新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

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新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Unit 8Text A

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

CONTENTSBefore ReadingReading After Reading Vocabulary Practice Enjoy English

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Before ReadingHi, I’m Rudy Maxa, venturing to the shores of Asia and one of the world’s most thrilling destinations. We’re about to discover why great travel experiences are made in Hong Kong. Next up, it’s Hong Kong, on Smart Travels. Smart Travels is a grand tour of the world’s great destinations, the people, places, and unique local flavors. Now, tips, trips, and secret places on Smart Travels Pacific Rim. Discuss the following questions: 1. Do you like traveling? Why? 2. Have you ever lived in a house made of ice? If not, would you like to live in one?

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

ReadingIcehotel Attracts Tourists1 With temperature below five degrees, you sleep on a bed carved of ice. Drinks served in the bar come in a glass made of ice. You can order dinner on a plate of ice. 2 Tourists from all over the world rush to Sweden’s far north to sleep in a hotel carved from ice each year. Named Icehotel, the hotel is in a tiny town 200 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle. It is the first hotel built entirely of ice.

attract entire



新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Reading3 The hotel has 35,000 visitors a year and creates hundreds of jobs. The summer heat destroys it and it has to be rebuilt every autumn, using 3,000 tons of ice and 30,000 cubic meters of snow. 4 “More people would leave our town if we hadn’t started our business,” the hotel’s founder said. 5 The town, located in northern Sweden, has a huge iron mine and only 23,000 people. In winter, temperatures drop to –45 degrees centigrade and the sun barely rises. But at icehotel, guests can spend the night in sleeping bags and fur hats. The icy bedrooms are the attraction.


locate Chinese

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Reading6 Frozen visitors warm up in a steam room. A lighted fire keeps the room warm for the Swedish custom of women and men bathing together without clothes. 7 Guests can choose from 66 rooms, many with art carved from ice. There are icy beds for those who choose to get married in the ice church.

choose to


新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Reading8 Visitors can join in outdoor activities such as skiing and riding on sleds pulled by dogs.

910 11

The climate inspired the local people to develop thisBefore, most people worked in the iron mining industry. Since the first Icehotel was built 11 years ago, the number of people living in the area has doubled.


Tourism employs more and more people every year.

employ inspire develop double


新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



Para. 1冰雪旅馆吸引大批游客



供应的饮料盛放在冰制的杯子里。你可以点用盛在冰制盘子里的饭 菜。 2 世界各地的游客每年都会涌向瑞典北部很远的一个地方,睡 在用冰雕琢成的旅馆里。这家名为“冰雪旅馆”的旅馆坐落在北 极圈以北200公里处的一个小镇上。它是第一家完全用冰建成

的旅 馆。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



Para. 3-5


就业机会。夏天的炎热使冰雪旅馆消融,所以每年秋天必 须再次用3,000吨的冰和30,000立方米的雪重建。 4 “如果我们没有开展旅馆业务的话,更多的人会离开 我




23,000人口。冬季这里的气温降到摄氏零下45度,几乎见 不到太阳。然而在冰雪旅馆里,客人们可以睡在睡袋里,


新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Reading译文6 7


Para. 6-7冻僵了的游客在蒸汽房取暖。燃烧的火使房间保持温 有66个房间可供客人选择,有不少房间里还有冰雕艺术

暖,男女脱衣同浴,这是瑞典的习俗。 品。旅馆还为那些选择在用冰建成的教堂里结婚的人准备了 冰床。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

Reading译文8 9


Para. 8-11

游客可以参加一些诸如滑雪 这里严寒的气候激发了人们


开发这一产业的创意。10 过去,大多数人都在铁矿找 活干,而现在每年越来越多的人

干起了旅游业。11 自从11年前建成第一座冰雪 旅馆以来,居住在这个地区的人


新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

ReadingDrinks served in the bar come in a glass made of ice. 酒吧里供应的饮料盛放在冰制的杯子里。


在本句中的served in the bar 和 made of ice都是过去分词短语作定语,分 别修饰drinks 和 glass。 “serve”意为“端上,摆出(饭菜、饮料等)”; “make of”意为“用 制造”

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



Named Icehotel, the hotel is in a tiny town 200 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle. 这家名为“冰雪旅馆”的旅馆坐落在北极圈以北200公里的一个小镇。Arctic Circle: 北极圈。通常北极圈(北纬66°33’)以内的地区称作北极 地区,其总面积大约是两千五百万平方公里。北极地区包括全年被冰雪 覆盖的大洋——北冰洋的大部分,以及沿岸的亚、欧、北美三洲的陆地 和岛屿。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



The summer heat destroys it and it has to be rebuilt every autumn, using 3,000 tons of ice and 30,000 cubic meters of snow.夏天的炎热使冰雪旅馆消融,所以每年秋天必须再次用3,000吨 的冰和30,000立方米的雪重建。句中using 3,000 tons of ice and 30,000 cubic metres of snow是一个现在分 词短语作状语,表示伴随性动作。 e.g. They walked on the street, talking and laughing. 他们在街上走着,又说又笑。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



More people would leave our town if we hadn‘t started our business. 如果我们没有开展旅馆业务的话,更多的人会离开我们小镇。注意本句所使用的虚拟语气。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A



Since the first Icehotel was built 11 years ago, the number of peopl

e living in the area has doubled. 自从11年前建成第一座冰雪旅馆以来,居住在这个地区的人口数量 翻了一番。 注意since 引导的从句中用的是过去时(因为讲的是11年前的 事),而主句中用的是现在完成时。

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

After Reading

Main Idea

Detailed Understanding

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

After Readingpassage.

Main Idea

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the Each year tourists throughout the world travel to located Sweden’s Icehotel which is ______ in a small town 200 ________ Circle kilometers north of the Arctic ______. They sleep on beds carved _______ of ice, have drinks ______ in glasses made of ice in served

dishes the bar and eat dinner on ______ of ice in the hotel built_______ of ice. Visitors can take part in such _______ entirely outdoor

pulled activities as skiing or riding on sleds _____ by dogs.

新视野英语教程book1 Unit 8text A

After Reading

Detailed Understanding

Complete the following sentences according to the text. 1. Why do people from all over the world go to Sweden’s far north? located there/an attraction They go there because Icehotel is _____________________. 2. What is special about the bar in icehotel? glasses and plates are made of ice Things such as ______________________________. 3. In what way does Icehotel help local people? It creates hundreds of ___________________ jobs. 4. How do we know that is very cold in the rooms? Because guests have to sleep in sleeping bags ________________________________

and wear fur hats ___________________________.5. How did most people in the town make a living 11 years ago? working in the iron mines By __________________________ .

