新概念英语第一册练习题 完美打印打印版

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新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

新概念英语第一册练习题(一)Lesson 1 Excuse me!


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起!

A About you

Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结尾处加上你的名字。Sue: Excuse me. ______

John: Yes? ______

Sue: What's your name? ______

John: Pardon? ______

Sue: What's your name? ______

John: My name is John. ______

Sue: What's your name? ______

You: My name is...... ______

B Vocabulary:

Write the correct words in the questions.. 用正确的词完成以下问句。

book car coat dress house√.

pen pencil shirt wathc

1 Is this your h______? 6 Is this your c______?

2 Is this your w______? 7 Is this your c______?

3 Is this your sh ______? 8 Is this your d______?

4 Is this your b______? 9 Is this your p______?

5 Is this your p______? 10 Is this your s ______?

C Numbers:

Write the numbers in figures.. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

three 3 ten______ one______ four______ six______ five______

eight_________ seven______ two______



Lesson 2 Is this your....?这是你的....吗?

A Structure

Write questions with the words.用所给的词写出问句。

Handbag Is this your handbag?

1 book ______

2 car ______

3 coat ______

4 dress ______

5 house ______

6 pen ______

7 pencil ______

8 shirt ______

9 skirt ______ 10 watch ______

B Situations

Look at the situations. Which expression do you use for each?针对所给情景选择你应该说的话。Excuse me. Good morning. Pardon? Thank you very much.

1 You don't hear something very

well. What do you say? ______

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

2 Someone gives you something.

How do you thank him or her? ______

3 You want to speak to someone.

What do you say first? ______

4 You want to greet someone.

It is 9.30 a.m. ______


Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。

A Dialogue

Copy this dialogue.抄写这段对话。

Sue: My coat and my handbag ______

please. ______

Here is my ticket. ______

It's number ten. ______

Man: Thank you. Number ten. ______

Here's your handbag ______

and here's your coat. ______

Sue: Thank you very much. ______

B Vocabulary:Write in the words in the answers. 完成以下句子。

1 Is this your school? - Yes, it is my school .

2 Is this your ticket? - Yes, this is my ______.

3 Is this your teacher? - Yes, this is my ______.

4 Is this your watch? - No, it isn't my ______.

5 Is this your pencil? Yes, this is my ______.

6 Is this your daughter? - No, it isn't my ______.

7 ls this your umbrella? - Yes. it is my ______.

8 Is this your suit? - No, this isn't my ______.

C Numbers:Write the numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

twelve 12 _____ ten______ seven______ fourteen ______ eight______ fifteen______ thirteen ______ nine______ two ______ eleven______


A Structure

Answer the questions with Yes or No like the examples.模仿例句用Yes

或No 回答以下问题。

Is this your book? √ Yes, it is. It's my book.

Is this your car? × No, it isn't . It isn't my car.

1 Is this your coat?√ ______

2 Is this your watch?× ______

3 Is this your school?√ ______

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

4 Is this your ticket? × ______

5 Is this your book? √ ______

B Short forms:Write these with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。

1 Here is your pen. Here's your pen.

2 Here is my ticket. _________________

3 It is your umbrella. _________________

It is not my umbrella. _________________

4 It is my pen. _________________

It is not your pen. _________________

C Situations:

Look at the situations. Which expression do you use for each? 针对所给情景选择你应该说的话。

Thank you. Sorry. Pardon? Please.

1 You do something wrong. What do you say ? ______

2 Someone gives you something. How do you thank him or her? ______

3 You don't hear something. What do you say? ______

4 Which word do you use when you ask for something? ______


Lesson 5 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

A About you

Copy this dialogue. Fill in the last two sentences about yourself. 抄写这段对话,在最后两句中填上有关你自己的内容。

You: This is Fritz. He is German. ______

Man: Nice to meet you, Fritz. ______

You: This is Xiaohui. She's Chinese. ______

Man: Nice to meet you. And what's your name? ______

You: Oh, my name's....... ______

I'm ......, too. ______

Nice to meet you. ______

B Vocabulary:Write in the nationality adjectives. 填上表示国籍的形容词。

1 Lars is a Swedish student.

2 Naoko is a J __________ student.

3 Charlie is an A ___________student.

4 Wu Li is a C ____________ student.

5 A Daewoo is a K ___________ car.

6 Carlo is an I _____________ student.

7 A Mercedes is a G ___________ car. 8 First Things First is an E ___________book.

C Numbers:Write the answers to these simple sums in figures and words.用阿拉伯数字和英语数词写出以下算式的答案。

