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- 钢铁冶金专业英语词汇推荐度:
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目 录
1 总论 .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 采矿 .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 3 选矿 .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 4 冶金过程物理化学 (2)
4.1 冶金过程热力学 ................................................................................................................................... 2 4.2 冶金过程动力学 ................................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 冶金电化学 ........................................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法 ....................................................................................................................... 5 5 钢铁冶金 . (5)
5.1 炼焦 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2 耐火材料 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 5.3 碳素材料 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 5.4 铁合金 ................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.5 烧结与球团 ........................................................................................................................................... 7 5.6 高炉炼铁 ............................................................................................................................................... 8 5.7 炼钢 ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷 ............................................................................................................................. 12 6 钢铁材料 ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 7 英译汉 (14)
1 总论
地下采矿underground mining
露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining
采矿工程mining engineering 选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing
矿物工程mineral engineering 冶金(学)metallurgy
过程冶金(学)process metallurgy
提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy 化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy 物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy 金属学Metallkunde
冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy
冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering 钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel
有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy
真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy 等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy 微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy 喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy 钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy
二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy 机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy 焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy 粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy 铸造学foundry
火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy 湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy 电冶金(学)electrometallurgy 氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy
矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals
中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China
2 采矿
采矿工艺mining technology 有用矿物valuable mineral
冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials 矿床mineral deposit
特殊采矿specialized mining
海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining 矿田mine field 矿山mine
露天矿山surface mine
