 29. . . . . .annually, only a . . . . . . 30. . . . . .are

really worth reading. To save your time, our Editorial Board goes over them all . . . . . .

31. . . . . .90%. Our standards are . . . . . . 32. . . . . .,and the criteria rigorous.

When a book meets all our tests, we prepare a Summary, instead of a review or a digest. You

get a skillful distillation that preserves the content ad spirit of the . . . . . . 33. . . . . .books. The

titles cover every. . . . . . 34. . . . . .of concern to business people today. There"s . . . . . .

35. . . . . .else like Soundview Executive Book Summaries.


A. express B. understand C. contain D. find

Answer: C

21 . A. see B. know C. ask D. answer

22. A. answer B. solution C. question D. problem

23. A. works B. costs C. sells D. buys

24. A. guarded B. granted C. guided D. guaranteed

25. A. pay B. send C. receive D. buy

26. A. titles B. summaries C. names D. prices

27. A. original B. first C. same D. another

28. A. spending B. costing C. taking D. sitting

29. A. publicized B. polished C. published D. popularized

30. A. dozen B. little C. handful D. couple

31. A. choosing B. eliminating C. writing D. publishing

32. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap

33. A. entire B. tired C. entering D. old

34. A. word B. subject C. sentence D. idea

35. A. something B. anything C. all D. nothing


Section A

Questions 36-40

. Read this text about a Japanese company.

. In most of the lines (36-40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two line,

however , are correct.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

. If the line is correct ,put a tick (√)in the space on your Answer Sheet.

. If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

Example :

For short distance, it uses its own" self airplanes. For international ...self...

flights it calls on leading airlines including the Japanese Airlines. ... .. √.. . ..


It"s only normal that a service-oriented company should look to other

36. service companies as partners. The reputation for excellence of every each

37. of DHL"s partners strongly motivated its choice. To make that sure that

38. everyone made the right choice ,they agreed to give their final answer

39. after a two-year old trial period. Faster service ,better airport

40. facilities; the benefits to the customers are clear. They will also grow up

in the near future ,allowing customers to choose from so many services.


section B

Questions 41-45

. A student has translated a piece of news in a Chinese newspaper back into English and asked

you to check it.

. In each line there is one wrong word.

. For each numbered line (41-45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.


They have selled their products in 20 countries. ... ...sold ... ..

British farmers are troubled by straw. They produce more than

41. ten millions tons every year as a byproduct of farming and

42. their animals need only four million tons for bedding and fooding.

43. Since European air-pollution laws forbid people to burnt straw,

44. the extra straw is plowed under or leave to rot. Scientists have

45. now found a way to put the straw to good using by changing a

neat-loving bacterium in the straw.

二. 一. 阅读部分


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. B 7. D


8. D 9. F 10. H 11. A 12. E


13. C 14. B 15. A 16. F 17. G 18. A 19. F 20. B


21. B 22. B 23.A 24. D 25. C 26.B 27.A 28. C 29.C

30. C 31. B 32.A 33. A 34. B 35.D

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Section A

36. every是多余,应删掉.

37. that是多余,应删掉.

38. 没有多余的词.

39. 没有多余的词.

40. up是多余,应删掉.

Section B

41. millions应改为million

42. fooding应改为food

43. burnt应改为burn

44. leaving应改为left

45. using 应改为uses



Question 46

You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an

important customer ,Mr. Elton Deland ,who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You

have to delay the trip till July.

Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary.

. Explain Why you postpone your trip.

. Mention the date when Mr Elton Deland will arrive.

. Ask her to arrange your meeting.

. Write 30-40words on your Answer Sheet.


Question 47

You work for General ,a company which produces cars. You` are in charge of Product

Development. Reed the following chart which shows the results of a survey between your

company and Quaker, your main competitor. The chart does not tell the exact numbers but the

exact ratings. A refers to Gener41 company ,while B refers to Quaker company.

. Use the information in the chart to write a short report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the

reason why Quaker over benefits recently to increase your company"s competitiveness.

. Write on your Answer Sheet.

