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GMDSS 通信英语(青岛)

Part One The Introduction of GMDSS

1.The radio equipment to be carried on board GMDSS ship depends upon____. A. Gross tons B. kind of ship C. sea area D. A + B

2.Which of the following indicates that a station transmit concerning navigation safety messages by radio telephone? .


3.Which of the following indicates a grave and imminent danger requesting immediate assistance on the radio telephone? .

A. MAYDAY B. PAN PAN C. SECURITE D. SAFETY 4.If we pass the exam, it may be possible for us to obtain: ___. A. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate B. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate C. General Operator's Certificate D. Restricted Operator's Certificate

5.All the distress messages should be preceded by____

A.MAYDAY B. PAN PAN C. SECURITE D. SAFETY 6.The sea area A3 will be within the coverage of____.

A. MF Coast Station B. VHF Coast Station C. Inmarsat Satellite D. COSPAS/SARSAT 7.Urgency message should be preceded by____.


8.Which of the following equipment does not belong to GMDSS ? A. EPIRB B. GPS C. DSC D. Inmarsat-F

9.The equipment carriage requirement of the ships of which sea area can be summarized as: carry YHF equipment and either a satellite EPIRB or a YHF EPIRB? A. A1 B. A2 C. A3 D. A 4

10. \.____ A. ETD is not changed B. ETD has changed C. ETA has changed D. ETA is not changed 11. What is AAIC of traffic system in China? ____ A. CN01 B. CN02 C. CN03 D. CN04

12. Which equipment is required to be carried in various sea areas? A. VHF B.MF C. HF D. MES

13. Which of the following description about Sea Area A3 is correct?____ A. an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station and one MF coast station. B. an area, including Sea Area A1 and A2 , within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite. C. An area, excluding Sea Area A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite. D. An area, excluding Sea Area A1 and A2, within the coverage of an COSPAS-SARSAT system. 14. The following radio communication systems are used in the GMDSS except . A. the Inmarsat system B. VHF MF and HF terrestrial systems C. The COSPAS-SARSAT system D. The FLAG SIGNAL systems 15. Which of the following frequency is NOT used for GMDSS? ____ A. 2,182 kHz B. 500 kHz C.518kHz D.2,187.5kHz 16. 'AMENED ETA PILOT STATION\.

A. ETA pilot station has been changed B. ETA pilot station will be given afterwards C. ETA pilot station was not given D. ETA pilot station is given


17. Which frequency band does the 518 kHz belong to? A. LF B .MF C. HF D. VHF 18. GMDSS is the abbreviation of_____. A. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System B. The Global Mariners Distress and Safety System C. The Global Marines Distress and Safe System D. The Global Marines Disco and Safe System

19. If we only want to sail in A1, which certificate will fit for us?____ A. the First-class Radio electronic Certificate B. the second-class Radio electronic Certificate C. the General Operator's Certificate D. the Restricted Operator's Certificate

20. Both the satellite communication and terrestrial communications will ____. A. not be used in the GMDSS B. be used only for general communications C. be replaced by Morse D. be used in the GMDSS 21. The medical message should be preceded by the word ____. A. OBS B.TMZ C. MEDICO D. N/W

22. The date for entry into full effect for GMDSS is 1st February____ . A. 1999 B.1992 C.1995 D.1997

23. How does the GMDSS enable a ship in distress to send a message? A. in many ways B. in a way C. only by DSC D. only by Inmarsat

24. In the case of a ship in Sea Area A4, the primary means of ship-to-shore distress alerts would have to be____ A. VHF DSC B. MF DSC C.406 MHz EPIRB D. InmarsatC 25. The primary function of the GMDSS is____ . A. daily communication

B. bridge to bridge communication C. MSI broadcast D. distress communication of the distressed ships

26. If we want to communicate with Guangzhou station by RT, we find out the channel of the station in the ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS____ .

A. Volume 1 B. Volume2 C. Volume3 D. Volume5

27. What kinds of ships may not comply with SOLAS convention? A. cargo ships less than 300 tons

B. Cargo ships more than 300 tons

C. passenger ships sail on international service D. B&C

28. Every ship shall be provided with a VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving on____ . A. CH 70 and CH 16 B.CH06

C. CH 13 D. all of above

29. The \A. ship-aircraft B. intership C. ship-shore D. bridge-bridge

30. Who have primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents? . A. the first mate B. the second mate C. the captain D. the operator 31. The call sign of coast' stations of China are between____ . A. BAA-BZZ B. XSA-XSZ C3HA-3UZ D. AAA-AZZ

32. Availability of radio equipment maintenance options onboard in A3 is____ .


A. at-sea maintenance B. shore-based maintenance

C. duplication of equipment D. nominate two options of above ' 33. Regulation of the GMDSS applies to_____. A. all cargo ships above 300 gross tons

B. all passenger ships on international voyages C. all ships D. A&B

34. Which device has not the function of alerting? A. EPIRB B. SART C. MES D. DSC

35. The GMDSS supports two independent systems for broadcasting MSI, viz ____ . A. NAVTEX & EGC B. SafetyNET & FAX C. InmarsatC & EGC D. DSC & NBDP

36. Which terminal is used to alert to ships by distressd vessel? A. EPIRB B.SART C. MES D. DSC

37. When distressed vessel in A4, which terminal is used for routine communication in long range servies? A. 406 MHzEPIRB B. InmarsatF C. InmarsatB D. HF terminal

38. Which of the following frequencies is used for international distress and safety frequencies on MF radio telephony?

A.2,182 kHz B.2,187.5 kHz C.2,177 kHz D.2,414.5kHz

39. Which of the following descriptions of usage is suitable for 8,414.5 kHz frequency? A. Distress alerting frequency on HF DSC

B. Distress communication frequency on HF RT C. Distress alerting frequency on MF DSC D. Distress communication frequency on HF NBDP

40. Which of the following (lescription of usage is suitable for 2,174. 5 kHz frequency-? A. MF NBDP distress and safety traffic frequency

B. MF TELEPHONE distress and safety traffic frequency C. MF DSC distress and safety call frequency D. HF NBDP distress and safety traffic frequency

41. The call sign of ship stations of China are between____ . A. BAA-BZZ B.XSA-XSZ C.3HA-3UZ D. AAA ~ AZZ

42. Which of the following frequencies is used for intership MF DSC calll? A.2,182 kHz B.2,187.5 kHz C.2J..77 kHz D.2,414.5 kHz

