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美式音标2015年2月班 《导学课》的笔记: A a

大写字母:句首,姓名首字母,地名,文章标题等情况下? apple 苹果 A is for apple.

One apple a day keeps the doctor away.(这句话不同的语境场合下有不同的意思) 1.每天吃一个苹果,身体棒棒的不用去看医生。

2.如果每天都在玩“苹果”的设备那么你可能就荒废了学业拿不到你的博士学位。 B b


B is for birthday.

Happy birthday to you!生日快乐! C c cake

C is for cake.

It's a piece of cake to me!这事情非常简单对我来说小菜一碟。 D d

date 日期、约会 D is for date.

It's a date!一言为定。 E e egg

E is for egg.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,(意思是不要孤注一掷) F f fire 火 F is for fire.

You're fired.你被解雇了。 G g

Gold金子 G is for gold.

She is a gold-digger. 她是淘金的人(她是一个傍大款的人) H h

Hide 躲藏 H is for hide.

Let's play hide and seek.我们来玩捉迷藏吧。 I i

ice cream冰激凌 I is for ice cream.

Ice creams are my favorite!冰激凌是我的最爱。 J j

Jog慢跑 J is for jog.

Jogging is good for your health!慢跑有益健康。 K k

Kite风筝 K is for kite.

Let's fly the kite咱们去放风筝吧 L l


L is for light.

You're the light of my life。你是我生命之光 M m milk

M is for milk.

Don't cry for the spilt milk.不要为已经撒出的牛奶哭泣(不要为无谓的事后悔)。 N n no

N is for no.

You need to learn how to say no.你需要去学习如何去拒绝别人。 O o

O is for oh.

Oh my God. 我的天啊。(=OMG) P p

Popular 流行,时尚 P is for popular.

Everyone wants to be popular.每个人都想变得流行(成为受人欢迎的那种人) Q q

Queue 队伍 Q is for queue.

Don't jump the queue.不要插队 R r

Rest休息 R is for rest.

You need to have some rest.你应该好好休息一下。 S s sorry

S is for sorry.

I'm sorry for doing this.我很抱歉我做了这样的事情 T t team

T is for team.

We'll play as a team.我们是一个团队。 U u


U is for umbrella.

Take this umbrella with you.把这把伞带上,别淋湿了。 V v

Victory胜利 V is for victory.

Let's celebrate our victory.让我们庆祝一下我们的胜利 W w

will意愿,意向 W is for will.

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竞成。 X x


X is for X-ray. He had his chest X-rayed.他的胸腔照过X光

Y y

Y is for yoga. 瑜伽

Yoga is the study of balance通过学习瑜伽可以达到内心和身体的平衡 Z z

Zebra 斑马 Z is for zebra.

We can find zebras in the zoo.我们在动物园可以看到斑马。 在26个英语字母中: 元音字母:

Aa Ee I i Oo Uu

辅音字母:其他都是辅音字母。 ABC song

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z X Y Z Now you see I can say my A B C


汉语 —— 拼音 英语 —— 音标 (注意音标和字母的区别) 音标是初学者的发音拐杖International Phonetic Alphabets


1. 发音要领 + 口型学习 (Pronunciation) 2. 故事串讲 (Story Time) ① 单词带读 ② 故事串讲

③ 字母 / 字母组合发音规律 ④ 带读练习

3. 练习时间 (Practice)

4. 发音技巧 (More to Learn)

Lesson One

《A Big Piece of Pizza!》的笔记: 两段绕口令

1、 Picky people pick Peter Pan peanut butter. Peter Pan peanut butter is the peanut butter picky people


挑剔的人会选择“Peter Pan”这个牌子的花生酱。

2、A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 一只大黑虫咬了大黑熊一口,让大黑熊流血了。 [i]发音要领:

舌端靠近下齿舌前部抬高,略低于[i:]的唇形扁平,开口比[i:]略大,接近闭合。 [i:]发音要领:

舌端靠近下齿舌前部抬高,不接触上齿龈唇形扁平开口很小,接近闭合 。

My sister Liz is eating a meal at the mill. Liz正在磨房吃一顿饭。 It is a big piece of pizza that Liz is eating! Liz正在吃的是一大块披萨。

Her sheep \她的羊叫“桃子”,正在沙滩上睡觉。 Sheep \梦到了广阔大海上有条船。


(本套课程中字母/字母组合发音规律只针对于大部分情况下,有特殊的如pizza这里的i发长元音i:。) eating a meal

→ My sister Liz is eating a meal.

