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( )11. It’s going to rain. Don’t stay__. 初二英语学科下单元练习卷(一)

A. in the air B. by air C. on the air D .in I.单选题。

( )1.—Would you give me to eat? ----All the open air right. ( )12. In China, people eat___. A. something different B. different A. a lot of porks B. many pork C. much pork D.

something some porks C. anything different D. different ( )13. –I don’t like chicken __fish. anything --I don’t like chicken, either.___ I like fish ( )2. –There is little milk in the glass,____? very much.

—Yes. Shall I go and buy some? A. and, And B. and, But C. or, And

A. does there B. isn’t it C. is there D. isn’t thereD. or, But ( )3. Shall I get ___apple? —Yes, please. ( )14.—Do you think chocolate is good for your A. Other B. another C. others D. health?

an other --____. ( )4. –-Let’s go to the theatre this afternoon? A. Oh, we don’t B. Yes, I don’t

—All right.__ shall we start? agree

A. What time B. How C. Why D. C. Yes, please do D. No, I don’t What think so. ( )5.—Who sings the best in your class?—Han ( )15. –Help yourself to some soup. Mei ___. --____. A. is B. was C. does D. A. OK. Here you are B. I’d love to will be C. Yes, just a little D. Thank you ( )6. –Would you like some more juice? ( )16. Hot dog is a kind of ___.

--____.I like the juice very much. A. dog B. drink C. food A. No, thanks B. Just a little, D. fruit please ( )17.—This is home ___.Do you like it? C. Sorry, I don’t know D.I don’t want any --- Yes,I like it very much.

( )7. –English people eat a lot of beef. A. eating B. drinking C. having D. --_____. cooking A. So we do B. So we are C. So do we D. ( )18. –Could you ___,please? So can we A. pass the cup of tea me B. pass me to ( )8. Even in some big cities in China, you can a cup of tea

find people _____ hamburgers. C. give me a cup of tea D. give a cup A. ate B. eats C. Eating tea to me D. to eat ( )19. –Which would you like, Chinese tea or ( )9. The light in her room is on. She __ be in. English tea? A. can B. may C. must D. --I’d like Chinese tea __ anything in it. mustn’t A. from B. with C. without ( )10. I think it’s __ nicer than that one. D. for A. very B. much C. more D. ( )20.--___. ---Why don’t you stay for dinner? most It’s no trouble.

A. What shall we cook? B. We eat a lot of pork. C. You look tired, I must leave now. D. I’m afraid I’d better be going now. ( )21. Where’s the ______,please? A. fishes and chips shop B. fish and chips shop C. fish and chip shop D. fishes and chip shop ( )22. It ___ that American fast food is the most popular in the world. A. looks B. feels C. seems D. thinks ( )23.He enjoys __ TV after supper. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches. ( )24. Will you please take the food ___? A. at home B. to home C. for home D. home ( )25. –Do you like Chinese food or English food? --____ will do. But I like French food. A. Either B. Both C. All D. Neither ( )26. --How are your parents? —They are __ fine. Thank you. A. also B. sure C. both D. all ( )27. Neither she nor I ___ going to travel by air. We think traveling by train is safer. A. it B. am C. are D. were ( )28. –Could you ___ the baby laugh? —Certainly.It’s easy. A. ask B. keep C. teach D. make ( )29. I like the tea__ sugar and milk___ it. A. with, on B. with, in C. have, on D. has, in ( )30. I think home cooking is much ___ than take-away food.

A. Delicious B. more delicious C. the most delicious D. betterdelicious II.完形填空。

`Can people live without salt?___ .Salt is very important to us. We____ salt in our life. Animals need it,___. Most of the salt comes from ___ .People dig great pools and fill them with sea water. When the ___ dries up the water, people can get salt__ the ground. We__ get salt from salt___. There are many salt likes in China,___ some of these lakes are very big. We are ___ to get more salt from them. ( )1.A.Yes B.No. C. Of course D. Certainly ( )2. A. want B. eat C. need D. have ( )3. A. either B. also C. only D. too ( )4. A. the sea B. the lake C. the hill D. the river ( )5. A. moon B. sun C. sky D. wind ( )6. A. from B. out of C. with D. in ( )7. A. often B. ever C. never D. also ( )8. A. land B. field C. factories D. lakes ( )9. A. but B. and C. then D. or

( )10. A. trying our best B. trying the best C. trying our better D. working our best III.单词拼写。 1. Hs interesting story made everyone____(发笑)a lot.

2.She doesn’t like skirts.______(甚至) in summer she wears trousers.

3.People enjoy Chinese food because it has different______(味道).

4.There are many different________(种类) of food in fast food shops.

5.I bought a lot of_________(马铃薯) yesterday. 6.The food is_________(确实) delicious.

7.Either my parents or my sister_______(做) supper at the weekends.

8.Mother asks me to ____(保持) the bedroom clean and tidy.

9.Did you __________(同意) with me? 10.—May I take your________(点菜) now? ---Yes, we’ll have some rice and fish soup. IV.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

George is young man. He _____( not have ) a wife, but he______( have ) a dog, and a car. He likes playing games.

Last Monday, he ______( play ) games for an hour. Then he _____( run ) out and _______( jump )into a car. His dog______( come ) after him, but it _________( not jump ) into the same car, it ________( sit ) in the next one.

― Come here, silly(傻) dog!‖ George said. But the dog _____(stay) in the other car.

George ________( put ) his key (钥匙 ) into the clock (锁 ) of the car, but the key can __________( not turn ). Then he looked at the car again. It ________( not be ) his car. he was in the wrong car. And the dog was in the right one.

―Thank you clever dog!‖ George said and ________( get ) into his own(自己的 ) car with the dog.