A : General company B :Quaker company

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级



Question 46

(Sample for reference)

To : Ms. Anne Folster, I have to delay my trip to Hawaii till July ,as Mr. Flton Deland will arrive

in London on 25th June and discuss the claim face to face. Please arrange our meeting on 26th



Question 47

(Sample for reference )

After careful survey, we can see clearly from the chart that our cars have more models and colours

than those of Quaker Company, our main competitor with higher quality. However, Quaker

Company"s income increases more quickly. What is the reason? First , Quaker Company spends

much more money in advertising. I suggest we advertise on BTV, the most popular broadcasting

station nowadays. Secondly , we should enlarge the scope of our after-sales service. We can open

more service stations in many medium-sized cities. Thirdly ,if we have more money, We can hire

more salesmen to sell cars directly to the customes, especially, more salesmen in medium-sized


商务英语中级写作真题及参考答案五 WRITING PART ONE

You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are

asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible.

Therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible.

. Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation's manager. Ask for an

advertisement for two translators.

. Explain the reason.

. Mention your urgency.

. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级


You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts. Read the following charts which show , the trend of consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development.

. Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases.

. Write on your Answer Sheet.

写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference)


Dear Mr. Max Remington ,

As our company is purchasing a set of equipment ,a lot of materials -have to be translated, which is impossible to do within four months. Could you advertise for two experienced translators in the newspapers? It is urgent.


Near the end of 1994, people suddenly become "rich' , buying a lot of things. We have received the report that the real hourly wages of workers become even less ,so they do not have enough money to buy so many things. Although the employment is rising towards the end of

1994 ,the growth is very slow. Therefore ,not many people find jobs to earn enough money to buy goods. Then where does the big consumer confidence come from? We have discovered that

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people overspend with various credit cards ,buying goods. And they are not worried about returning the borrowed money. This it is our turn to be concerned about this kind of consumer confidence.

商务英语中级写作真题及参考答案四 WRITING


The staff in your office decided to spend holidays together this year. While reading the new you are attracted by the advertisement of the Grand Palazzo Hotel in Italy. No one in your office has ever been to Italy. So you want your secratary to contact the hotel through telephone. . Write a short message to Ms. Emily Malan ,your secretary.

. Suggest the Visit to Italy.

. Give the hotel telephone number to her.

. Ask her to contact with that hotel.

. write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.


You work for Global institute inc. , which produces softwares. You are responsible for Quality Management System.

Study the following graph which shows the effort taken by your company and IBI Inc , your main competitor. In the graph ,the Quality Management is divided into five parts.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

. Use the information in the graph to write a short report (about 100 120 wards) suggesting ways of improving the quality management of your company.

. Write on your Answer Sheet.

写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference)


To : Emily

As on one in the office has been to Italy, it will be a good idea to visit it. We may stay in the Grand Palazzo Hotel and the telephone is 809. 775. 3333. Please contact them to get further information.


How to improve Quality Management System with limited capitals? That is the key to

success. After careful study of IBI Inc 'our main competitor ,we find that they spend some money in Customer Service and Vender inspections which are vital to Quality Management. As we know, softwares are developed quickly. Customers and venders know clearly what they need. Therefore, we should develop programmes based on information through Customer Service and Vender inspections. Another fact with our attention is that although IBI Inc. s Plant productivity is not high, they can sell out their new, high-quality softwares quickly as they have a very good Quality Control System. Therefore, we should adjust the capitals.

三. 商务英语中级写作真题及参考答案三


剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

You have received a fax from a customer who in the fax complained that he had received 100 green colour bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue colour bicycles. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts ,you write a short note to the warehouse.

. Write a short note to Mr. Randy Simon ,who is in charge of delivering goods from warehouse.

. Tell him about the claim.

. Mention the date of delivery.

. Ask for the duplicate invoice. .

. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.


you work for Alla ,a shop which sells upmarket clothing. You are asked to find a way to increase the profits of your shop.

Read the following figure showing the results of a survey of two upmarket specialty shops. Point A refers to your shop. Point B refers to Betty Fashion shop ,your main competitor, near your shop. . Use the figure to write a report (about 100- 120 words)recommending ways of improving the quality and pricing of your shop.

. Write on your Answer Sheet.

写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference)

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

Dear Mr. Simon,

A customer complained that he had received 100 green coloured bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue colour bicycles ,which had been shipped on 11th May. Could you please send me the immediate invoice under contract No. TXI 2- 1 in duplicate?