→ My sister Liz is eating a meal at the mill. a big piece of pizza

→ It is a big piece of pizza.

→ It is a big piece of pizza that Liz is eating. sleeping

→ Her sheep \

→ Her sheep \ dreaming

→ Sheep \

→ Sheep \[p]发音要领:

清辅音双唇紧闭,气流从双唇冲出,声带不振动,发音送气 [b]发音要领:


字母p通常发[p]的音, 字母组合pp通常发[p]的音,例如:happy 字母b通常发[b]的音,字母组合bb通常发[b]的音,例如:rubber Lesson two

《How to Cook Food?》的笔记: [u:]


长元音,舌端离开下齿,舌后部抬高,唇形尽量收缩得小而圆,并且向前突出。 [?]发音要领:

短元音舌端离开下齿,舌身收缩,舌后部抬高双唇自然收圆,稍向前突出。 Tera: Pat, do you know how to cook food?

Pat: We would better dine out, Tera. Put on your new blue shoes. Tera:Ok, I want to have a pudding and some tomato soup. And after that, I would like to buy two good books. dine out 出去吃

字母u或字母组合oo或ou通常发[u]音,比如:look, could,food,wood;

字母u或字母组合oo, ou, oe或ue, 通常发[u:]音,比如:zoo, route,soup, moose麋鹿,pool; [t]

发音要领: 清辅音

舌尖轻触上齿龈,突然离开,气流从舌尖和上齿龈中冲出,发爆破音,声带不振动,发音送气。 [d] 浊辅音

舌尖轻触上齿龈,突然离开,气流从舌尖和上齿龈中冲出,发爆破音,声带振动,发音不送气。 字母t,或者tt通常发[t]的音,比如:water, butter

(值得注意的是,在美音当中,当[t]出现在两个元音音素中间的时候,经常像[d]) 字母d,或者dd通常发[d]的音,比如:food, middle


How many good cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook as many good cookies as a good cook could cook?


《Mr. Hart’s hut 哈特先生的小屋》的笔记:


舌端离开下齿 , 舌后部略抬高口张大,开口最大唇形自然成圆形。 ?短元音


舌端两侧轻触下齿 , 舌头位置靠近[?] 唇形扁平,放松

Mr. Hart has a hut in the woods. After having supper, he took a bath. It got darker and darker outside.

Mr. Hart shut the gate with the key in his pocket. All of a sudden, a squirrel showed up with a nut. after, bath 英音[ɑ:] 美音[?]

字母u,有时o和字母组合ou发[?]音,比如:cup, bus, come, touch, hut, up, mud, bug; 字母a或者字母组合ar通常发[a:]音,比如:half, hard, card, heart, dark; k


舌后部隆起紧贴软腭然后突然离开,气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出,发爆破音声带不振动,发音送气. g浊辅音

舌后部隆起紧贴软腭然后突然离开,气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出,发爆破音声带振动,发音不送气. squirrel 浊化现象 [k] →[g]

字母c, k 或字母组合ck通常发[k], 有时ch也发这个音,比如:pick, crow, stomach, kick, lock, geek; 字母g或字母组合gg通常发浊辅音[g],比如:go, glad, bigger, fog, log ; got, dark

→ darker and darker

→ It got darker and darker outside. gate, key, pocket

→ the key in his pocket

→ Mr. Hart shut the gate with the key in his pocket. Jim: Kate, do you know how to kick football? Kate: What? I'm not a geek.

Jim: Hey, Look! There's a log in the river.

Kate: I don't think so. There's no lock in the river. Jim: Not a _lock with a K, but a log with a G! 《4 Coffee or Vodka?》的笔记: [?]短元音

舌端离开下齿舌前尽量降低,后缩,舌后部抬高双唇稍稍收圆,开口大 [?:]长元音


Fiona: Vivian, look! There is a man selling coffee in the van! Vivian: Ah, yes! Over there, on the port!