1. Ten + two=____________. Seven + eight=______________.

2. Nine-four=_____________ . Fourteen-five=_____________.

3. Eleven + three=_______________. Eleven-nine=____________.


Lesson 6 What make is it?它是什么牌子的?

A Questions:Write the correct questions for the answers.根据答案写出相应的疑问句。

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

What nationality is she? - She's Japanese. What make is his car? - His car's French.

1 What make is her car?______ -Her car's Swedish.

2 What nationality is he?______ -He's French.

3 What nationality is she?______ -She's Chinese.

4 What make is his car?______ -His car's Japanese.

B Structure:Write sentences. 模仿例句完成以下句子。

1 It - German car/not Japanese car. It's a German car. It isn't a Japanese


2 Marie - French student/not Italian


student. ______________________________

Marie's a French student .Marie isn't a Italian student.

3 She - English teacher/not Chinese ______________________________

teacher. ______________________________

She's a English teacher .She isn't a Chinese teacher.

4 He - Chinese student/not Korean ______________________________

student. ______________________________

He's a Chinese student ,He isn't Korean student.

C. Short forms:Write these with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。

1 Here is your pen. Here's your pen.

2 It is not American. ______________It isn't American.

3 It is English. ______________It's English.

4 He is Italian. ______________He's Italian.

5 She is not Swedish. ______________She isn't Swedish.

6 That is my teacher. ______________That's my teacher

7 He is not French. ______________He isn't French.

8 She is German. ______________She's German.


Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教师吗?

A Dialogue

Fill in the missing words.填空。

Robert: I ______a new student. ______name's Robert.

Sophie: Nice to ______you. ______ name's Sophie.

Robert: ______you French?

Sophie: Yes, I ______.

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______ you French, ______?

Robert: No, I ______ not. I'm ______.

What's ______job, Sophie?

Sophie: I'm a ______ ______.

B. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

sixteen ______ twenty ______ eighteen ______

twelve ______ nineteen ______ fifteen ______

Write these numbers in words.写出表示以下数字的英语数词。

17 ______ 11 ______ 8 ______ 12 ______ 20 ______ 13 ______


Lesson 9 How are you today? 你今天好吗?

A Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Lars: _, _Hellen.__ are you today?

Helen: Hello, Lars. I'm very __ , thank ______ .

___ you? _How are you?

Lars: I'm __, thanks. _How is Steven?

Helen: __ fine, _____.

And Emma's very __, too.

Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to __ you.

Helen: __ , __, Lars.


B. Vocabulary:What are the adjectives? Choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。

dirty cold thin young shor

1 It isn't hot. It's cold .

2 She isn't fat. She's __.

3 That man isn't old. He's __.

4 He isn't tall. He's short_.

5 Her car is very clean. It isn't __.

C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

eleven ___ twenty ______ fourteen ___

nineteen ____ twelve _____ fifteen ___

twenty-one ______ thirteen ______ twenty-two ______

Lesson 9 How are you today? 你今天好吗?

A Dialogue

Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Lars: hello, Helen. how are you today?

Helen: Hello, Lars. I'm very well , thank you .

and you? how are you?

Lars: I'm fine, thanks. how is Steven?

Helen: He's fine, thanks.

And Emma's very well, too.

Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see you.

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Helen: nice to see you, too, Lars.


B Vocabulary:What are the adjectives? Choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。

dirty cold thin young shor

1 It isn't hot. It's cold .

2 She isn't fat. She's thin.

3 That man isn't old. He's young.

4 He isn't tall. He's short.

5 Her car is very clean. It isn't dirty.

C Numbers:Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

eleven 11 twenty 20 fourteen 14 nineteen 19 twelve 12 fifteen 15 twenty-one 21 thirteen 13 twenty-two 22


Lesson 10 Look at。。。看。。。

A Questions:Write the correct questions in this dialogue. 为以下对话填上正确的疑问句。

Woman: Look at that new student. He's nice.


