
更新时间:2024-02-12 16:12:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载




I prefer to take the train. Because when you take a train, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the railway line. At the same time, you have enough time to make new friends from everywhere. Finally, if you tired, you can have a good rest on the train.

I enjoy traveling either by myself or with my family.

Because traveling with the group, the time will be in a hurry, everything is on track, so I will feel tired. I cann't enjoy traveling, Originally trip is to relax.

If traveling with my family, I will have more time to take care of them, and we can enjoy the scenery together. How happy!

Traveling allows us to enjoy different scenery, experience all kinds of cultural customs, and enjoy various local cuisine. At the same time, traveling can let us know a variety of people

and make all kinds of friends.

Before leaving home for traveling, I'll play attention to the weather of my destination to decide what clothes to bring there. Then I'll check my baggages to make sure that I've got everything ready such as ID card, tickets, mobile phone charger and so on. Then at last, I'll turn all the electric switchs off, lock the door and go out.

I dream to travel to Tibet.

Because Tibet's the roof of the world, there have blue sky, wide glassland, as well as pious people.

At the same time, there have the spirit of the Potala Palace, Namco Lake and majestic Mount Everest. Those just can be seen on TV or books.


备注: 有下划线的词语是曾经在雅思考试中出现过的即一级重点词汇必须背诵。



旅游 旅行社 旅客 guide导游,指南

package tour团队游 free tour自由行 出差


经济舱 business class商务舱 first / VIP class头等舱 one-way ticket单程票

往返票 layover / stopover中途停留 non-stop flight直达航班 connecting-flight转机 机场税 免税店 excess charge超重 vacant seat空座 destination目的地 terminal终点站 通知板 fare票价

extra charge / surcharge附加费

air host / hostess空中先生(小姐) ground steward地勤




底部 休息室,候机厅 Tourist Attraction旅游景点


scenic spot / view point景点 历史遗迹 sightseeing观光 landscape风景

seascape scenery海景

观景台 heritage遗迹 relics残迹 城堡


山林风景区 植物园 海港

hot spring / spa温泉 cave / cavern(大)洞穴剧院

amusement park游乐园 orchard果园 ice rink旱冰场

water mill水力发电站 bay 海湾 dock港口 水坝 reservoir水库


Great Barrier Reef大堡礁 Stonehenge巨石阵



伦敦塔 地质地貌



hilly area丘陵地带 瀑布

Timetable日程安排/线路 scheme计划,方案 户外活动 hitch-hike搭便车旅行 徒步旅行 camp野营

短途旅行,远足 voyage航行 outtrip郊游

expedition探险,远征 运动


攀岩 bungee jumping蹦极跳 hang-gliding滑翔 judo柔道 surf冲浪

scuba dive(带水肺的)潜水 skiing滑雪高尔夫球 badminton羽毛球 rowing划船 volleyball排球 篮球 table tennis兵乓球 squash壁球 jogging慢跑 住宿


海景餐馆 小屋 hostel招待所 inn小酒店 hut小屋 语言

Mandarin普通话 Cantonese粤语

Public Transportation 交通

traffic jam交通堵塞 骑车 船

飞机,飞行器 工艺品,船舶


乘公共车辆上下班者 长途客车

caravan大篷车 tram有轨电车

river cruise游艇游览 helicopter直升飞机 submarine潜艇

4-Wheel-Drive四驱车 van中巴

shuttle bus班车

airport limousine机场大巴 berth铺位(火车上)

pullman / sleeping-car卧铺车 计程车

中心车站 停车灯 穿戴


泳衣 手表

裤子 牛仔裤 鞋子 靴子

短(长)袜 shirt衬衫 skirt短裙 coat外套 suit西装 tie领带

necklace项链 trunks泳裤 scarf围巾 pullover套衫 jumper上衣 underwear内衣 pajamas睡衣 sandals凉鞋 slippers拖鞋 sneakers运动鞋 携带物品


双筒)望远镜 急救箱 手电筒 sunbed日光浴床 sleeping bag睡袋 backpack双肩背包 tent帐篷


insect repellent驱虫剂

防晒霜 照相机 注意事项

带刺的东西 sunburnt太阳晒伤的 野餐 barbecue 烧烤


魔术(师) 喜剧comedian喜剧演员

动画片 tragedy悲剧 romance浪漫故事片 science fiction科幻 rock摇滚乐 blues蓝调 hip-hop街舞

folk music民间音乐 吉他 violin小提琴

saxophone萨克斯管 flute笛子

electric keyboard电子琴 mime哑剧

art festival艺术节

演出,表现 大舞台 边缘舞台 audience观众 solo独奏

乐队,阶段 duet二重唱

管弦乐队 symphony交响乐 concerto协奏曲 sonata奏鸣曲 pop music流行乐 acrobat杂技演员 circus show马戏表演 puppet木偶 celebrity名人