43. Which frequencies can not be used for ship-aircraft communications? A.CH06 B.3,023 kHz C.2,182 kHz D.5,680 kHz.

44. If a ship is on fire in the Sea Area A3 , which of the following equipments would be used to make ship-to-shore distress alerts? A. HF DSC B. 406 MHz EPIRB C. Imarsat-C D. All of above

45. To insure the maintenance of the radio equipments, the vessel sailing in A1 area should select A. at-sea maintenance B. shore-based maintenance C. duplication of equipment D. any one of above

46. The transition period in implementation of the new GMDSS system is____ years. A. 6 B.7 C. 8 D.9

47. What is the basic concept of GMDSS? A. Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay B. Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation


C. Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted D. All of these

48. What statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS? A. Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement B. Redundancy of functions of .certain equipment will partially meet this requirement

C. On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS Maintained license will partially meet the requirements D. All of the above

49. What is the primary reason GMDSS imposes the carriage requirement for different radio subsystems on vessels? A. Because the different radio subsystems have individual limitations with respect to the geographical coverage and services provided

B. Redundancy in duplicating all operational functions in.the event of a system failure C. Different radio systems may be used by the various authorities D. The ability to communicate in all modes with any of the shore stations 50. GMDSS is primarily a system based on ____. A. VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore

B. Ship-to-ship distress communication using MF or HF radiotelephony

C. The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress or in need of assistance D. Distress, urgency and safety communication carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy 51 ____is the orbit of a geosynchronous satellite whose circular and direct orbit lies in the plane of the Earth's equator, and it is approximately 35 ,700 kilometers above the equator. A. Polar Orbiting B. GPS Satellite Orbit

C. Geostationary Satellite Orbit D. The North and South Poles

52.____ is a service which is based on,polar orbiting satellites which receive and relay distress alerts from satellite EPIRBs and which provides their position.

A. Inmarsat Satellite Service B. Polar Orbiting Satellite Service C. GPS Satellite Service D. NNSS Satellite Service

53 ___includes navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships. A. Distress traffic B. Urgency communication

C. Public correspondence D. Maritime Safety Information

54 .____is an area, outside Al, A2, A3, which mostly in the North Pole Area (as the area near to South Pole is mostly land).

A. Sea Area Al B. Sea Area A2 C. Sea Area A3 D. Sea Area A4

55. What system provides accurate vessel position information to the GMDSS equipment? A. GPS B. Cospas-Sarsat C. Inmarsat D. NBDP

56. Which of the following is a functional or carriage requirement for compulsory vessels? A. A compulsory vessel must carry at least two (2) licensed GMDSS Radio Operators.

B. A compulsory vessel must satisfy certain equipment carriage requirements that are determined by where the vessel sails.

C. A compulsory vessel must be able to transmit and respond to distress alerts. D. All of the above.

57. GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following communications functions? A. Distress alerting and maritime safety information


B. Search and Rescue coordination and on-scene communications C. Bridge-to-bridge and general radio communications D. All of these

58. Which of the following is a required GMDSS function? A. Transmit and receive locating signals

B. Transmit and receive general communications C. Bridge-to-Bridge communications D. All of the above

59. What statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS? A. Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement

B. On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS Maintainer' s license will partially meet the requirements

C. Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement D. All of the above

60. GMDSS began a phased implementation on Feb. ____. A.1999 B.2000 C.1992 D.2002

61. The GMDSS defines sea areas based on the location and capability of shore based communication facilities. A. three B. six C. five D. four

62. In addition to meeting the requirement of Sea area Al and A2, every ship engaged on voyage in Sea area A3 shall be provided with___ .

A. MF radio installation with DSC B. MES or HF with DSC C. MF/HF radio telephone installation D.2 187.5 kHz watch receiver 63. Every ship must be fitted with___ SART, and ___two-way VHF radio telephone. A.1,2 B.2,3 C.2, 1 D.3,2

64. The communication arrangements are designed to enable distress alerting to be performed in all three directions;____ in all Sea Areas. A. east, west, south B. ship, shore, crew

C. ship-to-shore, ship-to-ship, shore-to-shore D. ship-to-shore, ship-to-ship, shore-to-ship

65. For ship-to-shore distress alerts, you can use ____.

A. Inmarsat, EPIRB and DSC B. NAVTEX, NBDP and R/T C. Inmarsat,' VHF and SART D. EPIRB, DSC and radar 66. Ships which operate in area A4 will have to carry .

A. HF equipment B. MF, VHF equipment and MES' C. Inmarsat equipment D. EGC receiver 67.____ are used for distress alerting as a rule.

A. MES / DSC / EPIRB B. SART / radiotelephone C. COSPAS-SARSAT D. both A and C

68. Besides distress alerting, the GMDSS can also provide ____communication. A. urgency B. safety C. broadcast of MSI D. all of A, B and C

69. According to the basic concept of the GMDSS, distress alerting can be sent by___to SAR authorities ashore or ships in vicinity of a distress incident. A. either satellite or terrestrial communication B. only satellite communication


C. only terrestrial communication D. VHF DSC or MES

70. On-scene communications will be between ___and___ .

A. the ship in distress / SAR B. the ship in distress / RCC

C. the ship in distress / vessel in vicinity D. the ship in distress / assisting units 71. Every ship, while at sea, shall be capable of . A. transmitting and receiving search and rescue co-ordination communications B. transmitting and receiving on-scene communications

C. transmitting and receiving bridge-to-bridge communications D. A, B, C are all right.

72. If operating within Ocean Area Al, and outside of NAVTEX coverage, a GMDSS-equipped vessel must carry____ . A. An Inmarsat-A terminal B. A GPS receiver

C. Equipment capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on 2,187.5 kHz D. Equipment capable of reception of maritime safety information by the Inmarsat enhanced group call system, or HF NBDP

73. What information should be included in a distress follow on voice transmission? A. Ship's Name and Call Sign B. Ship's position C. Ship' s MMSI number D. All of the above

74. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF? A. Send a DSC cancellation message on CH70

B. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH16 C. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH13 D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH22

75. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on MF? . A. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2,187.5 kHz B. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2,174. 5 kHz C. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2,182.0 kHz D. Send another DSC alert and follow on with voice on 2,182.0 kHz

76. What action 'should you take after sending a false distress alert on 8 MHz? A. Make an \B. Make an \C. Make a \D. Make an \

