
更新时间:2023-05-14 00:08:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1 abandon 速记词网: band bandage bond bind abdomen 速记词网: dominate dominant predominant preview view review rethink recollect rebuild rebel refund

visit visual visualize vision supervise envision prewriting prearrange preschooler progress aggress aggressive able 速记词网: enable unable disable ability disability abide

速记词网: obey obedient obedience president student

reside s u p p l e m e n t i s o l a t e

resident d i s t i n g u i s h s o l o

residence f i n i s h r a d i o

subside f i n a l p i a n o subsidiary f i n a l i z e insidious f i n i t e a u d i o assess session obsess obsession abnormal 速记词网: norm normal

neutral neutron electron proton

(alcohol) abuse absurd abolish 速记词网: abolition adolescent adolescence adult grown-up elderly

senior e r u p t

senile i n t e r r u p t accomplish complete completion complement infinite infinity confine define definition definite abound 速记词网: abundant abundance redundant reluctant boundary salary factory border board abrupt 速记词网: bankrupt corrupt disrupt absolute 速记词网:


video aural oral absorb 速记词网: sorb absorbent absorbing absorbed absorption soup abstract 速记词网: 2 tractor attract attractive

contract c o l l a p s e i n c u r e p e s s i m i s m distract e l a p s e o c c u r extract

protract c a s u a l accuse subtract c a s u a l t y trigger stretch slim scar scare scale sneeze academy access 速记词网: success subway succeed exceed proceed concede precede procedure recede

accumulate a g e n t h esitate access accessory 速记词网: ag e n d a

necessary a g i t a t e adjacent

progress s i m u l a t e a g o n y

aggressive a s s i m i l a t e adapt congress a d j o i n cease unceasing accident 速记词网: accidental incident incidental coincidence coincidental conincide

lapse c u r r e n t o p t i m i s t i c p e s s i m i s t catastrophe decay cascade acclaim 速记词网: claim act acclaim 速记词网: addict disclaim exclaim a c t i o n 速记词网: proclaim reclaim accommodate 速记词网: accommodation commodity mode model modify

simultaneous sympathy symposium museum\Muse\gymna sium\auditorium\s tadium\forum accuracy 速记词网: cure curious separate recur 速记词网: cause because excuse active transact transaction interact interaction react reaction actor actress actual actually agency 速记词网: apt adopt opt option optional optimum maximum minimum optimism optimist pessimistic attitude altitude latitude longitude


multiply multiple triple trivial add addition additional additive adhere 速记词网: coherent cohesive inherit 速记词网: joint junction conjunction administer 速记词网: manage manager minister 3 ministry literacy literate illiterate literally image imitate imagine admire 速记词网: miracle admirable mirror marvel marvelous advance 速记词网: advanced elementary intermediate

antique ancient ancestor

first\least\most\ best\best of best exhaust thrust ancestry advocate 速记词网: vocabulary alphabet provoke evoke vocation career profession affluent 速记词网: influence superfluous derive thrive rival alleviate 速记词网: aggravate grave abbreviate allocate 速记词网: location local locate locomotive promote commute mutual mobile anonymous 速记词网: unanimous unit\unicell\unic

nominal nominate annual 速记词网:

anniversary d e p e n d assassinate

advert p e n d a n t assemble advertise p e n d i n g

convert p e n d u l u m assign diverse i n d i s p e n s a b l e

adverse s u s p e n d adversary adversity universe version 速记词网: versatile weird queer appall 速记词网: pale palm appeal 速记词网: repeal compel compulsory

dispel r e s p e c t a b l e expel impel

propel s p e c u l a t e propulsion propeller

repel s k e p t i c a l \ s c e p t i c manipulate al manage manicure manicurist manifest


emancipate manual manuscript appendix 速记词网: append approach throat reproach approximate ascend 速记词网: descend transcend ascertain aspect peep prospect respect respectful respective irrespective suspect suspicious conspicuous aspire spirit aspirant expire inspire conspire conspiracy 速记词网: 4 resign signature significant significance signify assist 速记词网: help\aid assistance

