八上Module 11 The weather Unit 3学案

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课题:Module 11 The weather

Unit 3 Language in use

主备人:孙娟娟 审核人:刘骁明 审批时间:2011-12-27

班级: 学生姓名: 使用时间:

【Learning Objects学习目标】 1、知识目标:

能在日常交际中应用本模块粗体的单词短语和句型:possible,stormy, shine, depend, best of all, railcard, truly.


能够掌握may/might和表示可能性的单词或短语及because, so, but

的简单用法。 3、情感目标:

初步了解各地气候状况,给别人提出旅行建议,懂得关心他人。 4、学习策略:

积极与他人合作做本课出现的各种习题,共同完成本课学习任务。 5、文化意识:


【Learning Important Points学习重点】 表示建议的相关句型。

【Learning Difficult Points学习难点】

表示可能性的单词或短语及because, so, but的用法

【Learning Procedures学习过程】 Preview(预习·导学):


2、完成本单元练习(Activities 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11)

【Class Activities 课堂活动】

Step1 Feedback on the preview


Step2 Sum up the words about the weather.

Step3 Sum up the usage of may, might, probably, maybe.

1、may 为 动词,意为 ,可能性较 ,需要配合


E.g. He may come to our party.

2、might 表示可能性很 。www.xkb1.com E.g. What the little boy said might be true.

3、probably是一个 词。意思是 几乎可以 。 E.g. He would probably never see him again.

4、maybe是一个 词,一般放在句子的前面,意为 。 E.g. Maybe I won't go back. 5、possible是一个 词,

E.g. It’s to visit Alaska in December.

Step4 Do Activities 1 and 2.

Step5 Exercises

I. 单项选择。

1. On April Fool’s Day, we play jokes _______ friends.

A. on B. about C. at D.with

2. The cars don’t move at all. There _______ be something wrong with it. A.maybe B. possible C. may D.is 3. What do you usually do _______ rainy days? A.for B. of C. on D.at

4. This Sunday we’re _______ Hong kong.

A.leaving to B. off to C. off D.arriving to 5. ----______________? ----It’s sunny and hot.

A. What’s the weather like B. How is the weather like C.What is the weather

Ⅱ. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你不能事事都依靠父母。

You can’t _______ _______ your parents for everything. 2. 何时是参观你们国家的最佳时间?

_______ is the _______ time _______ _______ your country?