77. Which of the following frequencies and modes is allocated for distress alertifig in GMDSS? A. 406 MHz to via EPIRB

B. 1,626. 5 ~ 1 ,645. 5 MHz via Inmarsat

C. Channel 70 DSC plus six (6) MF/HF DSC frequencies D. All of the above

78. Which of the following frequencies have been designated for \communications in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System? A. VHF CH22

B. HF radiotelephone on 21. 820 MHz C. NBDP on 2,177.0 kHz and VHF CH16 D. VHF CH16 and NBDP on 2,174.5 kHz.


79. SafetyNET messages can be received by which of the following shipboard equipment? A. NAVTEX B. MF and HF NBDP C. EGC receiver D. All of these

80 .____consists of all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress, including SAR communication and signals for locating. A. Distress traffic B. Routine communication C. Port operation traffic D. Public correspondence

Part Two The Satellite Communication System

1. The following number is Inmarsat-C MES's number, which one is Chinese vessels? A. 421256545 B.441212345 C.415701234 D.412412345

2. If we want to cancel the false alert to RCC, we should find out the telephone number of the RCC in the ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS____. A. Volume2 B. Volume3 C. Volume4 D. Volume5 3. The EGC service is composed of___ .


4. Which of the following are included in mandatory services LES of Inmarsat-C? __ A. FleetNET B. NBDP C. DSC D. SafetyNET

5. Which of the following statements about Distress call is correct? A. Distress call is only available on fleet77 systems B. Distress call is only available on fleet 55 systems

C. Distress call is only available on fleet77/55/33 systems D. both A and B

6. The difference between the mobile ISDN and MPDS is that ____. A. The mobile ISDN is charged by connection time and MPDS is charged by Mbits transferred B. The mobile ISDN is charged by Mbits transferred and MPDS is charged by connection time C. There is no difference between the mobile ISDN and MPDS D. The communication fee of the mobile ISDN is inexpensive than that of MPDS 7. Which of the following IMN is used for Inmarsat-F MES voice service? A. 76 x x x x x x x B.60xxxxxxx C. 3412 xxxxx D.66xxxxxxx

8. Which type of the following services is excluded from Inmarsat-F services? A. telephone B. high speed data transmission C. telex D. E-mail

9. The PIN becomes blocked if the PIN code is entered incorrectly several times when operating cap-sat F77 MES. The maximum of input is ____. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 3

10. Which of the following ID number is used for BEIJING LES telephone access code in AOR-E? A.118 B.868 C.311 D.211

11. Which terminal equipment of ship is for COSPAS/SARSAT system? A. EPIRB B. InmarsatC C. SART D. EGC 12. COSPAS-SARSAT is intended to be used for .

A. Distress alarm and locating B. Daily communications ? C. Send messages D. E-mail

13. The low polar orbiting satellite system provides the coverage of ____. A. Al B.A1+A2 + A3 C. A4 D. Al + A2 + A3 + A4 14. Which service does not EGC have? . A. N/W B. MSI C. SafetyNET D. FAX


15. Where is the geostationary orbit of Inmarsat situated.?

A. equator orbit B. pole orbit C. oblique orbit D. A&B

16. Which frequency is used on line from LES to satellite in the Inmarsat system? A. 4 GHz B. 6 GHz C. 1.6 GHz D. 1.4 GHz

17. Which frequency is used on line from MES to satellite in the Inmarsat system? A. 4 GHz B. 1.6GHz C. 3 GHz D. 6 GHz

18. Which number of the following Inmarsat-C ID numbers is the ID number distributed to Chinese vessel \

A.494601513 B.404120000 C.441258112 D.041260041

19. Which is the Inmarsat-C LES access code of MCN( Beijing) in POR? A. 211 B.311 C.868 D.210

20. Which 2 digit code is Medical Assistance offered by all LES as specified in the Radio Regulations under GMDSS? A. 32 B. 38 C. 39 D.41

21. Please choose the Inmarsat-C NCS ID of the AOR-W . A. 044 B.001 C.211 D.144

22. Which type of MES of Inmarsat does not have the telex service? A. Inmarsat-A B. Inmarsat-B C. Inmarsat-C D. Inmaisat-F 23. Where is the Inmarsat's headquarters?

A. China B. The U. S. A C. the United Kingdom D. Canada 24. The ground segment of Inmarsat consist of . A. Land Earth Stations B. Network Co-ordination Stations C. Network Operations Centre D. A. B and C

25. Which of the following are usually used for distress alerting by Inmarsat-C? A. directly press the distress button on the panel

B. pick up phone and report distress information to RCC C. send distress information by satellite EPIRB D. send telex to LES

26. How many Geo-stationary satellites are employed in the Inmarsat? A. 3 B.4 C.5 D. 6

27. COSPAS-SARSAT can not fulfill the function of . A. determining the position of a distress vessel B. distress communication '

C. distress alerting and position-fixing in Aero D. both A and C

28. The Inmarsat satellites are controlled by . A. NOC B. LES C. NCS D. SCC

29. Where is the distress alerting made by MES in the Inmarsat system passed to? A.MCC B. RCC C. LES D. NCS

30. Before the communication, the Inmarsat-C MES must login ____ of the located ocean region. .

A. dominated MES by NCS B. RCC C. anyone of the MES D. NCS 31. In the Inmarsat system, the services code 00 means

A. position report B. relay service C. automatic service D. medical advice

32. Which service is a more cost-effective solution for applications where there is no need for constant transmission of data in both directions?



33. The command of breaking the radio connection of the Inmarsat-B telex service is___. A.NNNN B.….. C. KKKK D. OVER

34. The distress message of the Inmarsat-C radiotelex does not include the information of . A. the time of distress B. the nature of distress

C. the position of distress D. the number of the distress people 35 The Inmarsat Mobile Numbers (IMN) has digits except InmarsatA MES. A. 7 B. 9 C. 10 D. 3

36. Communication using fax of Inmarsat-F, the country code of China is . A. 868 B. 11 C. 86 D. 85 ,

37. Which institution monitor and control the communications traffic of the LES within the Ocean Region? . A. RCC B. NCS C. NOC D. MCC

38. Which orbit is the COSPAS/SARSAT satellite situated? A. equator orbit B. pole orbit C. oblique orbit D. A&B '

39. Which equipment does not belong to COSPAS-SARSAT system? A. EPIRB B. SART C. PLB D. ELT

40. Which type of Inmarsat mobile earth station terminals is approved by the GMDSS? A. Inmarsat-C B. Inmarsat-M C. Inmarsat mini-M D. Inmarsat-F55 41. Which institue processes the signals to determine the beacon location? A. MCC B. RCC C. LUT D. NCC