地下矿山underground mine 矿井shaft
矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration 矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study 矿山规模mine capacity
矿山生产能力mine production capacity 矿山年产量annual mine output 矿山服务年限mine life
矿山基本建设mine construction
矿山建设期限mine construction period 矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity 开采强度mining intensity 矿石回收率ore recovery ratio 矿石损失率ore loss ratio 工业矿石industrial ore 采出矿石extracted ore 矿体orebody
海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources 矿石ore
矿石品位ore grade
岩石力学rock mechanics
岩体力学rock mass mechanics
3 选矿
选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy 开路open circuit 闭路closed circuit 流程flowsheet
方框流程block flowsheet 产率yield
回收率recovery 矿物mineral 粒度particle size
粗颗粒coarse particle 细颗粒fine particle
超微颗粒ultrafine particle 粗粒级coarse fraction 细粒级fine fraction
原矿run of mine, crude 精矿concentrate
粗精矿rough concentrate 混合精矿bulk concentrate 最终精矿final concentrate 尾矿tailings
粉碎comminution 破碎crushing 磨碎grinding
团聚agglomeration 筛分screening, sieving 分级classification 富集concentration 分选separation 手选hand sorting
重选gravity separation, gravity concentration 磁选magnetic separation 电选electrostatic separation 浮选flotation
化学选矿chemical mineral processing 自然铜native copper 铝土矿bauxite 冰晶石cryolite 磁铁矿magnetite 赤铁矿hematite 假象赤铁矿martite
钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite 铁燧石taconite 褐铁矿limonite 菱铁矿siderite 镜铁矿specularite 硬锰矿psilomelane 软锰矿pyrolusite 铬铁矿chromite 黄铁矿pyrite 钛铁矿ilmennite 金红石rutile 萤石fluorite 高岭石kaolinite 菱镁矿magnesite 重晶石barite 石墨graphite 石英quartz 方解石calcite 石灰石limestone 白云石dolomite 云母mica 石膏gypsum 硼砂borax 石棉asbestos 蛇纹石serpentine
阶段破碎stage crushing 粗碎primary crushing 中碎secondary crushing 细碎fine crushing
对辊破碎机roll crusher 粉磨机pulverizer
震动筛vibrating screen 筛网screen cloth 筛孔screen opening 筛上料oversize 筛下料undersize 粗磨coarse grinding 细磨fine grinding 球磨机ball mill 衬板liner
分级机classifier 自由沉降free setting 沉积sedimentation 石灰lime 松油pine oil
硫化钠sodium sulfide
硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass 过滤filtration 过滤机filter
给矿,给料feeding 给矿机feeder
在线分析仪on line analyzer
在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer
超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, supersonic particle sizer
4 冶金过程物理化学 4.1 冶金过程热力学
冶金过程热力学thermodynamics of metallurgical processes
统计热力学statistical thermodynamics
不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes
化学热力学chemical thernodynamics 表面热力学surface thermodynamics 合金热力学thermodynamics of alloys
冶金热力学数据库thermodynamics databank in metallurgy 系system
单元系single-componentsystem 多元系multicomponent system 均相系统homogeneous system 广度性质extensive property 强度性质intensive property 过程process
等温过程isothermal process 等压过程isobaric process 等容过程isochoric process 绝热过程adiabatic process 可逆过程reversible process 不可逆过程irreversible process 自发过程spontaneous process 自理过程physical process 化学过程chemical process 冶金过程metallurgical process 化学反应chemical reaction 化合反应combination reaction 分解反应decomposition reaction 置换反应displacement reaction 可逆反应reversible reaction 不可逆反应irreversible reaction 电化学反应electrochemical reaction 多相反应multiphase reaction 固态反应solid state reaction
气一金(属)反应gas-metal reaction 渣一金(属)反应slag-metal reaction 平衡equilibrium
化学平衡chemical equilibrium 相平衡phase equilibrium
热力学平衡thermodynamic equilibrium 亚稳平衡metastable equilibrium 热力学函数thermodynamic function 偏摩尔量partial molar quantity 总摩尔量integral molar quantity 标准态standard state 焓enthalpy
