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[2013.02.02]Clear as mud华为:犹抱琵琶半遮面1 [2013.02.02]South Korean politics:Pardon me李明博特赦政治亲信2 [2013.2.2]Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon4 [2013.02.02]British monetary policy英国货币政策8 [2013.02.02]Patriotism recycled另一种形式的爱国主义11 [2013.02.02]Business商业:全球利基市场14 [2012.02.02]Northern lights北欧专题报道-北极光19 [2013.02.09]Rumblings from below朝鲜人民内部暗流涌动25 [2013.02.09]German:Schavan-freude德国教育部长因论文剽窃下台35 [2013.02.09]Rumblings from below朝鲜:山雨欲来风满楼37 [2013.02.09]Nomencracy名门望族的天下46 [2013.02.09]Farewell to the cheerleader永别了,纽约城的喝彩者50 [2013.02.16]Time is money瑞士制表业:时间就是金钱53 [2013.02.16]Phoney currency wars货币战争?危言耸听!55 [2013.02.16]Running out of road标致汽车:穷途末路58 [2013.02.16]After the horse has been bolted挂牛头卖马肉59 [2013.02.16]Who can save Italy?谁能拯救意大利?63 [2013.02.16]避税港——消失的20万亿美元67 [2013.02.16]The price isn't right公司税:差钱72 [2013.02.16]How to make a killing如何大赚一笔78 [2013.02.16]The rise of solo living独居时代的崛起81 [2013.02.16]Trickle-up economics滴升式经济84 [2013.02.16]The incubation of genius天才的孵化86



[2013.02.23]106 [2013.02.23]Japan’s prisons:Eastern porridge日本监狱东方式关押110 [2013.02.23]The alchemist妙手点石成金112 [2013.02.23]A guide in Africa投资非洲的领路人115 [2013.02.23]Unreality television电视非同现实118 Six Good Books六本好书-2013年3/4月版122 1

经济学人中文网[2013.02.02]Clear as mud华为:犹抱琵琶半遮面




Clear as mud 犹抱琵琶半遮面

The Chinese company sells ever more smartphones and opens up,a little 华为进一步扩大智能手机销量并略微提高企业透明度

Feb2nd2013|SHANGHAI|From the print edition A REPORT that Huawei sold more smartphones in the last quarter of2012than either Nokia,HTC or RIM(the company that has just renamed itself BlackBerry)raised eyebrows last week.But less widely reported news about the Chinese company,best known for its telecoms-networking gear,may prove more important.上周有报道称,2012年第四季度诺基亚、HTC、RIM

三家公司的智能手机销量都落在了华为后面(其中RIM 刚刚更名为黑莓公司)。此言一出,各方大跌眼镜。华为这家中国公司以其通信设备最为知名。与智能手机销量相比,华为或许还有一些更为重要的消息并未得到媒体的广泛报道。

On the contrary,says John Suffolk,Huawei’s cyber-security tsar who used to be chief information officer for Britain’s government:his firm is itself the target of“tens of thousands of cyber attacks a week”.And Eric Anderson,of America’s National Intelligence University,concludes in a new book,“Sinophobia:The Huawei Story”,that the firm is a victim of China-bashing.另一方面,华为网络安全官、曾任英国政府首席信息官的约翰?萨福克称,恰恰是该公司自身“每周会遭到成千上万次网络攻击”。而美国国家情报大学的艾瑞克?安德森在新书《惧华:华为的故事》里写道,这家公司是外界抨击中国的受害者。

Ms Meng’s promise of openness is important because she is not just the company’s chief financial officer.Her father is Ren Zhengfei,its secretive founder.She said revenues rose to220billion yuan($35billion)in2012,an8%rise,while profits surged by a third.Fine, but did not Huawei say in early2012that it expected revenues to rise by15-20%?No clear answers are offered.It seems the firm’s push into the market for company networks has got bogged down.孟晚舟做出了提高公开性的承诺,这很重要——因为她不仅是华为的首席财务官,也是低调内敛的公司创始人任正非的女儿。孟晚舟称,华为的营收在2012年增长到了2200亿元人民币(约合350亿美元),比上年提高了8个百分点;而公司利润激增了三分之一。这个业1


Ms Meng also gave a few details about the company’s odd ownership structure.Mr Ren holds a mere1.4%stake,she claimed,and most of the rest is held by the firm’s employees.But will employees be allowed to trade those shares freely?The firm is ostensibly run by several co-chief executives,but can they overrule Mr Ren?How exactly was the firm’s original board of directors chosen?孟晚舟也针对华为古怪的所有权结构披露了一些具体情况。她声称任正非所持股份只有1.4 %,而其他大部分股份都由公司众员工所持有。但公司允许员工自由转让这些股份吗?华为表面上是几名联合高管在运作,但他们能够越过任正非行事吗?公司最初究竟是如何选拔董事会成员的?