42; When a vessel in distress making On-scene communications, which one of the following radio equipments can be used____ . A. VHF B. MF/HF radio equipment C. Inmarsat MES D. all of above 43. Any ships fitted with MES can ____and through the satellite system when sending a distress alert. A. enter the system/contact an RCC

B. access to Inmarsat/establish contact with a LES

C. have the absolute priority to enter the system/make contact with a LES D. enter the system gradually/wait for rescue

44. Where does the RCC of the China locate in?____ A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Dalian D. Tianjin

45. Which of the following optional equipment can be used by a ship in Area A3 for ship to shore distress alerting?

A. VHF DSC B.MF DSC C. Inmarsat MES D. VHF 70CH EPIRB 46. The maritime access code for the IOR is in Inmarsat-C Telex Service. A.581 B.582 C.583 D.584

47. In Inmarsat-C, \communication. A. routine B. distress C. urgency D. safety

48. The maritime access code of telephone mode in Inmarsat-F,. terminal for the AOR ( E) is A.871 B.870 C.581 D.580

49. Which Inmarsat system applies store-and-forward messaging? A. Inmarsat-A B. Inmarsat-C C. Inmarsat-B D. Inmarsat-M 50. The Inmarsat SafetyNet services covers . A. the whole world B. all Navarea C. areas from Al to A4 D. only four Inmarsat regions 51. Sea Area A3 is an area within the coverage of in which continuous alerting available.


A. VHF stations B. MF/HF stations C. Radio stations D. Inmarsat stations 52. The NCS of Inmarsat-C system in the AOR(E) is in____.

A. Goonhilly, UK B.Yamaguchi, Japan C.Perth, Australia D. Southbury, USA 53. An MES operator can choose the most suitable LES according to___. A.the routing agreement for a particular ocean region B.the communication service he required C.the positions of his ship and the LESs D. B and C

54. In Inmarsat-B service code \. A. medical assistance B. medical advice C. maritime assistance D. technical assistance 55. What is the primary function of a NCS?

A.To monitor and control communications through the Inmarsat satellite for which it is responsi?ble

B.To provide direct communications between the Inmarsat station placing a call and the station receiving the call

C.To provide multi-mode communications between the Inmarsat station placing a call and the coast radio station that will deliver it

D.To determine which satellite is best suited to provide communications between the Inmarsat station placing a call and the station receiving the call

56.How does a distress message normally initiated through Inmarsat? A. All Inmarsat units have a dedicated key that can be pressed for immediate action B. By adding the word \

C. Certain Inmarsat units have a dedicated key that can be pressed for immediate action, while other systems provide menu-driven features

D. By transmitting the distress message on the U. S. Coast Guard's dedicated monitoring channel 57. 57.How will communication fee of Inmarsat-C be paid? A. in accordance with duration of communication B. in accordance with size of message transferred

C. same as billing method of telecommunication of radio coast stations D. same as billing method of Inmarsat-B

58; Which of the following is a correctly formatted Inmarsat-C address book entry for sending communications to a fax machine number (045 ) 334-5678 in Japan (voice country code 81)?

A. 810453345678# B. 81(045)3345678 C. 819453345678 D. 81 (045) 334-5678

59. Which of the following is a correctly formatted Inmarsat-C address book entry for sending communications to a shoreside telex terminal number 45992 in Taiwan (telex country code 769) ? A. (769)45992 B. 76945992 + C. 76945992 D. None of the above.

60. It is possible to transmit all of the following via Inmarsat-C from a vessel except? .

A. Telex B. Text for delivery by Fax C. Voice D. Comtex mail and x. 400 data services 61: Inmarsat-C provides for which of the following? A. Polling, enhanced group call, and one-way position and data reporting via satellite B. FM voice communications via satellite

C. Two-way messaging and data communications on a store-and-forward basis D. Polling, enhanced group call, one-way position and data reporting via satellite, two-way messaging and data communications on a store-and-forward basis

62. Which mode of communications is possible through an Inmarsat-F MES? A. SITOR B. Telex C. telephone D. DSC


D. Wait until the coast station sends his Traffic List

58. Which characters are sent by the shore station to in dicate that it has shifted control to and that it is awaiting instructions from the vessel?


59. What are the characters that are transmitted to terminate a direct telex connection in NBDP operation? A.\ B. KKKK C. END + D. EOM

60. Of the following, which is true of ARQ mode direct printing radioteletype transmission? A. Each data block consists of three characters B. The acceptance code consists of three characters C. A continuous data stream is transmitted D. Forward error correction reduces the number of errors 61. Which of the following is true of ARQ mode? A. This is an interactive mode

B. Each character is repeated three times C. Each character is transmitted twice D. This mode is generally used to broadcast messages

62. Which of the following keystrokes or characters is sent as part of ARQ communications to request a direct telex call to a shore-based location? A. \B. \C. \D. \

63. The sequence ARQ,CFEC, SFEC best corresponds to which of the following sequences? A. One-way communications to a single station, one-way communications to all stations, two-way communications

B. One-way communications to all stations, two-way communications, one-way communications to a single station

C. Two way communications, one-way communications to all stations, one-way communications to a single station D. Two way communications, One way communications to a single station, One way communications to all stations

64. If the vessel is beyond-range of NAVTEX broadcasts and the Inmarsat-C system fails, the GMDSS operator must: . A. Select 518 kHz ARQ telex on the MF/HF console to receive MSI

B. Request repairs of the Inmartsat-C Sat-C system and wait until within range of NAVTEX C. Select an HF MSI frequency and FEC telex mode to receive MSI D. Select 518 kHz FEC telex on the MF/HF console^to receive MSI

65. At mid-night, what would be the best choice in atleinptmg to communicate, using NBDP with a shore station some 800 miles (1,287 km) distant? A. VHF-FM

B. Communications is impossible at this distance C. HF bands

D. Higher UHF bands

66. Which statement is correct? A. FEC requests are first acknowledged by the vessel's transmitter before broadcasts can be received B. FEC mode broadcasts can be received without the transmitter being turned on C. None of these D. Weather broadcasts are always made in ARQ mode


67. Which of the following is NOT a NBDP frequency?

A.8,376.5 kHz B.4,177.5 kHz C.2,174.5kHz D.6,312kHz. 68. The ARQ mode should be applied . A. when two stations communicate with each other B. in any radio system and at any time