V.阅读理解。 (A)

One day it was time for lunch, and I was eating my sandwich that I prepared myself. Vera, the secretary(秘书) of our company, asked me absent-mindedly(心不在焉地),‖Brown bagging today?‖ For a while, I was at a loss to find a word to respond(回答) to what she had said. I thought to

myself,‖ You should have seen the black bag that I take with me to work every day.‖

Seeing I was wearing a puzzled expression(表情),Vera promptly(立刻) explained that ‖brown bagging‖ had the meaning of providing lunch for oneself or taking one’s lunch to eat in one’s office. Usually the food is kept in a brown paper bag, so it has this name. The persons who take their lunch with them are called brown baggers. ( )1.The writer had lunch________.

A. at home B. in a restaurant C. in the

office D. at school

( )2. Vera was the ___ of our company.

A. boss B. cleaner C. manager D. secretary

( )3. The writer took a black bag to work__.

A. every day B. every Sunday C. every other

day D. every two days

( )4. ―Brown bagging‖ means___. A. eat at home

B. take one’s lunch to eat in one’s office C. eat in a restaurant

D. share(分享)lunch with one’s colleagues(同事) ( )5. According to this passage,__ was a ―brown bagger‖.

A. Vera B. the secretary C. the boss D.

the writer

(B) In England, people often talk about the weather because you can experience(感受到) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come, and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will clear(晴朗的), the sun will began to shine. It will be summer at this time of a day.

In England, you can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should take warm clothes.

When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella(伞) or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.

46.How many seasons are there in one day in A. in the end B. to the end C. by the end D. at the England?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. end Four ( )3. He got up late and ___ the early train. 47. In the morning the weather is warm just like

A. catch B. caught C. miss D. missed _____.

A. in spring B. in summer C. in autumn ( )4.—Do you know the sign:‖______‖? --Yes, it means ―the D. in winter

room for ladies.‖ 48. It is often too hot in England, isn’t it?

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it isn’t. A. Lady’s Room B. Ladys’ Room C. Ladie’s Room D. Ladyies’ R

D. No, it is. ( )5. –English is quite useful.--_____. 49. What do English people usually take with

A. It is so B. So is it C. So it is D. Is it so them?

A. a hat B. a raincoat C. an umbrella D. ( )6. May I keep this book a little longer?____.. B and C

A. No, you can’t of course B. No, you may 50. What’s the weather like in England?

A. warm B. changeable C. cold D. C. Sorry, you can’t D. Yes, certainly not hot

( )7. It___ Tom’s ball.___ your ball is in your room.


A. may be, May be B. may be, Maybe

At, be, not, away, something, other, help, like, hope, for D. maybe, Maybe C. maybe, May be

I think that the world will be an easy place to live ( )8. –Where are you going?—I’m going to the library __ Some in. We’ll have machines and robots and books. they_________ us to do all the boring(乏味的)

A. borrow B. borrowing C. To borrow D.

jobs and we_______have to do things_______


washing dishes and making beds-though(虽然) we

( )9. Can you help me find the key__ the door? won’t have any dishes _________ all.

Maybe we’ll just throw the dishes_________ after A. of B. to C. with D. on each ( )10.—You’ll miss the train__ you don’t hurry. --I’ll go at meal.I________ that doctors will be able to keep once.

us alive_________ a long time. I hope that when I A. when B. before C. if D. why am 70 years old, there will be ___________ and it

( )11.Miss Gao told the children to walk one after another. She

will keep me alive for_________70 years, so I

didn’t want them to ___.

__________ 140 years old.

A. get wrong B. get away C. get ready. D. get




( )12.There is a café on __ side of the street and a bank on __ .

( )1.Turn right at ___ traffic lights, you’ll see ___ bookshop in

A. one, the other B a, the other C. an, another D. a,

___ front of you.


A. the, the, the B. a, a, / C. the, the, / D. the, a,

( )13. He ___ wait until the rain___.


A. won’t, will stop B. won’t, stops C. will, stop D. will,

( )2. Walk along this street___ and you’ll find the hospital.


( )14. __ is easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo.

A. This B. That C. It D. He ( )15. The video shop__ at eight in the evening. closed

( )16.I__ my raincoat in Lucy’s room yesterday. forgot

( )17.—Excuse me, How can I get to the hospital, please?

--You’d better__ that policeman. He may___. knows

( )18. It’s very kind__ me with my physics.

Of you helping

A. both my hands B. my both hand C. my hands both

D. both of hands

A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy ( )29. –What’s __ with your brother?—He is __ in hospital. weak

( )30. –Thank you for the delicious dinner. --___. A. Don’t say that B. It’ nothing

A. close B. closes C. Is closed D. ( )28. How long can I ___ this picture book?

A. leave B. forget C. left D. A. matter, sick B. wrong, bad C. the matter, sick D. the wrong,

A. ask, know B. asking, knowing C.to ask, know D.To ask, C.I don’t think it’s good. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


There was _1_ a rich man named Steve. Once he asked his friend _4_.Jack asked, ‖Steve, how can I buy wine without money?‖

A. for you to help B. for you helping C. of you to help Jack_2_ and buy a bottle of wine_3_ him, without giving him any D. ( )19. National Day is coming. We’ll have seven___ holiday―Anyone can buy wine with money., ,‖ Steve said, ‖a person who can buy wine without money is really an able(能干的)man.‖Jack_5_ to A. day B. days C. day’s D. days’ ( )20. The old man was very happy__ the news. ( )21. –Where’s Mary? –She is ill__. hospital

go to the street to buy wine. ‖What_6_ I do?‖ He thought as he went. about this and said,‖_9_ do you want me to drink?‖

A person who can drink from an empty bottle is really an able man!‖

A. hear B. to listen C. to hear D. to listen to After a while, Jack came _7_ with an empty bottle. Steve_8_ happy A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. at the hospital D. to the Jack answered, ‖Anyone can drink from a bottle with wine in _10_ . ( )22. –How did you get here? –This little girl __ me here. ( )1.A. once B. before C. ago D. long time A. went B. brought C. carry D. took ( )2. A. go B. goes C. to go D. went ( )23. A hundred miles? That is__.

