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第一章 阅读理解概述(一)
《大学英语教学大纲(理工科)》规定:在阅读方面要达到基本要求(四级)和较高要求(六级)。 基本要求为: 掌握基本阅读技能, 能顺利阅读并准确理解语言难度中等的一般题材文章和科普、科技读物, 阅读速度达到每分钟50词。阅读难度略低, 生词不超过总词数的3%的材料时, 速度达到每分钟80词, 阅读理解的准确率为70%为合格。较高要求为:掌握较高阅读技能, 能顺利阅读并准确理解语言难度中等的一般题材文章和科普、科技读物, 阅读速度达到每分钟70词。阅读难度略低, 生词不超过总词数的3%的材料时, 速度达到每分钟120词阅读理解的准确率为70%为合格。大学英语考试的试卷构成中,阅读部分占时35分钟。根据上述阅读速度的要求,大学英语四级考试的阅读材料篇幅约为1000词。大学英语考试中的阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2.了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3.既理解字面意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4.既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。 在四级和六级考试中, 阅读理解占总分的40%。因此, 加强阅读训练是十分必要的。 下面, 我们将着重讨论与英语阅读能力密切相关的几个因素。 1. 学好基本语言知识 首先, 要掌握一定的词汇量。大学英语教学大纲规定四级要求掌握4000个单词,此外还有一定数量的短语。阅读理解部分的阅读材料中凡超出大纲词表的单词都用中文注明词义,但每篇不超过3个。因此,如果词汇量掌握不好, 生词就会大量增加, 难以顺利进行阅读。此外,还必须正确掌握词义,掌握词的搭配关系,否则当然也要影响阅读理解。 其次, 要熟练掌握英语的语法和习惯用法。在阅读中遇到结构复杂的句子和难点, 可借助语法分析来理解其意义。熟练掌握语法也是阅读理解的基础。 2. 进行必要的阅读实践 只有在大量的阅读实践中, 我们才能够建立语感, 掌握正确的阅读方法, 提高阅读 技能。在阅读中, 还要有意识地多看一些有关英国、美国社会文化背景的材料和科普读物, 不断扩大自己的知识面, 对理解能力的提高大有益处。 3. 学会正确的阅读方法 学生在阅读过程中有一些常见的不良阅读习惯, 如:“指读”, 即用手指或笔尖指着文章逐词阅读;“回读”, 即在阅读中遇到生词或不熟悉的短语时, 返回到句首甚至段首重读;如果遇到长句, 常常反复多次;以及“译读”,即在阅读过程中, 不断把词, 短语, 以致句子译成母语来理解。这些不良的阅读习惯都影响了阅读速度及理解。 因此, 我们要根据英语的特点, 使用正确的阅读方法, 即以“意群”(meaningful thought group)为单位阅读, 例如: Successful improvement of your reading depends upon your eagerness to improve and your willingness to practice. 如果你一个一个词来读这句话, 你的视线就要在每个词上都要停留一次, 影响阅读速度, 而且你还要把这些词按照语法意义重组, 才能理解。 如果以意群为单位, 即: Successful improvement \\ of your reading \\ depends upon \\ your eagerness \\ to improve \\ and your willingness to practice. 这样, 你的视线是在每个词组上停留, 停留次数减少, 意义比较连贯, 即使你的视线在词组上停留的时间要比在一个单词上停留的时间稍微长一些, 但因为意义容易理解, 总体时间还是要比前者短, 而且阅读质量提高了。 词组越长, 阅读速度越快: Successful improvement of your reading \\ depends upon \\ your eagerness to improve \\ and your willingness to practice. 这样阅读的效果是你感觉阅读时, 你的视线在跳跃, 你的脑子来不及将英语翻译成中文, 就已经理解了。 但这种方法是在有扎实的语言功底的基础之上, 你必须能迅速、正确地划分意群, 并加以大量的实践才能获得的。因此, 学生很有必要来提高自己的语法水平, 以及扩充词汇量。 在阅读中同时要注意连贯阅读, 不要在个别词句上停留太长时间, 可能这个词句不特别重要, 或者在你读到下文时就理解了。 根据不同的阅读目的, 我们可以采取不同的方法。一般来说阅读方法有3种:skimming, scanning , reading for full understanding。
第二章 阅读理解概述(二) 根据不同的阅读目的, 我们可以采取不同的方法。一般来说阅读方法有3种:skimming, scanning , reading for full understanding。 1) Skimming Skimming 的目的是了解文章的大意(general idea)。阅读速度要快, 一般250词的短文要在二、三分钟内看完。阅读时精神必须十分集中, 不必记忆细节, 忽略个别生词及难懂的词句, 重点把握全文总体大意。要留心反复出现的单词, 以及文章的开始段、结束段和每段的段首句和段尾句, 因为它们往往是对文章内容的最好概括。 2) Scanning Scanning的目的是寻找文章中某些特定的信息。阅读时视线自上而下, 一目十行。注意与who, what, when. where 有关的内容。对于why, how 等问题, 先找到文中与答案有关的范围, 再用我们以下要讨论的方法来找到正确答案。 3) Reading for full understanding 找到文章中的范围之后, 就在此范围中逐句阅读, 对关键词、句要仔细琢磨, 不仅要理解其表面意思, 还要通过推理和判断, 理解其潜在意思。对于生词要通过上下文猜测词义;对于难以看懂的长句, 对其作语法分析, 理解其意。 4.语篇水平上的阅读理解 阅读时不能只停留在句子水平上, 孤立的句子好象是理解的, 但整篇文章讲的是什么则不甚了解。在阅读教学中必须重视高级阅读技能的训练, 把句子水平的阅读理解提高到语篇水平的阅读理解, 才能避免在阅读中见树不见林, 真正理解文章的意思。这里指的语篇水平上的阅读理解包括在宏观上理解上下文的逻辑关系、跟上作者思路的展开、掌握文章的主题思想、通过概括得出结论、了解作者的观点和态度等等。 1) 理解上下文的逻辑关系 例:1991年6月四级试题第35题 Some people feel that ______. A) artificial hearts are seldom effective B) the country should not spend so much money on artificial hearts C) the country is not spending enough money on artificial hearts D) America's health-care programs are not doing enough for the nation's health 本题考核在理解全文的基础之上理解上下文的逻辑关系的能力。文章第二段中But some people are already worrying...中的谓语动词lose集中体现了有些人已经在担心, 为a relatively few dying patients动用巨额资金购置新型的人造心脏是否合算。因此, 选项B是正确的答案。但是只有一半的考生答对了本题, 其他考生未能跟上作者思路的展开、进而理解上下文的逻辑关系。 2) 通过概括得出结论. 例:1993年6月四级试题第21题 Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital? A) The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse. B) Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night. C) The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient. D) The primary nurse keeps records of the patient's health conditions every day 本题问的是4个选择项中哪一句话最能“概括”这家医院“护理工作体制”的主要特征。实质上是从一个侧面问及本篇的中心思想, 即文章中反复强调的这种“护理体制”的最本质的东西。B、C、D这3项所提及的都是这家医院中primary nurse所做的“常规”工作, 并不反映这家医院特有的:“护理工作体制”的本质特征。该医院护理工作的责任制以及护理工作的自主管理促进了护士对医疗工作的平等参与等, 才是反映这家医院“护理工作体制”的本质特征, 并最终体现在医疗过程中医生与护士的平等合作。因此正确答案是选项A。本题有一定的难度, 只有不足三分之一的考生答对了本题, 说明这批考生不仅读懂了文章, 而且能在极有限的时间内对文章内容进行分析归纳, 得出正确的结论。阅读过程中不但要理解字面的意义, 而且要善于进行分析判断, 归纳综合, 掌握作者思路的开展。阅读训练中要注意培养自己这种高级阅读技能。 要想在四级考试的阅读理解部分得高分,除了平时进行大量阅读练习以外,还应在考试时注意以下几个方面的问题: 1. 合理掌握时间 CET4、6要求考生在35分钟内完成四篇短文的阅读,如果不合理掌握时间,在某一篇文章或是某个问题上花的时间过多,在规定时间内完成阅读就比较困难。所以,对每篇材料合理分配时间就很关键了。一般每篇阅读材料可限时8分钟左右,这样不但能保证有限的时间内完成阅读,还可以留有一定的时间进行必要的检查和修正。 2. 读问题后再读文章 在做阅读理解时,为了加快阅读速度和提高答题准确率,可采用先读问题后读文章的方法。先把文章后面的问题快速浏览一遍,然后带着问题去读材料,这样就做到了心中有数,既节省了阅读时间又提高了阅读效率。 3. 解题应先易后难 不论是阅读材料还是文后小题,都应按照由易到难的顺序来进行。如果一篇文章比较难理解,可先读下一篇,这样可避免在一篇文章上花的时间过多,而影响其他文章的阅读。同时又可减少因
难题做不出而造成的心理压力,从而提高阅读速度和质量。 4. 趋熟避生 在阅读材料时,不可避免地会遇到生僻的单词,如果一见到生词就不知所措,就必然会影响到对文章的理解。如果遇到这种情况,可以采用“趋熟避生”的方法来解决问题。也就是说,不认识的生词对理解文章的关系不大,就可以跳过去不管它;如果该生词影响到了你对文章的理解,就要试着从句中认识的词中去猜测生词的意思,尽可能地贴近别的词义来了解该词在句中的作用和词义。 5. 抓主题句 所谓主题句就是文章各段的中心思想句。通常出现在段首,阅读时不可一带而过,要仔细阅读而且一定要读懂。主题句看懂了,整段乃至正篇文章的意思就不难理解了。这样后面的小题也就迎刃而解了。
one.... Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic. Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects. I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people's observations and discoveries. Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle, because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honor with the title of scientific research. But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds. 1. The first paragraph tells us the author . A) was interested in flowers and insects in his childhood B) lost his hearing when he was a child C) didn't like his brothers and sisters D) was born to a naturalist's family 2. The author can't remember his relatives clearly because . A) he didn't live very long with them B) the family was extremely large C) he was too young when he lived with them D) he was fully occupied with observing nature 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the author was . A) a scientist as well as a naturalist. B) not a naturalist but a scientist C) no more than a born naturalist D) first of all a scientist 4. The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he . A) has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic B) lacks some of the qualities required of a scientist C) just reads about other people's observations and discoveries D) comes up with solutions in a most natural way 5. According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be . A) full of ambition B) knowledgeable C) full of enthusiasm D) self-disciplined 答案详解::::
(答案与注释) 1. 第一段中的convinced that naturalists are born and not made.告诉我们自然主义者是天生的,不是后天造就的。他的姐妹兄弟对于花、虫等不感兴趣,但作者unlike them.所以答案为A)项。 2. 第二段作者回忆了在农场度过的日子,那里的豿、鸟、动物至今仍历历在目,但对那里的亲戚、房子、玩具已记不住了,可见他从小就被自然吸引住了。答案为D)
项。 3. 第三段的第一句I am a naturalist, not a scientist.表明答案为C)项。 4. 最后一段中,作者明白自己缺少科学家的素质,因为一个科学家的基本素质就是\(自律,自我约束)。答案为B)项。 5. 作者认为一个科学家应具备自我约束、刻苦训练,坚定的信念和明确的目标,而他自认为不具备D)项中的self-disciplined ,从第三段,第一、二两句中我们得知答案为C)项。
第三章 如何抓住主题思想(一) 主题思想是作者在文章中要表达的中心内容。把握了主题思想也有助于对文章细节的理解。因此,这是一项非常重要的技能。在学习抓主题思想的过程中, 我们着重注意以下几个问题。 1. 我们要学习识别文章中最基本, 最具有概括力的信息。这种信息应能归纳和概括文中其它信息所具有的共性。 例1:Choose the most general word. A) chemist B) physicist C) scientist D) biologist 该问题要求找出最有概括力的词。C scientist 符合题意, 因为它包括了 chemist, physicist和biologist, 而A, B和D 都指某一具体学科的科学家, 不能概括其他词。因此, scientist 最具有概括性。 例2:Choose the most general sentence. A) The hotel offers complimentary coffee from 7 to 10 a.m. daily. B) There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn. C) The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board. D) There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting. A, C, D都是从不同的侧面说明旅馆的服务情况, 相互间并无联系。而B却概括了A, C, D共性的东西, 即:为什么旅客在这家旅馆里有宾至如归的感觉。因此, B符合题意。倘若在一段文章里包含了以上A, B, C, D 几条信息, 那么 B 就是本段的中心思想。同样, 如果在一段文章中, 作者分几段来叙述几方面的内容, 那这些段落所要说明的问题就是本文的中心思想。 例3: Read the following passage and choose the best central thought. Sugar history in the Hawaiian Islands is filled with pioneering. In sailing ship days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months from sources of supplies and from markets. This isolation built up among the Hawaiian growers an enduring spirit of cooperation. Growers shared with one another improvements in production. Without government aid of any sort, they built great irrigation projects. Without government help, they set up their own research and experiment organization. Pioneering together over the years, they have provided Hawaii with its largest industry. A) In sailing days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months away from supplies and markets. B) Hawaiian sugar growers built their great industry without government help. C) Hawaiian sugar growers have set up their own research organization and have shared improvements. D) By pioneering together, sugar growers have provided Hawaii with its largest industry. A, B, C只是文章中的具体内容, 作为主题思想面太窄了。只有D才概括了全文要说明的问题, 因此, D是本文的主要思想。 要求抓住主题思想的另一种形式是为短文选择合适的标题。 例4:Read the following and choose the title that best expresses the ideas of the passage. There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices. It is called the law of supply and demand. Supply means the amount of, or access to, certain goods. Demand represents the number of people who want those goods. If there are more goods than wanted, the price of them falls. On the other hand, if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then price rises. Of course manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices. A) Economic Principles B) Law of Supply and Demand C) More Goods, Lower Prices D) Fewer Goods, Higher Prices 该问题中, A 泛指经济规律, 面过宽;C和D只是供需规则的两个单独方面, 不能包含全部, 面太窄。正确答案是B, 因为这正是短文自始至终讨论的主题。 例5:Read the
following passage and select the most appropriate title: According to legend, the gods of the ancient Greeks lived in the clouds on the top of Mount Olympus. Zeus, the father of the gods, carried a bolt of lightning in his hand and ruled like an earthly king. Apollo was the sun god and his beams were golden arrows; he shielded the flocks of sheep and the fields of grain. Athena was the warrior goddess, standing in shining armor ready to protect the Greek cities. There were other gods as well, all with familiar human characteristics, but these were the leading gods. A) The Gods of the Ancient Greeks B) The Legend of the Sky God Zeus C) Beliefs of the Ancient Greeks D) Religions of the Past 该问题中, B只是文中提到的一个具体内容, 作为主题思想面太窄了。C和D是泛指, 面太宽。只有A才概括了全文要说明的问题, 是全文的主题。