Man: His name's Steven.

Woman: That's a nice name.


Man: He's American.

Woman: His car's nice.


Man: It's a Toyota.

Woman: It's very nice.

B Structure:Fill in He's, She's or It's. 用He's, She's 或It's 填空。

1 ______ an air hostess. 5 ______ an old milkman.

2 ______ a policeman. 6 Look at that woman. ______ very tall.

3 ______ a German Mercedes. 7 Look at that man. ______very busy.

4 ______ a lazy housewife. 8 My car isn't dirty. ______ clean.

C Situations:Look at the situations. What do you say?根据以下情景选择你应该说的话。

Nice to see you. Hello. How are you? Goodbye.

1 How do you greet a friend? ______

2 How do you ask about a person's health? ______

3 What do you say when you leave someone? ______

4 How do you say it was good to see someone? ______


Lesson 10 Look at

Part A.

Woman: Look at that new student. He's nice.

What's his name?

Man: His name's Steven.

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Woman: That's a nice name.

What nationality is he?

Man: He's American.

Woman: His car's nice.

What make is it?

Man: It's a Toyota.

Woman: It's very nice.

Part B.

1 She's an air hostess. 5 He's an old milkman.

2 He's a policeman. 6 Look at that woman. She's very tall.

3 It's a German Mercedes. 7 Look at that man. He's very busy.

4 She's a lazy housewife. 8 My car isn't dirty. It's clean.

Part C.

1 How do you greet a friend? Hello.

2 How do you ask about a person's health? How are you?

3 What do you say when you leave someone? Goodbye

4 How do you say it was good to see someone? Nice to see you.


Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?

A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Teacher: ______ is this blue pen? Is it ______ pen, Tim?

Tim: No, it isn't ______ pen, sir.

My pen's white. Teacher: ______ it ______pen, Stella?

Stella: No, ______ isn't ______ pen, sir.

Teacher: ______ is it? Is it ______ sister's, Tim?

Tim: No, it isn't ______ pen, sir.

Teacher: ______ it ______ pen, Dave?

Dave: Yes, sir.

Teacher: ______ you are. Catch!

Dave: ______ you, sir.

B. Vocabulary:Look at this. Then fill in the words in the sentences below. 根据以下家谱填空。

Mr. Brown-----------------Mrs.Brown



Tim Brown Sophie Brown

Mr. Brown is a 1 man and Mrs. Brown is a 2 ______. Mr. Brown is Tim

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and Sophie's 3 ______ and Mrs. Brown is Tim and Sophie's 4 ______.Tim is

Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 5 ______. Sophie is Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 6 ______.Tim

is Sophie's 7 ______. Sophie is Tim's 8 ______.

C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数子表示以下数词。

thirty ______ twenty-five ______ twenty-three ______ twenty-seven ______ twenty-one ______ twenty-eight ______


Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?

A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Teacher: Whose is this blue pen? Is it your pen, Tim?

Tim: No, it isn't my pen, sir. My pen's white.

Teacher: Is it your pen, Stella?

Stella: No, It isn't my pen, sir.

Teacher: Whose is it? Is it your sister's, Tim?

Tim: No, it isn't her pen, sir.

Teacher: Is it your pen, Dave?

Dave: Yes, sir.

Teacher: Here you are. Catch!

Dave: Thank you, sir.

B Vocabulary:Look at this. Then fill in the words in the sentences below. 根据以下家谱填空。

Mr. Brown-----------------Mrs.Brown



Tim Brown Sophie Brown

Mr. Brown is a 1 man and Mrs. Brown is a 2 woman. Mr. Brown is Tim

and Sophie's 3 father and Mrs. Brown is Tim and Sophie's 4 mother .Tim is

Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 5 son. Sophie is Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 6 daughter. Tim

is Sophie's 7 brother. Sophie is Tim's 8 sister.

C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数子表示以下数词。

thirty ___30___ twenty-five __25__ twenty-three __23____ twenty-seven ___27___ twenty-one __21___ twenty-eight ___28____


新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

Lesson 12 Whose is this ...?这...是谁的?