persist persistence resist resistant resistor transistor astound

stable c o n t e m p t a v a i l

establish b a llot estate

attend awkward station stationary statue bare

statute t e n d f o r w a r d stature

obstacle c o n t e n d f o r e f a t h e r

obstinate e x t e n d f o r e f i n g e r

stadium e x t e n t t h u m b stage i n t e n d

circumstances i n t e n t i o n f o r e r u n n e r surroundings\envi ronment

substance i n t e n s e f o r t h c o m i n g

distance t e n t a t i v e s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d instant a t t e n d a n c e b a ckward prestige substitute

attribute superstition c l o c k w i s e barrier destination destiny

distinct t r i b e back assume 速记词网: assumption

consumption resume atmosphere 速记词网: sphere hemisphere semiconductor attempt 速记词网:

tempt v a l u a b l e b a l l temptation ca r t o o n condemn ba l l e t 速记词网: 速记词网: tendency f o r t h b a r r e n w i d e n

f o r e h e a d st r e n g t h e n e n l a r g e

pretend f o r e m o s t e n l i g h t

tense f o r e s e e barn 速记词网: attendant 速记词网:

tribute b a r b e c u e give\gift

contribute b a c k w a r d e m b a r r a ss

distribute b a c k g r o u n d augment 速记词网: Augustus August auction authority authorize authoritative auxiliary


速记词网: value invaluable 速记词网: toward inward outward anticlockwise 速记词网: backbone bony drawback feedback paperback setback bait 速记词网: bite bitter bald 速记词网: balloon bullet lengthen barley 速记词网: bar barrel 5 embrace bacterium beneath 速记词网: below behind hind hinder bewilder wild\wind mild\middle underneath bicycle 速记词网:

cyclist cycle recycle encircle circular circulate circuit circus circumference combine biology 速记词网: biography demography autobiography antibiotic geology ideology psychology blame 速记词网: blaspheme fame famous infant blush 速记词网: blood bleed bloody flush breed brood brother feed\food breach 速记词网: break breakdown breakthrough outbreak brake brittle

速记词网: brow\eyebrow frown brutal 速记词网: brute brutality budget 速记词网: burse\purse cabbage 速记词网: capital capitalism cape capsule captain cabin 速记词网: cave carve card sculpture coupon cabinet campaign 速记词网: camp campus champion chamber carbohydrat e

速记词网: carbon hydrogen generate

degenerate i n c l u d e genius ingenious genuine ingenuous

gene e x c l u s i v e


genetics e x c l u s i v e l y gender

generous c o n c l u s i on pregnant pregnancy cereal 速记词网: Ceres ceremony testimony chaos chronic 速记词网: Cronus synchronize clergy 速记词网: clear clarify beautify clarity declare declaration clerk closet 速记词网: close disclose disclosure enclose enclosure inclusion inclusive exclude exclusion conclude conclusive preclude preclusion compensate 6

速记词网: penny

pension expenditure complex 速记词网:

imply implicit conscience explicit a c c e p t 速记词网: comply e x c e p t

multiply i n t e r c e p t c o n s c i e n t i o u s complicate r e c e p t a c l e s c i e n c e

duplicate s u s c e p t i b l e c o n s c i o u s triplicate c o n c e i v e replica c o n c e p t n o t a b l e

perplex d e c e i v e n o t i f y diploma diplomacy component 速记词网: pose post position posture

pesticide\insecti compose cide decompose console depose confer 速记词网: deposit

dispose c o n t r o l expose t r a n s f e r consolidate impose f e r r y interpose p r e f e r 速记词网: oppose c o n f e r opponent

opposite f e r t i le propose i n f e r

construct reposit s u f f e r suppose

postpone compound

compress p r of e ss i on 速记词网: press pressure stress conceive 速记词网: contemplate d e n o t e 速记词网: achieve concise 速记词网: precise scissors decide suicide 速记词网: e n t e r t a i n s u s t a i n bear contrary confess 速记词网: professor de s t r u c t conflict 速记词网: flick flock afflict notion notorious consecutive 速记词网: subsequent persecute pursue pursuit solitary solidarity 速记词网:


infrastructure obstruct destroy found foundation fundamental contact 速记词网: contagious integral integrate contaminate temple temperature temper temperament time temporary contemporary content 速记词网: contain container obtain attain attainment detain maintain retain halt 速记词网: encounter counter 7 quantity quantify contrive convey convict 速记词网: win victory revenge

convince believe trust cooperate 速记词网: cooperate cooperation operate coordinate subordinate corporation 速记词网: corpse correspond 速记词网: correspondent respond court 速记词网: quarter square courtesy credentials crucial cunning dawn 速记词网: down dusk decent 速记词网: decorate decimal decade December dignity dignify indignant delicious 速记词网: lick delicate deem

deep steep steeple doom depart 速记词网: departure describe 速记词网:

inscribe i n e v i t a b l e s u p e r f i c i a l prescribe script manuscript subscribe dialogue 速记词网: prologue monologue monotonous

analogue c o n f i d e n c e execute 速记词网: insect section executive exempt explode 速记词网: applaud exquisite 速记词网: question inquire extinct 速记词网: sting extinction extravagant 速记词网: vague invade evade


voyage wagon vagina vigor vigorous vivid faith 速记词网: fasten fatigue 速记词网: slender slim fake 速记词网: fact factory facility faculty facsimile artifact manufacture affect effect defect infect perfect fiction difficult magnificent office proficient sacrifice sacred secret suffice benefit 8

profit horn feasible feat defeat

counterfeit imperative defy

negative famine feeble 速记词网: weep feudal 速记词网: field foam 速记词网: soap soak formidable 速记词网: form

formulate m a r s h i d i ot conform m a r i n e i d i o m deform s u b m a r i n e i d l e reform heritage ignite uniform fossil fragrant 速记词网: flagrant freight 速记词网: fare welfare fine frustrate 速记词网: frost funeral 速记词网: furnace garment 速记词网: garnish ghost hazard harness

速记词网: hard 速记词网: heir inherit hook 速记词网: hooker 速记词网: core corn unicorn horny thorn thorny hound 速记词网: hunt hunter huddle hypocrisy 速记词网: hypocrite hypothetical hypothesis identical 速记词网: identify identity immerse 速记词网: merge submerge emerge immune 速记词网: communicate impetus 速记词网: perpetual petition individual indulge


ingredient initiate 速记词网: exit initial initiative injure instinct intellectua l

速记词网: lecture lesson legend tale\tell interval intimate 9

速记词网: match mate classmate roommate workmate matchless intrinsic intrude intimidate 速记词网: timid tame intricate 速记词网: intrigue intuition 速记词网: tutor tuition invariable preliminary 速记词网: eliminate premier 速记词网:

primary prime provident 速记词网: providence prudent puzzle queue radiate 速记词网: radius radical random 速记词网: freedom razor realm 速记词网: reign foreign forget regal regime regulate regulation regular irregular refugee 速记词网: refuse interviewee interviewer rescue 速记词网: secure resort 速记词网: resource retail 速记词网: tailer detail retrieve rhythm

rigid 速记词网: direct directory correct shed erect rectify

right s h a d o w rumor saturate 速记词网: satisfy schedule scheme 速记词网: shape scold scope 速记词网: telescope macroscopic microscopic segregate 速记词网: separate aggregate seminar 速记词网: semen shabby sham 速记词网: shame 速记词网: shrewd 速记词网: short shrink skeleton 速记词网: shell skull sow species


spicy splash 速记词网: spring spray sprinkle 10 spouse stale 速记词网: still steward strike 速记词网: striking stroke stroll suite summit swallow 速记词网: swim swamp sparrow swarm sway swing swell sword tablet 速记词网: wallet leaflet toilet tackle tease testimony 速记词网: testify thermometer 速记词网: thermal immense tremendous

threshold thrill throne toxic trait 速记词网: traitor portrait portray tropical urge 速记词网: urgent urgency utilize 速记词网: utility use vehicle vicinity virus vibrate whip wink zoom

