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【奥鹏】[南开大学]18秋学期(1703)《大学英语(三)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,The mistake was( )by the carelessness of the assistant. A、due B、caused C、because D、owe

第2题,We lived on a( )when my wife studied in Oxford. It is quiet there, so very suited for a student. A、main road B、side street C、motorway D、junction

第3题,( )majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city. A、不填 B、A C、The D、Many

第4题,- Ed said that his boy fell off a tree. - ( ).

A、Oh dear! I hope he wasn't hurt B、Oh, no. A lucky boy

C、He might have broken his arm D、Nothing serious

第5题,The problem is( )by pollution. A、caused B、because C、due

D、because of


第6题,They( )for hours. A、have been driving B、have been driven C、drove D、drive

第7题,The big man has always been eating on the go,( )he has got stomachache. A、so

B、however C、as


第8题,If there were life on Mars, such life forms( )unable to survive on earth. A、is B、are

C、would be D、will be

第9题,I don't think he will be back in an hour,( )? A、do I B、won't he C、don't I D、will he

第10题,- Can I take your order now? - ( ).

A、Thank you for your offer B、Sorry, it's beyond my order C、By no means

D、Just a moment. Two friends are coming


第11题,One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier( )than the old one.


B、to be operated C、to operate D、operated

第12题,- Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? - ( ).

A、No, there isn't B、Yes, it is

C、On the ground floor D、It is empty

第13题,It( )that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. A、took place B、occurred C、broke out D、happened

第14题,- I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised. - ( ).

A、The party won't start until 8:00

B、Thank you for having the party for me C、Don't worry. He always keeps his word D、The party must cost a lot

第15题,I am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery. ( ), he can tell who painted it. A、However B、Otherwise C、Nevertheless D、Moreover


第16题,- May I know your address? - ( ).

A、Sure. Here you are B、I have no idea C、It's far from here D、Sorry, I've forgotten

第17题,This is the problem( )we have no good solution as yet. A、to that B、which C、for which D、to which

第18题,You like playing football,( )you? A、do B、didn't C、did D、don't

第19题,The man( )the gate when he realized that we had spotted him. A、made off B、made for C、made out D、made up

第20题,We( )the bathroom and plan( )the bedroom this year. A、painted...to paint

B、is painting... painting C、paint... to paint

D、have painted...to paint


第21题,He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays,( )he? A、doesn't B、isn't C、does D、is

第22题,I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of( )over city life.

A、character B、qualities C、advantages D、ways

第23题,- Afternoon, sir. Where to? - ( ).

A、Please get me to the airport B、Please pick me up next time C、I've been to the airport

D、The plane will take off in an hour

第24题,The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to( )what he was saying. A、take in B、take out C、take up D、take over

第25题,She was convicted( )murder. A、to B、in C、with D、of


第26题,- Excuse me. Is this table taken? - ( ).

A、We haven't booked the dishes B、We haven't ordered the dishes

C、Yeah. I'm saving these seats for friends D、Yeah. I'm stuffed

第27题,- Where to? I'm so thirsty. - ( )?

A、Why don't we go now

B、Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar C、Why didn't you look up the map

D、Why didn't you tell me about it earlier

第28题,These plants are rather difficult( ). A、to look after

B、to be looked after C、being looked after D、looking after

第29题,- Hello, Sally. How's everything? - ( ).

A、Good for you B、Oh, I agree C、That's right D、Just so-so

第30题,Don't you think the small donkey can really pull the heavy( )? A、lorry B、car C、van



第31题,- Could I borrow your CD of English songs? - ( ).

A、No, I am not available

B、I'm sorry. It's not at hand now C、It's very kind of you D、Thank you very much

第32题,I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my( ). A、services B、money C、use D、chance

第33题,After stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved( )to its next stop. A、forward B、off C、with D、on

第34题,He is looking forward( )his thesis. A、to write B、to writing C、in writing D、on writing

第35题,The restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better. A、there...ones B、here...one C、there...one D、here... one


第36题,- May I have a look at your photo album? - ( ).

A、Yes, you have

B、It's very interesting C、This is my girl friend D、Yes, of course

第37题,- Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? - ( ).

A、The express train is expensive B、OK. I'll give you a hand

C、Sorry, the express bus has gone

D、On your right. It'll leave in 5 minutes

第38题,My parents are not interested in modern music. They are( )the times. A、before B、behind C、after D、low

第39题,Once he starts a job, he won't stop( )it is finished. A、till B、after C、before D、until

第40题,It was well known that Thomas Edison( )the electric lamp. A、invented B、discovered C、found D、developed


第41题,Hardly( )home when it began to rain. A、had I got B、I had got

C、had I arrived in D、I had arrived at

第42题,Let's go to the cinema,( )? A、will you shan't we B、shan't we C、don't we D、shall we

第43题,Ancient Greece is the( )of western civilization. A、origin B、source C、place D、sources

第44题,I prefer the TV( )the radio. A、to B、on C、at D、with

第45题,The picture is pleasant( )_. A、to look at B、to look

C、to be looked at D、looking at


第46题,The road( )built last year. A、has been

B、has being built C、is being D、was

第47题,When was the building( )? A、complete B、completing C、completed D、completes

第48题,She was very concerned( )her mother's illness. A、about B、for C、with D、on

第49题,This ancient letter was written( )a pen. A、with B、by C、on D、in

第50题,- Linda, can you give me a lift after work? - ( ).

A、It's very kind of you to do so B、Thank you for your offer C、Never mind. I'll go shopping

D、No problem. We go the same direction