A. Questions:Write questions. 根据答案写出正确的疑问句。

1 Whose is this blue umbrella ? -This blue umbrella is my brother's.

2 ______________________ ? -That shirt is Tim's.

3 ______________________ ? -This tie is my brother's.

4 ______________________ ? -That blouse is my sister's.

5 ______________________ ? - This car is Mr. Blake's.

6 ______________________ ? - That white shirt is Paul's.

B Structure:Fill in the blanks with my, your, his or her. 用所有格形容词my, your,his 或her 填空。

1 Is that Tim's shirt? - Yes, it is. It's ______shirt.

2 Is this Emma's umbrella? - Yes, it is. It's ______ umbrella.

3 Is that Steven's new coat? - Yes, it is. It's ______ new coat.

4 Is this my watch? - Yes, it is. It's ______ watch. (It isn't my watch!)

5 Is that your ticket? - Yes, it is. It's ______ ticket.

6 Is this Mrs. Brown's Ford? - Yes, it is. It's ______ new Ford.

C. Structure:This is an apostrophe: ' . Add apostrophes where necessary. 在必要的地方加上撇号(’)。

1 This is Tims shirt, that is his fathers coat, and this is Stevens tie.

2 This is my brothers old car and thats my fathers new car.

3 This is my mothers umbrella and thats my sisters handbag.

D. Situation:What do you say in this situation? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

What do you say when you give, pass or throw something to someone?



Lesson 12 Whose is this ...?这...是谁的?

A. Questions:Write questions. 根据答案写出正确的疑问句。

1 Whose is this blue umbrella ? -This blue umbrella is my brother's.

2 Whose is that shirt ? -That shirt is Tim's.

3 Whose is this tie? -This tie is my brother's.

4 Whose is that blouse? -That blouse is my sister's.

5 Whose is this car? - This car is Mr. Blake's.

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6 Whose is that white shirt? - That white shirt is Paul's.

B. Structure:Fill in the blanks with my, your, his or her. 用所有格形容词my, your,his 或her 填空。

1 Is that Tim's shirt? - Yes, it is. It's his shirt.

2 Is this Emma's umbrella? - Yes, it is. It's her umbrella.

3 Is that Steven's new coat? - Yes, it is. It's his new coat.

4 Is this my watch? - Yes, it is. It's your watch. (It isn't my watch!)

5 Is that your ticket? - Yes, it is. It's my ticket.

6 Is this Mrs. Brown's Ford? - Yes, it is. It's her new Ford.

C. Structure:This is an apostrophe: ' . Add apostrophes where necessary. 在必要的地方加上撇号(’)。

1 This is Tim’s shirt, that is his father’s coat, and this is Steven’s tie.

2 This is my brother’s old car and that’s my father’s new car.

3 This is my mother’s umbrella and that’s my sister’s handbag.

D. Situation: What do you say in this situation? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

What do you say when you give, pass or throw something to someone? Here you are.


A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Anna: What ______ is your father's new car, Tim?

Tim: It's blue.

Come and ______ it.


Anna: It's ______ smart.

Tim: My coat's new, ______.

Anna: And ______ colour's your ______?

Tim: It's the ______ ______.

It's ______, too.

Anna: It's a nice coat, Tim.

B. Vocabulary:Complete these simple sums with colours.用表示颜色的词填空。

1 black+white=______ 3 red+yellow=______

2 green+______ =brown 4 grey-white=______

Fill the blanks with colours. 用表示颜色的词填空。

1 Her new dress isn't g ______.It's y ______.

2 His dog isn't b ______. It's b ______and w ______.

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C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

fifty ______ sixty-one ______

seventy-two ______ eighty-five ______

ninety-seven ______ a hundred and one ______

A. Dialogue :Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Anna: What color is your father's new car, Tim?

Tim: It's blue.

Come and see it.


Anna: It's very smart.

Tim: My coat's new, too.

Anna: And what colour's your coat?

Tim: It's the same color.

It's blue, too.

Anna: It's a nice coat, Tim.