第四章 如何抓住主题思想(二) E) 要学会借助文章的结构来把握中心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句( Topic sentence)来表达。主题句常常出现在段首或段尾处, 有时也在段落中间。同样, 一篇文章的中心思想也常常在开始段或结尾段点出。因此, 在阅读中, 我们要对文章的开始段和结尾段及段落的主题句给予特别的注意。 例6:English is clearly an international language. It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the world's radio programs are in English. 本段主题句为首句, 其后的内容均说明首句。 例7:Let us consider how voice training may contribute to personality development and an improved social adjustment. In the first place, it has been fairly well established that individuals tend to become what they believe other people think them to be. When people react more favorably toward us because our voices convey the impression that we are friendly, competent, and interesting, there is a strong tendency for us to develop those qualities in our personality. If we are treated with respect by others, we soon come to have more respect for ourselves. Then, too, one's own consciousness of having a pleasant, effective voice of which he does not need to be ashamed contributes materially to a feeling of poise(泰然自若), self-confidence, and a just pride in himself. A good voice, like good clothes can do much for an ego(自我) that otherwise might be inclined to droop(萎靡). The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is ________. A) Our Ego B) The Reflection of Our Personality C) How to Acquire a Pleasant Voice D) Voice Training in Personality Development 作者一开始就说明发声训练对个性发展和人的社会化可能产生的作用。接着, 分别 由in the first place 及then 引出两个具体的方面展开讨论。第一个要点下又分别由when 和if 引出两个细节加以论证。结尾一句总括全段, 与首句呼应。不难看出, 主题句是第一句, 正确答案应选D。 另外, 要特别注意上例中提到的in the first place, then , if 等连接语, 这些连接语能帮助我们把握文章内容的编排方式, 领会文章的要点, 准确全面地理解文章。 主题句也会出现在段尾。作者先摆出事实依据, 层层推理论证, 最后自然得出结论, 即段落的主题。 例8: Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type of class. No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time. 本段的中心思想在结尾句得到体现,它是此段内容的结论。 例9: If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention: \TV, only $79. Two-day sale. Hurry.\that the advertised sets are sold out. But the salesman is quick to reassure you that he has another model, a more reliable set which is \switch.\Buying items on sale requires careful consideration of the merchandise(商品)and the reasons for the
sale. 1. Which sentence best expresses the main idea ? A) The customer must be on his guard when purchasing items on sale. B) Color television sets which sell for $79 are sold out quickly. C) Many stores use the \ D) Anyone planning to buy
a television set should look for a sale. 2. The paragraph could be entitled A) Buyer Beware B) Closeout Sale C) Crime Pays D) Buying a TV Set 作者从一则电视机的广告入手, 介绍了降价推销的惯用手段, 称为 \(廉售某种不打算出卖的商品, 意在诱人购买昂贵的物品)。最后笔锋一转, 点出作者的真正意图, 即本段的主题句, 告诫人们在购买降价商品时要警惕中圈套。 因此正确答案为1.A;2.A. 有些段落的主题句会被安排在段落的中间。 For adults a cold is not that serious. However, this is not the case for children. Cold symptoms in children may be sighs of more serious diseases and should be given prompt medical attention. 本段主题句为第二句, 因为在however 后面才是作者真正的看法, 并在下文中进一步作了说明。 当主题句被安排在段中时, 作者往往从具体的事例谈起, 随之归纳出主题, 然后再围绕这一主题展开讨论, 使立论更加清楚, 具有很强的说服力, 即以“立”为主, 对正面观点进行阐述。 例10: Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sigh language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used intertionally, spelling, however, cannot. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink(眨眼)can be a way of flirting(调情)or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture sighs also guide warn, and instruct people. While verbalization(用语言表达)is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feeling. Which of the following statements best summarizes this passage? A) When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication. B) Everybody uses only one form of communication. C) Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners. D) Although other forms of communication exist verbalization is the fastest. 这篇文章共有四段, 谈的是肢体语言。第一段的前两句谈到人们尽管利用多种形式 根据不同的阅读目的, 我们可以采取不同的方法。一般来说阅读方法有3种:skimming, scanning , reading for full understanding. 第二段, 第三段的首句从两个不同的方面引出了肢体语言的功能与分类。最后一段予以总结, 强调肢体语言在表达人类思想和感情方面的作用,与第一段的呼应。正确答案应是A。
练习: Read the following passage and decide which of the choices most adequately sums up the idea of the paragraph(s) indicated. Canning Food Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeast, moulds and bacteria. The canning process, however, seals the product in a container so that no infection can reach it, and then it is sterilized by heat. Heat sterilization destroys all infections present in food inside the can. No chemical preservatives are necessary, and properly canned food does not deteriorate during storage. The principle was discovered in 1809 by a Frenchman called Nicolas Appert. He corked food lightly in wide-necked glass bottles and immersed them in a bath of hot water to drive out the air, then he hammered the corks down to seal the jars hermetically (牢牢地). Appert's discovery was rewarded by the French government because better preserved food supplies were needed for Napoleon's troops on distant campaigns. By 1814 an English manufacture had replaced Appert's glass jars with metal containers and was supplying timed vegetable soup and meat to the British navy. The next scientific improvement, in 1860,
was the result of Louis Pasteur's work on sterilization through the application of scientifically controlled heat. Today vegetables, fish, fruit, meat and beer are canned in enormous quantities. Within three generations the eating habits of millions have been revolutionized. Foods that were previously seasonal, may now be eaten at any time, and strange foods are available far from the countries where they are grown. The profitable crops many farmers now produce often depend on the proximity of a canning factory. The first stage in the canning process is the preparation of the raw food. Diseased and waste portions are thrown away; meat and fish are cleaned and trimmed; fruit and vegetables washed and graded for size. The jobs are principally done by machine. The next stage, for vegetables only, is blanching. This is immersion in very hot or boiling water for a short time to remove air and soften the vegetable. This makes it easier to pack into cans for sterilization. Some packing machines fill up to 400 cans a minute. Fruit, fish and meat are packed raw and cold into cans, and then all the air is removed. When the cans are sealed, the pressure inside each can is only about half the pressure of the outside air. This is 'vacuum' packing. During the sterilization process which follows, the cans are subjected to steam or boiling water, with the temperature and duration varying according to the type of food. Cans of fruit, for example, take only 5-10 minutes in boiling water, while meat and fish are cooked at higher temperatures for longer period. After sterilization, the cans are cooled quickly to 32℃ to prevent the contents from becoming too soft. The final stage before dispatch (发送) to the wholesale or retail grocer is labeling, and packing the tins into boxes. Nowadays, however, labeling is often printed on in advance by the can-maker and no paper labels are then required. 1. The main idea of Para.1 is A) Food scientifically sealed in cans is safe from decay. B) Sterilization -- the key to the
safe-keeping of food. C) The use of chemicals in preventing the decay of food. 2. The main idea of Paras. 2 and 3 is A) The history and early methods of preserving food. B) The French influence in food canning. C) The scientific principles of food canning. 3. The main idea of Para. 4 is A) How the canning industry affects our lines. B) The economic effects of the canning industry. C) The range and diverse advantages of canned food. 4. The main idea of Paras. 5-8 is A) The mechanical miracle of food canning. B) The step-by-step modern processes of canning food. C) The process of preparing, washing and grading food for canning.
KEY: A, A, C, B
练习Passage two::::::: America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 year ago. Even non-exercises believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active. It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity (宣传) for races held in American cities helped fuel a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally rewarding-and sometimes safer-forms of exercise, such as walking and swimming, running remains the most popular form of exercise. As the popularity of exercise continues to mount, so does scientific evidence of its health benefits. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle groups vigorously (强有力地) enough to approximately double the
heart rate and keep it doubled for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will produce considerable improvements in physical health in about three months. 6. According to the passage, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago? A) About 70%. B) Nearly 60%. C) Almost 50%. D) More than 12%. 7. A growing interest in sports developed after . A) research showed their health benefits B) people got the message from magazine covers and postage stamps C) scientific evidence of health benefits was shown on TV ads D) an increasing number of races were held in American cities 8. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase \Line 6)? A) \ B) \ C) \level in popularity\ D) \ 9. It can be learnt from the passage that the health benefits of exercise . A) are yet to be proved B) are to be further studied C) are supported by scientific evidence D) are self-evident 10. Which of the following would be the best TITLE for the passage? A) Different Forms of Exercise B) Exercise-The Road to Health C) Scientific Evidence of Health Benefits D) Running-A Popular Form of Sport 答案详解............