Man: What would you like to have, a cup of coffee or juice?

Vivian: A cup of coffee sounds fine. This is the very first time I see a mobile coffee van.

How about you, Fiona?

Fiona: I have seen it before. But I don't like coffee or juice. I prefer vodka.

字母o通常发[?]音,有时字母a也发这个音, 比如:Oxford, copy, watch, what, vodka, cock, fox, on, ; a, ar, ough 等字母组合发[?:] , 比如:call, warm, bought, or, before, cork, fork; → What would you like to have?

→ What would you like to have, a cup of coffee or vodka? → Over there, on the port!

f发音要领: 清辅音

声带不振动,发音送气,上齿放在下唇上,气流从上齿和下齿间的缝隙流出,上齿下齿摩擦成音; v浊辅音

声带振动,发音不送气,上齿放在下唇上,气流从上齿和下齿间的缝隙流出,上齿下齿摩擦成音; 字母f,字母组合ff通常发[f]的音,有时字母组合ph或gh也发这个音,比如:leaf, office, photo, laugh; 字母v通常发[v]的音,比如:vote, visit; coffee, van

→ sell coffee in the van.

→ There is a man selling coffee in the van! very, first, coffee, van → a mobile coffee van.

→ the very first time, a mobile coffee van.

→ This is the very first time I see a mobile coffee van. Take a photo of us ,please.请帮我们拍张照。 t ei k ? ‘f ?u t ?u ? v ?s p l i: z

美音发音习惯:经常会把短语?,发成长音a:,也是正确的,这个大家要留意。 Pot [p?t] 茶壶

Cocktail 鸡尾酒 [k?kteil] Chocolate 巧克力 [t??kl ?t]

《5 A Hat for My Pet》的笔记: e发音要领: 短元音

舌端靠近下齿舌前部抬高,略低于[i]唇形扁平,但开口大于[i]可以容纳一个食指尖; ?梅花音发音要领: 短元音

舌端靠近下齿舌前部抬高,略低于[e]唇形扁平,但开口大于[e]可以容纳两个食指尖 字母e通常发[e]的音,但有时字母a或者字母组合ea, 或者ai 也发这个音,如:set, many, bread, said; 字母a通常发[?]的音,比如:map, hand, mad, had; Diana: Hi, Helen! Can I help you?

Helen: I want to buy this mini hat for my pet Cynthia. And there are a lot of hats here. Diana: What are you thinking about? A hat, for a dog?

Helen: Yes, that will be her first birthday present. She will be three years old.

Now I need to go back and prepare for her dinner.

发[e] 的音,Pet, Helen, help, present, egg, sweat, head ;发[?]的音hat, Diana, back, mat, pan, tap; Helen, help

→ Hi, Helen! Can I help you? hat, pet

→ hat for my pet

→ I want to buy this mini hat for my pet Cynthia. θ清辅音

舌尖放在上下齿之间轻触上齿的下边缘气流从上齿和舌尖的缝隙流出摩擦成音声带不振动,发音送气。 e浊辅音

舌尖放在上下齿间轻轻触上齿的下边缘气流从上齿和舌尖的缝隙流出摩擦成音声带振动,发音不送气。 字母组合th发[θ]的音,比如:thank, south, thirty, Cynthia, birthday, three, north, throw, mouth; 字母组合th发[e]的音,比如:then, they, mother, father, there, that, this, father, leather; That will be her first birthday present. She will be three years old. She cannot sleep without her mother.


一个单词可以划分成1个或多个音节。 1. mom [m?m] 单音节

2. mother ['m? /// e?]双音节

3. grandmother ['gr?nd /// 'm? /// e?(r)] 多音节

音节由一个或者多个音素构成,而且每个音节必须包含一个元音音素。 有一些音节,只有一个元音音素构成,常见于双元音。 eg: eye[ai], owe[??]

