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1请就钢板向我方CIF西雅图最低价 ,包括百分之五的佣金

Please quote us your rock-bottom price for 钢板 CIF Seattle inclusive of 5% commission.

2请采取必要的预防措施是包装能保护货物在运输途中不受潮湿和雨淋的伤害Please take necessary precautions that the packing can protect the goods from dampness or rain in transit. 3我们多退让一步吧 百分之五十信用证,其余的用付借款交单,你看怎么样

Let’s meet each other halfway. What do you think of 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 4请注意,由于外汇汇率浮动较大,价格会随时起变化,不预作通知

Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchange, the quotation is subject to change without previous notice. 4、我们的证明书以盖公章和局长签字有效

Our certificates are made valid by means of the official seal and personal chop of the commissioner.


Please quote us your lowest price, CIF Sydney, stating the earliest date of shipment.(详细规格,不准确)


The price of raw materials has advanced 20% and we shall shortly be issuing an advanced pricelist.


Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th. 8我方羊毛衫有着无比优越的 品质和色彩,在这一点上没有人能赶上我们

Our woolen sweaters have no rival /equal in quality and color. No other supplier can touch us in this point.


These machines must be packed in seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling. 10我方欲购买洗衣机,请报你放最优惠的价格

As we are in the market for washing machine, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations. 11请报CIF悉尼最低价,包括我方百分之二的折扣,并告知最早的装运期

Please quote us your lowest price, CIF Sydney, inclusive of our 2% discount, stating the earliest date of shipment.

12我放的报盘随时会有变化,不做预先通知; Our offer is subject to change without notice.


If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities. 14如果没有客户的特别指示,我们一般给客户投保平安险;

It’s our usual practice to cover the goods against F.P.A. in the absence of definite instructions from our clients


Should you be prepared to reduce your limit, say 8%, we might come to terms. 16我们将按照合同分三批交货,至二月份开始,每月六百吨;

In compliance with the contract, we will ship the goods in 3 monthly installments of 600 tons from Feb.


The 10% advance payment is not sufficient, so we ask you to increase it to at least 20%. 18我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后商检局才予以放行;

Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau releases them. 19此盘五天内不接受撤销论;

This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within five days.


The first lot, 500 tons, will be delivered in July and the remaining 200 tons before the end of the year in one lot.


Please remit the down payment to us by T/T. Payment of the balance is to be spread over 5 installments.


The buyer is entitled to re-inspect within the contracted time and the re-inspection fee shall be borne by the buyers.


Please quote us your rock-bottom price for dress CIF Seattle inclusive of 5% commission. 24我方不能按你方提示的幅度降价8%;

There is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you indicated, i.e. 8%. 25即期信用证支付是我们的通常做法,对这笔交易我们不能破例

It’s our usual practice to require payment by sight L/C, so we can’t set a precedent for this transaction.


Who issues the inspection certificate in case the quality or quantity does not conform with (be in conformity with) the contract?

1、A is inquiring about B’s toys, wanting to know the unit price on CIF basis quantity suppliable , and possible date of shipment mode of payment.

A: Hello! I’m Alice from America.

B: How do you do, Mr,Alice? My name is Bob.

A: Glad to meet you, Mr.Bob. I know your company are specializeing in the exportation of toys.I wonder whether you can quote us on CIF basis quantity suppliable.

B: Yes. Based on your requirement, We are pleased to quote you for 50 dollars per unit. A: Thank you very much. Mr. Bob. What about the mode of payment?

B: Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight against presentation of shipping documents.

A:What’s the possible date of shipment?

B: Three to four weeks after receipt of letter of credit . A:Thank you. 2、A wants to buy 3000 computers from B both sides agree on the price . a ask a 5% quantity discount, but B agree to 3%. A takes it, and the deal is concluded.

A:We will order 3000 sets of computers from your company .Having gone over your quotation sheet, we found that your prices are much too high, at least 10% higher than those of Japan compared with the similar products. So it would be difficult for us to push any sales if we buy the goods at such prices.So how about a 5% discount?

B: Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall grant you a special discount of 3%.

A: Your proposal seems to be reasonable. All right. In order to get the business, I accept it.

3、A hopes that he and B can meet each other halfway, a insists the price he has changed is very reasonable , b tells him that there is a keen completion they are also discussing some other details including terms of payment shipping and so on .

B: Well, in order to get the business, I can accept the prices of your components, but there is

still a gap of 40 dollars about the unit price of your computers, let me make a bid, shall I?

A: The price I offered is very reasonable.

B: To be frank with you, we can get an offer from another supplier. The prices are much lower than yours. If you insist on your present price, we have to accept the other offer.