第一段第二句 …… 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago.说明答案是C)项。 7. 第二段第三行 …… When research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises.清楚地表明答案为A)项。 8. \off\解释为\。第二段说明由于宣传,使人们提高了对跑步的兴趣,后来人们发现其他形式的锻炼同样有益于健康,有时更加安全些,于是\跑步\这种形式才 \popularity. )\答案为D)项。 9. 第三段第一句中 …… so does scientific evidence of its health benefits.表明锻炼人数在不断增加,而锻炼有益于健康的科学依据也在不断增加,即表明是得到科学依据支持的。答案为C)项。 10.作者论述了体育锻炼的益处、方式及适当的运动量,要有健康的身体就得运动、锻炼。 答案为B)项。
第五章 如何查找主要事实或特定细节 在文章中, 作者总是要通过许多具体内容(Details)来说明、解释、证明、或分析文章的主题思想。在通读全文、掌握了文章主题思想的基础上, 读者还应该能抓住阐述和发展主题思想的主要事实, 或者按要求找出特定细节。 在通读全文的过程中, 我们要特别注意涉及who, what, when, where, how和why等问题的内容。在有关此类内容的地方要作一标记, 以便在回答问题时迅速查找。 一般来说, 阅读理解测试中要求找出主要事实或特定细节的问题, 在文章中均可找到回答。但是, 需要注意的是, 这些问题的表述常常不是采用文章中的原话, 而是使用同义的词语来进行提问。因此, 在回答此类问题时, 首先要认真审题, 看清问题提问的究竟是什么。然后, 根据所涉及到的问题, 快速扫视到文章中相应的部分, 找到与答题内容相关的关键词或短语, 再细读一、两遍。在确信理解了原文的基础上, 来确定正确答案。在查到的关键词句下面应划线, 以引起注意, 便于参考与复查。此外, 如果回答此类问题需要读者具有一定的背景知识, 那也只是最基本的常识。因此, 切勿脱离文中内容而根据自己的主观想像或其它来源的知识来选择答案。 在回答此类问题时, 应注意以下几个问题: 1. 当问及时间、距离以及其它用数字表示的细节时, 有时需要进行计算方能得出答案。此时要把计算过程简单列出, 不可随意心算一下即确定答案。 例1: The Flag of the U. S. ------ The Stars and Stripes The history of the flag of the U. S. has become so cluttered by myth that hardly any facts can be established. One thing all agree on is that the Stars and Stripes originated as
the result of a resolution adopted by Congress June 14, 1777. It read: Resolved: that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternated red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation. The flag of 1777 was used until 1795. Then, on the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union, Congress passed an act that after May 1, 1795, the flag should have 15 stripes and 15 stars. When new states were admitted it became evident that the flag would become burdened with stripes. Congress thereupon ordered that after July 4, 1818, the flag should have 13 stripes, symbolizing the 13 original states; that the union have 20 stars, and that when ever a new state was admitted a new star should be added on the July 4 following the admission. The 50-star flag of the United States was raised for the first time officially on July 4,1960, at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. The 50th star had been added for Hawaii, a year earlier the 49th, for Alaska. Before that, no star had been added since 1912, when New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union. 1) Since 1777, the U. S. Flag has changed its design _____. A) twice B) 3 times C) 5 times D) more than 5 times 2) In 1912, before July 4, the U. S. flag had _____. A) 15 stars B) 20 stars C) 46 stars D) 48 stars 3) The 49th and 50th states to join the U.S.A. were, in their correct order, _____. A) Alaska and Hawaii. B) Hawaii and Alaska C) New Mexico and Arizona D) Arizona and New Mexico 4) Congress decided in 1818 that the U. S. flag should have 13 stripes because ______. A) since 1777 it had always had 13 stripes. B) since 1777 it had always had more than 13 stripes. C) in 1818 there were only 13 states in the Union of the U. S. A. D) at the founding of the Union of the U. S. A. there had been only 13 states. 问题(1)要求回答美国国旗图案自1777年以来变化了几次。回答这样的题目须把文中所有提及1777以年来美国国旗变更次数的关键词语划出:1795; July 4,1818; since 1912; a year earlier the 49th;July 4,1960 文中似乎只提及5处, 但是文内又提到1818年时为20颗星, 以后每加入一个州增加一颗星。从文中又可看出1912年增加的是第47和48颗星,从第20颗星到47颗星之间必然还有若干次变动, 因此答案应为D。 问题(2)提问的是1912年7月4日以前的情况。由于新墨西哥和亚里桑那于1912年7月4日加入联邦, 国旗上星的数目增至48颗。因此。1912年7月4日以前国旗上的星数应为46颗。正确答案为C。 问题(3)的答案为A。 其根据为了The 50th star had been added for Hawaii, a year earlier the 49th, for A1aska. 问题(4)的答案为D。 其根据是symbolizing the l3 original states. 2. 当问题要求对某一事实作出正误判断或询问文中是否提到某一事实时, 我们应先把所给的选择项大体上看一下, 做到心中有数。然后, 根据选择项中提供的线索, 迅速找到文章中相应的部分, 细读一下有关内容。与文中内容一致的即可肯定, 不一致的即可否定。注意, 在回答Not True之类问题时, 必须逐项找出须肯定的内容, 方可确定要否定的内容。回答这类问题时, 也必须以文章的中心思想为前提, 与中心思想一致的可能是正确答案, 反之可能是错误答案。 例2: One word that sums up our age better than any other - whether \is the word CHANGE But has change not always been present? True, but never before at such a breakneck speed. Today it is more than just change. It is unprecedented change. In such a world, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade. Which of the following is NOT true? A) Western countries and China are being remade. B) Reading will help understand our age. C) The present age and future world are continually changing. D) Reading is the best tool provided by our age. A, B, C项均与文章中的意义一致,D不符。因为文中说的是: “Reading serves as the best tool for us.”(对我们来说, 阅读可以作为一个最好的工具。);而不是如选择项D所表示的那样:“Reading is the best tool provided by our age.”(阅读是由我们时代所提供的最好的工具。)。所以, 我们答案为 D. 3. 在文章中, 为避免重复提及某一词或短语, 作者常常使用指代词(Reference Words)来代替。在寻找细节时,
读者须准确理解被指代的对象。通常, 我们可根据上下文的句子结构、主谓一致关系以及语义关系等来确定所指代的内容。 例3: The basketball team never lacked vociferous supporters, but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm. 文中的黑体字they若是指高声呼叫的支持者, 则与后面的意思(对这种热情很少作出响应)不合。因此, they只能指球队球员。 例4: Scott Fitzgerald, who first introduced him to a publisher, was one of the few contemporary writers that Hemingway did not turn against. 文中黑体字him若指的是主语Scot Fitsgerald, 则应该用反身代词himself, 而不能用him, 因此, 这里指后文的Hemingway。 4. 注意文章的结构安排 在考试中遇到的一个突出问题是, 文章读过一遍后, 对一些具体细节在答题时又需花许多时间回头去找。在前一节中我们提到, 在寻找确定文章的中心意思时可采用浏览的方法, 在浏览过程中, 还应该注意文章的结构安排, 注意段与段, 细节与细节之间的关系。这样浏览一遍之后即可确定文章的主题, 同时对各细节的部位也能大致做到心中有数, 在做识别重要细节的题目时, 只要找文章相应的部位就可以了, 而不必从头到尾再读一遍文章。说明主题的细节通常采取以下几种方式排列: A. 简单列举; B. 按事件重要性排列; C. 时间顺序; D. 空间关系; E. 因果关系; F. 对比关系。 阅读时注意细节的安排方式,就可以迅速在相应的位置找到题的答案。做这类题时最好先阅读题目、弄清题的具体要求(如是问关于人物的, 地点的, 还是问有关事件结果的, 等等), 再有针对性地查阅(Scanning)文章, 跳过那些与题无关的细节, 迅速找到有关的细节, 最后与选择项一一对比, 找出正确答案。 例5: In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths(橄榄枝叶圈)placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called \ 1. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate? A) 776 years B) 2, 277 years C) 1, 205 years D) 2, 766 years 2. Which of the following is not true? A) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads. B) The games were held in Greece every four years. C) Battles were interrupted to participate in the games. D) Poems glorified the winners in song. 第一题问的是奥林匹克运动会的起源, 是个时间问题。在文中迅速查找, 发现一个日期:776 B.C.与选择项一一对比根据题目的要求, 做一个简单推算。得出答案D. 第二题略为复杂, 询问四个选择项中的各细节哪一个与原文不符。A中的主要内容与Winners有关, 迅速在文中查找与winners有关的句子, 文中说到:\Wreaths placed on their heads...\也就是说, 他人为获胜者戴上橄榄枝叶圈, 并不是获胜者自己为自己戴上, 由此可以断定A is not true. 例6:1991年6月的四级试题,第31题 According to the passage the Jarvik-7 artificial heart proved to be_____ A) a technical failure B) a technical wonder C) a good life-saver D) an effective means to treat heart disease 本题是一道考核学生辨认重要事实的题目,问的是本文论述的人造心脏Jarvik-7到底性能和效果如何? 文章一开始就说人造心脏Javik-7是一大技术成就。但用的是过去时, 也就是说曾经被看成是一大技术成就。接着文章第又提到:...the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the machine was doing more to endanger lives than save them和Last week the agency cancelled its earlier approval, effectively banning the device。 另外, 根据对上下文的全面理解进行正确判断, 可以知道全文的意思是说人造心脏Javik-7其实是一大失败, 作者甚至对要不要生产人造心脏都提出了质疑。可见阅读时要仔细, 答题时尤其不能凭常识想当然地猜测。 五、练习 Stealing salt was considered a major crime during some eras of history. In the 18th century, for instance, if a person was caught stealing salt, he
could be put in jail. History records that about ten thousand people were put in jail during that century for stealing salt. About 150 years before, in the year 1553, taking more salt than one mouth was entitled to be punished as a crime. The offender's ear was cut off. Salt was an important item on the table of royalty. It was traditionally placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests at the king's table were seated near the salt. Less important guests were given seats away from it. 1. In the 18th century if a person stole salt, he might be ______. A) killed B) imprisoned C) fined D) caught 2. The salt item was placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat because ________. A) the king liked to eat salt B) the salt was considered precious C) the king could entertain his guests with salt D) it was the traditional custom in the palace 这两个段落的主题思想都是用具体例子来加以说明的, 根据所给例子的细节, 上述两个问题的答案都应为B。 六. 在阅读理解中, 要求查找主要事实和特定细节的问题常有以下几种形式: 1. Which of the following statements is (not) true (or correct)? 2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3. All of the following are true except ... 4. The author (or the passage) states that ... 5. According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, what, which, etc)...?