A. a quite long way B. very long way C. quite a long way D. very a long way ( )24.Lucy became a teacher ___ three years.

( )3. A to. B. with C. for D. from ( )4. A. bottle B. money C. shopping list D. shopping basket

( )5. A. had B. went C. would D began

A. in B. later C. ago D. after. ( )6. A. did B. shall C. am D. may ( )25. Just then, a policeman came up and asked __ he could ( )7. A. back B. to C. late D. over help.

( )26.She started to __ her way back to the restaurant. A. on B. made C. make D. in see that.

( )8. A. didn’t B. wasn’t C. not D. was ( )10. A. one B. it C. them D. him III用can, can’t, may, must填空 2. --______I borrow your ruler?

A. when B. if C. how D. where ( )9. A. How B. Where C. When D. What

( )27. –Look, Mum,___ are clean at the moment.--I’m glad to 1.I___ find my cat.___ you help me?

—Sorry, I don’t have one .Ask Peter. He ___ have one. said, ‖Please make another coat like this one.‖ The tailor made the coat very carefully. Then he lit(点燃)a cigarette, and made a 3.I____ play football with you. Because I___ finish my homework first.

4.She ___ sing this song in English. 5.The home cooking___ be more delicious. 6.—What are you going to do this Sunday?

--I’m not sure. I___ go for a picnic with my uncle. 7.___ I smoke here?

8.Lily___ come tonight, but she isn’t very sure. 9.—I can’t find my maths book. It___ be in your bag. Is it the postman?

--NO, it___ be him .It’s just seven o’clock.. It’s too early. IV单词拼写。

1.How many___________(图书馆) are there in your city? 2.Why do you look so_____________(担心). 4.Maye it’s in one of your ______________(口袋). beautiful garden.

6.When he ____________(到达) Beijing, it was raining hard. 7.The policeman caught the thief at the third____________(转弯处). couldn’t get in. couldn’t find it.

10.I don’t think_____________(历史) is not easy to learn. V阅读理解。

hole in the same place.

( )1.Mrs.Jones didn’t like the coat because___. A. it was nice and brown. B. it was not nice C. it was very old D. it was not old ( )2. Mrs.Jones often asked her husband to ___.

A. buy a new coat B. make a new coat C. give the old coat to a poor man D. wear the old coat again

A.A cigarette B. Mr.Jones C. Mrs.Jones D.A tailor ( )4. Mr.Jones asked the tailor to___.

A. make a new hole in the old coat B. make a hole in the new


C. make a hole in the same place as the old coat ( )5. Who do you think was foolish(愚蠢)?


It’s Have Nothing to Do with me Henry was born in a village. His father has a small farm. He works hard, but the weather is bad. It food. Sometimes their family are hungry. So the boy the fields, too. His parents are very busy and have no time to teach him how to be polite(有礼貌的) boy. He often says something unauspicious(不吉利的) and it

The boy’s aunt has a lot of money(钱). She often

10.—Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Who ___ it be? ( )3. __ made a hole in it, so Mr.Jones took it to a tailor.

3.Ggo on until you reach the second____________(十字路口). D. make a new coat like the old one

5.____________(在…之间) these two buildings, there is a A. The tailor. B. Mr.Jomes. C. Mrs.Jones. D. No

8.I left the _____________(钥匙) to the doors at home, so I doesn’t rain for a long time and they can’t get enough 9.The______________(地址) was on a piece of `paper, but I can’t go to school. He has to help his parents and work in

Mr. Jones had a nice brown coat. He loved it very much, but his makes everyone angry. wife did not like it because it was old. She often said, ‖Give it to a poor man.‖ But Mr.Jones always said, ‖No. I like this coat.‖

helps the family and gives the boy some fruit and clothes,

Then one day a cigarette(香烟) fell on lit and made a hole in it. so he likes her very much. It was his uncle’s birthday So Mrs.Jones said, ‖Please don’t wear it again.‖ Mr.Jones took it yesterday. Henry’s parents went there with some presents. to a small tailor(裁缝)and

They didn’t want to take Henry there with them. The boy

was angry. His mother told him to be polite, if he wanted to go with them. The boy listened to her, and together they went.

Henry’s uncle was very happy that day. A lot of Henry ate some fruit, cakes and meat. And he was polite before he left. His parents were happy, too.

C. He had to look after the house D. He is too young to go to there on foot

VI选词填空。 Three, he, arrive, still, past, begin, after, somethingthe boy’s uncle’s friends came to his birthday party. Bob was tired of waiting for his sister’s plane to ___ .The plane

should have come at half___ three p.m. and now, seven___ later. Bob was___ waiting. There had been ___ times for him to hear

When the party was over. Henry said, ―I said nothing the explanation(解释) who the plane was late from the unauspicious today. It’ll have nothing to do with(与….无loudspeaker.__ the first time, Bob had got___ to eat. The second 关) me if my uncle dies(死) next month.‖ _____ . enough food

7.Henry doesn’t go to school because ______.

A. he doesn’t like to study


D. he likes to stay at home

8.The meaning of the word ―angry‖ ____- in Chinese. 的

9. ______, so Henry likes her.