A: Let’s meet each other halfway further.

B: Mr.Alice, you certainly have a way of talking me into agreeing your prices. Well, for the sake of friendship, I accept these prices.What’s the shipment?

A:Three to four weeks after receipt of letter of credit . B: What about the mode of payment?

A:Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight against presentation of shipping documents.

B:It’s a good deal!Thank you!

5、A wants to know whether it is a firm offer . And he expresses hopes to place a trial order on certain conditions. So A and B are discussing the details .

A:I want to know whether it is a firm offer?

B:Sure,it is a firm offer. We are making you, subject to your acceptance before the end of this month, the mentioned offer.

A: Mr. Bob, we should discuss the problem of placing an order next step, I think. B: How many computers do you want to order?

A: As is stated before, we’ll order 1000 sets at the very most because your prices are still on a high side though you have adjusted. It would not be easy for us to push the sales if we buy it at this price.

B: If you order 2000 sets, we are prepared to make a 2% reduction again. A:It’s a good deal!Thank you.

6、A is inquiring about B ‘s leather gloves for the following information . 1 the unit price on FOB basis.

2 quantity for immediate delivery 3 possible date of shipment 4 required terms of payment

A: Please quote us your rock-bottom price for leather gloves on FOB basis. B: We are pleased to quote you for 15 dollars per unit. A:And what’s the quantity for immediate delivery?

B: A fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on hand. So the quantity can only be made 2000 units.

A:OK. What’s the time of delivery about our orders? B: I’m afraid it would be by the end of July.

A: We are glad that through our mutual efforts and cooperation, we’ve settled the issues of price, and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?

B: For the payment of this order, we can only accept payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit payable.

A: Good. Let’s call it a deal.

8、While a wants to B paid by confirmed irrevocable L/C.B insists on paying by T/L on the ground of this transaction involving a small amount .Finally a makes a concession in paumeng rerms and agrees to be paid buy T|T

A: For the payment of this order, we can only accept payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit payable against others.

B: This transaction involves a small amount ,so could you make an exception and accept T/L? A: Well, since your old customers speak highly of your commercial integrity, and we believe this initial business will serve to promote the friendship as well as trade between us, I’ll let you make the payment by T/T.

B: Well, since your old customers speak highly of your commercial integrity, and we believe this initial business will serve to promote the friendship as well as trade between us, I’ll let you make the payment by a

A: That’s terrific. Thank you very much.

9、A the buyer is requiring about the packing of his order for china vases, B the seller suggest having them packed in cardboard boxes a does not agree, after negotiation ,b agrees to pack the vases in wooden case.

A: What about the outer packing for the china vases ?

B: We usually use a special cardboard box with stenciled shipping marks as outer packing. A:I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such product, but for textile. B: Such cardboard boxes are very strong and we also reinforce them with iron straps. A:But these goods are fragile,so we hope that you can pack the vases in wooden case. B:Well,in order to promote the friendship as well as trade between us,I accept it.

1) Establish Business Relations (建立业3) B/L (Bill of Lading):提单 务关系) 4) ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) 预计

2) Inquiries and Offers (询盘与报盘) 到达时间 3) Business Negotiations-Counter Offer 5) PO (Purchasing Order) 订单 and Declining a Counter Offer (贸易谈判-A general inquiry(普通询盘)

还盘和反还盘) A specific inquiry (具体询盘):

4) Acceptance and Order (接受与订货) firm offer or offer with engagement (实5) Packing and Shipment (包装与装运) 盘): 6) Payment and Delivery (付款与交货) soft offer or offer without engagement 7)Inspection, Insurance and Arbitration (虚盘) (商检,保险与仲裁) revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C 可撤销

8)Complaints, Claims and 信用证/不可撤销信用证 confirmed Adjustments(抱怨,索赔与理赔) L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不

9)Agency and Contract (代理与签约) 保兑信用证 10) Etiquette in Business Negotiation (商sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远务谈判的礼节) 期信用证

FOB (free on board):离岸价 without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C CFR /C&F (Cost & Freight): 成本加运费 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证 CIF (Cost, insurance and freight):到岸价profit: 净收入,净利 格 margin:利润额

1)L/C (Letter of Credit):信用证 gross margin: 毛利润 2)T/T (Telegraphic Transfer):电汇 profit margin:利润率 (30+70T/T) margin and profit margin: 毛利润和利