练习..............:::::::::::::::: Passage three If women are
mercilessly exploited (剥削) year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe (衣柜) packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability (耐用). They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide. 11. Designers and big stores always make money . A) by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry B) because they are capable of predicting new fashions C) by constantly changing the fashions in women's clothing D) because they attach great importance to quality in women's clothing 12. To the writer, the fact that women alter their old-fashioned dresses is seen as . A) a waste of money B) a waste of time C) an expression of taste D) an expression of creativity 13. The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the of clothing. A) cost B) appearance C) comfort D) suitability 14. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A) New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women. B) The constant changes in women's clothing reflect their
strength of character. C) The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society. D) Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women. 15. By saying \ A) women's inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at B) women are better able to put up with discomfort C) men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers D) men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion
11. 第一段第二句 “... they tremble...in clothes... out of fashion”妇女不愿穿过时的服装,这种心态被服装设计师和大商场加以频频利用,结果女士们总被 “taken advantage of”,而他们大挣其钱。答案为C)项。 12. 第二段中women who cannot afford...., waste hours of their time altering...可知答案是B)项。因为改服装太费时间。 13. 第三段中说明作者对服装设计师持批评态度,因为他们只顾以好的款式赚钱,对衣服是否会舒适、保暖、耐穿不加考虑。答案中只有C)项comfort符合作者的要求,为正确答案。 14. 纵观全文,服装设计师掌握了女士们爱时髦的心理,以不断变换服装式样来大赚其钱,... created for the commercial exploitation of women.答案为A)项。 15. 第四段中,“when comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious”这句由其后面的句子加以解释“men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers”,这表明男士们比女士们在服装方面要理智得多。答案为D)项。
第六章 如何进行推理和判断 在阅读中, 人们首先理解的是语言的字面意义。然而, 语言所表达的内容常常超过其字面意义。这就需要我们掌握逻辑判断和推理的方法, 根据事物发展的自然规律以及语言本身的内在联系, 从一定的文字符号中获得尽可能多的信息。 有时, 作者在文中并未把需要读者理解的所有意思直接表达出来, 而是期待读者能领语文章的内在含义, 即从字里行间来体会他想表达的意思。由于有的意思文中没有直接说明, 读者必须根据文中所陈述内容的逻辑发展, 上下文的联贯以及文中有关部分的暗示, 作出判断或进行推理。 在阅读中, 判断和推理的能力是十分重要的。只有具备这种能力, 才有可能真正地弄懂文章中语言上没有明确表达却又隐含的意思, 达到真正的理解。 一、判断 在阅读中,有时要求我们对文章中阐述的事实或细节, 按照逻辑发展的规律, 进行分析和概括, 并以此为依据得出合乎逻辑的结论。我们将这个过程称作\判断\。 例1: The male and female mosquitoes make an odd couple. The female is vampire and lives on blood. The male is a vegetarian that sips nectar and plant juices. Females of different species choose different hosts on which to dine. Some feed exclusively on cattle, horses, birds, and other warm-blooded creatures. Some favor cold-blooded animals. Still others prefer man. While the female's menu varies, her bite remains the same. She drives her sharp tubular snout through the skin, injects a fluid to keep the blood from thickening, and drinks her fill, which takes a minute or less. It is the fluid she injects that carries disease. After her blood meal, she rests while her eggs develop. She then looks for a moist or flooded place to lay them 根据文中the male is a vegetarian that sips nectar and plant juice.我们可以得出结论:雄蚊相对地说对人类无害。根据文中The female is a vampire and lives on blood. Some feed on ...warm-blooded creatures. Some favour cold-blooded animals. Still others prefer man.我们可以得出结论:雌蚊对多数动物构成威胁。纵观全文, 我们可以得出结论:\蚊子应该被消灭。\ 二、推理 推理就是以已知的事实为依据, 来获得未知的信息。在阅读中, 我们要善于利用文章中明确表示的内容, 进行正确的推理, 以挖掘作者的隐含意思; 要求进行推理的问题, 在文中均找不到直接答案。如果问题要求理解某句或某段的含蓄意义, 我们必须在文中找到所涉及的关键词语, 仔细阅读一至两遍,
吃透意思, 并以此为根据, 进行分析和推理。然后, 再逐个考虑选择项, 选出答案。如果需要进行推理判断的内容涉及全文, 则必须在理解通篇中心思想、掌握全文逻辑发展过程的基础上, 才能进行正确的推理判断。 例2: Like other opinions about the situation, Burke's predictably, and sensibly, forecasts a rise in unemployment among the young. 从此句我们可以看出:1)说话者同意Burke的关于年轻人失业现象要增多的看法(根据predictably, and sensibly);2)Burke不是唯一持这种看法的人(根据like other opinions...)。 例3:Directions: Read the following passage and choose the statement (s) which can definitely be inferred In 1980, Canada announced strict additional limits on ownership of energy companies by foreign institutions and individuals. Since these may no longer own more than 50 percent of such companies, sources of capital for these corporations are now sharply restricted. A) Before 1980, foreigners were allowed to own a majority of shares in Canadian energy companies. B) Canada's 1980 limitations on energy-company ownership have caused some problems for these enterprises. C) After 1980, foreigners may not own a majority share in a Canadian company. D) Before 1980, there were no limitations of foreign individuals owning Canadian energy companies. 选择项A符合题意, 因为文中谈到这一限制是1980年宣布的, 据此可以推断1980年前尚无此规定。选择项B也符合题意, 因文中谈到这些企业资金来源将受到限制, 据此可以推断该限制将会给这些企业带来问题。C项不符合题意, 因文中指的是energy companies, 而不是所有的公司。D项也不符合题意, 因为文中谈到1980年宣布的是additional limits, 据此可以推断在此以前已有其它限制。 三、预测 根据上文中已出现的语言信息, 预测下文即将出现的信息, 这也是我们必须掌握的一项阅读技能。例如, 当我们读到Though progress on the subway has not actually stopped. . . (虽然修建地铁的工程尚未完全停止……)。我们根据Though所引出的让步状语从句的意义, 应能推测到Something is wrong with the project. (修建工程出了问题.); 同时从not actually中推测到progress on the subject has almost stopped. (工程几乎已经停止了。) 据此预测, 下文可能会出现it is likely that the completion of the project will be delayed (这项工程的竣工很可能要推迟), 却不可能出现the project will be completed ahead of time (工程将提前完成)。 若下文与预测一致或基本一致, 则证明自己对上文理解正确, 可以继续阅读; 若不一致, 则说明对已读信息的理解有偏差, 或这里有特殊含义, 需要调整自己的思路, 或应给予特别的注意。 通常, 我们可以借助于语法结构、常用句型进行预测; 通过标题或主题句进行预测; 结合自己的背景知识进行预测; 根据语篇标志的提示词或者连接上下文的承接手段(Transitional Devices)来进行预测等等。 同样, 我们也可根据所给的某一段文章的内容, 来推测上文讨论的是什么话题, 或已经谈到过什么事情。以 \progress on the subway has not actually stopped, it is likely that the comp1etion of the project will be delayed.\为例。根据该句所提供的信息, 我们可以推测到上文讨论的内容可能是\hampered the project.\罢工已经严重影响了工程的进展); 而不可能是 \give his men a pay rise.\老板同意给工人增加工资。) 例5:1995年6月的四级试卷第31题 We can infer from the passage that _____ A) English people, like most people in other countries, dislike living in flats. B) People in most countries of the world today are not opposed to living in flats. C) People in Britain are forced to move into high blocks of flats D) Modern flats still fail to provide the necessary facilities for living 本题考核学生根据上下文进行推断的能力。文章中说英国人在住房间题上与当今世界上许多国家的居民有着不同的看法, 他们反对住高层公寓, 文章中还列举了许多理由说明这一点, 而且指出这种习惯很难改变。既然英国人与许多国家的居民不同, 反对住高层公寓, 那么世界上许多国家的居民便是不反对住高层公寓, 因此正确的答案是选项B。可是只有大约26%的考生答对了本题,大部分人只注意个别句子的意思, 未能理解文章中隐含的意义. 四. 练习 The word \节俭)meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourse1ves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials; most of
them, even until very recently, had this foo1ish idea that the treasures were \
\and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a 1iving body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or 1ater be harmful to a11 the others. Fifty years ago nature study was not part of the schoo1 work; scientific forestry was a new idea:timber was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river f1oods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper 1and use; even the word \day. For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about repairing the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyone's daily life. To know about the water table(地下水位) in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic arithmetic formulas. We need to know why all watersheds need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and river must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, mature trees, because living space for most of man's fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic volume above the earth. In brief, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can. Question: It can be inferred from the third paragraph that earlier generations didn't realize _____. A ) the interdependence of water, soil and living things B) the importance of the proper use of land C) the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floods D) the value of the beauty of nature 这个问题的答案是A。在文章中并不能找到the
interdependence of water, soil and living things。我们在第一段可以找到这样一个句子: Most of the citizens or earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a 1iving body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or 1ater be harmful to a11 the others. 由此我们可以看出答案是A。 在阅读理解测试中, 要求进行判断和推理的问题, 通常有以下几种形式: 1. The writer (author, passage ) implies (suggests) that _______. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that _____. 3. An inference, which may not be made from this passage, is _____. 4. Which of the following can be readily inferred from the passage? 5. It can be concluded from the passage that ______. 6. What does the author conclude about _________? 7. We may conclude from reading the passage that ______. 8. The passage is intended to ______. 9. The paragraph preceding (following) this one would most likely state (discuss, deal with) ________. 10. Where would this paragraph most probably appear (be found)? 练习:::::::::::...................... passage four: A contract is an agreement which is enforceable by law. It can be long or short, formal or informal, simple or complicated, and verbal or written. Without a contract or agreement to bind the contracting parties, any international business or transaction would be impossible. Long ago, people exchanged promises in making bargains and binding the conduct of others. This exchange of promises came to be known as \ promise or agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance. When an agreement is reached, a contract is formed. Once a contract is officially signed by the concerned parties, it creates legal obligations in the sense of law. A contract is the only document between the parties to which they may refer for clarification of mutual responsibilities. It should not be viewed as merely a document that initiates transaction and then filed and forgotten by the contracting parties. It must be drafted with an awareness of the background of the law in which the transaction takes place. It is
proper to obtain legal advice as to the best set of contractual terms appropriate to the product and type of business. Though most of the contracts have many provisions in common, each is different from the others owing to the nature of the goods. Whether we are dealing with a long or pre-printed form of the contract, there are certain key provisions that every contract should contain to avoid ambiguity and possible future conflicts. Whether to include other specific provisions depends on the type of goods, shipping and insurance complexities, and degree of trust and mutual confidence existing between buyer and seller. 16.According to the passage the main purpose of making a contract is to ________. A) legalize a promise between related parties B) bind the contracting parties C) initiate a transaction D) make bargains 17.A contract can not create legal obligations in the sense of law unless ________. A) it is agreed on by concerned parties B) the contracting parties accept it C) it is enforced by law D) the
contracting parties signed it officially 18.Which of the following statements about the contract is true? A) It must be an agreement in the written form. B) It is a way of minimizing conflicts in international business or transaction. C) Its main function in commerce is to begin a transaction. D) It should contain as many details as possible. 19.In drafting a contract of international transaction, one need not take into consideration ______. A) the nature of the goods B) the product and type of business C) the laws of a specific country where the business is to be done D) the physical health of contracting paries 20. As to contents of a contract, which of the following is not true? A) It differs from one another due to the difference existing in the nature of goods B) It should be presented in language that is clear and precise C) Apart from the key provisions that must be included, whether to include any other special provisions depends on a lot of factors. D) When there is a high degree of mutual trust and confidence between the buyer and the seller,the inclusion of the key provisions is not required.