B. Vocabulary:Complete these simple sums with colours.用表示颜色的词填空。

1 black+white=______ 3 red+yellow=______

2 green+______ =brown 4 grey-white=______

Fill the blanks with colors. 用表示颜色的词填空。

1. Her new dress isn't green. It's yellow.

2. His dog isn't brown. It's blue and white.

C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

fifty 50 sixty-one 61 seventy-two 72 eighty-five 85 ninety-seven 97 a hundred and one 101


A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Customs officer: Welcome to England. ______ you Japanese?

Boys: No, ______ are not.

Customs officer: ______ you Korean?

Boys: No, ______ are not. We ______ Chinese.

Customs officer: ______ your friends Chinese, ______ ?

Boys: Yes, ______ are.

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Customs officer: And ______ you tourists?

Boys: Yes, ______ are.

Customs officer: Your passports, ______.

Boys: Here ______ are.

Customs officer: Thank ______ ______ ______.

B. Vocabulary:What nationality are they? Complete these sentences. 用表示国籍的形容词填空。

1 My friends aren't D ______ or S ______. They are N ______.

2 The students are R ______ and D ______.

3 The tourists are E ______, A ______ and G ______.

4 The girls are J ______ and the boys are C ______.

5 The man is F ______ and his wife is I ______.

C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

fifty-two ____ seventy-five ____ ninety-nine ____ a hundred and one ____ a hundred and five ____ a hundred and ten ____

答案: Lesson 15 Your passports, please. 请出示你们的护照。

A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Customs officer: Welcome to England. Are you Japanese?

Boys: No, We are not.

Customs officer: Are you Korean?

Boys: No, We are not. We are Chinese.

Customs officer: Are your friends Chinese, too ?

Boys: Yes, they are.

Customs officer: And Are you tourists?

Boys: Yes, We are.

Customs officer: Your passports, please.

Boys: Here they are.

Customs officer: Thank you very much.

B Vocabulary:What nationality are they? Complete these sentences. 用表示国籍的形容词填空。

1 My friends aren't Danish or Swedish They are Norwegian.

2 The students are Russian and Dutch.

3 The tourists are English, American and German.

4 The girls are Japanese and the boys are Chinese.

5 The man is French and his wife is Italian.

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C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

fifty-two 52 seventy-five 75 ninety-nine 99 a hundred and one 101 a hundred and five 105 a hundred and ten 110


Lesson 16 Are these your.....?这些是你的....吗?

A. Structure:Write these plural words in the correct columns. 根据复数的读音将以下名词填入表内。

girls tickets dresses passports handbags shirts cases skirts books pens ties friends boys blouses tourists nurses lural with a /s/ sound lural with a /z/sound lural with an/iz/sound

B. Structure:Make these plural. 用复数形式改写以下句子。

1 This is my friend. These are our friends.

2 This is his case. ________________

3 This is her hat. ________________

4 This isn't my passport. ________________

5 This isn't her handbag. ________________

6 Is this your coat? ________________

7 Is her passport red? ________________

8 Is my coat smart? ________________

C. Situations:Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 A tourist has lost his cases and asks you for help. Ask him about the colour of them. ______.

2 You are with a group of students and have found 2 tickets. What do you ask the group? ______.

3 You give 2 or 3 books, for example, to someone. What do you say ? _____.


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Lesson 16 Are these your.....?这些是你的....吗?

A. Structure: Write these plural words in the correct columns. 根据复数的读音将以下名词填入表内。

girls tickets dresses passports handbags shirts cases skirts books pens ties friends boys blouses tourists nurses lural with a /s/ sound lural with a /z/sound lural with an/iz/sound

B.Structure:Make these plural. 用复数形式改写以下句子。

1 This is my friend. These are our friends.

2 This is his case. _There are their cases

3 This is her hat. __There are their hats.

4 This isn't my passport. _There aren't our passports.

5 This isn't her handbag. _There aren't their handbags.

6 Is this your coat? ___Are these your coats?

7 Is her passport red? __Are their your passports red?

8 Is my coat smart? __Are our coat smart?

C. Situations:Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 A tourist has lost his cases and asks you for help. Ask him about the colour of them. __What colour is your cases?

