更新时间:2023-09-30 22:50:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
Listening Review Script 01:
W: You know, many American parents are now wondering why they can’t keep their teenage children from drinking.
M: I’m aware of that. To my mind, it’s the permissive attitude of the parents that is to blame.
Q: What can you learn from the man’s response?
01. A. Parents should deal with teenage drinking seriously.
B. Parents shouldn’t allow their children too much freedom.
C. Children should be aware of the consequences of too much drinking. D. Children should not drink too much.
Script 02:
M: Don’t you think it’s good to give our children a monthly allowance?
W: I think so. It can teach them the value of money. With a monthly allowance they can learn to budget their expenses wisely.
Q: What are they talking about? 02. A. The value of money.
B. How to budget our expenses wisely.
C. Monthly allowances for children.
D. A good way to spend money.
Script 03:
M: Mom, I’ve got a part-time job at a supermarket. Three hours a day weekdays and all day Saturday.
W: Congratulations, Tom. But are sure you can handle it? What about your homework and your piano lessons? Q: How does the mother feel about
Tom’s part-time job at the supermarket? 03. A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Unhappy. D. Proud.
Script 04:
M: Hey, Mary. You look so upset. What happened?
W: My father had an accident the other day. He is now in hospital and will have an operation tomorrow. You see, his heart is rather weak. I really don’t know whether he can survive it.
Q: What’s the woman worried about? 04. A. Her father’s accident.
B. Her father’s injuries after the accident.
C. Her father’s poor health. D. Her father’s operation.
Script 05:
W: Mother’s Day is coming soon. Could you tell me what sons and daughters do in your country on that day?
M: Well, they send their mothers flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion. Besides, it is a common practice for them to wear pink carnations on that day.
Q: Which of the following is true of the customs of Mother’s Day in the man’s country?
05. A. Mothers decorate their houses with flowers to celebrate the occasion. B. Mothers wear pink carnations on that day.
C. Children buy their mothers carnations of different colors.
D. Children send their mothers flowers and cards.
Script 06:
M: May I help you?
W: I’m here to apply for a library card. M: Would you please fill out this application card?
W: Sure. Could you tell me what time the library is open?
M: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it closes at 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, it’s open till 9. It stays open till 6 on Saturday. But on Sunday it’s closed all day.
Q: On which evenings is the library open?
06. A. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. B. Tuesday and Saturday. C. Saturday and Sunday. D. Tuesday and Thursday.
Script 07:
M: The weather is so changeable these days. The forecasts seem never to be
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