16.参看本文第一段第二句,不定式“to bind the contracting parties”修饰“contract”,即合同的目的在于约束签约双方的行为。答案为B). 17.参看本文第一段最后一句。选项A)和B):合同当然是在双方都同意接受的情况下签订的,但双方都同意并不意味着合同自然而然地具有法律效力,还需要有一个法律程序,即双方正式的签约行为。答案为D). 18.从第一段可知,合同不仅限于书面的,也有口头的,排除A)项。由第二段可知C)不对。D)明显错误。因此答案为B). 19.用排除法,A)见第三段首句。B)和C)见第二段最后两句。“with an awareness of the background of the law in which the transaction takes place”明确指出:交易在哪个国家进行,就必须考虑到那个国家的法律。因此答案为D)。D项原文没有提到。 20.见最后一段,合同条款必须“avoid ambiguity”,避免语义含混,以免发生纠纷,因此 合同的语言需要精确、清晰。另外,有一些条款是每个合同都有的,不因买主与卖主之间关系密切而例外。因此答案为D).
第七章 如何确定作者的观点和态度 一篇文章不可避免地反映了作者的观点、态度和情绪。能否正确把握作者的观点和态度也是体现阅读能力的一个重要方面。一般来说, 对作者的总的态度和倾向, 必须在通读全文、掌握了主题思想和主要事实后, 方能作出判断。在判断作者观点态度时, 我们应注意以下几个问题: 1. 有时作者先介绍了某一种观点, 却接着在后面提出了相反的观点。因此, 要正确判断作者的态度或观点, 必须将上下文联系起来看。要注意文章中所陈述的内容并非都代表了作者的观点。 例1:Directions: Decide whether or not each of the following statements approves of the
book written by Professor Baker 1) Professor Baker's publisher has stated that this new book will soon take the place of all the old standard works in this field; in view, however, of both the style and content of Professor Baker's book, I find this claim most difficult to accept. 2) When I first opened the package containing a copy of Professor Baker's latest book and read its title, I must admit I felt a sudden sinking of the heart; yet once I had gathered courage to begin my reading, I found the work so far beyond my wildest hopes that I actually missed supper rather than put the volume down unfinished. 在1)文中, 作者在前面引用了出版者的赞扬之辞, 而后接着表明难以接受此说法, 说明他对此书持否定态度。 在2)文中, 作者先说刚看到此书书名时很失望, 然后用\表示转折, 以至到最后爱不释手, 表明他赞许此书。 2. 此外, 作者也可通过使用词汇的手段暗示自己对文中某一具体问题所持的态度和观点。这时, 我们要特别仔细琢磨文中所用词汇的特点, 弄明白作者的态度是赞成还是反对, 是肯定还是否定。 例2:Directions: Decide which of the following statements was written by a person in favor of small-town life 1) Possibly there are those who derive pleasure from turning back the clock and seeking out the virtues we fondly imagine to have been associated with life in small towns in bygone days. Yet the most superficial reading of contemporary accounts dealing with such an existence makes it quite clear that full enjoyment of life's true pleasures would be much more appreciated. 2) It is true that city-dwellers and suburbanites can enjoy certain facilities that may be denied to the inhabitants of small towns. What they miss, however, far outweighs such advantages, which, in any case, the vast majority rarely has the time or energy to take advantage of. 在1)文中, 作者在谈到喜欢小城镇生活的人时用了\来表示不肯定的语气, 在谈到小城镇生活的长处时用了\据我们想像与……相连系)\来减弱其客观性, 暗示未必真是如此。可见该作者不赞同小城镇的生活。 在2)文中, 作者在谈到城市生活的方便时用了\一词以表示其有限性, 并用\towns(小城镇的居民也许没有)\来表示不肯定。然而在谈到城市生活所失去的东西时用了\such advantages\大大超过了这些好处)来加以强调。可见这篇文章的作者是赞同小城镇生活的。 例3:Directions: Read the following passage and select the best answer to the question. Television is now playing a very important part in our lives. But television, like other things, has both advantages and disadvantages. Do the former outweigh the latter? In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere. They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera, only to discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing. All they have to do is press a button, and they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match. Some people, however, maintain that this is precisely where the danger lies. The television viewer takes no initiative. He makes no choice and exercises no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs, which are both instructive and entertaining. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one's sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this service just as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real. Yet here again there is a danger. We get used to looking at it, so dependent on its flickering pictures, that it begins to dominate our lives. There are many other arguments for and against television. The poor quality of its programs is often criticized. But it is undoubtedly a great comfort to many lonely elderly people. And does it corrupt or instruct our children? I think we must
realize that television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society. Which of the following can best describe the view of the author? A) Television has not only advantages but also disadvantages. B) The advantages of television outweigh its disadvantages. C) Television has neither advantages nor disadvantages. D) It is not clearly seen in the passage. 从全文来看, 虽然作者既提到优点也提到缺点, 但是主要倾向是肯定优点, 在谈到缺点时用了 \表示了持这种看法的人有限。因此B符合题意。 三、练习 I find it takes the young writer a long time to become aware or what 1anguage really is as a medium of communication. He thinks he should be able to put down his meaning at once and be done with it, and he puts it down and releases his feeling for it in language that is meaningless to anyone else. He has to 1earn he can load almost any form of words with his meaning and be expressing himself but communicating nothing. He has to 1earn that language has grown naturally out of the human need to communicate, that it belongs to a11 those who use it, and its communicative capacities have developed to meet the general need, that it is most alive when the language is spoken, supported as it always is by the look and action of the speaker. He must come to see that speech is filled with cliches which are the common counters best serving the general need. Words and phrases that come off his tongue made alive by the living presence of himself become on paper dead transcriptions(抄写). Somehow he must overcome the capacity of words to remain dead symbols of meaning as they are in the dictionary. He must breathe life into them as he sets them on paper. The author implies that young writers are ___________. A) in too much a hurry to have their say B) lacking in confidence. C) too critical in analyzing their own work D) lacking in the ability to find topics 作者在这一段中指出, 青年作家要经过很长时间才能弄清语言作为交际工具的真正含义, 那些以为可以轻松地一下子就能写出自己的思想, 一劳永逸地表达感情的青年作家难免会写出言之无物的东西来。仔细体会这两句话, 我们注意到, 作者在说明这一事实的同时, 使用了\以及接下来的\等词语, 表达了作者的真实意图, 即批评某些青年作家的自以为是。因此答案应选A。 我们也可以用排除法来做这道题。第四、五两句说明青年作家过于自信, 不严于苛责自己的作品, B、C两个选择项的内容正与此相反. 因而可以排除, 本文未谈到作家们寻找题材的能力问题, 故D也可排除, 仅剩A为正确答案。 做这类题目时, 考生应仔细阅读, 品味作者的意思。不可匆忙出选择。总的来讲应注意以下几个方面: A. 明确作者的观点和写作意图; B. 分析文字信息, 明确细节是如何说明、支持中心意思的; C. 注意区分字面意思与隐含意思, 尤其是作者虽未直言道出但强烈暗示的意思; D. 推论必须是在原文的基础上做出的, 绝对不能掺进文章以外的、个人的看法或臆断。 练习:
Passage 1 I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common people of the world could meet one another at football or cricket (板球) they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies (无聊) of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles. Nearly all the sports practiced nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise; but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level sport is frankly mimic (模拟的) warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators, and, behind the spectators, of the
nations who work themselves into furies (发怒) over these absurd (荒唐的) contests, and seriously believe -- at any rate for short periods -- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue. 1. Which of the following best represents the writer's view? A) He considers it is definitely impossible that sport can create goodwill between nations and avoid wars. B) He thinks it is funny to have such opinion that sport can build up a peaceful world. C) He laughs at this absurd opinion. D) He treats it seriously. 2. The writer thinks that the sports are
___________. A) competitive B ) absurd C) disgraced D) mimic Passage 2 Dear Editor, We are wasting our time and good money by asking scientists to solve the problem of air pollution. They are blaming cars and motorists. It is the smoke from factories that is ruining our air. I sincerely believe that these so-called scientists should try working in a factory from midnight to 8 a.m, and maybe they would discover something that would surprise them. If the scientists could use their knowledge to direct the winds in such a way as to send this factory smoke Joseph Award The overall tone of this letter is. A) instructive and serious B) informative and clever C) argumentative and rash D) humorous and sincere
参考答案:passage 1: A, B; passage 2: C
在阅读理解测试中, 要求确定作者观点和态度的问题, 通常有以下几种形式: 1. The author gives the impression that ________. 2. The author's view is __________. 3. The author thinks that ____________. 4. The author suggests that ______________. 5. Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards... 6. What is the tone of the passage? 7. The tone of the passage can be best described as ___________. 8. According to the author _____________.
练习 Passage five Lincoln was a strong executive who saved the government, saved the United States. He was a President who understood people, and, when time came to make decisions, he was willing to take the responsibility and make those decisions, no matter how difficult they were. He knew how to treat people and how to make a decision stick, and that's why he is regarded as such a great Administration. Carl Sandburg and a lot of others have tried to make something out of Lincoln that he wasn't. He was a decent man, a good politician, and a great President, and they've tried to build up things that he never even thought about. I'll bet a dollar and a half that if you read Sandburg's biography of Lincoln, you'll find things put into Lincoln's mouth and mind that never even occurred to him. He was a good man who was in the place where he ought to have been at the time important events were taking place, but when they write about him as though he belongs in the pantheon(众神庙)of the gods, that's not the man he really was. He was the best kind of ordinary man, and when I say that he was an ordinary man, I mean that as high praise, not deprecation. That's the highest praise you can give a man. He's one of the people and becomes distinguished in the service that he gives other people. He was one of the people, and he wanted to stay that way. And he was that way until the day he died. One of the reasons he was assassinated was because he didn't feel important enough to have the proper guards around him at Ford's Theatre. 21.According to the passage, Lincoln was ________. A) a man belonging in the pantheon of the gods B) defied(藐视)by all the people C) as ordinary as all the other people. D) a responsible person 22.What's the author's comment on Carl Sandburg's biography of Lincoln? A) It's objective. B) It's unfair to Lincoln. C) It sang high praise of Lincoln D) It's widely read. 23.What's the author's attitude toward Lincoln?
out to sea forever, then we would be able to solve the problem of air pollution.
A) admiring B) indifferent C) critical D) affectionate 24.Which of the following titles suits the passage best? A) Lincoln--an Ordinary Man B) Lincoln--a Great Politician C) Lincoln's Biography by Carl Sandburg D) How was Lincoln Assassinated? 25.In the author's opinion, an ordinary man _________. A) is a mediocre(平庸的)person B) can never become distinguished C) indicates deprecation D) can be used to praise a person
21.参见第二段第四句话,可知A)正是作者所批驳的观点。B)项明显不对。至于C)选项,虽然作者认为林肯是个普通人,但他是“the best kind of ordinary man”所以C)也是错误的。应该选择D)是因为第一段第二句中说“…he was willing to take the tesponsibility…” 22.根据文章第二段,可知Sandburg的林肯传记过分褒扬了林肯,所以它不可能是客观的,也不会对林肯有所不公。C)则是正确选项。至于D),文中并没有提及。 23.在文章中,作者批评了一些将林肯神化的观点,提出林肯是一个普通人,他将这一称法作为\,仅根据这一点,即可判断A)是正确选项,而且第一段本身也充满对林肯的赞誉之辞。 24. A.文章主体是第二段,而第二段的主旨就在论述林肯是个最优秀的普通人,而不是象有些人塑造的那个神一般的林肯,所以选A)。 25.作者在文章第二段中明确提出“I mean that (an ordinary man) as high praise, not deprecation”,所以A)、C)可被排除。B)与林肯本身显然矛盾。所以选D).
