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2 ?情感态度与价值观:










3.复读,是指通过前两遍的读还有不能确定的题,此时通过多方位的斟酌和推理, 仔细权衡,攻破难点。



Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling 1 ? He didn't know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐)and asked, "Could you help me? I can't find my seat.?, The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带).She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan's ears might feel 5 strange, but he dicing need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would 9 food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon.

()1.A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus

()2.A. yet B. or C. but D. so

()3.A. him B. me C. her D. he

( )4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down

()5.A. a little B. little C. a bit of D. bit

C. thinking

D. to think )3. A. set out

B. worked out

C. took out

D. came out

( )4. A. when ()5. A. book ()6. A. happily ( )7. A ? put on B. then B. hat B. politely B. put it on C. while

C. glasses

C. angrily

C. putting on

D. where D. umbrella D. slowly D ? put them on

( )6.A worrying B. be worried C. worry about D ? worry

()7.A. in B. for C. as D. like

( )8.A. neither B. either C. both D. also

( )9.A hold B. take C. bring D. carry

( )10. A. arrive in home B. arrive to home C. get home D. reach at home

短文一讲述了第一次乘飞机的感受,1题句意为Allan 第一次乘飞机,故选 by ail% 2题根据文意,Allan 因为找不到座位,所以他就去问空姐。这里构成 因果关系,应用so 引导结果状语从句。3题Align 是男士,故选him 充当show 的宾语。4题tell sb. to do sth ?意思是"叫某人干某事”,故选to sit down 。 5题a little 修饰形容词表示“有点……",a bit of 意为“一?些”作定语修 饰名词。6题need to 后而应接动词原形,并且worry 为不接物动词,不能直接 接宾语,故选worry abouto 7题like that 意为“像那样”。8题also 用于肯 定句中。9题根据文意,空姐拿来食物和饮料给乘客,故选bringo 10题,到家 应用 get home.


Mr. Black was a careless professor. He was seriously short-sighted ?(近卞见的)He was always busy ] about plans, new ideas and so on. And he hardly noticed what was going on 2 him.

One fine day he went out for a walk in the countryside, with a book in his hand. As soon as he _3_, he began reading with great attention. He hadn ?t gone far 4 he knocked into a big cow and fell down. He lost his 5 , and he thought he had stumbled (绊倒)over a fat women. “Sorry, madam," he said 6 before looking for his glasses. When he 7 , he realized his mistake.

Then Mr. Black went on his walk on the country road. Soon he read his book again and paid no attention to _8_. Five minutes later, he knocked into something again, losing both his book and glasses. This time he became very angry. He beat the

"cow" angrily with his umbrella. Then after finding his glasses, he realized that he had made 9 mistake. A large fat 10 , full of fear ,was running away from him as fast as she could, crying for help at the top of her voice.

C. on

D. around ( )8. A. something else B. nothing else C. anything else D. other anything

( )9. A. other B. again C. the second D. a second

( )10. A. woman B. cow C. man D. bear

短文二是则幽默故事,布莱克先生因为粗心和严重近视,在他一?天出去散步吋 出的笑话。1小题是be busy doing ?2小题是介词around 的用法意为:周围 的。3小题是set out 与set off 同义“出发,动身”。4小题的Wh 订e 引导的 状语从句,从句的谓语动词常用延续性的动词,所以这里应用when. 6小题虽然 布莱克先生被绊倒了,眼镜掉了,在没找到眼镜之前就说了对不起,所以应为 politely. 7小题用)1. A. to walk B. talking

)2. A. with B. to

them代替glasses. 8小题是形容词修饰不定代词至于其后, anything意为“任何一切”。9小题是冠词用于序数词前表示“再一,乂一”。10, 根据下文she所以选woman.


Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Torrf s garden all through the 1 and they are much 2 ?Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, but he _3一most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruits and flowers are so 4 and beautiful that Tom can sell them much more in the market than other villagers.

How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so ? that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio.

He _7_ the music all day.

That is quite true. Tom 一things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything 9 ? It is the music that does the work. Tom knows clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love 10 as much as people.

( )1. A. week B ? month C.season D. year

( )2. A. better B. worse C. less D. later

( )3. A. buys B. sells C. borrows D? 1 ends

( )4. A. dear B. bad C.good D. small

( )5. A. politely B. quickly C. slowly D. carefully

( )6. A. angry B. busy C. tired D. lazy

( )7. A. listens to B. hears C. watches D. speaks

( )8. A. fills B. plants C. throws D. makes

( )9. A. does B?

moves C. grows D. plays

( )10A work B. rain C. stories D.




物,说明园子里一年到头都长着植物,故year为正确选项。2题很明显,汤姆的植物园比村子里其余人的应好得多,故应用比较级better o 3题根据文意,汤姆到市场上去应是卖自己种植的花,水果及蔬菜,故选sells o 4题这里应选择一个褒义形容词修饰汤姆的蔬菜水果,故只能选goodo5题因为蔬菜水果长得好, 所以在市场上

卖得很快,故quickly为正确选项。7题表示听音乐这动作应用listen too 8题根据文意,汤姆春夏秋冬在园子里是在种各种植物,故选plant。9题grows在这里表示园子里的一切在不断地生长。10题上文讲到音乐使得园子里的一切又大又美,说明



Food is very important. Everyone needs to _1_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food, this kind of food is _2_. We begin to get knowledge even _3_ we are very young. Small children are _4_ in everything around them. They learn _5_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _6_ story books, science books ..?,anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _7_ to find out answers. What is the best

_8_ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _9_ knowledge. If we are _10_ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.

()1. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

( )2. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat

()3. A. until B. when C. after D. so

( )4. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. better

( )5. A. everything B. something C. nothing D? anything

()6. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write

()7. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait

()8. A. place B. school C. way D. road

()9. A. little B. few C. many D. the most

( )10. A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes



1题本句承接上文,进一?步强调食物的重要性,要有强壮的体魄得吃得好,故选eat。2题根据下文,大脑所需要的食物应为knowledge o3题按常理一个人在小的吋候就开始学习了,所以应用when引导这里的吋间状语从句。4题小孩对知识的接受主要依靠于他们对事物产生的兴趣,词组be interested in sth表示“对感兴趣”,rflJ interesting用来形容令人感兴趣的事物,故选择interestedo 5题孩子们在耳听眼观的过程屮经常会学到一些东西。everything 过于绝对化‘nothing、anything 不合文意,应选something。6题随着年龄的增长,孩子们开始read各类书籍而不是write, learn在这里搭配不当。7题孩子们在学习过程屮发现问题时,由于求知的欲望,应尽力去解决问题,故选择try o8题本段主要就学习方法展开讨论,该句应为总括句,空白处当然应填入wayso 9题与后面的方法比起来,作者认为独立口主的学习为最佳方法,最佳方法出然应使人获得最多的知识,故选择the mosto 10题be always doing sth 意为“总是干某事”。