生成焓enthalpy of formation 反应焓enthalpy of reaction 熵entropy
吉布斯能Gibbs energy
生成吉布斯能Gibbs energy of formation 反应吉布斯能Gibbs energy of reaction 溶解吉布斯能Gibbs energy of solution 吉布斯能函数Gibbs energy function 化学位chemical potential 热化学thermochemistry 热效应heat effect 热容heat capacity 熔化热heat of fusion
汽化热heat of vaporization 升华热heat of sublimation
相变热heat of phase transformation 放热反应exothermic reaction 吸热反应endothermic reaction 赫斯定律Hess’s law 相律phase rule 相图phase diagram
一元相图single-component phase diagram 二元相图binary-component phase diagram 三元相图ternary-component phase diagram 液相线liquidus 固相线solidus
共晶点eutectic point 杠杆规则lever rule 溶液solution 溶质solute 溶剂solvent
固溶体solid solution
溶液浓度concentration of solution 摩尔分数mole fraction 冶金熔体metallurgical melt 金属熔体metal melt (炉)渣,熔渣slag
熔盐molten salt, fused salt 理想溶液ideal solution 真实溶液real solution 正规溶液regular solution 活度activity
活度系数activity coefficient 拉乌尔定律Raoult’s law 亨利定律Henry’s law
纯物质标准态pure substance standard
质量1%溶液标准(态)1 mass% solution standard 无限稀溶液参考态reference state of infinityly dilute solution
相互作用系数interaction coefficient
化学反应等温式chemical reaction isotherm
吉布斯~亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmholtz equation
质量作用定律law of mass action 平衡常数equilibrium constant 平衡值equilibrium value 直接还原direct reduction 间接还原indirect reduction
金属热还原metallothermic reduction 选择性氧化selective oxidation 渣碱度basicity of slag 光学破度optical basicity 酸性氧化物acid oxide 碱性氧化物basicoxide 两性氧化物amphoteric 泡沫渣foaming slag
熔渣的分子理论molecular theory of slag 熔渣的离子理论ionization theory of slag 脱氧平衡deoxidation equilibrium 脱氧常数deoxidation constant 熔渣脱硫desulfurization by slag
气态脱硫desulfurization in the gaseous state 硫分配比sulfur partition ratio 硫化物容量sulfide capacity
氧化脱磷dephosphorization under oxidizing atmosphere 磷分配比
碳一氧平衡carbon-oxygen equilibrium 真空脱碳vacuum decarburization 去气degassing
去除非金属夹杂(物)elimination of nonmetallic inclusion
非金属夹杂(物)变形form modification of nonmetallic inclusion 脱硅desiliconization 脱锰demanganization 分配平衡distribution law
化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition(CVD)
4.2 冶金过程动力学
微观动力学microkinetics 化学动力学chemical kinetics 反应途径reaction path
反应机理reaction mechanism 基元反应elementary reaction 平行反应parallel 链反应chain reaction 总反应overall reaction 反应速率reaction rate
反应速率常数reaction rate constant 反应级数reaction order 零级反应zero order reaction 一级反应first order reaction 二级反应second order reaction n 级反应nth order reaction 碰撞理论collision theory 活化能activation energy
表现活化能apparent activation energy 阿伦尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation 半衰期half-life
冶金过程动力学kinetics of metallurgical process 传输现象transport phenomena 传质mass transfer 传热heat transfer
动量传输momentum transfer 层流laminar flow 湍流turbulent flow 气泡gas bubble 鼓泡bubbling 射流jet
液滴liquid droplet 粘度viscosity
边界层boundary layer 流率flow rate 通量flux 扩散diffusion
菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 1st law of diffusion 菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion 扩散系数diffusion coefficient 传质系数mass transfer coefficient 热传导heat conduction 热对流heat convection
自然对流natural convection 强制对流forced convection 热辐射heat radiation
导热率thermal conductivity
传热系数heat transfer coefficient 体内浓度bulk concentration
未反应核模型unreacted core model
扩散控制反应diffusion-controlled reaction 化学控制反应chenical-controlled reaction 混合控制反应mixed-controlled reaction 相似原理priciple of similarity 雷诺数Reynolds number 固定床fiexed bed 填充床packed bed