第八章 如何猜测词义(一) 在阅读中, 我们往往会遇到一些不认识的单词或短语, 或者认识的单词在文章中有了新的意义、如果这些词或短语不影响对文章主要内容的理解, 我们便可以将它们略过, 继续阅读。如果了解这些词语的意思对正确理解文意很重要, 这时, 我们就必须根据上下文的联系, 对它们的意义进行猜测, 使之不影响对整篇文章的阅读理解。需要注意的是, 一个单词通常有好几个意思, 我们要解决的是这些词在文中所表达的意思。因此, 不可脱离上下文, 只根据自己以前了解的词义来确定其意义。通常, 猜测词义可采用以下几种方法: 一、利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的联系或下文进一步的叙述, 猜测词义。 1.The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood. 如不知道vampire的词义, 从上文1ives on blood(靠吸血而生存)则可得知其词义为吸血昆虫。 2.The old man put on his spectacles and began to read. 如不知道spectacles的词义, 从下文\戴上'spectacles'后开始阅读\可猜得其词义为\眼镜\。 3.I'm sorry I've been monopolizing you. Your other dinner companion should have the chance to talk to you, too. 根据第二个句子的意思, 可猜出monopolize之意为\独占\。 4.If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. 根据and never give up a thing ...可猜测perseverance之意为\坚韧不拔\ 5.Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, even if they are far away and the trip is hard or dangerous. 根据后半句让步状语从句, 可猜测instinct为\本能\。 6.14,000 sanitation workers who carry off, yearly, three million tons of refuse and keep 7,500 miles of streets clean and free of snow. 从上下文可猜出sanitation workers为\环卫工人\。 7.Human beings are a unique species. They have larger brains than any other beings. They have the gift of speech and can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. 从上下文可猜出the gift of speech为“语言天赋”。 8.Our earth is very old. It holds many secrets about life in the past. Archaeologists dig in the ground and bring out these secrets. They discover objects thousands of years old that inform us about how people lived long ago. 不难猜出Archaeologists 为“考古学家” 。 9.One of the newest American expressions is \It questions if something is as good or as honest as it claims to be. 根据第二个句子的意思, 可猜测\之意为“拿出证据来” 。 10.The girl began to feel homesick because she had
been away from her family for years. 状语部分的意思是“她离开家人好几年了”, 对于一个女孩子来说, “想家”的结果是必然的。所以, 我们通过状语从句所提供的信息可以推断出homesick的意思是“想家的”。 11.The teacher did not hear the knocking at the door because he was completely engrossed in his reading. 以因果关系为线索, 可确定engrossed的意思为“被吸引”, “全神贯注”。 12.I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won't give it up easily. 通过第二句, 可推出resolute的意思是\坚定的\。 二. 利用文中的举例猜测词义。 常见的举例的提示词有:for example, such as , for instance 等。 1.Some artists plan their paintings around geometric forms like squares, circles and triangles. 如不知道\的意思, 可从文中所列举的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得其意义为“几何图形”。 2.Today young couples who are just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing-machines, refrigerators and color televisions. 如不知道appliances的意思, 从文中的举例washing-machines(洗衣机), refrigerators(冰箱), color televisions(电视机)可以猜出该词的意思为“家用电器”。 3.There were disastrous fires in some cities, such as the great fire of London in 1666. such as 列举出如1666年伦敦大火一类“灾难性”(即disastrous)的火灾。 4. The government promises to give millions of deprived black the essentials in life -- housing, education, health facilities, and job opportunities. 可猜出essentials是“必需品”。 三. 利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语, 猜测词义。 1.The invention of snorkel, a long air tube that reaches up to the surface, has made it possible for submarines to use their diesel engine even when they are submerged. 句中snorkel一词的意思, 可通过其同位语a long air tube that reaches up to the surface来猜得。由此我们可以确定该词的意思为“通气管”。 2.Tom was a roamer, a wanderer who could never stay in one place. roamer是生词, 但wanderer是由我们所熟悉的wander变化而来的名词, 那可以推出的意思是“流浪汉”。 3.Nearby is the race course, where the town's most famous car race is held each year on May 30th. 以where引导的定语从句为依据, course应是汽车赛举行的地点, 所以排除“过程”, “课程”, “航向”, 而要定义为“跑道”。 4.The type of meter is called multimeter, which is used to measure electricity. 通过定语从句which is used to measure electricity(用来测量电的), 我们可以将multimeter的词义确定为“万用表”。 5.They will be on the night shift ---- from midnight to 6 a.m. - next week. 由破折号之间的解释内容, 我们可以了解到night shift意思为“夜班”。 6.To train the students to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual clues, namely, through the words before or after the words they may not know. namely后面的内容解释说明了contextual clues为“情景线索”。 7.In sports, especially athletics, success is often prevented by psychological obstacles, that is, barriers that exist in the mind only. that is后面的内容解释说明了psychological obstacles为“心理障碍”。
练习..... Passage 6 It doesn't make any difference how long your speech is. Unless you tune in your audience in the first 60 seconds, the chances are they will tune you out. Take the fellow who opens: \I told him he'd do much better if he asked for a quarter. He said, 'Do you think I'm going into the Ritz in these clothes?'\has no connection with his speech: \ audience laughing at the wrong time. Once you have an audience laughing it's hard to get them to switch to an entirely different train of thought. There is nothing wrong with humor in a speech as long as it has something to do with the purpose of his speech. To open a speech with humor just to be entertaining invites an almost sure \ 26. What, in a speech, determines its failure or success? A) The purpose of the speech. B) A sense of humor. C) The opening remarks. D) The tune of the speech. 27. If a speaker decides to be humorous, his humor should A) be connected with his subject. B) make his audience laugh. C) be fresh and different. D)
be reserved for the end. 28. According to the passage, the speaker on \
made ... in the use of humor. A) one mistake B) two mistakes C) three mistakes D) no mistakes 29. \ A) to make your audience go away at once. B) likely to cause your audience to lose interest. C) to switch their thoughts to other things. D) invites your audience to laugh with you. 30. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the passage? A) The opening part of your speech should not be long. B) Humor is important in the success of your speech. C) Your humor should be relevant and timely. D) An outstanding speech is full of jokes.
26. Unless you tune in your audience in the first 60 seconds 告诉我们开场白最重要。故答案为C)项。 27. His bit of humor, ... has no connection, 说明幽默的关键是要切题。逗乐而不切题是无济于事的。故选A)。 28. 两个错。第一,笑话与报告内容毫不相关,为笑而笑。第二,引笑得不是时候,很难再将听众的心收回来。故选B). 29. Turn off其意为\关灯;离开\,转意为\生厌;反感\。故选B). 30. A)和B)只讲了全文的一个方面,全文关于开场白有三个要点:要有幽默感,要切题,不可太长。 D).的意思与文章不符。故选C)。
第九章 如何猜测词义(二) 四. 利用文中的反义词猜测词义。 表示对比的词有but, while, however, otherwise 等。 1.American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late. 文中be punctual.的意思, 可理解为not come late, 即\准时, 不迟到\。 2.Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends. 根据文中Unlike的意思, shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.应该表达了\相反的意思, 所以gregarious的意思为\好交际的\。 3.A vegetarian does not want meat, but may rate the utility of banana very highly, while a meat-eater may prefer steak. 句中vegetarian通过while与meat-eater对比, 可猜为“吃素者”。 4.Most of them agreed; however, John dissented. dissented通过however与agreed对比, \反对\。 5.I try hard not to make serious mistakes, but inevitably I slip up. slip up通过but与make serious mistakes对比, 可猜为\犯小错误\。 6.Jane was talking with others while Bliza remained reticent all the time. 根据while的提示, 前后对照, reticent的含义是\沉默寡言\。 7.All of these ideas about the
communication of the future are fantasies, to be sure, but many of them are fantasies that are very likely to become realities. fantasies与realities意义相反, 可猜测其词义为\幻想\。 8.104 studies, involving 15,000 people is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness. optimism\乐观主义\与Pessimism意义相反, 可猜Pessimism之意为\悲观主义\。 五. 利用同义词, 近义词或词组。 1.Should the government regulate the cost of resources such as oil and gas? Some people do not believe that government control is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel. 文中regulate的词义可猜测为与government control的意思相近。 2.One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue is of greatest importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever. 文中predominant的词义可猜测为与of greatest importance的意思相近。 3.Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task. The job is so large, in fact, that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted. 文中enormous 的词义可猜测为与so large 的意思相近。 4.Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to
these regions to solve the mystery of a long healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity. 生词longevity,的意思为“长命的、长寿的”。 5.All the other members are of the same opinion. They are unanimous. unanimous与of the same opinion同义, 可猜为“ 一致同意的”。 6.I see people, old and young alike, are now taking tests of intelligence, education and skill. I wonder why there is not test of one's virtue or goodness. 句中or后的goodness解释了virtue, 其意为“善行”。 六. 利用下文定义的句子猜测词义。 1.In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Taboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands, used to describe something forbidden. 根据句子内容, 可猜测Taboo为“禁忌”。 2.Instinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with. 根据句子内容, 可猜测Instinctive behavior为“本性”。 3.An expedition is a long, organized trip or journey, which is made into an unfamiliar area for a particular purpose by a group of people. 句中which引导的定语从句进一步解释了expedition之意为“远征队”。 4.Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. 根据定语从句, 可猜测artificial-intelligence之意为“人工智能”。 5.A gorilla always makes me think of the word aloof-- not friendly, of distance from others. 破折号后的内容是aloof一词\不友好, 冷漠\的释意。 6. We all use onomatopoeic words --words that sound like the noise they are describing. 不难猜出
onomatopoeic words意为\象声词\。 7. English speakers use a lot of euphemisms---polite, less direct words for thing or ideas that cause embarrassment. euphemisms意思是\委婉说法\。 8. Children also need convictions -- something (and someone)to trust, to hold up as worthy of admiration. convictions意为\信念\。 9. Globalization---one world one economy integration, is the buzz word of the 1990s. 破折号后one world one economy integration是Globalization一词\全球经济一体化\的释义。 七. 利用构词法猜测词义。 1.They overestimate the interviewee's ability and asked him many difficult questions. 在overestimate词中是前缀, 意思是\过分---\。因此, overestimate的词义可猜测为\过高估计\。 2. We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel. That was why we had to pay so much for it. spacious是由词根 space(空间)和ious(形容词后缀)构成。由此我们可以猜出其意思为\有空间的, 宽敞的\。 八. 综合法。 以上几种猜测词义的方法不是互不联系的, 有时可以同时采用几种方法猜测词义。 1.Since the discovery of nuclear energy there has been bitter controversy. In the supporters' view, atomic energy offers the only chance of survival for civilization. The opponents, however, think that it is the most direct way to extinction. While extremists on both sides shout slogans, moderates tend to agree that new sources of energy will eventually be developed and that nuclear energy will play its part. 根据上下文, 可以猜出controversy为\争端\。在\争端\中就会有\支持者\和\反对者\而两派中还会有\激进派\和\温和派\。 2.Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and the extended family, which may include three or more generations living together. 根据定语从句, 可猜测extended family意思是\大家庭\与extended family意思相反, 可猜测nuclear family为\小家庭\。 总之, 在英语阅读中运用和掌握这些猜词方法, 就会在很大程度上减少生词的数量, 有助于提高阅读速度和培养阅读能力.