C. when one ship sends a message to another station D. for communication among some stations 69. DSC is used primarily to . A. Receive weather warnings, navigational notices and other marine safety information B. Provide routine communications with the ship owner

C. Transmit and receive distress, urgent and safety alerts to and from other ships and shore stations via radio D. Report ship' s position to search-and-rescue authorities via satellite

70. When operating in coastal waters (sea area Al), a GMDSS-equipped vessel must; . A. Maintain a continuous DSC watch on 8 ,514.5 kHz B. Maintain a continuous aural watch on 2,182 kHz

C. Maintain a continuous DSC watch on VHF Channel 16 D. Maintain a continuous DSC watch on VHF Channel 70

71. A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A-2 is required to maintain watch on? A.2,174.5 kHz B.2,187.5 kHz C.2,182.0 kHz D. 2,738.0 kHz 72. A valid MMSI number for a DSC call to a specific group of vessels is: . A.003664523 B.030327931 C.338462941 D.003036483

23. VHF-DSC transmissions are encoded and transmitted in what emission mode? A. H3E B.FJB/J2B C.A3E D. None of the above.

74. Which of the following statements concerning DSC equipment is true? A. The GMDSS Radio Operator is responsible for properly selecting HF DSC guard channels B. All equipment must be type accepted

C. The vessel's navigational position must be updated, either automatically or manually, no less often that every four (4) hours D. All of the above

75. A DSC Distress alert; . .

A. Must always be sent on VHF CH70

B.Must always be sent on MF 2 MHz plus one other HF DSC frequency C.Will always be sent on one or more of the DSC distress frequencies D.Must always be sent on VHF CH70, then 2 MHz MF then 8 MHz HF 76. How many total frequencies are available for DSC distress alerting? A. One (1) B. Two (2) C. Five (5) D. Seven (7)

77. Which of the following watches must a compulsory vessel maintain when sailing in Sea Area A3 ? A. A continuous DSC watch on 8,414.5 kHz plus one other HF DSC frequency B. A continuous DSC watch on 2,187. 5 kHz C. A continuous DSC watch on CH70 D. All of above

78. Which of the following are the MF/HF DSC Distress watch frequencies? A. 2,177.5, 4,210.0, 6,314.0, 8,416.5,12,579.0, 16,806.5 B. 2,182.0, 4,125.0, 6,215.0, 8,291.0, 12,290.0, 16,420.0 C. 2,187.5 , 4,207.5 , 6,312.0 , 8,414.5, 12,577.0, 16,804.5 D. 2,174.5, 4,177.5, 6,268.0, 8,376.5, 12,520.0, 16,695.0


79. Repetition of a DSC Distress call is normally automatic if not acknowledged after a delay of: A. 1 - 2 minutes B.2- 5 minutes C. 3.5 - 4.5 minutes D. Not at all

80. You send a VHF-DSC distress alert. What channel do you use for the follow-on voice transmission? A. CH12 B.CH70 C. CH13 D. CH16

81. You send a HF-DSC alert on 8 ,414.5 kHz. What frequency do you use for the voice transmission? A.8,376.5 kHz B.8,291.0kHz C.8,401.5kHz D. 8,201.0kHz 82. Under what conditions would you relay a DSC distress alert? A. If the mobile unit in distress is incapable of further Distress Alert communications B. If no Coast Station/Mobile Unit acknowledgement is observed C. Answers A and B are both possible D. You should never relay such an alert-the Coast Station & RCC will do that 83. Which channel is designated for GMDSS Digital Selective Calling? A. CH06 B.CH13 C. CH16 D. CH70 84. Mariners can use DSC for .

A. general communication B. distress alerting and safety calling C. receiving MSI D. both B and C

85. If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from a coast station, it will . A. indicate the ship in distress that the alert has been received

B. alert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurred C. inform other coast stations of distress incident D. repeat the distress alert in 5 minutes

86. Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conducted by . A. Inmarsat MES B. VHF/DSC or MF/DSC

C. SART and VHF/DSC D. Satellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC

87. DSC distress acknowledgements are normally transmitted by___ in respond to a received DSC distress call.

A. Ship stations B. Coast stations C. NCSs D. NCC 88. The effectiveness of VHF communications is maximized by . A. The adjustment of squelch for maximum receiver sensitivity B. Appropriate setting of the \C. Selecting an appropriate channel D. All of the above

89. A VHF frequency channel pair of TX 157. 200 MHz and RX 161. 800 MHz would most likely be: _____? A. A Public Correspondence Coast Radio Station frequency B. Simplex C. Duplex D. Both A and C are correct

90. Which of the following numbers indicates a ship station MMSI? : A.003372694 B..623944326 C.030356328 D.3384672 9l. Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is true? A. Coast station MMSI numbers have 9 digits starting with 4 B. All MMSI numbers are 9 digits and contain an MID

C. Ship station MMSI numbers can be 7 digits or 9 digits depending on the Inmarsat terminal D. Group MMSI numbers must begin with 2 zeros

92. Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is true? A. All Coast Station MMSI must begin with 2 zeros


B. The first 3 digits of a ship MMSI comprise the MID

C. A group call must begin with a single zero followed by the MID D. All of the above

93. What number will a ship station use to identify itself using NBDP? A. Four digit selcall

B. Five digit selcall or 9 digit MMSI number C. 7 digit Inmarsat-A ID number D. 9 digit Inmarsat-C ID number 94. What is the MID?

A. Mobile Identification Number B. Maritime Identification Digits C. Marine Indemnity Directory D. Mobile Interference Digits 95. ITU Channel 1604 would mean; . A. Channel 4 in the 16 MHz band

B. 1604 is the Channel number. It has no relevance to frequency bands C. Channel 1604 in the MF band D. Channel 16 in the 4 MHz band

96. Choose the most correct statement about the D layer. . A. This layer exists only during darkness

B. This layer exists only during daylight hours C. Reflects medium frequencies D. Density varies vdiurnally, seasonally and over the sunspot cycle

Part Four The Maritime Safety Information System 1. The broadcast system of MSI will be made by? A. NAVTEX B. EGC C. HF NBDP D. A + B + C

2. In each NAVTEX message there is a technical code (B1B2B3B4). Which character is the station identification?

A. B1 B.B2 C. B3 D. B4

3. The Inmarsat Safety NET Service covers .

A. A3 B.A2 + A3 C.A1 +A2+A3 D. Al + A2 + A3 + A4 .

4. In each NAVTEX message there is a technical code (B1B2B3B4). Which character is the identification of the information subject?