A. His aunt often gives him books. B. His aunt often takes him to the zoo.

fields. and clothes.

because ____.

A. he often says something unauspicious B. he can’t sing songs

time he___ to walk in the airport from one end to ___ .By the go on?‖ Bob said to___.


( ) 1.—What’s wrong with you?--____.

A. My bike doesn’t work B. My head hurts C.I am wrong D. My watch is broken A. hits B. hitted C. hit D. hitting something.

A. throw about B. talk about C. throw with D. talk with A. doctor B. good man C. bad man D. queue jumper ( )5. The people are waiting___ a bus stop. They are standing ___ line.

A. for, in B. at, on C. for, behind D. at, in traffic.

C. may not, too many D. needn’t, many too. A. name B. number C. ticket D. turn ( )8. I’ll tell my mother about that when she ___.

A. come B. comes C. will come D.

6.Henry’s family are sometimes hungry because third time he was tired and hungry. ‖How much longer will this

A. they don’t work hard B. they can’t get 初二下英语学科单元练习卷(三) C. their farm is large D. the food is good

B. he wants to help his father do farm ( )2. How dangerous! The bike nearly ___ you.

C. his parents have little(少) money(钱) ( )3. The classroom is very dirty, because they always ___

A.生气的 B. 兴奋的 C. 遗憾的 D.激动( )4. When a man jumps a queue, he’s a ___.

C. His aunt often helps him work in the ( )6. You___ play football in the street because there’s ___ D. His aunt often gives him some fruit A. can’t, much too B. mustn’t, too much

10.Henry’s parents didn’t want to take him to the party ( )7. When you are at a bus stop, you ,must wait for your___.

coming others

( )9. --___ I take the message for him?—No, you don’t have to.( )20. The question is too difficult for me __.

A. Must B. Does C. Shall A. D. answer B. to answer C. answering D. to Will for us. cross

( )11. –What a stupid mistake! mistakes.

( )12. It takes___ to go to Japan by air than by ship. time

it___ rain tomorrow. doesn’t

answer it

A. come B. coming C. comes D. will ( )22. –Susan and Betty, where are you going? —We’re going to a party___ Lily’s home. Will you___ us? take

—Yes, he will be back in __ two days. other

A. be B. is on C. are on D. be on A . talking B. to talk C. talk D. talks

( )10. –When can we __ the road?—When the lights are green ( )21. If Mary___ next time, I’ll give the book to her. A. across B. crossing C. cross D. come to

—It is not polite to laugh___ your friends when they make A. in, come B. at, join C. to, follow D. at, A. on B. of C. in D. at ( )23. –Is your brother in Shanghai now?

A. little time B. less time C. more time D. much A. another B. other C. others D. the ( )13. –Are you going to buy a color skirt tomorrow? —Yes, if ( )24. The Browns __ a visit to China.

A. won’t B. no C. isn’t ( D. )25. When the teacher came in, all the students stopped__. ( )14. –Why does he look___?—He doesn’t feel ___ today. ( )26. What are you going to be when you ___?

A. sad, good B. sadly, well C. sad, well D. sadlyA. will grow , B. will grow up C. grow up D. grows up good

( )15. He didn’t go back home___ 6:00pm

( )27.You must get up early and get__ school.

A. up for B. up of C. ready for D. ready of

A. until B. if C. after D. when ( )28. Oh dear! I don’t feel___.

( )16. –Look! The bus is coming. —But it’s full of people. WA. good e B. well C. ill D. sick can’t ___ it.

( )29. They are busy ___ ready for the exams.

A. get off B. get down C. get on with D. get on A. get B. got C. to get D. getting ( )17. At the bus stop, they stood ___ and waited__ their turn. ( )30. I don’t know how to ___ this in English.

A. in a line, of B. on a queue, of C. in line, for D. on a A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak queue, for

( )18. ___ you don’t look first, a car may ___ you. hurt

( )19.She always thinks of__ more than herself.


John was a bookseller. He ___ paying(付钱) for anything. One wife. ‖No,‖

he said, ‖I’ll___ until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then

A. before, hit B. If, hit C. Because, hurt D. After, day a big box of books__ on his foot. ‖Go to the doctor,‖ said his

A. other B. the other C. others D. I’ll__ him to look over my foot. If I the go to see him, I’ll ___ pay

him.‖ A: __5___.

The next day the doctor came into the shop and ___ some books.__ B: Just a minute. I’ll ask the waiter. IV.用所给词的适当形式填空。 John was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his __ foot. The

doctor looked it over and said: ―Nothing serious‖ ―And now sir, here 1.The wind is blowing ______________ now. (strong) are your books.‖ ―____?‖asked the doctor.‖ ―Two dollars,‖____ 2. There are enough __________ for supper (sandwich) John. ―Good, I will not have to pay you anything. I told you about 3. 3.It takes __________ two hours to do our your foot. I want two dollars for that. Good-bye.‖

( )2. A. fall B. to hit C. hit D. fell

homework.(we) (popular)

( )1.A.doesn’t like B. didn’t like C. likes D. liked 4.Which is __________ in China, pork or beef? ( )3. A. wait B. not wait C. go D. not go 5.Who’s _________, Dick, Tom or Sam? (thin) ( )4. A. tell B. talk C. ask D. speak 6.May is the ___________month of the year. (five) ( )5. A. have to B. must C. want D. need 7. Thanks a lot for _________ me to your party. (ask) ( )6. A. borrowed B. gave back C. bought D. read 8. Jack is a penfriend of __________.(he) ( )7. A. When B. If C. Before D. 9. I often do some _________ on Sunday.(wash) Because right How far says

III.补全对话。 station? B: ___1___. A: ___2___.