元音 + (辅音) 自由搭配

see [si:] 辅音[s] + 元音[i:] 单音节词 if [?f] 元音[?] + 辅音[f] 单音节词 tip [t?p] 辅音[t] + 元音[?] + 辅音[p] 单音节词 《6 Love Story》的笔记: ?发音要领: 短元音

舌端离开下齿舌身平展而放松唇形扁平,放松。 З:长元音


字母a, o, u, e常发[?]的音,比如: ago, campus, mother, summer, pilot, other, surely, later; 字母o, u, e常发[З:]的音,比如: worse, lurk, service, learn, work, first ; Sally met Tom last summer. Tom is a soldier and Sally works as a doctor.

They fell in love with each other at the first sight. Later, Tom was sent to be a pilot in the desert. Surely, it wasn't easy for Sally when she learned this. Then, Sally made a decision to visit Tom. → Tom is a soldier.

→ Sally works as a doctor.

→ Tom is a soldier and Sally works as a doctor. → a pilot in the desert

→ Later, Tom was sent to be a pilot in the desert. She lives on campus. This room is dirty. s发音要领: 清辅音

舌尖靠近上齿龈,气流从上齿龈和舌尖之间的缝隙流出,摩擦成音声带不振动,发音送气; z发音要领: 浊辅音

舌尖靠近上齿龈,气流从上齿龈和舌尖之间的缝隙流出,摩擦成音声带振动,发音不送气. ?发音要领: 清辅音

舌前端接近上齿龈,舌身向上抬向硬腭气流从舌和硬腭及上齿龈间的缝隙流出, 舌前端和硬腭摩擦成音,声带不振动,发音送气. ?浊辅音发音要领:

舌前端接近上齿龈,舌身向上抬向硬腭气流从舌和硬腭及上齿龈间的缝隙流出, 舌前端和硬腭摩擦成音,声带振动,发音不送气。

字母s, c或者字母组合ss通常发[s]的音,比如:bus, city, miss, cent, see ;

字母s或者z通常发[z]的音,有时ss或者zz也发这个音,比如:noise, zoo, scissors, jazz, wasn't, as; 字母组合sh通常发[?]的音,比如:shop, lash, wash;

字母s或者字母组合si通常发[?]的音,比如: vision, television; → Later, Tom was sent to be a pilot in the desert. (was, sent, desert)

→Surely, it wasn't easy for Sally when she learned this. (surely, wasn't, easy, Sally, she,this) → Sally made a decision to visit Tom.( Sally, decision, visit )

一个单词中音节的个数是元音音素的个数。 Campus [k?m//p?s] 校园 0o强+弱

Banana [b?//’na:n?] 香蕉 o0o弱+强+弱 Table [‘tei//bl] Again[?//’gein]

Computer 电脑 [k?m’pju:t?] Vocabulary 词汇 [v?’k? bju l? ri] University 大学 [,ju:ni ‘v?: si ti]

在英文单词当中,双音节词和多音节词中总一个音节比其他音节读得重,该音节叫做重读音节。 多音节词(两个以上的音节)中都有一个重读音节。(有的词还会有次重音) Task: 尝试找出以前学过的双音节词/多音节词中的重音音节。

《7 A Bad Liar 一个很不善于撒谎的人》的笔记:

i?发音要领:双元音, 先发[?],快速[?]滑动,中间无停顿。

e?发音要领:双元音, 先发[e],快速向[?] 移动,不到[?]发音即结束,中间无停顿。

ai发音要领:双元音,先发[a:]下颚迅速向上合拢自然向[i]滑动,在还没有发到[i]的时候,即告完成,中间无停顿。(类似汉语拼音中的ai,但是口型更张大) ei发音要领:双元音,先发[e]下颚迅速向上合拢自然向[i]滑动还没有发到[i]的时候完成,中间无停顿。 Clear[kl i?(r)]清楚的 Beer [b i?] 啤酒 Fair [fe ?(r)] 公平 Wear[w e ?(r)] 穿着 Like[laik] 喜欢 fly[flai] 飞翔 take[teik] 拿走 eight[eit] 八 -- Would you like to join me, taking a tour around the world? -- Yes, but I have to stay at home alone right now.

-- Are you sure? Poor boy. I'll post my photos online everyday. -- Oh no. Life is unfair!