移动床moving bed 流态化床fluidized bed 混合时间mixing time
停留时间residence time, retention time 催化catalysis 催化剂catalyst
表面能surface energy 表面张力surface tension 界面能interfacial energy 界面张力interfacial tension 润湿wetting
表面活性物质surface-active substance 吸收absorption 吸附absorption
4.3 冶金电化学
冶金电化学metallurgical electrochemistry 熔盐电化学electrochemistry of fused salts 固态离子学solid state ionics 电解质溶液electrolyte solution 阳离子cation 阴离子anion 电导conductance 电导率conductivity 电阻resistance 电极electrode 阴极cathode 阳极anode
固体电解质solid electrolyte 稳定的氧化锆stablized zirconia 氧传感器oxygen sensor 硅传感器silicon sensor 定氧测头oxygen probe 定硅测头silicon probe
4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法
冶金物理化学研究方法research methods in metallurgical physical chemistry
热电偶thermocouple 量热计calorimeter 热太平thermobalance 热分析thermal analysis
差热分析differential thermal analysis,DTA 热重法thermogravimetry 分子筛molecular sieve
5 钢铁冶金 5.1 炼焦
高温炭化high temperature carbonization
塑性成焦机理plastic mechanism of coke formation 中间相成焦机理mesophase mechanism of coke formation
选煤coal preparation, coal washing 配煤coal blending
配煤试验coal blending test 炼焦煤coking coal 气煤gas coal 肥煤fat coal 瘦煤lean coal 焦炉coke oven
焦化室oven chamber 焦饼coke cake
结焦时间coking time 周转时间cycle time 装煤coal charging
捣固装煤stamp charging 推焦coke pushing
焦炭熄火coke quenching
干法熄焦dry quenching of coke 焦台coke wharf 装煤车larry car
推焦机pushing machine 拦焦机coke guide 熄焦车quenching car
焦炉焖炉banking for coke oven 焦炭coke
冶金焦metallurgical coke 铸造焦foundry coke
焦炭工业分析proximate analysis of coke 焦炭元素分析ultimate analysis of coke 焦炭落下指数shatter index of coke 焦炭转鼓指数drum index of coke 焦炭热强度hot strength of coke 焦炭反应性coke reactivity
焦炭反应后强度post-reaction strength of coke 焦炭显微强度microstrength of coke 焦炉煤气coke oven gas 发热值calorific value 煤焦油coal tar 粗苯crude benzol 苯benzene
甲苯toluene 二甲苯xylene
苯并呋喃-茚树脂 coumarone-indene resin 精萘refined naphthalene 精蒽refined anthracene 煤[焦油]沥青 coal tar pitch 沥青焦pitch coke 针状焦needle coke 型焦formcoke
5.2 耐火材料
耐火材料refractory materials 耐火粘土fireclay 高岭土kaolin 硬质粘土flint clay 轻质粘土soft clay 陶土pot clay
蒙脱石montmorillonite 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 膨润土bentonite 鳞石英tridymite 方石英cristobalite 砂岩sandstone 耐火石firestone 莫来石mullite 氧化铝alumina
烧结氧化铝sintered alumina 电熔氧化铝fused alumina 刚玉corundum 红柱石andalusite 蓝晶石kyanite,cyanite 硅线石sillimanite 橄榄石olivine 方镁石periclase 镁砂magnesia
合成镁砂synthetic sintered magnesia 电熔镁砂fused magnesia
烧结白云石砂sintered dolomite clinker
合成镁铬砂synthetic magnesia chromite clinker 尖晶石spinel
镁铬尖晶石magnesia chrome spinel,magnesiochromite
硅藻土diatomaceous earth, infusorial earth 蛭石vermiculite 珍珠岩perlite
碳化硅silicon carbide 氮化硅silicon nitride 氮化硼boron nitride 粘土熟料chamotte 熟料grog
轻烧light burning,soft burning 死烧dead burning,hard burning 成型模注shaping moulding 机压成型mechanical pressing 等静压成型isostatic pressing 摩擦压砖机friction press 液压压砖机hydraulic press 捣打成型ramming process 熔铸成型fusion cast process
砖坯强度green strength,dry strength 隧道窑tunnel kiln 回转窑rotary kiln
倒焰窑down draught kiln 耐火砖refractory brick
标准型耐火砖standard size refractory brick 泡砂石quartzite sandstone
酸性耐火材料acid refractory [material] 硅质耐火材料siliceous refractory [material] 硅砖silica brick,dinas brick
熔融石英制品fused quartz product
硅酸铝质耐火材料aluminosillicate refractory 半硅砖semisilica brick
粘土砖fireclay brick,chamotte brick 石墨粘土砖graphite clay brick 高铝砖high alumina brick 硅线石砖sillimanite brick 莫来石砖mullite brick 刚玉砖corundum brick