A. B1 B. B2 C. B3 D. B3B4

5. The Maritime safety information contains .

A. Distress message B. Ordinary message C. Distress alert D. Navigational warnings 6. The broadcast of MSI will be made .

A. continuously B. in terrestrial system C. in satellite system D. Both B and C 7. Which of the following statement is correct? A. 2,185kHz is used exclusively for MSI through the NAVTEX system. B. 518 kHz is used exclusively for MSI through the NAVTEX system C. 2,175 kHz is used exclusively for MSI through the NAVTEX system D. 8,375kHz is used extensively for MSI through the NAVTEX system

8. Which of the following statements about the charges for Safety Net services is correct? A. there is no charges to the mariner for receipt of safety net messages B. safety net messages are charged by connection time C. safety net messages are charged by Mbits transmitted


D. B or C

9. The priority of all navigational warnings and meteorological forecasts is ___.

A. safety priority B. urgent priority , C. distress priority D. ship business priority 10.How many NAVAREAS are there in the world? A.4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 24

11.Which one of the following frequencies is used for International NAVTEX Service? A.518 kHz B.490 kHz C.2,187.5 kHz D.4,209.5 MHz

12.Which of the following messages can be rejected by NAVTEX receiver? A. Navigational warnings B. Meteorological warnings C. Search and rescue information D. Meteorological forecast 13.Each NAVTEX message begins with starts of message function . A. NNNN B. KKKK C.ZCZC D. NCNC

14.How to reduce the risk of interference between transmitters with the same Bl character in different parts of the world? A. NAVTEX broadcasting is operated on a time-sharing basis B. The power of each transmitter is regulated C. A and B D. A or B

15: What is the drum speed of a station if the Index of Co-operation is 576? A. 90 B. 60 C. 240 D. 120

16. Which of the following equipment on board is not used to broadcast Maritime Safety Information? A. NAVTEX B. EGC C. HF NBDP D. HF DSC

17. Which of the following frequency is not used for NAVTEX service? A. 518 kHz B. 490 kHz C. 2,187.5 kHz D. 4,209.5 MHz

18. It is possible for ships to receive safety message transmitted by Navtex station . A. in any Inmarsat regions B. in each NAVTEX area C. at any distance D. in Area A3 and A4

19. A Navtex station in each NAVAREA is usually allowed to have for transmission. A. 10 minutes every 4 hours B. half an hour every other hour C. irregular period of time D. 5 minutes every two hours

20. The quality of EGC messages is affected by the time of reception and climate condi?tions. A. sometimes B. all times C. never D. partly 21. The priority of EGC messages is classified by . A. distress, urgent and safety B. safety and routine

C. urgent, safety and routine D. distress, urgent, safety and routine

22. Within the area of Inmarsat coverage, receives MSI via Safety Net service. A. EGC receiver B. NAVTEX receiver C. VHF R/T D. MF/HF radio telephone

23. Ships sailing in____are able to receive and print out EGC messages. A. a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean region B. a Navarea or weather forecast area

C. any designated area or given geographic position under the Inmarsat satellites D. anywhere of the world

24.___means navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships. A. Navigational broadcast B. Weather forecast


C. Urgency message D. Maritime Safety Information 25. MSI stand for____ .

A. Mobile Satellite Information B. Motor Ship Identification C. Most Serious Information D. Maritime Safety Information

26. In order to ensure that all necessary MSI is available, the EGC receiver will remain in operation while . A. the ship is at sea B. the condition is good C. the ship is in port D. A and C

27. A NAVTEX receiver receives MSI broadcast from . A. NAVTEX stations B. RCCs

C. NCCs ' D. Safety NET service

28. NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about nautical miles. A. 300 B. 400 C. 500 D.600

29. Among all NAVTEX transmissions, has the absolute priority. A. VITAL B. IMPORTANT C. URGENT D. ROUTINE

30. Which message can be programmed to be rejected or disabled by the operator of a NAVTEX receiver? . A. Navigational warnings B. Meteorological warnings C. Pilot Service Messages D. All of these

31. At MF the frequency 518 kHz has been made available for broadcasts by means of NBDP using forward error correction. The abbreviation MF is . A. Media Frequency B. Medium Frequency C. Marine Friend D. Morse Fuse

Part Five The Searching and Locating System

1. What is the main means in the GMDSS for locating ship in distress or their survival craft? A. NAVTEX B. SART C. EGC D. A&B

2. Which equipment is not the ship terminal equipment of COSPAS-SARSAT system? A. EPIRB B. SART C. PLB D. ELT 3. EPIRB can be activated in case of distress.

A. automatically B. manually C. automatically or manually D. No one of the above 4. What of the following devices may not cause false distress alert? A. Inmarsat MES B. EPIRB combined with SART C. HF/MF/VHF DSC D. independent SART

5. Which of the following wave lengths should be used with general navigational radar for receiving SART signals?

A. 3 cm radar B. 9 cm radar C. 10 cm radar D. 5 cm radar 6. What are the EPIRB lanyards to be used? A. Attach to the ship to prevent the EPIRB floating free

B. To be used by survivors for securing the EPRIB to a survival craft or person in water C. Avoid the EPIRB transmitting alert accidentally D. None of above

7. The working frequency of the SART is? A. 1 to 27.5 MHz B. 406 to 406.1 MHz C. 1 530 to 1 544 MHz D. 9 200 to 9 500 MHz

8.'What is the positioning accuracy of the EPRIB in the COSPAS/SARAT? A. 1 to 2 n mile B. 2 to 3 n mile C. 5 n mile D. 10 n mile

9.With the antenna of the SART 1.5 meter above the sea level, and on the search height of 3 ,000 ft, the detection


range of SAR airplane will up to . A. 5 n mile B. 10 km C. 10 n mile D.40 n mile

10. Complying with IMO requirements, the detection range between a SART and a search RADAR is___ A. 1.8 n miles B.2.5 n miles C. 2. On miles D.5.0 n miles

11. As the search craft approaches to the SART, the Radar display may shows . A. a line of 12 blip code-wide arcs—complete circles B. complete circles-a line of 12 blip code—wide arcs C. complete circles-wide arcs-a line of 12 blip code D. wide arcs-complete circles-a line of 12 blip code

