the story of stuff anna lenard
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Colbert Report --- the story of stuff
Many women who do not dress modestly … lead young men astray, corrupt their
chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes.
--- Hojatoselam Kazem Swdighi (from Iranian madman April 16, 2010)
The book is out today
Two main activities:
Shopping and watching TV in scant leisure time
3 -4 times longer than counterpart in Europe
Ridiculous cycle
C: We could stop, but why would we want to? We are winning. We beat the Europeans on how much we shop and spend.
We used to our own stuff, but now the stuff owns us.
C: Not that kind of easy thing to say, but what do you mean that the stuff owns us?
Give priority to getting, putting, maintaining, putting back on the shelves,…
C: By getting and spending, I increase my powers
At the personal cost. Our quest for more stuff and the works for maintain it is taking the
place of things that provides deeper happiness
Leisure time, time with family, having a sense of purpose beyond yourself, the quality of
your social relations, a sense of community and a sense of purpose
C: Let s make some friends for you right now. You must think this economic downturn is fantastic then… people have less money
WEEEEEh, let s have a depression.
I am excited about the potential of the economic downturn, it gives us time to think a
little more critically and a little more strategically about where we spend our dollars.
C: What do you mean by “stuff has a secret life”? (my bean bag chair is gay?)
All the stuff has a life before it comes to us; and a life after us. Factory to dumpster ---
ten years of investigation. Out of sight, out of mind.
C: My understanding is that… the stuff comes from China and it goes “I-don t-care”.
It goes back to China, unfortunately.
C: “the circle of life”
The production and disposal both cause a lot of environmental problems.
C: This book is stuff , if someone throws it away, what would happen to it?
It would decompose. A hundred percent paper. Hope that people will not throw it away.
Donate and share
C: So when its life is accomplished, this book is going to become an ear of corn?
Greater reverence and appreciation for our stuff, instead of mindless buying and
chucking all the time.
Look at the stuff and think, “someone made this, someone …. Mindless consumerism. C: Have you thought about putting out plastic action figures to go along with it?
the story of stuff anna lenard04-23
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