-- You know what? I flied to the South Pole and saw polar bears two years ago. It was joyful. -- Don't lie to me. Ok? It's clear that polar bears don't live there. 字母组合ea, ee 等常发[??]的音,比如:hear, beer;

字母组合ai, ea, ere等常发[e?]的音,比如:fair, wear, where;

字母i或y,或者字母组合 igh, uy, ie 等常发[ai]的音, 比如:tide, fly, high, buy, tie;

字母a或者字母组合ai, ay, ea, eigh, ey 等常发[ei]的音,比如:table, again, say, great, eight, hey;

Tear [t i?(r)] 眼泪 Hair[he ?(r)] 头发 Liar [lai?(r)] 骗子 name[neim] 名字 ?i发音要领:

双元音先发[?],下颚迅速向上合拢,自然向[i]滑动不到[i]发音即结束,中间无停顿 u?发音要领:

双元音,先发[u]双唇收起,自然向[?]滑动不到[?]发音即结束,中间无停顿 au发音要领:

双元音,先发[ɑ:]双唇收起,自然向[u]滑动不到[u],发音即告完成,中间无停顿 ?u发音要领: 双元音,先发[?]下颚稍向上抬,自然向[?]滑动不到[?],即告完成,中间无停顿双唇由扁平收圆(Oo) 字母组合oi 或者oy 常发 [?i]的音, 比如:soil, toy, join, jouful; 字母组合oor, our 等常发[u?]的音,比如:poor, tour, sure ;

字母组合ow 或者 ou 常发[au] 的音,比如:down, ground, mouth, south,around; 字母o, 字母组合ow, oa 等常发[??]的音,比如:no, oh, low, boat, polar, Oyster [?ist?(r)] 牡蛎; sure[?u?] loud [laud] fold[f?uld]折叠

开音节 / 闭音节

26个字母当中:元音字母:a, e, i, o, u; 辅音字母:除5个字母外的其他字母 开音节:(1) 以发音的元音字母结尾的音节。be, he, so,单音节;also,这个双音节单词只有一个开音节; photo双音节,这里有两个开音节

(2) 以辅音字母(r 除外)+ 不发音的e结尾的音节。

date, make, like;这三个都是单音节词,这三个都是开音节。 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。

闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾,而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。

tip, is, desk, drink; 这四个都是闭音节。

《8 The Dress for the Party》的笔记: t?发音要领: 清辅音

舌尖顶在上齿龈后部,先不发音,舌尖立即离开上齿龈,双唇略向前突起,并稍稍收圆气流从舌和硬腭及上齿龈间的缝隙流出,声带不振动,发音送气 d?发音要领: 浊辅音


A: Which dress will you choose for the party tonight? B: The orange one on that chair.

A: It matches your shoes so well. When you're in this, people can't tell your age. When will you leave? B:I am thinking about leaving early. I'm not good at driving, and the traffic is terrible in the country. 字母t 或者字母组合ch, tch 常发[t?]的音,比如:nature, chat, catch;

字母j, g 或者字母组合ge, dge 常发[d?] 的音,比如:jam, germ, large, bridge. It's a picture of orange jam.这是一张橘子果酱的照片。

Chat[t??t]闲聊chin[t?in]下巴 catch[k?t?]抓住 large[la:(r) d?]大的 jam[d??m]果酱 joke[d??uk] tr发音要领: 清辅音

舌尖顶在上齿龈,先不发音,舌尖立即离开上齿龈,向上齿龈与硬腭连接处翘起,同时双唇撅起 气流从舌面与上齿龈后部之间的缝隙流出,发出破擦音; 声带不振动,发音送气 dr发音要领: 浊辅音

舌尖顶在上齿龈,先不发音,舌尖立即离开上齿龈,向上齿龈与硬腭连接处翘起,同时双唇撅起 气流从舌面与上齿龈后部之间的缝隙流出,发出破擦音; 声带振动,发音不送气 字母组合tr常发[tr]的音,比如:tree, train, trust, traffic, country; 字母组合dr常发[dr]的音,比如:drug, dry, drop, dress, driving; driving, traffic, country → I'm not good at driving. → traffic is terrible

→I'm not good at driving, and the traffic is terrible in the country. →He's a train driver.