铝铬砖alumina chrome brick 熔铸砖fused cast brick
碱性耐火材料basic refractory [material] 镁质耐火材料magnesia refractory [material] 镁砖magnesia brick
镁铝砖magnesia alumina brick 镁铬砖magnesia chrome brick 镁炭砖magnesia carbon brick
中性耐火材料neutral refractory [material] 复合砖composite brick 铝炭砖alumina carbon brick 铝镁炭转alumina magnesia brick 锆炭砖zirconia graphite brick
镁钙炭砖magnesia clacia carbon brick 长水口long nozzle
浸入式水口immersion nozzle,submerged nozzle 定径水口metering nozzle
氧化铝-碳化硅-炭砖 Al2O3-SiC-C brick 透气砖gas permeable brick,porous brick 滑动水口slide gate nozzle 水口砖nozzle brick 塞头砖stopper
绝热耐火材料insulating refractory 轻质耐火材料light weight refractory 袖砖sleeve brick
格子砖checker brick,chequer brick 陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber 耐火纤维refractory fiber
耐火浇注料refractory castable 耐火混凝土refractory concrete
荷重耐火性refractoriness under load 抗渣性slagging resistance 耐磨损性abrasion resistance
5.3 碳素材料
[含]碳[元]素材料 carbon materials 无定形碳amorphous carbon 金刚石diamond
炭相[学]carbon micrography 炭黑carbon black
石油沥青petroleum pitch 石油焦炭petroleum coke 石墨化graphitization
石墨化电阻炉electric resistance furnace for graphitization
石墨纯净化处理purification treatment of graphite 炭砖carbon brick 炭块carbon block
碳化硅基炭块SiC-based carbon block 炭电极carbon electrode
连续自焙电极Soderberg electrode 石墨电极graphite electrode
超高功率石墨电极ultra-high power graphite electrode
石墨电极接头graphite electrode nipple
石墨电极接头孔graphite electrode socket plug 电极糊electrode paste 石墨坩埚graphite crucible
石墨电阻棒graphite rod resistor 炭刷carbon brush
高纯石墨high purity graphite
5.4 铁合金
铁合金ferroalloy 硅铁ferrosilicon 硅钙calcium silicon 金属硅silicon metal 锰铁ferromangnanese
低碳锰铁low carbon ferromanganese 硅锰silicomanganese 金属锰manganese metal 铬铁ferrochromium
低碳铬铁low carbon ferrochromium
微碳铬铁extra low carbon ferrochromium 硅铬silicochromium 金属铬chromium metal 钨铁ferrotunsten
钼铁ferromolybdenum 钛铁ferrotitanium 硼铁ferroboron 铌铁ferroniobium 磷铁ferrophosphorus 镍铁ferronickel 锆铁ferrozirconium 硅锆silicozirconium
稀土硅铁rare earth ferrosilicon
稀土镁硅铁rare earth ferrosilicomagnesium 成核剂nucleater
孕育剂incubater,inoculant 球化剂nodulizer 蠕化剂vermiculizer 中间铁合金master alloy
复合铁合金complex ferroalloy
电碳热法electro-carbothermic process 电硅热法electro-silicothermic process
铝热法aluminothermic process,thermit process 电铝热法electro-aluminothermic process 开弧炉open arc furnace
埋弧炉submerged arc furnace 半封闭炉semiclosed furnace 封闭炉closed furnace
矮烟罩电炉electric furnace with low hood 矮炉身电炉low-shaft electric furnace
5.5 烧结与球团
人造块矿ore agglomerates 烧结矿sinter 压块矿briquette 球团[矿] pellet
自熔性铁矿self-fluxed iron ore 复合铁矿complex iron ore 块矿lump ore 粉矿ore fines
矿石混匀ore blending 配矿ore proportioning 矿石整粒ore size grading 返矿return fines 储矿场ore stockyard 矿石堆料机ore stocker 匀矿取料机ore reclaimer 熔剂flux
消石灰slaked lime
活性石灰quickened lime 有机粘结剂organic binder 烧结混合料sinter mixture
烧结铺底料hearth layer for sinter 烧结sintering
烧结热前沿heat front in sintering 烧结火焰前沿flame front in sintering 渣相粘结slag bonding
扩散粘结diffusion bonding
带式烧结机Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine 环式烧结机circular travelling sintering machine 烧结梭式布料机shuttle conveyer belt 烧结点火料sintering ignition furnace 烧结盘sintering pan 烧结锅sintering pot 烧结冷却机sinter cooler
带式冷却机straight-line cooler
环式冷却机circular cooler,annular cooler 生球green pellet,ball
生球长大聚合机理ball growth by coalescence 生球长大成层机理ball growth by layering 生球长大同化机理ball growth by assimilation