12. Which of the following factors will affect the detecting range of SART? A. the weather conditions ' *

B. The type of radar used, and how it is used

C. the mounting of the SART on the survival craft D. all of above

13. How many 9 GHz SART will be requirement by the cargo ships above 500 GT? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4

14. In the COSPAS-SARSAT system, there are types of beacons at present? A. 3 B.2 C.l D.4

15. Which frequency is used for COSPAS-SARSAT EPIRB? A. 406 MHz B. 1.6 GHz C. 156.525 MHz D. VHF CH70

16. What indication is given to the personnel of survival craft of the approach of another vessel? A. The SART will provide a visual or audible indication of interrogation by a 3-cm radar B. The Satellite EPIRB will emit an audible signal

C. The VHF portable radio will emit an audible alarm signal on 156. 525 MHz D. The VHF portable will provide a visual indication 17. How can a SART's effective range be maximized? A. The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation B. The SART should be held as high as possible C. Switch the SART into the \D. If possible, the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal matches that of the searching radar signal J '

18. At what point does a SART begin transmitting? A. It immediately begins radiating when placed in the \B. It must be manually activated

C. If it has been placed in the \signal D. If it has been placed in the \ting that it is in water

19. What does a SART signal sound or look like? A. It transmits \

B. It will appear on a radar unit' s PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot indicating the SART' s position

C. It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot indicating the SART's position D. None of the above

20. How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity?


A. The SART's dots on the PPI will begin arming and eventually become concentric circles B. The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone auto alarm

C. The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius, per IMO standards D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on a SART 21. How should the signal from a Search and Rescue Radar Transponder appear on a radar display? A. A series of dashes

B. A series of spirals all originating from the range and bearing of the SART C. A series of 12 equally spaced dots D. A series of twenty dashes

22. In which frequency band does a search and rescue transponder operate? A. 3 GHz B.9 GHz C. S-band D. 406 MHz 23. Which statement is NOT true regarding the SART? A. Responds to interrogations by a vessel' s X-Band radar

B. Transmits on the 9 GHz band reserved for navigational radar C. Operates in conjunction with a vessel's S-Band radar D. Transmits a distinct^ code for easy recognition

24. Which statement is NOT true regarding the SART? A. Responds to interrogations by a vessel's X-Band radar

B. This is a 6 GHz transponder capable of being received by a vessel's X-band navigational radar system

C. This is a 9 GHz transponder capable of being received by another vessel's X-band navigational radar system D. Transmits a distinctive signal for easy recognition 25. A SART's signal cannot be detected; .

A. In poor visibility or at night B. In heavy seas

C. By a search vessel' 10 cm Radar D. By a search vessel's 3 cm Radar 26. A radar transponder operating in the 9 GHz band; . A. Is required only on GMDSS-equipped ships operating in coastal areas B. Must be carried on all GMDSS equipped ships

C. Must be carried on GMDSS-equipped ships that do not carry a satellite EPIRB D. Must be carried on GMDSS-equipped ships operating outside of operational ocean area Al

27. The SART should have sufficient battery capacity to operate in the stand-by condition for___hours and should continuously work for___hours. A. 120 / 20 B.56/18 C. 100 / 16 D.96/8

28. For locating the ship in distress, the SAR party will make use of by starting 9GHz shipborne or airborne radars. A. DSC B. SART C. EPIRB D. NBDP

29. At least ___ shall be carried on each-side of every passenger ship. A. one radar transponder B. two radar installations C. three radar apparatus D. two radio transceiver 30. Navigation system is composed of SART and___.

A. X-band radar B. S-band radar C. two-way VHF set D. VHF with DSC

31. Which is a function of a satellite under COSPAS-SARSAT using satellite EPIRBs? A. Vessel information recovered from the digital encoded message provided by the satellite EPIRB B. Doppler shift of EPIRB signal is measured

C. Information received from EPIRBs are time-tagged and transmitted to any Local User Terminal in the satellite's view D. All of these


32. Which of the following satellite systems is of particular importance to search and rescue missions under GMDSS?

A. COSPAS/SARSAT B. AMSAT C. NASA/Arienne D. COMSAT 33. Which of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is true? A. EPIRBs are units that are used as alerting devices

B. These are satellites in a low-earth polar orbit that detect EPIRB beacons on 406 MHz and relay the information to an earth-side Local User Terminal (LUT)

C. The Doppler frequency measurement concept is used to determine the EPIRBS location D. All of the above

34. Which of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is false? A. EPIRBs are used primarily for distress alerting

B. These satellites are looking specifically for EPIRB signals on 406 MHz

C. These satellites use Doppler shift measurement to determine the location of the beacons D. After initiating a call request and selecting the CES, these satellites may be used for commercial messages 35. Which of the following statements concerning satellite EPIRBs is true? A. Once activated, these EPIRBs transmit a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon

B. The coded signal identifies the nature of the distress situation

C. The coded signal only identifies the vessels name and port of registry D. If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB, it will transmit default information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode

36. What feature(s) may be found on certain satellite EPIRB units?

A. Strobe light B. Emergency transmission on 406 MHz C- Float-free release bracket D. All of these . ;

37. What feature is not found on 406 MHz satellite EPIRB units? A. 121. 5 MHz emergency homing transmitter B. Aural locator signal

C. Emergency transmission on 406)025 MHz D. Float-free release bracket

38. Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an Inmarsat satellite? A. Class A EPIRBs B. Class B EPIRBs C. L-band EPIRBs D. Category I EPIRBs

39. Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals? A. Radio Direction Finder B. An EPIRB transmitting on 4.06 MHz C. Survival Craft Transceiver D. A SART transmitting on 406 MHz 40. What is an example of a locating signal?

