M11unit3 project

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Unit3 Project My father, my hero

Step1: Fast reading

Read the transcript of a speech and match the paragraph with the main ideas. ( ) A. My father’s constant care about me and my brother ( ) B. My father’s hard childhood.

( ) C. My father made the best Christmas for us. ( ) D. What I value about my father.

( ) E. My father helped his friend’s son go on study. ( ) F. My father’s good qualities of success. ( ) G. My father helps in our local community. ( ) H. My father’s optimism. Step2: Reading comprehension

1. Why does the writer consider is father to be the most important person in his life? (no

more than 15 words)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did the writer’s father put some money into a jar? (no more than 12 words )

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How dose the writer’s father help students in financial difficulties? (no more than 9


_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What qualities make the writer’s father a successful person in many aspects? (no more

than 10 words)

_______________________________________________________________________________ Step3: Language points

1. phrase translation(考一本英汉短语互译) 2. Important words, phrases and sentences

1). I consider my father to be the most important person in my life. (L1)

___________________________________________________________________________ = My father __________________ the most important person in my life. = My father __________________/____________________/____________________ the most important person in my life. 拓展

Consider to do (have done ) sth. __________________ 我认为她在期末考试中表现得非常出色。

___________________________________________________________________________ Consider doing sth. ___________________________ 我们正在考虑赴海南过春节。

___________________________________________________________________________ Consider….. as + n./adj. ______________________ 他们认为这个计划是合理的。


2). Rather, what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family. (L3-4)

_______________________________________________________________________________ rather 在这里的意思是_________________

3) Whenever I trip or hurt myself playing sports, he’s there to pick me up. (L6-7) Pick up ______________ He picked up all the pieces. Will you pick up your toys? She soon picked up French

He soon picked up after a few days’ rest. We will pick up where we finished yesterday. My radio can pick up the BBC World Service. I’ll pick you up at 7:00.

4)My father has been successful as he never shrinks from helping others. (L39)

_________________________________________________________________________ 面临这一灾难,没有人会不伸出援手,帮助那些受灾的人。

5)What blesses my father most is being able to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. (L4-5)

______________________________________________________________________________ 分析: what引导 ________________, being able to put….作___________. 你所需要的是更多的训练。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6) When he was only 14 years old, he had to leave school and start working because my grandfather died, leaving no money but a big family behind. (L12-14)

_______________________________________________________________________________ Leaving no …..为现在分词作______________, 表 ___________。 她丈夫十年前去世了,留下三个孩子要照顾。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Lily匆忙赶到机场,却被告知飞机已经起飞了。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7)No matter what job he has to do, he dose it well, and I think that helps him be who he is. (L45-46)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 分析no matter what 以及whatever 无论你做什么,都要做好。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 我将尽力帮你。