2 You are with a group of students and have found 2 tickets. What do you ask the group? __Whose are these tickets?

3 You give 2 or 3 books, for example, to someone. What do you say ? _Here they are./Here are your books.

Lesson 17 How do you do? 你好!

A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

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Mr. Jackson: Please come and ______ our employees.

You: ______ you, Mr. Jackson.

Mr. Jackson: This is Nicola and this is Claire.

Nicola and Claire: How do you do?

You: ______?

Mr. Jackson: These ______ are very hard-working.

You: What ______ ______jobs?

Mr. Jackson: They're ______ operators. What's your ______?

You: I'm ______ student. And I'm very ______ - ______, too!

B. Vocabulary:What are their jobs? Choose and write in the best word. 用括号中正确的词填空。

1 What's her job? - She's a ______. (engineer/ housewife)

2 What's his job? - He's a ______. (policewoman/ postman)

3 What are their jobs? - They're ______. (policeman/ policemen)

4 What's Michael's job? - He's a______. (sales rep/ keyboard operators)

5 What's Mary's job? - She's an ______ . (air hostesses/ office girl)

6 What are Mike and Jim's jobs? - They're ______ . (sales rep/ sales reps)

7 What are Tim and John's jobs? - They're ______. (milkmen/ housewives)

8 What's his job? - He's an ______. (Customs officer/ office assistant)

C. Numbers: Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

two hundred ______ four hundred and two ______

six hundred ______ eight hundred and ten ______

nine hundred ______ a thousand and one ______

新概念一册练习题Lesson 18 What are their jobs?


1 Write these regular plural words in the correct columns. 根据复数的读音将以下规则的名词复数填入表内。office assistants sales reps employees office girls jobs keyboard operators

mechanics Customs officers air hostesses engineers taxi drivers

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2 Write in the irregular plurals of these nouns. 写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。

housewife- ______ man- ______ woman- ______

postman- ______ policewoman- ______

B.Structure:Rewrite these sentences in the plural. 用复数形式改写以下句子。

1 He is a sales rep. She is a sales rep, too. They are sales reps.

2 He is a hard-working employee. She is a hard-working employee, too.

(not lazy) ____________________

3 I am a nurse. My friend is a nurse, too.

(not policewomen) ____________________

4 She is a taxi driver. He is a taxi driver, too.

(not car mechanics) ____________________

5 I am a smart student. My friend is a smart student, too.

(not lazy students) ____________________

C. Situation:What do you say in this situation? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

You are introducing an English speaker to two of your colleagues. What do you say? ______

新概念一册练习题Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴

A. Dialogue

Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Mother: What's the ______, Susan?

Susan: ______ tired.

Mike: And______ thirsty, Mum.

Mother: I'm tired______ thirsty, ______.

Look! There's ______ ice cream ______.

There. Two ice ______. Are you all right now?

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

Children: Yes, thanks, Mum.

These ice creams______ very ______.

B. Vocabulary: Make pairs of opposites from the two boxes. Write them in the middle.从两框中挑出反义词,写在中间的横线上。

Now write questions and answers. 提问并回答。

1 (he/tall?) Is he tall?-No, he isn't tall. He's short.

2 (she/lazy?) ______________________________

3 (they /clean?) ______________________________

4 (the house/ cold?) ______________________________

5 (the shop/ open?) ______________________________

6 (the cases/ light?) ______________________________

7 (she/ young?) ______________________________

Lesson 19

A(Complete dialogue)

Mother: What's the matter, Susan?

Susan: I'm tired.

Mike: And I'm thirsty, Mum.

Mother: I'm tired and thirsty, too.

Look! There's an ice cream man.

There. Two ice creams. Are you all right now?

Children: Yes, thanks, Mum.

These ice creams are very nice.


hard-working-lazy, hot-cold, clean-dirty, thin-fat, light-heavy, open-shut, young-old, big-small

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

2 Is she lazy?-No, she isn't lazy. She's hard-working.

3 Are they clean?-No, they aren't clean. They'redirty.

4 Is the house cold?-No, it isn't cold. It's hot.

5 Is the shop open?-No, it isn't open. It's shut.

6 Are the cases light? -No, they aren't light.They're heavy.

7 Is she young? -No, she isn't young. She's old.

8 Are her shoes big?-No, they aren't big. They're small.

新概念一册练习题Lesson 20 Look at them!