练习: Reading the following selections and
determine the meanings of the words in bold print. 1. The ruler had been so cruel and dishonest that after the revolution she was banished. A few members of the Senate opposed this decision, but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the country forever. A) killed by stoning B) sent away C) imprisoned D) punished by whipping 2. The prisoner seemed to relax but actually he was thinking hard, while his hand moved so slowly that the movement was imperceptible. It was only when the keys accidentally fell from the table that the guard suddenly realized that the prisoner's hand had almost reached them. A) hardly noticeable
B) heavy-handed C) not capable of fast or immediate action D) a matter of habit 3. Mrs. Morgan's son was intelligent and charming, but his continual extravagance made her wonder if she could continue to support him. Each month she was going deeper into debt, attempting to pay for his expensive purchases. A) superior manner B) wastefulness or carelessness in spending money C) showing too great concern for current fashions D) insults to family or close friends 4. Although the hazards of the trip were many -- for example, the unbearable heat, the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost, the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes ---- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go. A) pleasures B) conveniences C) dangers D) equipment
参考答案:B, A, B, C
在阅读理解中要求判断词语意思的问题, 通常有以下形式: 1. According to the author, the word \ 2. By \ 3. Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to \ 4. The word \_____________. 5. The word \
练习:::::::: Passage 7 Recent studies have identified four major global environmental risks: acid rain, ozone depletion, deforestation and the greenhouse effect. On the whole, thanks to technological changes, people now tend to move toward warmer regions in North America and Europe. Climate warming will probably be a boon to Alaska, which is America's least productive state in Gross National Product (GNP) per square mile. Studies of the impact of global warming on the United States and other developed regions find that the most vulnerable areas are those dependent on unmanaged ecosystems-on naturally occurring rainfall, run-off and temperatures, and the extremes of these variables. Agriculture, forestry and coastal activities fall into this category. Most economic activity in industrialized countries, however, depends very little on the climate. Intensive-care units of hospitals, communications, heavy manufacturing and microelectronics are among the sectors likely to be unaffected by climatic change. In selecting whether to set up in, say, Hong Kong or in Warsaw, few businesses will consider temperature a weighty factor. Greenhouse warming would have little effect on America's national output. About 3% of American GNP originates in climate-sensitive sectors such as farming and forestry. Another 10% comes from sectors only modestly sensitive-energy, water systems, property and construction. For the largest share, 87%, comes from sectors, including most services, that are negligibly affected by climate change. 31. Which of the following environmental problems is the article talking about? A) Acid rain. B) Ozone depletion. C) Deforestation. D) The greenhouse effect. 32. Climate warming will probably NOT be A) an advantage to Alaska. B) a disaster for Alaska. C) a help to Alaska. D) a blessing to Alaska. 33. Which of the following activities must consider climate as important factor? A) Microelectronics. B) Communications. C) Banking. D) Farming. 34. How much of American GNP comes from sectors that are affected by climate changes? A) 3% B) 10% C) 87% D) 13% 35. In industrialized countries, what businesses are scarcely affected by climate changes? A) Water systems B) Energy and property. C) Services. D)Coastal activities.
31. 这篇短文谈论的是气温变化(即温室效应)与经济发展的关系,至于酸雨、臭氧层空洞或砍伐森林等问题,只是列举气候环境问题时提了一下,没有详谈。故答案为D)。 32.这道题主要考boon一词,boon意为\恩惠、裨益\。阿拉斯加是个极其寒冷的地区,所以,温度上升对它来说不是灾难,相反是件好
事。注意此题是从反面提出的,正确的答案应是B)。 33.气候变化对微电子工业、通讯技术以及金融业都没有影响,但对农业生产影响很大,因此D)为正确答案。 34.根据文章提供的数据,美国国民经济总收入的大约3%来源于与气候变化有密切联系的行业,另有10%来源于与气候有关但关系不太大的行业,剩下的87%几乎与气候变化毫无关系。所以,其中与气候有关的应该是13%。故正确答案为D)。 35.水系、能源和房地产行业在一定程度上受气候变化的影响,沿海作业对气候变化很敏感,只有服务行业几乎不受气候影响,所以正确答案为C)。
第十章 简短回答题题型解析 简短回答题(Short Answer Questions)在全国四、六级英语考试中属新题型,这种新题型已从1997年元月起在全国四、六级考试中陆续使用。在四、六级考试卷面上, “简短回答”题部分紧接在\阅读理解\部分之后。位于Paper Two上, 和写作(Writing)并列为两道大题, 每次考试为三百字左右的文章, 文章类型的难易度与阅读理解部分的类似。文章后面有五个问答题或不完整的句子, 要求考生在阅读文章以后用简短的英文句子、单词或短语, 来回答所提出的问题或完成不完整的句子。考试时间为15分钟, 分值为15分, 与写作部分并重。可见, 简短问答题做得好与坏、优与劣, 直接关系到整个卷面的得分。 一. 题型的目的和宗旨 简答题是主观题的一种类型。这种题型不仅可以检验学生对文章的理解, 同时还可以测试学生对英语的基本语法知识的掌握程度, 对语言文字的表达、驾驭能力, 是一种极好的能够体现学生综合素质的题型。 二. 答题要求和评分标准 简答题要求考生在读懂文章的前提下, 用正确、简短的语言回答问题。这就要求考生回答问题时要注重\正确、简短\这四个字的含义。 首先, “正确”体现在两个方面: 1. 回答的内容必须正确:考生所运用的表达方式可以多种多样, 各不相同, 但必须遵循一个原则, 那就是必须回答得正确, 要准确到位, 不能问东答西, 牛头不对马嘴。 2. 语言的表达形式必须正确:要用合乎语法规范的语言表达清楚。语言出现错误时便会扣分。当然简答题的宗旨是注重内容而不太注重形式, 所以即便考生表达出现多种语言错误, 都只扣掉0. 5分。 其次, “简短”是很重要的标准。考生回答问题时, 要言简意赅, 切忌罗嗦。因此如果考生回答问题时出现无关的内容时, 便要扣除0. 5分, 而且如果答案中有相互矛盾的内容时, 则内容矛盾的部分均不得分。 三. 答题技巧 根据以上的答题宗旨和要求, 我们在做这种题目时, 就必须要注意一些答题技巧。一般来讲, 作简短问答题应遵循以下几个步骤来进行: 1. 阅读要有的放矢。可先用一分钟左右的时间, 来大致了解一下文章后面提出的问题及其所问的内容, 做到阅读文章时心中有数, 带着问题去阅读。这样做最大的优点是避免了阅读中的盲目性,既节约了阅读时间, 又提高了阅读效率, 同时也就把握住了回答问题的准确度。 2. 然后, 用五分钟左右的时间来仔细阅读文章, 阅读速度一般为每分钟60个单词, 不宜过快过急, 否则就要影响理解效果, 欲速则不达。阅读时凭借脑中对各题所问内容的印象, 捕捉与问题有关的信息词。在原文和问题有关短语、句子上做相应的标记。以便做题时查找。 3. 原则上, 读一遍原文即可答题, 一般难度的问题到此即可获得圆满答案。如果有的问题较难, 难以立刻找到答案, 可有选择地再仔细阅读原文中与该题有关的内容。切忌考生凭自己的主观臆断来答题。 4. 答题时尽量使用自己的语言, 不要过多地照抄文中的语句。答案要简洁、扼要, 书写要工整清晰, 争取以最简单易懂的词句来说明问题。 5. 答案一定要写在该题所要求写的地方, 以避答非所问之嫌, 而影响得分。 三. 答题技巧 根据以上的答题宗旨和要求, 我们在做这种题目时, 就必须要注意一些答题技巧, 为了能够直观地阐述清楚, 我们选取一篇文章为例: In Britain, the old Road Traffic Act restricted speeds to 2 m.p.h. (miles per hour ) in towns and 4 m.p.h. in the country. Later Parliament increased the speed limit to 14 m.p.h.. But by 1903 the development of the car industry had made it necessary to raise the limit to 20 m.p.h.. By 1930, however, the law was so widely ignored that speeding restrictions were done away with altogether. For five years motorists were free to drove at whatever speeds they liked. Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m.p.h. speed limit in built-up areas, along with the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian (行路人) crossings. Speeding is now the most common motoring offence in Britain, offences for speeding fall into three classes: exceeding the limit on a restricted road, exceeding on any
road the limit for the vehicle you are driving, and exceeding the 70 m.p.h. limit on any road. A restricted road is one where the street lamps are 200 yards apart, or more. The main controversy (争论) surrounding speeding laws is the extent of their safety value. The Ministry of Transport maintains that speed limits reduce accidents. It claims that when the 30 m.p.h. limit was introduced in 1935 there was a fall of 15 percent in fatal accidents. Likewise (同样的), when the 40 m.p.h. speed limit was imposed on a number of roads in London in the late fifties, there was a 28 percent reduction in serious accidents. There were also fewer casualties (伤亡) in the year after the 70 m.p.h. motorway limit was imposed in 1966. In America, however, it is thought that the reduced accident figures are due rather to the increase in traffic density. This is why it has even been suggested that the present speed limits should be done away with completely, or that a guide should be given to inexperienced drivers and the speed limits made advisory, as is done in parts of the USA. Questions: 1. During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits? From 1930 to 1935. / Between 1930 and 1935. 2. What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions? Driving tests and pedestrian crossings. 3. Speeding is a motoring offence a driver commits when he_____. Drivers too fast ./ exceeds the speed limit. 4. What is the opinion of British authorities concerning speeding laws? Speed limits reduce accidents. 5. What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents? The increase in traffic density 1. 越简单明了越好 一般来说, 这种题型得分高的往往都是那些表达非常简短的考生。要学会抓住关键字词, 问什么答什么, 不要有任何多余的、拖泥带水的废话, 这样不仅做到了简洁, 同时也避免了写长句容易出现语言错误的毛病。 2. 避免机械地整句照搬、要灵活变动。 考生如果原封不动地照搬一句扣0. 5分, 照搬两句以及两句以上扣2分, 因此即便是肯定原文中的某句就是正确答案, 也不要完整地抄下来, 而应做些变动。 下面再举一例: All that we really need to plot out the future of our Universe are a few good measurements. This does not mean that we can sit down today and outline the future course of the universe with anything like certainty. There are still too many things we don't know about the way the Universe is put together. We do know exactly what information we need to fill in our knowledge, and we have a pretty good idea of how to go about getting it. Perhaps the best way to think of our present situation is to imagine a train coming into a switchyard. All of the Switches are set before the train arrives, so that its path is completely determined. Some Switches we can see, others we can't. There is no ambiguity if We can see the setting of a switch: we can say with confidence that some possible futures will not materialize and others will. At the unseen switches,however, there is no such certainty. We know the train will take one of the tracks leading out, but we have no idea which one. The unseen switches are the true decision points in the future, and what happens when we arrive at them determines the entire subsequent course of events. When we think about the future of the universe. We can see our \there are decision points to be dealt with and possible fates to consider. The goal science is to reduce the ambiguity at the decision points and find the true road to follow. Questions: 1. Why is it difficult to be certain about the distant future of the universe? 2. What does the author comment on the function of the universe's unseen \ 3. What can we see when we think about the future of the universe? 4. Whom is the author probably Writing this passage to? 5. For what reason does the author write this article? 答案与讲解: 1. Because we are not sure how the universe is put together. 文章第一段第二句说:这不意味着我们可以坐在家里完全有把握勾画出宇宙未来的走向。接着第三句回答了第二句的原因:因为对宇宙的形成(put together)仍然知之甚少。 2. They determine which course the universe will take in the future. 文章第二段最后一句话说. 看不见的\控制钮\是未来真正的决择点. 当我们到达这些决择点时. 出现的情况将决定未来的整个前景的进程。 3. We can see our path many billion years into the future. 文章最后一段第一句话的主句就是本题的答案。 4. To the
people in general. 根据全文所传达的意思来看, 本文不是针对某些具体范畴的人而写的. 而是针对大众而写的。 5. By an analogy. 纵观全文, 作者采用了\类比\的修辞手法来进行描写。即把对未来宇宙的探索的未知成分比作调车场的转辙器, 有的可以看到, 有的不能看到。
练习: Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. K1eitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle. During the hours when you 1abor through your work you may say that you are \of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it 1eads to such familiar monologues as:Get up, John! You'll be late for work again! The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature and energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has. You can't change your energy cycle? But you can learn to make your 1ife fit it better. Habit can help, Dr.C1eitman believes. Maybe you are sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up 1ate any way. Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you will get up steam and work better at your low point. Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a 1eisurely yawn and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by 1aying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours. Questions: 1. If a person finds getting up early a problem, what is the most possible reason? 2. What is the reason leading to family quarrel? 3. What should one do if he wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning? 4. Why should you rise with a yawn and stretch? 5. What is the main idea of the passage?