Ms Meng says only that“in the future,we will also disclose other details,such as our board members’shareholdings.”Huawei is right to open up,but such partial disclosures reveal how much further the firm has to go.孟晚舟仅仅表示:“本公司日后还将披露更多详情,比如董事会成员的股权等等。”华为提高透明度的做法并没有错,但这种犹抱琵琶半遮面的姿态证明该公司在这方面还有比较长的一段路要走。


A departing president proves extravagantly forgiving 即将卸任总统过于宽恕

Feb2nd2013|SEOUL|From the print edition

A MONTH before leaving office,South Korea’s president,Lee Myung-bak,has sparked a political row by pardoning several political allies who had been convicted of bribery and corruption.The move has caused a rift between Mr Lee and the president-elect,Park Geun-hye,and has caused widespread public anger.In the past South Koreans tolerated a certain level of corruption,but slower growth and a perception of rising inequality have changed attitudes towards the culture of political impunity.韩国总统李明博在卸任前一个月引发了一场政治争论。原因是他特赦了几位贪污行贿的政治亲信。这一举动使他和新当选总统朴槿惠之间的关系产生了裂痕并激起了广泛的民愤。过去韩国人尚且能容忍一定程度内的贪污,但是如今经济增长缓慢,贫富差异感日益增强,人们对政治赦免的看法也由此改变了。

Among those pardoned by Mr Lee is Choi See-joong,a former cabinet member and political mentor of the president.Mr Choi was convicted last year of receiving bribes from a property developer and has served less than half his two-and-a-half year prison sentence.



经济学人中文网Chun Shin-il,a businessman and long-time friend of the president,also had his bribery conviction quashed.The former national assembly speaker,Park Hee-tae,was let off, too,despite his involvement in vote-buying.总统的长期盟友——商人千信一的贿赂罪也被免除了


In total,Mr Lee pardoned55people,though not all of them were scandal-hit politicians. And there were no heads of South Korea’s big conglomerates,the chaebol,as in previous years,nor any pardon for the president’s elder brother,Lee Sang-deuk,who received two years’imprisonment last week for corruption.But that would anyway have been impossible:“Hyungnim”(“Big Brother”)Lee,as he is known to his critics,is appealing against his sentence,and pardons can apply only to completed cases.李明博总共特赦了55人,但并不是所有人都是丑闻缠身的政客。其中既没有像前些年大赦中出现的韩国大型企业集团(韩国财阀)领袖,也不包括上周因为贪污获刑两年监禁的总统的兄长李相得。然而特赦李相得(批评家们称他为“李大哥”)无论如何都是不可能的:他正就自己的罪行进行上诉,而赦免只适用于已结案件。

Ms Park,whose inauguration takes place on February25th,won December’s election after promising cleaner politics.She says the pardons amount to“abuse of presidential power”.But just this week allegations of dodgy property deals forced her own prime-ministerial nominee to resign.



[2013.02.02]Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon

Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon


The odd couple


They were more alike than is often thought


Feb2nd2013|From the print edition

Ike and Dick:Portrait of a Strange Political Marriage.By Jeffrey Frank.Simon&Schuster; 434pages;$30.Buy from 733cd9948bd63186bdebbc4e

书名:《艾森豪威尔和尼克松:一场奇特的政治联合(Ike and Dick:Portrait of a Strange Political Marriage)》

作者:Jeffrey Frank






经济学人中文网BETWEEN1933and1977only two Republican presidents were elected,Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon.They are often seen as opposites:the hero and the crook.Eisenhower(or Ike)was the genial,selfless five-star general who seemed to float above the fray of party politics.Nixon was the cold,conniving liar,paranoid and petty. Jeffrey Frank,a former senior editor at the New Yorker,has written a book about

the unlikely duo,which offers a more nuanced portrait of their personalities.Though they disagreed about politics and struggled to get on,Ike and Dick were more alike than is often thought.




Eisenhower picked Nixon as his vice-presidential nominee in1952because he had qualities Ike lacked.The old warhorse from Kansas needed someone young and nakedly political. An anti-communist would satisfy the party and a Californian would help to win over the Golden State.Nixon it was.It did not matter so much that the pair squabbled. They won39out of48states and55%of the popular vote.

This was a source of tension between them.Nixon would grumble about foreign policy and defence. He could be bitter.“This‘togetherness’bullshit,”he said of Eisenhower’s doveish multilateralist defence policy,“I don’t believe in that.I think the time will come when we’ll look back at this era and ask ourselves whether we were crazy or something.”Ike could be standoffish in return.



