《英语泛读》unit 1讲稿
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讲 稿
课 程 名 称 授 课 教 师 职
张 莺
教师所在系部 教研室(实验室)
Unit 1 University Student Life
I Teaching Allotment
We are going to finish this unit in 3 periods: Reading Skill and Section A (2 periods); Vocabulary Building, Cloze and Section B (1 period) II Teaching Steps
Part I Reading Skill: Context Clues to Wording Meaning
How to guess word meaning? You can figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word by looking for clues provided by the context. 1. Definition clue:
e.g. Professor Wang is resolute, namely, once he sets up a goal, he won’t give it up easily. The underlined words define the italicized word “resolute”, then we can guess that the word mean “characterized by firmness and determination”. 2. Example clue:
e.g. Rodents, such as rat, mice and squirrels, are plant-eating animals. 3. Semantic Relationships 1). Class relationship
e.g. Mr. John’s paintings show his attention to geometric shapes of all kinds, containing circles, squares, triangles, ovals, etc. 2). Contrast relationship:
e.g. Some people survived in the earthquake, but some lost their lives. Part II Section A in Textbook 1. Warm-up questions:
1). What kind of university do you expect?
2). What is your feeling of leaving home and being on your own? 3). What kind of university life are you living now? 2. Word Pretest
Before going to text Ten Commandments for a College Freshman, check the meaning of eight new words on Page 3.
commandment: an important rule
cynic: one who doubts or has negative opinion about others
extracurricular activities: activities that are not part of the usual school course dean: the head of a college or school of a university strive: try hard
maintenance: keeping in good condition involve: cause someone to take part in conducive: helpful Key Word ? commandment
n. (often cap.) a divine rule; a rule to be observed as strictly as one of the Ten Commandments.
e.g. A friend of mine applied this commandment in his own life, with great success. She has followed her mother’s commandments for long enough. Culture Tip The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the sabbath; as well as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, dishonesty, and adultery. 3. Text Study
1) Background information of the text
This is a letter written by an American father to a son attending college in the 1960s. 2) Scan the text and grasp the main idea
A father listed ten important rules or pieces of advice on how to prepare for college life, they are: plan to succeed; handle freedom responsibly; spread the joy of learning; play down those reports in sex and liquor; plan to have fun—and often; know at least one professor or one dean personally; be concerned; be selective; strive to keep healthy; forget and remember. 3) Text structure
Part 1: Paragraph 1(opening)
Part 2: Paragraph 2-11(The father provide a list of ten rules, and elaborate each one by one.) Part 3: Paragraph 12 (ending)
4) Scan the text again and discuss the following questions. ? Q1: What does the author mean by “plan to succeed”? ? Q2: Why shall we handle freedom responsibly?
? Q3: What are the cynics’ attitudes towards college education? ? Q4: How do you understand the fourth commandment?
? Q5: Are we encouraged to build personal relationship with some professors? ? Q6: Why shall we be concerned with the campus workers? ? Q7: How to keep healthy according to the ninth commandment?
? Q8: What to forget and what to remember stated in the last commandment? 5) Further understand the text by giving answers to the questions.
? A1: Success in college will be much more likely if you really draw up a schedule of hours for study, work, and play. (Line 8-10)
? It will be much easier for you to succeed if you really make a good plan for your college life.
? A2: Freedom such as a student has at college is disastrous for that freshman who has little sense of responsibility. (Line 15-16)
? If a student at college is not responsible to the freedom he has, it will cause very bad result.
? A3: We shall believe that learning is joyful, although some students have negative opinion about education, which is seen as uninteresting. (The third commandment) ? A4: You Shall Play Down Those Reports on Sex and Liquor. (The fourth commandment)
? It is not true that some people say most students on campus do not treat sex seriously and drink a lot. Because most are looking for their true love and the chances are really minor that they hold a never-ending beer party and get drunk.
Key Word Play down: make people believe that it’s not particularly important. ? A5: Yes.
You will be welcomed, but this relationship doesn’t happen a lot. So universities try hard to encourage more students to relate to professors. (The sixth commandment)
? A6: Because a small thing to a campus worker is just as important as your knowledge about the big world. (The seventh commandment)
? A7: Enough sleep; do physical exercise; eat sensibly; keep energetic. (The ninth commandment)
? A8: Remember the good relationships and forget the soiled baggage. (The tenth commandment)
? Recall those things of which you are ashamed and sorry----and forget them…you’ve been carry. (The definition clue for wording meaning “soiled baggage” can be found in this context.)
6) Some more words to know and let Ss guess the meaning of one or two by finding the context clues. survive perceptual academia diligence mature readily selective vigor Example:
? academia: The world of academia has two extremes. On any campus there’s the playboy who can’t get a book open or the body to the library, and there’s the bookworm who never finds a moment to enjoy himself. (Line 30)
The definition clue for wording meaning “academia” can be found in this context. n. The environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship. (OED) 4. Exercises
1) Finish the exercises on page 6 in class.
2) Check the answers and give explanations when necessary. ? Wording Building: Suffixes Suffix -ize -ize Suffix -ly -ly 5. Critical Thinking
1) As the letter was written in 1960s, do you think it is still relevant to college students in China today? What advice seems dated to you? Make a comment on them. 2) What are your own pieces of advice on being a good college student?
Example responsibly, really, routinely 1. necessarily 2. physically 3. highly 4. merely 5. especially 6. importantly… Example Realize, organize, criticize, characterize 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. finalize 4. idealize 5. summarize 6. standardize…

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