Both Betty Fashion Shop and our shop are in city centre ,therefore ,we have almost the same customers. But there exists a fact that customers are more likely to spend their money in Betty shop. After careful research ,we notice that ,although Betty shop has higher prices ,they also have more fashionable clothes. Compared with Betty Shop, our real prices are not high, but the comparative prices to fashion are high. Therefore ,if our shop decides to increase the profits, we`should purchase highly fashionable clothes ,at least as fashionable as Betty Shop ,with the prices lower than Betty Shop's. As .customers hate increasing prices ,it is better to do this gradually.




Mr. Lee is going to buy a large amount of electronic components from your company. He also shows an interest in your company s PCX phone machine, which is in the charge of Mr. Angus Beard, your colleague. Mr. Lee would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

. Write a short note to Mr. Angus Beard ,one of your colleagues.

. Tell him the fact that Mr. Lee is interested in PCX phone.

. Mention the number he wants to have.

. suggest their direct contact.

. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.


You are a clerk in Lucky Tourism Company. You are responsible for arranging travelling lines. One day ,you received the data as follows :

Read the following table which shows the changes in the way people spend their holidays. The table divides the tourism business into four parts ,telling the different percentages in 1980 and in 1990 ,from which you will notice the trend of current tourism business.

. Use the information in the table to write a short report (about 100-120 words) emphasizing changes of the main business for your company.

. Write on your Answer Sheet.


1980 1990

Travelling abroad 12% 23%

Going to seaside 38% 32%

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Camping 9% 35%

Staying at home 41% 10%

Total 100% 100%

写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference)


Dear Mr Beard,

Mr. Lee ,one of my old clients ,has interest in our PCX phone machine. He would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale. You may contact him directly on Tel 3108881.


Nowadays, less people like to spend their holidays at home. More people go camping outside or even travel abroad. The changes are caused mainly by three factors. First ,people become more open. Instead of staying at home, they visit foreign countries to know the different races. Secondly ,in the 1990s , house wives are more free from the heavy housework with more and

more household utensils. Families are very happy to spend holidays outside with mothers or wives. Thirdly, travelling abroad can also mean enjoying comfortable weather in another country. Therefore less people go to crowded seaside ,they turn to other ways.



剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级


1、切忌主客不分或模糊。例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment. 应改为 Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. (是We 来decide, 不是report.)

2、句子不要零碎。例子: He decided not to audit the last ten contracts, because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起.

3、对称的结构比较容易让人理解。例子: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings. 应改为: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract.

4、 单复数不要搞乱,不然会好刺眼,看着不舒服。例如: An authorized person must show that they have security clearance.

5、 动词主词要呼应。 想想这两个分别: 1). This is one of the public-relations functions that are under budgeted. 2). This is one of the public-relations functions, which are under budgeted.

6、 时态和语气不要转变太多。看商务英语已经是苦事,不要浪费人家的精力啊。

7、标点要准确。例如: He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment. 改为: He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment.


剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级


10、 大小写要注意。非必要不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人。例如: MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样。要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了

商务英语BEC中级写作PartOne样题实例解析 随着中国人学习英语风潮的持续升温,拥有日常英语交流能力已经变得不足为奇,未来在就业市场上走俏的将是职业英语,即能够用英语交流工作中的问题,比如和外国同事讨论公司的市场营销策略或者代表公司和外国公司接洽等。但是目前绝大多数学生和职场新人对于商业英语非常陌生。笔者认为,备考剑桥商务英语证书(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)是有志跻身于商业职场的人士熟悉商业场景、学习商业英语的最佳方法。

BEC考试的显著特点就是把商业实际和英语运用结合起来,分成初、中、高三级(BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher),其中BEC中级最符合广大考生的求职需求。BEC中级考试分成听、说、读、写四项考查,各占总成绩1/4,其中写作部分与听、说、读相比,因其考查形式固定,内容要求有限,因而最易得高分。写作部分包含两个部分:Part One, 备忘录或电子邮件(Memo or Email),占写作成绩的1/3;Part Two, 商务信件、报告或提议(Letter, Report or Proposal),占写作成绩的2/3。两部分相比,Part One要求简单,较之Part Two更容易提高,本文以《剑桥BEC真题集(中级) 第二辑》的Test Two, Part One为例,详细分析Part One的写作流程,并在最后给出BEC写作的复习资料。

样 题

You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

Write a memo to all staff:

Thanking them for their contribution

Explaining why profits increased

Telling them what their reward will be.