B: Only about fifteen minutes. A: Thank you. It’s very kind of you. B: __3___. B: __4___.



(A)There was ice on the road, and the doctor’s car hit a tree and turned over three times.To his surrise,he wasn’t hurt.He got out of the car and walked to woman,one of his patients,opened the door.‖Oh,doctor,‖she said,‖I have

10.She __________ a bird yesterday afternoon. (catch) 1.The children went to the park and _________(玩得开心) 2.It was really a ___________________(惊奇) that the police came 3.The twins never____________(吵架) with 4each other.

( )8. A. good B. hurt C. left V .单词拼写。 D. ( )9. A. How long B. How many C. How themselves all daymuch D. . ( )10. A. replies B. asked C. answered that night. D.

4.It’s _______________(必要的) for us to learn to wait in line. 5.They_____________(到达) in the city of Richmond five days ago. A. Not at all. B. I see. How long will it take? C. Could you tell me where the toilet is, please? 6.I think it’s very _______________(危险的) to drive on ice.

D. Take Bus No. 1 or No. 5. It’ll take you there. 7.Han Mei made a lot of_____________(错误) in the test yesterday. E.Up the stairs and turn to your left. 8.He went into the room_____________(轻轻地) because the baby 9.Don’t kake any_______________(噪音) in the reading room. 10.Many people are in the ________________waiting room(候诊

A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get was sleeping. to the

A: Will you please tell me where the manager’s office is?the nearest house.he wanted to telephone the garage for help.AA

ly just telephoned you.You must have a very fast car.You hae got here yellow light







they are blind B. they can’t tell the difference between red

ry quickly,there was a very bad accident on the road outside.I saw ( it )9.The

rough the window.I’m sure the driver will need your help.‖


( )1.The doctor was driving t the garage before the accident. and green.

( )2.A tree fell across te road,so the traffic accident happened. 初二英语(三) 第5页 共6页

( )3.The doctor knew one of his patients lived in the nearest A. C.they can’t hear anything D. they can’t see house.

someone needed help. came so quickly.

the lights. ____________.


( )4. The patient phoned the doctor because she thought ( )10.According to the passage, we can know ( )5. The woman wanted the doctor,but was surprised that he A. where there is a street crossing, there are traffic (B) This is a street crossing. There are red and green lights at each B. the colour-blind people caused(引起) all the traffic corner. Drivers must watch he lights carefully.When there is a accidents

green light, the cars may go. When there is a red light, the cars C.if drivers always watch the traffic lights carefully, there must stop. Drivers must wait until the red light changes to green. will be fewer accidents

Then they can go. Sometimes drivers want to make a right turn or D. people who wear glasses cannot drive cars. VII.选词填空。 a left turn. They can make a right turn when the light is green or red. But they must wait until the green light is shining if they

he , think, buy, happy, many, be, at, they, in, ha

want to turn left.Some people are colour-blind. They can’t see the Someone _________ Ah Lai an egg. He was very difference between red and green. These people must not drive, __________ .―I shall not eat it‖ he _________ . ― I shall or else there will be accidents. We must keep our streets safe. ( )6.Drivers must watch __carefully at each corner. and B

( )7.When there is a red light, ___________. A. the cars must stop B. the cars

may go

C. the cars may make a left turn D. the cars can’t stop

( )8. The cars can make a left turn when _______________.

A. There is a red light B. There is a green


C. There is a red or green light D. There is a

keep it. I shall keep it _________ my pocket. It will _________ warm there. Soon it will become(变成) a will give me ___________ eggs. The eggs will become chickens and they will become hens. The hens will give me more eggs. I shall sell(卖) __________. I shall become rich(富裕的) man. I shall ____________ many bags of gold(金子). I shall ____________ in a big house. The house will have gold doors and windows. It will be very big.‖ Then Ah Lai dropped(失手落下) the egg. ―Now I shall not be rich.‖ he said to ____________ . ―I’m a silly(傻的) man.‖ He was very sad.(悲伤的) 初二下英语学科单元练习卷(四) I单项选择

(母鸡). The hen A. Green lights B. red lights C. the policeman chicken. The chicken will become a henD. both A

( )⒈Mr King be in his office. He didn’t come to school today.

A. may B. can C. may not D. can’t ( )⒉It’s going to rain. I go home right now. A. in, in B. on; in C. in, on D. on, in

( )15. The bell is ringing. Mother stops _____ the door.

A. to open B. open C. opening

A. have to B. must C. may D. can ( )⒊There are lots of shops on of the street. A. either side B. both side C. either sides D. all sides ( )⒋ Don’t make so much . You father is sleeping. A. noise B. sound C. voice D. things ( )⒌I’ll give you a call a few days. A. after B. before C. in D. on ( )⒍I stopped to but I nothing. A. listen; listened B. hear; heard C. listen; heard D. hear; listened ( )⒎What did you dream last night? A. at B. in C. on D. about ( )⒏He has few friends here, he? A. doesn’t B. hasn’t C. does D. is ( )⒐Don’t quarrel that woman. She isn’t polite. A. with B. about C. at D. to ( )⒑I’m sorry to keep you so long.

A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited ( )11. I am very hungry. Please give me________

A. some breads B. a piece


C. two pieces of bread D. some piece of bread

( )12. I couldn’t sleep well yesterday. I’m feeling_____

A. even worse B. even more worse C. more worse D. worser

( )13. This morning I had a pain _______ my head.

A. on B. in C. of D. about

( )14 Mary was born _____ Paris _____ a winter morning.

D. opens

( )16 . Can you tell me where you _______born? A. are B. were C. will D. will be

( )17. If he ______ busty tomorrow, he will come.