But Ike needed Dick to be his political hound dog.Nixon savaged the administration’s opponents,which allowed the president to be an apolitical,national figurehead. An aide called this Eisenhower’s“dirty work”.When Joseph McCarthy,a Republican Senator, overreached in his crusade to hunt communists from public life, Adlai Stevenson,a


经济学人中文网targeted Democratic governor of Illinois,pointedly declared that a“political party pided against itself,half McCarthy and half Eisenhower,cannot produce national unity.”Eisenhower decided it was time to restrain McCarthy.A fervent anti-communist and talented orator,Nixon was well placed for this.He laid into McCarthy on Saturday-night television,logically unweaving his illiberal argument.“It was just right,Dick,”Eisenhower said over the telephone.






Eisenhower could be ignoble,too.After the Supreme Court declared segregated schools unconstitutional in1954,he wrote,“No other single event has so disturbed the domestic scene in many years.”Martin Luther King observed that Nixon did more for race relations than Eisenhower.Nixon spoke passionately about civil rights on the stump.He took

on critics during the passage of the1957Civil Rights Act.

在当今政治阴谋得以明目张胆之时,看看在更谨慎的年代人们是如何尔虞我诈的不失为一种有趣的作法。然而,读者朋友们可能希望关于他俩对彼此看法的篇幅不要占的过大。所有的这些流言蜚语似乎占据了宝贵的空间:比如苏伊士运河危机【2】只占了不到两页;19 53年伊朗政变【3】和关于美国经济的重要细节全被忽略了。本书作者明晰而风趣地讲述了一个引人入胜的故事。但作为一部历史著作,本书还有些不尽如人意的地方。


lay into责骂攻击

on the stump 作巡回政治演说

wheeling and dealing不择手段欺诈撞骗

take on 与---较量

illiberal 狭隘的

II.注释:【1】约瑟夫?雷芒德?麦卡锡(Joseph Raymond McCarthy,1908-1957),美国政治家,生于威斯康星州,美国共和党人,狂热极端的反共产主义者。1942年,美国开始参加第二次世界大战时他加入海军陆战队。









How the Bank of England’s new governor(and the chancellor)should stimulate the British economy


first formal grilling from British lawmakers since being named thenext governor of the Bank of England.This will be an important moment.MrCarney,hired away from the Bank of Canada,has recently given hints that hewants to shake up British monetary policy.He has talked about the need tostimulate an inert economy until it reaches“escape velocity”;he has said thata central bank might need to“tie its hands”by announcing thresholds to bereached before it reduces stimulus;and he has suggested that the level ofnominal GDP—the cash value of output without adjusting for inflation—might be abetter target than inflation alone.This willingness to think afresh isadmirable.But Mr Carney must now connect the dots between his ideas.





At the moment the Bank of England’s mission,set bythe chancellor of the exchequer,is to focus on an inflation target of2%.Thatmakes sense in normal circumstances.But with short-term interest rates atalmost zero,the economy growing at barely2%in nominal terms(and not at all if you factor in inflation)and many years of austerity ahead,it is worth temporarily reinterpreting that policy and focusing on nominal GDP.Our suggestion is that the bank,backed by the chancellor,George Osborne,should make clear that it will not tighten policy until nominal GDP,currently£1.5trillion,gets to a level that is at least10%higher than today.


The Bank of England has been willing to useunconventional tools.It was an early pioneer of quantitative easing;its morerecent“funding for lending”scheme for banks is a clever way to bring downbanks’funding costs(and should be used to hit the nominal GDP target).ButBritain’s central bank has been less successful at mapping its future policypath.The Bank has interpreted its2%inflation target in a flexible way,keeping monetary conditions loose even as inflation has stayed higher.But ithas not said how long such flexibility will last.Each time its interest-rate-settingcommittee meets,there is the possibility it will change its mind.

英国央行已经愿意使用非常规措施。之前它就是量化宽松政策的最早实施者,新近的“融资换贷款计划(funding for lending)”是降低银行集资成本的一剂良方(也应该应用到实现名义GDP上)。但是英国央行没有很好地规划自己未来的政策路线。央行对目标通胀2%的解释比较灵活,保持货币环境即使在通胀维持高位情况下依旧宽松。但它没有说这灵活性要持续多久。央行每次开利率会议都有可能改变主意。



That is where the nominal GDP target comes in.By promising to keep monetary conditions loose until nominal GDP has risen by10%,the Bank would provide certainty that interest rates will stay low even as theeconomy recovers.That will encourage investment and spending.At the same timean explicit target of10%would set a limit to the looseness,preventingpeople’s expectations for inflation becoming permanently unhinged.It is anapproach similar in spirit to the Federal Reserve’s recent commitment not toraise interest rates until America’s unemployment rate falls below6.5%.