Write 40~50 words


BEC中级写作考试总时长为45分钟,根据词数要求和分值,通常小作文写作不超过15分钟。应试创作可分成以下三步:1.审题构思Read & Plan (3 mins);2.写作Write (10 mins);3.检查Check (2 mins)。

Part One的题目背景通常是一事、两人、三要点。本题中,最近公司利润增长,“你”作为公司的董事总经理(Managing Director)将对全体员工(all staff)进行奖励,备忘录的内容需包括三个要点:感谢员工的贡献,解释利润增长原因,并告之奖励内容。正文词数要求为40~50个词,因为商务英语要求简洁,词数要求有上限,这和四、六级以及考研写作只规定词数下限有所区别,但实际考试时允许少量超标,比如接近60词。



首先可根据各要点的逻辑关系调整写作顺序,比如在本题中,先解释利润增长的原因,再感谢员工,最后宣布奖励。其次应针对要点简要展开论述,比如利润增长的原因可能是销售量增加(the increase of sales)、成本降低(the reduction of cost)或推出新产品(the launch of the new product);而奖励的内容经常是集体旅行(a company trip)、涨工资(an increase of salary)或

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

发放奖金(bonus)。要点扩展应注意两点:其一,商务交流要求具体,比如利润的增长比去年同时段增加10%;其二,扩展内容应符合商务实际,如全体员工工资上浮50%、增加带薪假期(paid leave)、开派对(a party)或唱卡拉OK(Karaoke)等奖励都是不符合商务实际的。如果确实对商务实务不熟悉,可用简单的理由以避免出错,比如公司业绩增长的原因可以宽泛地写成是员工的努力工作和加班(hard work and long working hours)。




Part One题目中的要点通常以三个现在分词形式给出,写作时通常是三句话,即针对每个现在分词写一句话,平均句长在15个词左右。备考时应针对题目中常见的分词动词准备相应的表达方式,尽量避免重复使用题目中的词句即可。


连词:because, since, for, so;短语:because of, due to, owing to


Thank you very much for...; I would like to thank you for...; I am very grateful for...; It was very kind of you to ...


A rise in salary of X%; A bonus of X% of your monthly salary; A trip to


剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

需要注意的是,商务英语要求正式文体,较之非正式文体,其有以下常见特点: 正式 非正式

Headquarters, September (不简写) H.Q. Sept. (缩写)

schedule, discuss (精确动词) set, talk about (宽泛动词或词组)

A copy has been sent. (被动语态) I sent you a copy. (主动语态)


最后需要考虑的就是备忘录的形式。正式考试时,文字题目下方会模拟商务实际,附上备忘录开头片段,包括To, From, Date, Subject等细节,但是考生不必直接在片段后书写,应该在试题纸背面写作,写作时不要求必须有From, To等内容,但若能准确而符合商务习惯地写出备忘录细节,无疑会增加文章的印象分,这里简单介绍一下备忘录细节的注意事项。 To: 备忘录对象

如果具体到人,最好写出全名,不要写自己的真实姓名,有作弊嫌疑,尤其不能“重名”,如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一个简单的处理方法就是use others?name,比如男名Bill Gates, Michael Scofield, Jay Chou或女名

From: 备忘录作者

要点同上,一般不用尊称,只有对方不知道自己身份的时候才后缀职位名称。 Date: 日期

剑桥 商务英语 模拟试题 BEC 中级

BEC属于英联邦国家的考试,日期的写法一般为日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,注意月份用英文而不是数字,以免和日期混淆,可以缩写,比如将一月写作Jan(也可以用开放标点)。

Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若显示关系亲密,还可以把名字缩写,比如B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果写给上级,还应该加上尊称甚至职位,比如Mr. Bill Gates — Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou — Art Director等;现代商务写作中流行开放标点(Open Punctuation),即标点不影响理解的时候可以不用,所以Mr./Ms./Mrs.后面的省略点也可以省去,简单写成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去名字


To: All Staff

From: Bill Gates

Date: 7 December 2002

Subject: Staff Reward

The profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy!


《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)剑桥大学出版社出版。 《剑桥BEC真题集(中级) 第二辑》,剑桥大学考试委员会编

