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实验时间 实验人 实验名称 CISCO 与 H3C STP 对接 2015/10/23 范四周 实验目的 测试在网络环境中CISCO与H3C设备之间的生成树运行兼容性 实验设备 CISCO:3550一台、3560一台 H3C : 3600两台 1、 H3C 全局必须配置 stp config-digest-snooping 2、 H3C 与 CISCO 互连接口下必须配置 stp config-digest-snooping 3、 在 MST 域内 所有设备region-name和 revision-level一致 4、 CISCO设备默认NATIVE VLAN 1,在此实验中不能更改掉NATIVE VLAN 1,否则无法对接。 5、 H3C 设备默认PVID 1,是否更改对设备无影响(H3C 始终默认VLAN 1 通过UNTAG) H3C MSTP 与CISCO MST 对接成功 H3C与CISCO STP 对接只能同时运行MST才可以 实验配置注意事项 实验结果分析 实验结论 实验拓扑一:
H3C 3600-2E1/0/2VLAN 110 120 130 140Instance 1 110 120Instance 2 130 140E1/0/1E1/0/1TRUNKE1/0/2H3C 3600-1F0/22F0/21Cisco 3560
H3C 3600-1配置:
stp instance 1 priority 4096 stp instance 2 priority 8192
stp enable
stp region-configuration region-name S revision-level 1
instance 1 vlan 110 120 instance 2 vlan 130 140 active region-configuration stp config-digest-snooping
H3C 3600-2配置:
stp instance 1 priority 8192 stp instance 2 priority 4096 stp enable
stp region-configuration region-name S
instance 1 vlan 110 120 instance 2 vlan 130 140 active region-configuration stp config-digest-snooping
CISCO 3560配置: spanning-tree mode mst
spanning-tree extend system-id !
spanning-tree mst configuration name S revision 1
instance 1 vlan 110, 120 instance 2 vlan 130, 140
MSTID Port Role STP State Protection 0 Ethernet1/0/1 ROOT FORWARDING NONE 0 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE 1 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE 1 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE 2 Ethernet1/0/1 ROOT FORWARDING NONE 2 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE
(*) means port in aggregation group
-------[MSTI 1 Global Info]-------
MSTI Bridge ID :4097.000f-e268-4df2 MSTI RegRoot/IRPC :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 0 MSTI RootPortId :0.0
Master Bridge :32768.000f-e268-4d14 Cost to Master :200 TC or TCN received :330
----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.1 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Rapid Fwd State :Rapid Forwarding Port Times :RemHops 20
----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.2 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Rapid Fwd State :Rapid Forwarding
Port Times :RemHops 20
-------[MSTI 2 Global Info]-------
MSTI Bridge ID :8194.000f-e268-4df2
MSTI RegRoot/IRPC :4098.000f-e268-4d14 / 200 MSTI RootPortId :128.1
Master Bridge :32768.000f-e268-4d14 Cost to Master :200 TC or TCN received :191
----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Root Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :4098.000f-e268-4d14 / 128.1 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Port Times :RemHops 20
----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :8194.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.2 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Rapid Fwd State :Rapid Forwarding Port Times :RemHops 19
----[Port5(Ethernet1/0/5)][DOWN]---- Port Role :Disabled Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200000 Desg. Bridge/Port :8194.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.5 Num of Vlans Mapped :1
Port Times :RemHops 20
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]------- CIST Bridge :32768.000f-e268-4df2
Bridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20 CIST Root/ERPC :32768.000f-e268-4d14 / 0 CIST RegRoot/IRPC :32768.000f-e268-4d14 / 200
CIST RootPortId :128.1 BPDU-Protection :disabled
TC-Protection :enabled / Threshold=6 Bridge Config
Digest Snooping :enabled TC or TCN received :344
Time since last TC :0 days 0h:43m:8s
----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- Port Protocol :enabled
Port Role :CIST Root Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.000f-e268-4d14 / 128.1
Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None
MSTP BPDU format :Config=auto / Active=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1
PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 20 BPDU Sent :2074
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2074 BPDU Received :2336
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2336
----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---- Port Protocol :enabled
Port Role :CIST Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.2
Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None
MSTP BPDU format :Config=auto / Active=standard(802.1s) Port Config
Digest Snooping :enabled
Rapid Fwd State :Rapid Forwarding Num of Vlans Mapped :1
PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 19 BPDU Sent :1331
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 1331 BPDU Received :13
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 13
MSTID Port Role STP State Protection 0 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE 0 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE 1 Ethernet1/0/1 ROOT FORWARDING NONE 1 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE
-------[MSTI 1 Global Info]-------
MSTI Bridge ID :8193.000f-e268-4d14
MSTI RegRoot/IRPC :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 200 MSTI RootPortId :128.1
Master Bridge :32768.000f-e268-4d14 Cost to Master :0 TC or TCN received :100
----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Root Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.1 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Port Times :RemHops 20
----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :8193.000f-e268-4d14 / 128.2 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Port Times :RemHops 19
-------[MSTI 1 Global Info]-------
MSTI Bridge ID :8193.000f-e268-4d14
MSTI RegRoot/IRPC :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 200 MSTI RootPortId :128.1
Master Bridge :32768.000f-e268-4d14 Cost to Master :0 TC or TCN received :100
----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Root Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :4097.000f-e268-4df2 / 128.1 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Port Times :RemHops 20
----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---- Port Role :Designated Port Port Priority :128
Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :8193.000f-e268-4d14 / 128.2 Num of Vlans Mapped :2
Port Times :RemHops 19
-------[MSTI 2 Global Info]-------
MSTI Bridge ID :4098.000f-e268-4d14 MSTI RegRoot/IRPC :4098.000f-e268-4d14 / 0 MSTI RootPortId :0.0
CISCO与H3C STP对接测试12-04
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