这就是为什么会使用名义GDP。通过允诺在名义GDP升至10%之前保持货币环境宽松,央行保证利率维持在低位,即使经济恢复。这样就会鼓励投资和消费。同时,10%的明确目标为宽松设置上限,防止人们对通胀的期望长久混乱。在本质精神上,这项措施类似于美联储(th e Federal Reserve)近期承诺提升利率直到美国失业率降至6.5%以下。

The last problem is Mr Osborne.A temporarynominal-GDP target needs his explicit support.He should give it,becauseagainst a background of tight fiscal policy,monetary policy is the best macroeconomic lever that Britain has.





[2013.02.02]Patriotism recycled另一种形式的爱国主义


How to be British 如何做个英国人

Patriotism recycled 另一种形式的爱国主义

The government’s odd handbook for new residents 英国政府为新公民提供的古怪指南

Many governments publish similar backgrounders.They follow a formula:a little history, an introduction to how government works,an encomium to famous writers,scientists and sportsmen and a list of freedoms and duties.Britain’s differs slightly in that it begins by asking,“What is the UK?”—a fair question given the profusion of names for the rocks that The Economist calls home. The overall tone is closer to its Australian and Canadian equivalents than to America’s,which begins by thanking you for your interest in becoming a citizen,in the manner of a ma?tre d’at a restaurant where all the tables are reserved until next spring.许多国家也都出版了相似的指南来介绍本国相关背景资料。它们都遵循同样的格式:



Each section ends with a little checklist.Readers are invited to affirm,among other things,that they understand the history of pre-Roman Britain and the ideas of the Enlightenment.Some of the selections might seem odd to long-term residents.The five writers who merit special treatment are William Shakespeare,Robert Burns,Dylan Thomas,Rudyard Kipling and Roald Dahl.Skiing is described as an increasingly popular sport.Pleasingly,Sake Dean Mohamet(pictured),who opened Britain’s first curry house in1810,is singled out for praise,along with a few prime ministers.每一章节最后都附有一份小清单。读者们可以据此核对





Business商业Global niche players全球利基市场Nordic companies have coped well with globalisation,but need new blood 面对全球化,北欧公司虽应付自如,仍需新鲜血液

Feb2nd2013|From the print edition NOVO NORDISK HAS the sheen of a global champion.Its corporate headquarters near Copenhagen is decorated with freshly cut flowers and thought-provoking sculptures,with little bowls of fruit and nuts dotted here and there.The CEO and his fellow executives work from a large open-plan office.


That is all as it should be.Novo produces half the world’s medical insulin and frequently generates shareholder returns approaching30%.The world market for insulin is growing fast:about346m people already suffer from diabetes and the number will grow as the emerging world gets richer.Novo is well placed to remain the world’s leading insulin producer for years to come. The Vikings’modern descendants believe they can turn globalisation to their advantage. 12

经济学人中文网They excel at producing born-global companies.Ericsson,founded in1876,started selling phones in China in the1890s.They also outperform more muscular competitors. Torben Pedersen,of the Copenhagen Business School,points out that Nordic countries are past masters at adjusting to rules dictated by big countries such as Germany or America.Surely they can cope with China and India?一切本当如此。全球一半的医用胰岛素产自诺和诺德,其持股人的收益通常高达30%。全球胰岛素市场发展迅猛:目前已有3.46亿人罹患糖尿病;随着新兴世界的国家愈加富裕,这一数字还会增长。因此,在未来的几年内,诺和诺德将无可争议地稳座世界胰岛素生产老大的地位。这些古老维京人的现代后裔相信,全球化可为己所用。他们的出色之处在于:创建具有全球性大公司潜质的企业。成立于1876年的爱立信公司,在19世纪90年代就在中国销售电话。他们甚至打败了那些更强大的竞争者们。来自哥本哈根商业学校的托本.派德森指出:在由德国或美国这样的大国制定的游戏规则中,北欧国家适应良好,游刃有余。因此,应付中国或印度应该是绰绰有余了吧?

Alas,the logic that destroyed brawnwork such as shipbuilding and textile manufacturing is now moving on to brainwork.The best Nordic companies are transforming themselves from export machines into global networks.Ericsson,for example,has reduced the number of workers it employs in Sweden from31,000in2001to18,000today.Medium-sized companies are taking advantage of low production costs in the Baltic states as well as in China and India.In turn,foreigners are invading the Vikings’strongholds.Volvo, Sweden’s fabled car company,has been swallowed by a Chinese upstart,Geely.Danisco, a Danish food-ingredients company,has been taken over by America’s DuPont.Ericsson has sold its handset pision to Sony.Nokia is a shadow of its former self.

The Nordic countries have an impressive number of globally competitive companies. Denmark is a world leader in hearing aids(Oticon),shipping(Maersk),toys(Lego),drink (Carlsberg)and windpower(with more than200companies that account for a third of the world’s wind-turbine market).Novo Nordisk is at the centre of a biotech cluster, dubbed Medicon Valley,that stretches from Copenhagen to Malm?in neighbouring Sweden and has an annual turnover of