main attraction压轴戏


/ porcelain / china / ceramics / crockery瓷器,陶器 鼓手 portrait人物肖像 landscape风景画 ballet芭蕾舞 mask面具

spotlight聚光灯 conductor指挥 melody旋律 rhythm韵律 pasttime消遣 juggling杂耍

篇三:Travelling English

Travelling English


1. Excuse me, how soon will we be landing? 打扰一下,我们什么时候着陆?

2. We should be landing in New York in about one hour. 我们一小时后在纽约着陆。

3. I see. What is the time in New York? 我知道了,纽约现在几点?

4. It is 11 now in New York . Is someone meeting you at the airport? 纽约现在11点,有人来机场接你吗?

5. Yes, my boyfriend is.

6. Do you need anything?

7. Can I have a cup of coffee?

8. Sure, Here you are.

9. Do you have any English / Chinese newspapers/ magazines? 有英文/中文报纸/杂志吗?

10. Can you give me a pillow / I want a blanket, please. 能给我一个枕头吗?/ 我想要床毯子。

11. Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里?

12. Where can I find the airsick bag? 哪里有呕吐袋?

13. My earphone doesn't work. Can you change another one for me? 我的耳机没声音,能给我换一副耳机吗?

14. Shall I leave my bag under the seat? 我要把包放在座位下面吗?

15. Excuse me; I think you are sitting in my seat. 不好意思,这是我的座位。

16. I asked for a seat by the window. 我要一个靠窗的座位。

17. What time will the meal be served? 几点开餐?

18. I feel airsick / I don't feel well. Please give me some medicine. 我有点晕机。/我不舒服。请给我点药。

19. The plane is taking off. 飞机起飞了。

20. For your own safety, please fasten your seat belt. 安全起见,请系好安全带。

21. Please refrain from smoking until the " No Smoking" sign is switched off。No Smoking标志关掉之前请不要吸烟。

22. Please keep your seat belts fastened. 请系安全带。

23. Please keep your seat in the upright position. 请把座椅背直立起来。

24. We are experiencing some turbulence. 正在发生一些动乱

25. We will be landing in 15 minutes.我们15分钟后着陆

26. We are beginning our descent. 我们(飞机)开始降落。

27. Please extinguish all smoking materials 请熄灭所有冒烟的东西。

28. We are preparing for our final approach. 我们正准备最后的方案

29. Please stay seated until the plane stops completely. 飞机停稳之前请坐好。

30. Please stay seated until we reach the terminal.到达之前请坐好

标签: 预定交通工具

1. I would like to book a ticket.

2. Could I have a seat on the flight to Shanghai tomorrow?

-Sorry , there's no seat available on that flight.

3. What is your destination?

4. When do you want to travel?

5. Would you like the first-class or the economy?

6. I want to have a ticket for the second-class cabin to Tianjing.

7. How much is a ticket for the first-class cabin?

8.A one-way ticket to Tianjing, please / A round-trip ticket to Nanjing, please.

9. Are there any cheaper tickets?

10.I want to reserve a flight to Los Angeles, please.

11.What date is that, sir?

12. The morning of the fifth, about eight o'clock.

13. Let me check that. Sorry, the eight o'clock flight is full.

14.I can get you a flight leaving at 9:00 a.m. and arriving at 10:30.

15. That is fine. What about the return flight? I would like to return the following morning.

16. We have return flights at 6:00 and 7:30 a.m.

17. Six o'clock is too early. Can you get me a seat on the 7;30 flight?

18. All right. I can give you your seat assignment now.

19. Do you want to sit in the smoking section?

20. No, I want to sit in the non-smoking section.

21. Can you give me an aisle seat?

22. Yes, it's all set.


23.Reservation and ticket information. May I help you?

24. Yes, I'd like to confirm my reservation.

25. Your date of departure and your flight number, please.

26.Ah, let me see. The date is August 12th and your flight number is 026 from Beijing.

27. Your name, please, Miss?

28. It's G-U-O ,Guo.

29. Just one moment, Miss Gao. Yes, We have your reservation.

It's Flight 026 departing from Beijing at three on the 12th. You are all set, Miss.

Please check in at least one hour and a half before takeoff.

30. Yes, I'l l do that. One more thing,when will I arrive in Los Angeles?

31.You'll arrive there at 8 p.m.on the 13th

31. Thanks a lot.

32. Have a nice trip!