A. SSB phone traffic B. Ship to shore transmissions C. Loran C , D. A Float-Free EPIRB

41. Which action should the GMDSS radio operator take in a distress situation when embarking in survival craft? A. Switch on EPIRB and SART immediately and leave on

B. EPIRB and SART switched on manually prior to embarking; remain aboard vessel in distress C. Notify RCC (Rescue Coordination Center) through VHF DSC in portable equipment D. Communicate via Inmarsat-C from the survival craft

42. Which is the key part of the search and rescue system under GMDSS? A. COSPAS/SARSAT satellites B. AMSAT satellites

C. NASA satellites D. US Space Agency satellites

43. Which statement is true regarding the COSPAS-SARSAT system?


A. EPIRBs are used as satellite beacons aboard vessels as alerting devices

B. Signals received by low altitude near-polar orbiting satellites are relayed to a ground receiving station, called a Local User Terminal

C. Doppler shift is used to locate the beacons D. All of these

44. Which statement is NOT true regarding the COSPAS-SARSAT system? A. EPIRBs are used, as satellite beacons aboard lifeboats as alerting devices B. Locates distress beacons transmitting on 406 MHz C. Doppler shift is used to locate the beacons D. May be used to transmit public correspondence

45. What information is transmitted by a 406 MHz EPIRB alert?

A. Vessel position and nature of distress B. A unique Hexadecimal I. D. number C. Vessel name and identification D. None of the above

46. Which statement is true regarding the COSPAS-SARSAT system and EPIRB operations A. The EPIRB' s position is calculated by the system and passed to the RCC

B. The EPIRB transmits a unique Hex ID and vessel position that is passed to the RCC C. The EPIRB transmits a unique Hex ID that is passed to the RCC D. Both A and C are true

47. Distress beacons transmit signals that are detected by COSPAS-SARSAT spacecraft in____ A. high altitude, polar orbit B. low altitude, polar orbit

C. high altitude, geostationary orbit D. low altitude, geostationary orbit

48____means a service which is based on polar orbiting satellites which receive and relay distress alerts from satellite EPIRBs and which provides their position. A. Inmarsat Service B. GPS Service C. Polar Orbiting Satellite Service D. MSI Service

49 .____is a ground receiving station which receives alert data from COSPAS and SARSAT satellites , derives the position of the beacon. Retrieves and checks coded information and forwards the resultant information. A.LUT B. MCC C. RCC D.SPOC

50 ____is a satellite-aided SAR system based on low-altitude near-polar-orbiting satellites and designed to locate distress beacons transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz. A. GPS system B. NNSS system

C. Inmarsat system D. COSPAS-SARSAT system 51. COSPAS-SARSAT has the function of____ . A. Distress alerting B. distress communication C. broadcasting MSI D. On-scene communication 52. What is COSPAS-SARSAT?

A. an international satellite system for improving communications in polar regions B. an international satellite system using a number of polar-orbiting satellites C. primary used for search and rescue D. A. B and C

53. For COSPAS-SARSAT system,____process the distress signal from EPIRB to determine its position and identity. A. COSPAS-SARSAT B. Ground receiving stations C. Spacecraft D. Satellite SAR instrument

54. For COSPAS-SARSAT system, ____transmit distress alert and location information to appropriate rescue authorities all over the world.


A. Polar orbiting satellites B. Ground receiving stations C. MCC D. ROC

55. A PLB beacon operating in ____frequency band through the COSPAS-SARSAT system is located on board a ship.

A. 406 MHz B. 121.5 MHz C. 518 kHz D. A + B

Part Six The Others

1. Which type of report should be sent upon arrival at the port of destination?

A. Sailing Plan B. Position Report C. Deviation Report D. Arrival Report 2. Which type of Inmarsat MES terminals use omni-directional antenna? A. Inmarsat A B. Inmarsat B C. Inmarsat C D. Inmarsat F 3. Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of____in national ports.

A. national ships B. foreign ships C. cargo ships D. passenger ships 4. The power supply of the ship consists of____.

A. main power B. emergency power C. spare power D. A + B + C

5. Position Report should be sent not exceed____ hours subsequently until arrival in AMVER. A.4 B.12 C.24 D.48

6. When testing with coast station using DSC in PSC checking, the priority of the calling is? A. distress B. urgency C. safety D. routine 7.The General Operator' s Certificate valid for____ . A. three years B. four years C. five years D. six years 8. What is the function of Ship Reporting Systems? A. search and rescue coordination communication B. distress communication C. locating for survival craft D. ensure the safety of voyage

9. The log of the ship radio valid for _.

A. half a year B. one years C. two years D. three years 10. The main contents of PSC for Inmarsat-C is ____. A. log of information B. the setting of printer

C. PV test D. the function of Ship Reporting 11. The four types of Amver report is ____. A. sailing plan, position report, deviation report, and arrival report B. sailing plan, position report, deviation report, and final report

C. sailing plan, position report, deviation report, and harmful substance report D. sailing plan, position report, deviation report, and maritime pollutants report 12. How many types of report are there in the AMVER? A. 1 B.2 C. 3 D.4

13. In case of emergency, distress messages should be sent to____. A. the Amver B. the nearest RCC C. LES D. any one of above

14 . The maxium time between any two reports is not to exceed ____in AUSREP. A. 24 hours B. 12 hours C.4 hours D. 8 hours

15. Among the ship' s position system____ belongs to the USA. A. JASREP B. AUSREP C. AMVER D. CHIREP

16. Among the ship's position system, which system is compulsory? A. JASREP B. AUSREP C. AMVER D. CHIREP


17: What are the characteristics of the emergency power under GMDSS? A. Must be incorporated into the ship' s electrical system. B. Must be independent of the ship' s electrical system.

C. Supplies independent HF and MF installations at the same time. D. Can be independent of the propelling power of the ship. 18. Which of the following statements are true? . A. GMDSS Radio Logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected with the radiocommunications service that appear to be of importance to the safety of life at sea B. All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio log C. Both of the above D. None of the above

GMDSS 通信英语答案

Part One: The Introduction of GMDSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c c A C A C A B A B C A C D B A B A D D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C A A C D A A D A C B D D B A D D A A A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A C C D D B D D A C C B D D A D D D D c 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 D B B D A A A D A D D D D B C B D D C A

Part Two; The Satellite Communication System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B D D D A A A C B B A A D D A B B C A B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A D C D A B B D B D. G B B D B C B B B A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 C D C A C C A B B D D A D. B A A B C C c 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 D C A D B C B D C D D D B 27

Part Three; The Terrestrial Communication System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c A C A D D A D A B D D B B B A B C C D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D D D B D B B A A A c A D A A C A C B A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 D D A B A c C A B D B B A A B B B B B A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 A D C c c B D A C D B B D D c D D c c D 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 B c D B B B B D C B B D B B A B Part Four; The Maritime Safety Information System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D A c B D D B A A C A D c B D D c B A c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 D A c D D D A B A c B Part Five; The Searching and Locating System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 . B B C D A B D B D D A D B A A A B c B A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 c B c B c B D B A A D A D D A D B c B D 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 A A D D B D B c A D A B B c D Part Six; The Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 D C B D D C C D C C A D B A C B B C 28