A.won’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. don’t

( )18. Reading _____ the sun is bad ______ your eyes.

A.under, for B. in, for C. in, to D. under, to

( )19. You had a good time, ____ you?

A.don’t B. hadn’t C. didn’t D. aren’t

( )20. They take a rest _____ half an hour.

A. in B. with C. every D after

( )21. Would you like ______ out for a walk? A. go B. to go C. went Dto went

( )22. ---What’re you doing? --- I’m _______ a piece of music.

A. listening B. hearing C. liking D. enjoying ( )23. --- I can’t find my pen. -- It ____ in your inside pocket.

A. may B. be C. maybe D.

may be

( )24. -Nick knoes hoe to care for others.- He isn’t a child ___.

A. any longer B. some more C. no longer D. no more

( )25. --- Is it cold in your home town?

--- Yes. People there wear warm clothes to ____


A. need B. make C. keep D. let ( )26. --- What _____ do we need for a picnic?-- A knife, perhaps.

A. other B. else C. also D. too ( ) 27. --Isn’t that a new basket?-- ____.It’s an old basket.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was C. No, it isn’t D. No, it


( ) 28. --- Do you have any brothers or sisters? --- Yes. I have a ____ brother who is 2 years younger than me and an _____sister who is 2 years older than me A.older,youner B.smaller,olderC


D.younger, bigger

( )29. - There ____ someone in the room. --- Why do you think so.

-- You see the light is on. -- Oh, yes.

A. can be B. maybe C. may be D. must be ( )30. --My grandpa __me a story every night before I go to bed.

--- Super! What a good grandpa!

A. tells B. says C. talks D. speaks Ⅲ.情景交际 A) 根据对话情景,选择正确答案。 ( )⒈ ― ‖ ―I’d love to. But I have no time.‖ A. Can you skate? B. Would you like to skate with me?

C. Do you like skating? D. Will you go skating with me?

( )⒉ ― ‖ ―It’s ten five.‖

A. What day is it today? B. What’s the weather? C. What’s the time? D. What’s three times five? ( )⒊ ―How much are the carrots?‖ ― ‖ A. They’re delicious. B. They’re too cheap. C. A kilo two yuan. D. Two yuan a kilo. ( )⒋ ―Hi, Sam! Can you come out and play football

with us?‖ ― ‖

A. Sorry, I have to. B. I’m afraid I don’t. C. No problem. D. I don’t agree with you. ( )⒌ ―May I have an egg sandwich, please?‖ ― ‖ A. OK! Here it is. B. Thanks. I’m full. C. Of course, you must. D. Certainly. Give you. Ⅳ.完形填空

Light and shadow usually go together. They are friends. We get light every day. 1 we make shadow. Light can not shine through you. Your body stops it from passing. There is a dark spot on the ground next to you. The light can not reach the dark spot. That is your 2 .At noon the sun shines right above your head. Your初二英语(四) 第3页 共6页

body hardly stops all light from reaching the ground. So your shadow is quite 3 . In the early morning or late afternoon, the sun is low in the sky. Your body keeps a lot of light from reaching the ground. So your shadow is 4 .We love light, especially sunlight. Without sunlight, life on the earth can not live at all. Most of us like to stand in the shadow of a tree in 5 . But some people are afraid of their own shadow at night. They do not want to walk in a dark street. They do not want to see shadow,


( )⒈A. Sometimes B. All the same

C. At that time D. At the same time ( )⒉A. light B. body C. head D. shadow ( )⒊A. short B. long C. tall D. far ( )⒋A. short B. long C. tall D. far ( )⒌A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

(B) A:What’s wrong with you, madam?

B:I feel so weak every day. I can do 6 at all, doctor. A:Do you have a pain in your head? B:No, I don’t have a 7 .

A:Can you sleep at night? B:Yes, I sleep very 8 . A:What do you have for breakfast every morning? B:Nothing. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I’d like to keep 9 .

A:Oh, I see. Nothing 10 . You need to eat more food and have three meals a day. And take exercise every day. Then you’ll get better soon.

( )⒍A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

( )⒎A.headache B.good head C.toothache D.stomachache

( )⒏A. much B. well C. late D. early ( )⒐A. healthy B. fat C. thin D. strong ( )⒑A. much B. at all C. for you D. serious B) 阅读理解下面的短文,然后按要求答题。(A)

Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in his car. One evening as he was traveling along a road and looking for a small hotel, he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, ―I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?‖ ―Yes. I’ll show you the way, ‖ answered the old man. He got into Pat’s car, and they drove about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, ―Stop here. ‖ Pat stopped and looked at the house. ―But this isn’t a hotel, is it?‖ he said to the old man. ―No. This is my house. Let me show you the way to the Sun Hotel now. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on your left.‖

( )⒍Pat wanted to find a hotel because it was . A. raining B. getting dark C. so cold D. too hot ( )⒎Pat stopped his car because he wanted to . A. ask the way B. have a rest C. mend it D. have supper

( )⒏Pat was miles from the Sun Hotel when he met the old man.

A. three B. nine C. twelve D. twenty-one ( )⒐How did the man go back home after he met Pat? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. D. By car. ( )⒑What do you think of the man? A. He’s good. B. He’s kind. C. He’s clever. D. He’s foolish.

