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学 士 学 位 论 文
姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 学 院: 专 业:
孙建营 201013120618
徐迎 经济与管理学院
完成日期: 2014年 月 日
摘 要
Nowadays, what general public has heart many times are \ \effects\And so many enterprises have participated in donation to achieve remarkable effect,which we see frequently.this donation has played an important role in promoting the development of public welfare undertakings and elevating external image and public trust of enterprises,which has been recognized by many enterprises and scholars.With the related laws and regulations,publices and regulations,our countrys enterprise donation obtained fast development.The external effects of enterprise social donation has become obvious.Therefore ,we should try our best to develop China’s corporate donation,which could have a positive meanting for the promotion of China’s enterprise development,and the hance ment of competitiveness And which could provide more choices for enterprises.
This article sets about from the status quo of corporate donation behavior, we have a comprehensive discussion about the external effect of donation behavior of enterprises, which objective is to solve some basic problems of the external effect of corporate donation behavior.It provides guidance for the implementation of China's enterprises effective donation activities and enhances corporate donation external effect level.
The article is divided into four parts, firstly, analysed the similarities and differences that domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises how to treat donation behavior and studied experience from the foreign enterprise; secondly,in order to solve the enterprise \donate\problem,we have studied on the motivation of corporate donations; thirdly, in order to solve the enterprise \the discussion of the ways and means of corporate donation behavior; finally, the effect of donation by discussing the enterprise, and guide enterprises to take the donation behavior into the enterprise's daily business to raise donations, brings to the enterprise value to return, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. 【Keywords】Enterprises to donate; Public charities; External effects
目 录
第1章 引言
1.1研究背景??????????????????????????1 1.2研究目的和意义???????????????????????1
1.3国内外研究现状???????????????????????2 1.3.1国外研究现状??????????????????????2 1.3.2国内研究现状??????????????????????3 第2章 企业捐赠行为概述
2.1企业捐赠行为概念??????????????????????6 2.2企业捐赠行为的动因?????????????????????6 2.3中外捐赠行为的模式?????????????????????7 2.3.1国内外企业捐赠模式???????????????????7 2.3.2中外企业捐赠模式差异原因????????????????8 第3章 企业捐赠行为的外部效应概述
3.2企业捐赠行为外部效应的相关理论???????????????10 3.3企业捐赠外部效应的分类???????????????????12 3.3.1正的外部效应??????????????????????12 3.3.2负的外部效应??????????????????????12 第4章 促进外部效应发挥的营销策略分析
4.1企业捐赠行为外部效应存在的问题???????????????13 4.2企业捐赠行为外部效应存在问题的解决对策???????????14 4.3营销创新??????????????????????????15 第5章 总结????????????????????????????17参考 文献?????????????????????????????18 致 谢?????????????????????????????20
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