Try[trai]尝试 trace[treis]痕迹 tray[trei]托盘 drag[dr?g]拉拽 draft[dr?ft]草稿 dream[dri:m] 辅音浊化: s + 清辅音 + 一个元音音素(同一音节内),无论那个清辅音是在单词的最前面还是中间, 只要是在重读音节(次重读音节)里,一般都读成对应浊辅音。 尝试朗读以下几个单词会发现,可能和你看到的音标不一样: Sport [sp?(r)t ] 运动 sp→sb stop[st?p]停止 st→sd Sky [skai] 天空 sk→sg street[stri:t]街道 str→sdr

Speed study skate strong 辅音浊化不体现在音标里,但读的时候需要自己注意转换。 《9 My Naughty Classmate 我捣蛋的同学》的笔记:

Tommy is a naughty boy. He usually makes noises in his class. He sometimes chats with his desk mate. But now, he is raising his hand and waiting to answer the question! What's happening? It's the school open day today and Tommy's father is watching him!

m发音要领: 浊辅音(鼻辅音)

双唇闭拢,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔流出,声带振动 n发音要领:


舌尖紧贴上齿龈,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔流出,前鼻音。 ?浊辅音(鼻辅音)

舌后部抬起,贴住软腭,软腭下垂,后鼻腔通道打开,气流从鼻腔流出, 后鼻音。 字母m或者字母组合mm通常发[m]的音,比如:must, more, mummy;

字母n通常发[n]的音,有时字母组合nn或者kn也发这个音,比如:new, sunny, knee膝盖, know; 字母组合ng通常发[?]的音,比如:sing, thing, long;

如果是[k]或者[g]前面的字母n也发[?]的音,比如:finger, single, bank, uncle; 尝试朗读以下句子:

read it. drink it up. take a look at it!


前一个单词词尾的辅音音素 + 后一个单词词首的元音音素 尝试朗读以下句子:

Got up at eight,(按意群划分,Got up ,at eight)

got on a bus, went into work, worked until two, went out for lunch,

worked until six, back on the bus, switched on the box, slept in a chair.

《All about Christmas》的笔记: [l]发音要领:浊辅音

舌尖轻触上齿龈,双唇稍微张大,气流侧出,振动声带 [r]发音要领:

舌尖卷起,靠向上齿龈后部,向后面的硬腭弯曲双唇撅起气流经过,舌面和上齿龈后部摩擦成音。 浊辅音,声带振动,发音不送气

I'm wrapping presents for Christmas. Look at those lovely little yellow cats. What about you? I'm writing Christmas cards for my friends. Too much writing hurts my wrist. Do you need help?

No, thank you. It's almost finished. After all, I only have twelve friends.

含[l]的单词:Lily lovely little yellow help almost all only twelve 字母l或者字母组合ll通常发[l]的音, 比如:leave, feel, tall;

含[r]的单词:Rose wrapping presents Christmas writing for friends hurts wrist after 字母r或者字母组合wr, rr通常发[r]的音,比如:right, wrong, sorry;

I worked late (rate / late) the day and I didn't arrive (arrive / alive) home until 10 o'clock. Then, to my surprise (supplies / surprise), my key didn't fit in the lock (lock / rock).

So I got back on my bike and rode (rode / load) back to the office to collect (collect /correct) them. cats[k ? ts] cards[ka:(r)ds] ts发音要领:

清辅音,声带不振动,发音送气,舌尖顶上齿龈,先不发音,舌尖立即离开上齿龈,移向下齿龈, 气流从舌和上下齿龈间的缝隙流出 发破擦音 dz发音要领: 浊辅音

声带振动,发音不送气,舌尖顶上齿龈,先不发音,舌尖立即离开上齿龈,移向下齿龈, 气流从舌和上下齿龈间的缝隙流出,发破擦音 [ts][dz][tr][dr]不属于基本音位。

字母组合ts或者tes通常发[ts]的音,比如:hats, hates; Cats[k ?ts] presents[pr?zents] hurts 字母组合ds, des 通常发[dz]的音,比如:ponds, hands, grades, Cards, friends