1. He is at his peak in the afternoon or evening. 根据文章第二段的叙述, 任何人每天都有一个体温周期。如果你感到精力最充沛时, 就表示你的体温处于周期的高峰。有些人的高峰在上午, 有些人的在下午, 早上难于起床的人, 很可能他的周期高峰在下午。本段倒数第二句就是本题的答案。 2. unawareness of energy cycles. 第二段最后一句说, 如果夫妻双方弄清楚了能量周期的道理, 吵架也就结束了。所以吵架的原因也就是不懂得人的能量循环周期。 3. He should get up earlier than usual. 文章第三段倒数第二句说, 假如你上午的能量周期处于低谷, 而你在上午又有一件紧要的工作要做, 那你就应该比平常早起床。这就是本题的答案。 4. It will help keep my energy for the day's work. 文章第四段一、二句说, 动作慢一些起床, 可以节省体能, 起床时打打呵欠, 伸展肢体。这些都可以使你保持精力, 投入工作. 5. Man's energy cycle and himself-adjustment. 全文的大意是说, 人人都有一个能量代谢周期, 其周期有高峰和低谷, 高峰期精力充沛, 低谷期精力减弱。但人们可以进行自我调节, 变低谷为高峰, 使其更好地投入工作。
练习Passage 8 American women experience a great variety of lifestyles. A \woman may be single. She may also be divorced or married. She may be a homemaker, a doctor, or a factory worker. It is very difficult to generalize about American women. However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitude about themselves and their role in American life. Historically, American women have always been very independent. The first colonists to come to New England were of ten young couples who had left behind their extended family (i.e. their parents,sisters,
cousins, etc.). The women were alone in a new, undeveloped country with their husbands. This had two important effects. First of all, this as yet uncivilized environment demanded that every person share in developing it and in survival. Women worked along side their husbands and children to establish themselves in this new land. Second, because they were in a new land without the established influence of older members of society, women felt free to step into nontraditional roles. This role of women was reinforced in later years as Americans moved west, again leaving family behind and encountering a hostile environment. Even later, in the East, as new immigrants arrived, the women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the supporters of the family. Within the established lifestyle of industrialized twentieth century America, the strong role of women was not as dramatic as in the early days of the country. Some women were active outside the home; others were not. However, when American men went to war in the 1940s, women stepped into the men's jobs as factory and business workers. After the war, some women stayed in these positions, and others left their jobs with a new sense of their own capabilities. 36. A typical American woman is . A) single or married B) divorced C) sure about herself and her role D) all of the above 37. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the second paragraph? A) Two contrasting views of a problem are presented. B) An evaluation is explained and then reasons are given. C) A problem is examined and possible answers are given. D) Historical view is explained in comparison with the present. 38. During the industrialized twentieth century, the role of women . A) was strengthened B) was as important as early C) was declined D) was more reinforced than early days 39. Women took part in men's jobs during the time of . A) the Second World War B) the West movement C) was early immigration D) the industrialized twentieth century 40. What is the main idea of this passage? A) Different life
styles led by the American women. B) American women were free to step into nontraditional roles. C) American women worked hard to establish their roles in American history. D) American women were independent because they did not have to follow the regulations at all.
36.答案D)正确。见原文第一段。 37.答案B)正确。见原文第二段的整个结构:先提出历史上美国妇女的作用和地位,即富于独立性的评论,然后一一说明原由。所以选择B)。选择项A)中所说contrasting views (对立、相反的观点),选择项C)中的先提出问题然后给出答案的方法,及选择项D)中的历史与现实的对比手法等都是与原文不相符合的。 38.答案C)正确。原文…the strong role… was not as dramatic as in the early …,其中not as …as表示(程度上)不如…,而选择项C)中declined一词是\下降了\,两者意义上相同。而选择项A)与D)都表示\加强了\和reinforced,与原文意义不符。 39.答案A)正确。见原文…When men went to war in the 1940's, woman stepped into… 其中stepped into (踏入、介入)与题目中took part in (参与)意思相同;且1940's指二战期间,答案是A)。 40.答案A)正确。全文第一句是中心思想,下文是围绕这句展开说明的。
Passage 9 Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. Americans do not have a corner on the \United States leads the world with the worst taxes. Taxes consist of the money which people pay to support their government. There are generally three levels of government in the United States: federal, state, and city; therefore, there are three types of taxes. Salaried people who earn more than four to five thousand dollars per year must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal (national) government. The percentage varies for individuals. It depends on their salaries. The federal government has a two-level income tax; that is, 15 or 28 percent. $17850 is the cutoff. The tax rate is 15 percent
below $ 17850 and 28 percent above. The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, North Dakota, or any of the other forty-seven states. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government. Of course, the percentage for the state tax is lower. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state. For example, a person might want to buy a package of gum for twenty-five cents. If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, then the cost of the gum is twenty-seven cents. The third tax is for the city. This tax comes in two forms: property tax (residents who own a home have to pay taxes on it) and excise tax, which is levied on vehicles in a city. The cities utilize these funds for education, police and fire departments, public works (including street repairs, water and sanitation) and municipal buildings. Since Americans pay such high taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes. 41. A certain percentage of Americans' salaries has to be paid to . A) the national government C) the city B) the state government D) all of the above 42. The income tax for $20000 paid to the federal government is . A) $3000 B) $5600 C) $1600 D) $1000 43. Tax for the state government includes . A) property tax B) excise tax C) salary tax D) sales tax 44. Which of the following statements is true? A) America leads the world with a very good tax system. B) People in some states have to pay income tax to both the federal and state government. C) $ 17850 is the cutoff for two levels of income tax. D) Property tax is given on vehicles in a city. 45. What do Americans feel about their tax? A) It is justifiable. B) It is acceptable. C) It takes away 1/5 of their total work. D) It is not high. 参考答案
41.答案A)正确。见原文Salaried people who…to the federal government, 即答案A)是正确的。同时应结合全文来明确美国的三种税制:对联邦政府(federal government),应 交纳工资税(salary tax)和所得税(income tax),见原文第三段;对州政府(state government),应交纳收入税和销售税(sales tax),见原文第四段;对城市政府(city government),应交纳财产税(property tax)和消费税(excise tax),见文章第五段。 42.答案B)正确。见原文第三段标准,$20000超过17850,应按28%纳税,即$5600。 43.答案D)正确。见原文第四段,州政府税包括收入税和销售税,所以选择项中D)是正确的。 44.答案B)正确。从全文三、四两段中得出:有的美国人需向联邦及州政府交纳所得税,即选择项B)是答案。从全文作者所叙述的观点来看,得出的结论“worst taxes”(第3行)与选择项A)相反。选择项C)只适合联邦政府,但却没有明确;选择项 D)明显是不正确的,见第五段。 45.答案C)正确。见原文Since Americans pay such high taxes, they … feel …working one day each week to pay their taxes. 即占去5天工作日中1天的收入。所以无法得出美国人认为它是justifiable(公平的),acceptable(可接受的)及not high的结论。
Passage 10 The western has been the favorite type for American adventure story since the nineteenth century. While the American West was being settled, newspapers and \depend on stories of the frontier settlements and tall tales about living in the untamed wilderness to sell. The public back East was eager to read about the West, even if the stories were more fiction than fact. In 1902, Owen Wister published his novel The Virginian, which was one of the first novels to treat the western as a serious literary form; the novel still sells well and has inspired several movies and a television series. In 1905, Bertha H. Bower and Zane Grey published their first novels, and the popular western novel has continued to flourish from that day on, with current novels by Luke Short, Max Brand, and Louis L' Amour carrying on the tradition. The first western movie appeared even earlier than these serious western novels. Before the turn of the century, an associate of Edison's had filmed Cripple Creek Barroom Scene, a few seconds of film showing the inside of a saloon, to help publicize the
invention of the movie camera. In 1903 the Edison company filmed the first \Great Train Robbery. The film lasts less than fifteen minutes, but a story is told its entirety. In the movie, bandits rob a train and its passengers, killing the engineer, and find themselves tracked down by a posse. Audiences loved the movie. Some theaters were actually opened for the single purpose of showing The Great Train Robbery and only later realized that they could do equally well showing other movies. The film was so successful that other companies, and finally even the Edison company itself, began producing copies and other versions of The Great Train Robbery. Ironically, in an era when the West was still very real -Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma were all territories rather than states in 1903-The Great Train Robbery was filmed in New Jersey. 46. The purpose of this passage is to . A) discuss the making of the movie The Great Train Robbery B) discuss the early western novels C) discuss the art of movie making D) trace the development of the western as an American
adventure story tradition 47. Zane Grey was a . A) novelist B) actor C) cowboy D) movie producer 48. We can conclude from this passage that . A) people lost interest in the West after 1903 B) Owen Wister was an ex-cowboy C) New Jersey was still \wilderness\ D) films were fairly uncommon at the time The Great Train Robbery was made. 49. The passage suggests that . A) Edison's invention of the movie camera happened by accident B) movie houses didn't make much money in the early days C) Easterners were fascinated by the \ D) The Great Train Robbery was poorly received by the public because it lacked a plot 50. As used in this passage, the word \ A) humorous B) financial C) appropriate to literature D) amateur
46. 答案D)正确。题目像是本篇文章的写作目的,即作者的意图。这是一个典型的主旨题。作者回忆了早在本世纪初叶以来的美国冒险故事发展史。从1902年出版的小说,1903年的第一部电影,到1905年的第一批小说等。作者如此不吝惜笔墨,是为了追溯具有冒险故事传统的美国西部发展史 (trace the development of the western as an American adventure story tradition),故D)是答案。 47.答案A)正确。见第二段。 48.答案D)正确。见第三段。文中没有明确的文字表述,应根据所提供的信息,进行合理归纳,逻辑推理,通过The Great Train Robbery影片的成功放映,人们才开始认识到在影剧院也可以同样放映一些其它影片,于是其它制片公司甚至于the Edison公司本身便开始生产拷贝及其The Great Train Robbery的其它译本。通过以上信息,我们得出的结论应是D)项所表达的内容,那一时期的电影并非相当普及。 49.答案C)正确。见第一段。原文句子的主语是The Public (公众),即People。被后置定语back East修饰,即题目中用的\。原句中的\(渴望看一些有关西部的书),与题目中\(对荒芜的西部着了迷)表达了同样的信息,故C)为答案。 50.答案C)正确。根据文章中所提供的上下文关系以及关键词语\和\可知\词义。因为\小说\与\形式\应属于\文学\范围,故选答案C)。
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