(B)Tony and Sam were classmates. One afternoon, they met each other in the street. The two boys walked along the street together. After a while Tony remembered something, He said to Sam, ―I lent you ten dollars the week before last. Can you give it back to me, Sam?‖ ―Sorry. I forgot about it,‖ said Sam. He thought about the money for a moment, and then said, ―I’ve got no money with me today. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.‖ ―OK! I can wait another day,‖ said Sam. Just at that moment a man ran up to them. He had a knife in his hand. He was a dangerous man. The boys were very afraid. ― Give me your money,‖ said the man to Tony. Tony had to take out his purse and give it to him. The man took out the money and threw purse onto the ground. And then he said to Sam, ―Now give me your money.‖ Sam thought quickly. He took out his purse, but he did not give it to the robber. He gave it to Tony and said, ―There’s ten dollars in the purse. Now I give it back to you.‖

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正( R )与误 ( W )。

( )⒒Sam borrowed ten dollars from Tony about two weeks ago.

( )⒓The man was a robber (强盗).

( )⒔Sam had no money with him that afternoon. ( )⒕Sam and Tony were good friends. ( )⒖The story happened in the street. 初二下英语学科单元练习卷(五) I.单选题

( )1. --- You can’t put your bike here.

--- Sorry! But I don’t know___ to put ___. --- There! --- Thanks.

A.how; it B. where; it C. what; it D. when;it ( )2.-Look at the baby. How lovely it is!-- Oh, it is only an ____.

A. 10 months old B. 10-month-old C. 8-month-old D.8 months old

( )3. --- where’s my handbag? I can’t find it. --- You must have ______ it at home. A.leave B. forget C. left D. forgotten ( )4. --- China is getting _________. --- Yes. You are right.

A.beautifuler and beautifuler B.nicer and nicer C.more beautiful and beautiful D.more and more beautiful

( )5. ---Am I late? --No, the meeting will start _____ A.in a while B.after while C.a while laterD.a while after ( )6. She asked us ______ her with her English. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped ( )7. His brother ___ begin to learn English ____ last year.

A.did; until B. didn’t; until C. wasn’t until ( )8. Would you ______ take away my pen.

A. not please B. not please to C. please not to D. please not

( )9. There is _____ but some books in my desk. A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( )10. The children sat ______ of the car.

A.in front B. in the front C. on the front D. on front ( )11. The ____ you go, the ____ you can see. A. far; many B. far much C. farer; more D. father;


( )12. She _____ go to bed until she ______ her homework.

A. won’t; will finish B. doesn’t will finish

C. won’t; finishes D. doesn’t; finishes ( )13. They are never late for school, ______ ? A.are they B. aren’t they C. do they D. don’t they ( )14.__ kind the farmers are! They are ___than you I think.

A. How; more friendly B. how; more friend C. What; more friendly D. What; more friend ( )15.Everyone __ Shanghai is one of the most beautiful_ in China.

A. knows citys B. know; city C. know ; cities D.

knows ; cities

( )16. It’s time ___ us _____ have lunch now. A.too; to B. for; in C. for; to D. to; in ( )17. It _____ Miss Li very sad when she ____ the note.

A. make; see B. makes; see C. maked; see D. made; saw

( )18. Li Lei found it difficult ______ out the problem. A.to work B. worked C. working D. wored

( )19. The teacher is coming. Let’s stop ________. A.to talk B. to have a talk C. talking D. and talk ( )20. Here’s a page ____ Ling Feng’s diary.

A. to B. from C. at D. in

( )21. There were ______ yesterday afternoon. A.not class B. not classes C. no class D. no classes ( )22. ____ came to see you this morning.

A. nobody B. Anywhere C. Somebody D.


( )23. Mr Hu kept me ______ in the classroom after school.

A.to wait B. wait C. waited D. Waiting

( )24. The problem is too difficult ________.

A. to solve it B. not to solve C. not to solve it D. to solve

( )25. There ______ a picnic next Sunday. ( )⒈A. day B. week C. month D. season

( )⒉A. day B. night C. weather D. sun A.will have B. is going to have C. will be ( )⒊A. People B. Animals C. Birds D. Fishes

D. has

II. 用动词的正确形式填空(20%)

1.The children_________( pick) lots of pears yesterday. 2.---What _____ you ______ now? ---I ________(write) a letter.

---When _________ you ________ (finish)? --- soon. 3.I ___(come) back in a few minutes. Please wait for me. 4.Please ________(tell) him if he ________(come) back. 5.A young man _______(call) John often helps Mrs Brown _________(look) after her baby.

6.The broken desk is too heavy for the little girl_________ (carry)

7.Don’t ____, you know _____is bad for your health. (smoke)

8.How heavily it ____________! If it keeps _________, we have to stay here. (rain) 9.What






about_____some fruit? (take)

10.---Will your headmaster _________ at the meeting? --- Yes, he will _________ about studying. (speak,say) III.完形填空 (A)

Which is the best 1 of the year? Spring, of course. Spring is the morning of the year. When spring comes, the 2 is getting warmer and warmer and everything wakes up. Leaves come out on the trees. Flowers and plants come out on the ground. 3 run out of their holes after they have slept all winter. It often rains in spring. But the rain is usually light. The ground is soft from the 4 and warm from the sun. So spring is the best time for planting. People usually plant trees in spring. 5 is Tree Planting Day.

( )⒋A. rain B. snow C. weather D. moon ( )⒌A. January 1 B. March 8 C. March 12 D. May 4

(B) A:Hello! Could I speak to Ann, please?

B:I’m sorry she 6 . This is Ann’s mother. Can I take a


A:That’s very 7 of you, Mrs Brown. This is Bill.I’m sorry to tell you that Miss Gao,our English teacher,is ill in hospital.I’d like Ann to go to see her with8 . B:Sorry to hear that. I’ll let Ann know it. When and

where will you meet?

A:What 9 nine o’clock at the gate of No. 1 People’s Hospital?

B:OK! Let’s make it. I’ll give her the message as soon as

she 10 back. A:Thanks. Bye! B:That’s all right. Bye!