Lesson 20 Look at them!看看他/它们!

A.Structure:Write the irregular plurals of these nouns. 写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。

1 a man two______ 5 a child two______

2 a woman two______ 6 a housewife two______

3 a postman two______ 7 an ice cream man two______

4 a milkman two______ 8 a policewoman two______

B.Structure;Write questions and answers. 提问并回答。

1 your hands/clean? Are your hands clean? -No, they aren't .

They're dirty.

2 her shoes/ white? ______________________________

3 his trousers/long? ______________________________

4 the ice creams/ small? ______________________________

5 their children/ old? ______________________________

6 the shops/ shut? ______________________________

7 your passports/ old? ______________________________

8 your cases/ light? ______________________________

9 the women/ hot? ______________________________

10 the boys/ tall? ______________________________

C.Situations;What do you say in these situations? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You see a little boy or girl crying. You want to know what's wrong. -- What do you say? ______

2 You ask a man for two ice creams. Which polite word do you add? -- ______

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

Lesson 20


men, women, postmen, milkmen, children, housewives, ice cream men, policewomen


2 Are her shoes white? - No, they aren't. They're black.

3 Are his trousers long? - No, they aren't. They're short.

4 Are the ice creams small? - No, they aren't. They're big.

5 Are their children old? - No, they aren't. They're young.

6 Are the shops shut? - No, they aren't. They're open.

7 Are your passports old? - No, they aren't. They're new.

8 Are your cases light? - No, they aren't. They're heavy.

9 Are the women hot? - No, they aren't. They're cold.

10 Are the boys tall? - No, they aren't. They're short.


1 What's the matter? or Are you all right?

2 Please

新概念一册练习题Lesson 21 Which book?

Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本书?

A.Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Paul: Give______ a knife ______, Susan.

Susan: ______one? This ______?

Paul: Is it sharp?

Susan: No, it isn't ______. It's ______.

Paul: No, not that one. The______ one.

Susan: Here______ ______.

Paul: ______ you.

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

B.Vocabulary:Make pairs of opposites from the two boxes. Write them in the middle.从两框中挑出反义词,写在中间的横线上。

Now write short dialogues. 写出简短的对话。

1 (bottle/ large? little?) Give me the bottle, please. -Which one?

The large one or the little one?

2 (glass/full? empty?) _______________________________

3 (box/ new? old?) _______________________________

4 (knife/blunt? sharp?) _______________________________

C.Numbers:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

three hundred and thirty-three______ five hundred and sixty-five______

seven hundred and eighty-one______ nine hundred and forty-two______

a thousand and thirteen______ a thousand and seven______

Lesson 21

A (Complete dialogue)

Paul: Give me a knife please, Susan.

Susan: Which one? This one?

Paul: Is it sharp?

Susan: No, it isn't sharp. It's blunt.

Paul: No, not that one. The sharp one.

Susan: Here you are.

Paul: Thank you.


full - empty, new - old, sharp - blunt

2 Give me the glass, please. - Which one? The full one or the empty one?

新概念英语第一册练习题 同步练习直接打印就可

3 Give me the box, please. - Which one? The new one or the old one?

4 Give me the knife, please. - Which one? The blunt one or the sharp one?


333, 565, 781, 942, 1,013, 1,007

新概念一册练习题Lesson 22 Give me a...

Lesson 22 Give me a... 给我一.....

Which one?哪一.....?

A. Vocabulary:Fill the blanks with the correct verbs. 用正确的动词填空。give sit meet come see catch√

1 Here's your shirt, Tim. Catch !

2 ______him a clean knife, please.

3 Here you are, children. ______ down here.

4 ______ and ______ my father's new car!

B.Structure:Write conversations like this. 模仿例句写出以下对话。

1 two books/me/English

A: There are two books here. Which one?

B: Give me the English one, please.

2 three handbags/ us/ blue

A: ______

B: ______

3 six ties/ them/ smart

A: ______

B: ______

4 two cups/ him/ clean