3)D/A (Documents against Acceptance): 润率 承兑交单 THIS SIDE UP 此端向上

4)D/P (Documents against Payment): 付HANDLE WITH CARE 小心搬运 款交单 USE NO HOOKS 请勿用钩

1) G.W (Gross Weight): 毛重 KEEP DRY 保持干燥 2) N.W (Net Weight):净重 KEEP PLAT 注意平放



1) cardbox 纸板箱 carton 纸箱 polybag 塑料袋 wooden case 木箱

sack麻袋 crate板条箱 bale包 can/tin听

carboy大玻璃瓶 bundle捆 container集装箱 pallet托盘 casket 小箱 cask 桶 drum 圆桶 keg 小桶

2) foamed plastic 泡沫塑料plastic

sheet 塑料纸 S.S. = steamship 轮船

per S.S. Dong Feng 经东风号轮 new year rush 新年销售旺季 partial shipment 分批装运 speed up 加速

work in three shifts 三班倒 backlog 积压而未交付的订货

see to it that 注意办理以使

freight forwarder 运输代理(行)

Remittance (汇付), Collection (托收) and Letter of credit (信用证).

Mail Transfer (M/T) (信汇), Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) (电汇) and Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft (D/D) (票汇). Clean Collection (光票托收) and Documentary Collection (跟单托收). Documents against Acceptance (D/A) (承兑交单) and Documents against Payment (D/P) (付款交单).

confirmed L/C (保兑信用证), unconfirmed L/C (不保兑信用证);

sight L/C (即期信用证), usance L/C (远期信用证); transferable L/C (可转让信用证), non-transferable L/C (不可转让信用证);

? down payment 预付定金 ? tie up 占压

? the balance 剩余部分/余额

? payment by installments 分期付款 ? facilitate one’s financing 帮助资金


? exceptional case 例外

? monetary market 金融市场

? grant the facility 答应/给与便利 ? make great difference to 对…有很


? not to be taken as a precedent 下


? be identical to 与…一致 ? Money 一般的钱 ? Note/bill 纸币 ? Coin 硬币 ? Currency 货币 ? Fund 资金,基金,专款(常用复数)? Capital 资本 ? Loan 贷款

? Free from Particular Average (FPA)(平

安险), With Particular Average (WPA)(水渍险) and All Risks(一切险). Sole agent (or exclusive agent)(独家代理):

General agent (or commission agent)(总代理):

1. CFR: cost and freight,成本加运费

FOB:Free on board 装运港船上交货 B/L:Bill of lading,海运提单

L/C:Letter of credit,信用证 PO: PO (Purchasing Order) 订单 D/A:Documents against Acceptance承兑交单 S.S :steamship (steam ship) 【商】汽轮;汽船

ETA :估计到达时间(Estimated Time of Arrival);

T/T :Telegraphic Transfer,电汇

CIF:Cost Insurance and Freigh,成本保险费加运费

N.W:net weight 净重

D/P :付款交单(Document against Payment)

C&F :成本加运费(Cost and Freight)WPA :水渍险(With Particular Average )

2. (1)运输代理freight agent (2)中性包装neutral packing

(3)装运通知Shipping advice (4)承运人 Carrier

(5)销售确认书sales confirmation (6)佣金commission

(7)最终用户final/end user (8)清洁提单clean bill of lading

(9)报价单quotation /price sheet (10)规格specification/standard (11)分销商distributor

(12)装运须知Shipping instructions (13)保险费premium

(14)报价单quotation /price sheet (15)虚盘soft offer or offer without deliverer

(20)实盘firm offer or offer with engagement

(21)最终用户final/end user (22)保险商underwriter/ assurer (23)样品sample

(24)水渍险with particular average (W. P. A.) (25)保险商underwriter/ assurer

(26)提单bill of lading (B/L); engagement r

(16)名片Business card

(17)商业发票commercial invoice

(18)规格specifications; standards; specs:


(28)一切险all risks

(29)销售确认书sales confirmation (30)信用证受益人beneficiary


(31)开证行issuing/opening bank


(7)最终用户final/end user (8)清洁提单clean bill of lading

(9)报价单quotation /price sheet (10)规格specification/standard (11)分销商distributor

(12)装运须知Shipping instructions (13)保险费premium

(14)报价单quotation /price sheet (15)虚盘soft offer or offer without deliverer

(20)实盘firm offer or offer with engagement

(21)最终用户final/end user (22)保险商underwriter/ assurer (23)样品sample

(24)水渍险with particular average (W. P. A.) (25)保险商underwriter/ assurer

(26)提单bill of lading (B/L); engagement r

(16)名片Business card

(17)商业发票commercial invoice

(18)规格specifications; standards; specs:


(28)一切险all risks

(29)销售确认书sales confirmation (30)信用证受益人beneficiary


(31)开证行issuing/opening bank


