Lesson14 Irfan Studied China

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Lesson14 Irfan Studied China


1. 掌握的词汇:interesting, travel, festival.

2. 识别的词汇及短语:take …to, Mother’s / Father’s / Children’s Day.

3. 学习反意疑问句。


导学难点:learn a bout other countries




1.The g____ store had many food.

2.The Chinese r_____ (餐馆) is great.

3.My favourite subject is social studies. It’s so i ______.

4.I love to t ______(旅游)

5.I learned about Chinese f______ (节日)


1.把……带到……________2.中国餐馆____________ 3.儿童节____________

4.different countries of the world _________5.Mother’s Day_________6.learn about __________


1.Is there a library in your school? 在你们学校有图书馆吗?

there be"在某地有某物".变一般疑问句时,be提前,变否定句时,在be后加not. 例如:

There aren’t any desks in the room.在屋子里没有桌子.

2. Is it important to be on time? 守时很重要吗?

it 是形式主语,真正的主语是带to的不定式.例如:

It is easy to draw a picture like this.画这样的一副画很容易.

3.What mistakes does Danny make in the library? 丹尼在图书馆犯了什么错误? make a mistake犯错误,也可以说成make mistakes 例如:

They made some mistakes in the maths exam. 他们在数学考试中犯了一些错误. You can’t make s mistake a mistake again.你不能再犯错误了.

4. Jenny and Bill meet at three O’clock to work on their project. Jenny 和Bill约定在3点中见面来做他们的项目.

work on从事于,致力于 例如:

They have worked on this problem for ten years. 他们做这个项目有十年之久了.

5.I’ll show you where it is.我来指给你它在哪?

where it is 做I’ll show 的宾语从句.宾语从句用相应的陈述语序.例如: I want to know if you are a doctor. 我想知道你是否是一位医生.

Do you know where he is goong.你知道它要去哪吗?

6.No noise ,please!禁止喧哗!

等于Don’t make a noise.类似的短语还有 No smoking !禁止吸烟!No parking!禁止停车!相当于一个否定的祈使句.

辨析:noise, voice 与sound


noise, voice, sound都有"声音"的意思.Noise指"噪音""吵闹声".例如:Don’tmake any noise,cildre.孩子们,别在吵了。

voice 指"噪音",人说话或唱歌的声音,有时也指鸟叫的声音.This sounds like Mary’s voice.这声音象是玛丽的说话声.

Sound指物的响声.例如:That is the sound of a car. 那是小汽车的声音.

7.I told Lisa we would work on our basketball project together.我告诉Lisa我们将一起做我们的篮球项目

would work是过去将来时的结构形式


He said he will buy a sweater next week.他说他下周将去北京. They told me there would be a football match on TV this Saturday evening.他们告诉我本周六 电视上将有一场足球赛

8. That’s a funny name, isn’t it?




-It’s going to rain, isn’t it?


-Yes, it is. 是的。

-You aren’t a student, are you?


-No, I’m not.


-Yes, I am.


另外要注意陈述部分带有否定词的反疑问句的构成,后面用肯定形式。例如: He never comes to school late, does he?


There is no water in the bottle, is there?


常用的否定词有:little, few, no, never, nothing, nobody等


I 翻译下列汉语

1 把------搬走____________2 把------制成 ___________

3树荫下 _________4没什么 __________ 5谈论 __________ II 选择合适的介词填空

Let’s talk ____ our history.

We can make and build things ___ trees.

In summer , we can sit under a tree ___ the shade.

Find three answers ___ this question.

All plants take energy ____ the sun.


Many animals live ___ trees.



( )1 Can you _____ it once again?

A speak B talk C say D tell

( )2 These are his shoes. Please give _____.

A him them B them to him C them him D him to them

( )3 Would you like ____ me _____ my English?

A to help , with B to help , on C help, with D help , on

( )4 -What ______ Tim like?

-He ____ like his father.

A is, is B does, is C does ,does D do, is

( )5 The rain _____ the soil away , so we should plant more trees.

A took B carried C brought D went

( )6 We need to build a new house ________.

A to live B to live in C lives in D live in

( )7 The machine ___ it ____ all kinds of cakes.

A make--- into--- B makes--- into--- C makes --- from ---

( )8 Please_____ me a cup of tea.

A carry B take C bring D lift

( )9 You’ll get a nice present ____ your parents ____ your birthday.

A from, on B for, at C from , in D about, on 我的思考