( )⒍A. is at home B. isn’t out C. isn’t in D. isn’t at school

( )⒎A. kind B. good C. fine D. well

( )⒏A. you B. me C. him D. her

( )⒐A. time B. at C. about D. to

( )⒑A. come B. is coming C. will come D. comes

IⅤ.阅读理解 A) 指出能替换句中划线部分的选项。

( )⒈My father isn’t at home at the moment.

A. is in B. is out C. is at school D. is at work ( )⒉How about going to the cinema tonight? A. the concert B. see a film C. see a match D. play ping pong

( )⒊Don’t leave me by myself. A. here B. lonely C. alone D. at home

( )⒋There are lots of new books in our school library. A. some B. much C. many D. more ( )⒌The children enjoyed themselves at Ann’s birthday party.

A. ate a lot of cakes B. sang many English songs

C. danced happily D. had a good time B) 阅读理解下面的短文,然后按要求答题。(A) Mr Read was a businessman. He hurried down to the hall of a big hotel. He was going back to his company in New York soon. It was 4:40 p.m. And the plane was leaving in half an hour’s time. He had to take a taxi to get to the airport. So he paid his bill quickly. Just when he was leaving the hotel, he remembered that he had left his ID card in his room. So he said to one of the waiters, ―Run up to my room, girl. See whether there’s a card on the bedstand. Hurry up!‖ The girl ran to his room upstairs. Ten minutes later the girl came down to the hall. ―Yes, sir. There’s an ID card

on the bedstand,‖ said the girl to Mr Read, out of breath. ( )⒍The story happened in .

A. New York B. an airport C. a hotel D. a room

( )⒎Mr Read worked in a . A. school B. factory C. supermarket D. company

( )⒏Mr Read was going back to New York by . A. taxi B. train C. water D. air ( )⒐It took the waiter about minutes to run to Mr

Read’s room from the hall.

A. five B. ten C. fifteen D. twenty ( )⒑Mr Read to hear the waiter’s word. A. was glad B. got angry C. felt sad D. left the hotel (B)In England people can experience four seasons in one day. So they often talk about the weather. In the morning the weather is warm like in spring. After an hour black clouds come and then it rains heavily. The weather gets a little cold. In the afternoon it will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of day.

In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim at times, and in summer sometimes they need to wear warm clothes.When you go to England, you will see some English people usually take an umbrella with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella, you will regret later in the day.

( )⒒In England people like to talk about the . A. weather B. seasons C. spring D. summer ( )⒓In England in winter.

A.it’s always very cold B.people always wear warm clothes

C.the weather is very hot D. people can swim sometimes

( )⒔English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them on a morning.

A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy D. A, B and C

( )⒕When come, there will be a heavy rain later on.

A. spring and autumn B. summer and winter C. sun and snow D. black clouds

( )⒖If you don’t take an umbrella, you will feel

later in the day. A. glad B. worried C. angry IV 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

doesn’t have, has, played, ran, jumped, came, didn’t jump,

D. sorry

sat, stayed, put, not turn, wasn’t, got

(C)Mr Smith usually left his car outside his house. One


night he put it there as usual again, but when he came VI选词填空

down the next morning to go to his office, he found that Help, won’t, like ,at, away, hope, got, something, the car wasn’t there. He called the police and told them another, will be

about it. They said they would try to find the car.

初二下英语学科单元练习卷(二) When Mr Smith came home from his office that evening,


the car was back again in its usual place in front of his


house. He was very happy and found two concert tickets


and a letter on one of the seats. The letter said, ―We are III用can,can’t,may,must填空 very sorry. We took your car because of something 1.can’t,can,2.May,may3.can’t,must4.can,5.must/m

ay6.may7.can/may8.may9.may10may,can’t. important. Thank you for your car.‖

IV单词拼写 Mr and Mrs Smith went to the concert with two


tickets the next night and they enjoyed themselves very


much at the theatre. When they got home, they found that


the thieves nearly took everything in their house. VI选词填空

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正( R )与误 arrive,past,hours,still,thee,After,msomething,bega( W )。 n,another,himself

VII短文改错 ( )⒗Mr Smith didn’t find his car one morning.

1. happily-hppy2.is-was3.have-had4.a-the5.were( )⒘The police helped him find his car the next day.


( )⒙The thieves gave him two tickets to thank him.

e first9.few-little10√.

( )⒚The Smiths had a nice time at the theatre.


( )⒛They lost their car again.

VII 根据提示写一篇日记。(get up at six / have a 初二下英语学科单元练习卷(三)

I单选题BCADD BDBAC DBDCA DCBCB field trip / go to the Rhinoceros Cave on foot / have a

CBACA CCBDA picnic / climb the hill / catch fishes in the river / play


games / sing and dance / not go back home until five

III补全对话1.D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.C

o’clock / have a nice time)


1. strongly 2.sandwiches 3.us 4.more popular 初二下英语学科单元练习卷(一)

5.the thinnest 6.fifth 7.asking 8.his 9.washing







III单词拼写Laugh Even tastes kinds potatoes really


cooks keep agree order



VII选词填空gave, happy, thought, in, be, more, them, have, live, himself VIII作文。




初二下英语学科单元练习卷(五) Ⅰ. .单选题BCCDA CBDCB DDAAD CDACB DCDDC Ⅱ. 用动词的正确形式填空

picked, are doing/am doing/will finish, will come, tell/comes, called/to look, to carry, smoke/smoking, is raining/raining, take/taking, speak/say Ⅲ. 完形填空 DCBAC CABCD Ⅳ. 阅读理解BBCCD CDDAB ADDDD RWWRW