精矿成球指数balling index for iron ore concentrates 生球转鼓强度drum strength of green pellet 生球落下强度shatter strength of green pellet
生球抗压强度compression strength of green pellet 生球爆裂温度cracking temperature of green pellet 圆筒造球机balling drum 圆盘造球机balling disc
竖炉陪烧球团shaft furnace for pellet firing 带式机陪烧球团traveling grate for pellet firing 链算机-回转窑陪烧球团grate-kiln for pellet firing 环式机陪烧球团circular gates for pellet firing 冷固结球团cold bound pellet 维式体wustite 铁橄榄石fayalite 铁尖晶石hercynite 铁黄长石ferrogehlenite 铁酸半钙calcium diferrite 铁酸钙calcium ferrite 铁酸二钙dicalcium ferrite 锰铁橄榄石knebelite 钙铁橄榄石kirschsteinite 钙铁辉石hedenbergite 钙铁榴石andradite 钙长石anorthite
钙镁橄榄石monticellite 钙钛矿perovskite 硅灰石wollastonite
硅酸二钙dicalcium silicate 硅酸三钙tricalcium silicate 镁橄榄石forsterite 镁黄长石akermanite 镁蔷薇辉石manganolite 钙铝黄长石gehlenite 钛辉石titanaugite 枪晶石cuspidine
预还原球团pre-reduced pellet 金属化球团metallized pellet 转鼓试验drum test,tumbler test 落下试验shatter test
5.6 高炉炼铁
炼铁iron making
高炉炼铁[法] blast furnace process 高炉blast furnace 鼓风炉blast furnace 炉料charge, burden 矿料ore charge 焦料coke charge
炉料提升charge hoisting
小车上料charge hoisting by skip 吊罐上料charge hoisting by bucket
皮带上料charge hoisting by belt conveyer 装料charging
装料顺序charging sequence 储料漏斗hopper
双料钟式装料two-bells system charging 无料钟装料bell-less charging
炉内料线stock line in the furnace 探料尺gauge rod
利用系数utilization coefficient 冶炼强度combustion intensity 鼓风blast
风压blast pressure 风温blast temperature 鼓风量blast volume 鼓风湿度blast humidity 全风量操作full blast 慢风under blowing 休风delay
喷吹燃料fuel injection 喷煤coal injection 喷油oil injection
富氧鼓风oxygen enriched blast,oxygen enrichment 置换比replacement ratio 喷射器injector
热补偿thermal compensation 焦比coke ratio,coke rate 燃料比fuel ratio,fuel rate 氧化带oxidizing zone 风口循环区raceway
蒸汽鼓风humidified blast 混合喷吹mixed injection 脱湿鼓风dehumidified blast
炉内压差pressure drop in furnace 煤气分布gas distribution
煤气利用率gas utilization rate 炉况furnace condition 顺行smooth running
焦炭负荷coke load,ore to coke ratio 软熔带cohesive zone,softening zone 渣比slag to iron ratio,slag ratio
上部[炉料]调节burden conditioning 下部[鼓风]调节blast conditioning
高炉作业率operation rate of blast furnace 休风率delay ratio
高炉寿命blast furnace campaign 悬料hanging 崩料slip
沟流channeling 结瘤scaffolding
炉缸冻结hearth freeze-up 开炉blow on 停炉blow off 积铁salamander
炉型profile,furnace lines 炉喉throat 炉身shaft,stack 炉腰belly 炉腹bosh 炉缸hearth 炉底 bottom
炉腹角bosh angle 炉身角stack angle
有效容积effective volume 工作容积working bolume 铁口iron notch, slag notch 渣口cinder notch, slag notch 风口tuyere
窥视孔peep hole
风口水套tuyere cooler 渣口水套slag notch cooler 风口弯头tuyere stock 热风围管bustle pipe 堵渣机stopper
泥炮mud gun,clay gun 开铁口机iron notch drill 铁水hot metal 铁[水]罐iron ladle 鱼雷车torpedo car 主铁沟sow
出铁沟casting house 铁沟iron runner 渣沟slag runner
渣罐cinder ladle, slag ladle 撇渣器skimmer
冷却水箱cooling plate 冷却壁cooling stave
汽化冷却vaporization cooling 热风炉hot blast stove
燃烧室combustion chamber 燃烧器burner
热风阀hot blast valve 烟道阀chimney valve 冷风阀cold blast valve 助燃风机burner blower 切断阀burner shut-off valve 旁通阀by-pass valve
混风阀mixer selector valve
送风期on blast of stove,on blast 燃烧期on gas of stove, on gas 换炉stove changing 放散阀blow off valve
内燃式热风炉Cowper stove
外燃式燃烧炉outside combustion stove 顶燃式热风炉top combustion stove 炉顶放散阀bleeding valve 放散管bleeder 上升管gas uptake 放风阀snorting valve 均压阀equalizing valve 高压调节阀septum valve
炉顶高压elevated top pressure 铸铁机pig-casting machine 铸铁模pig mold 冲天炉cupola
水渣granulating slag 水渣池granulating pit 渣场slag disposal pit
高炉煤气top gas,blast furnace gas 高炉煤气回收topgas recovery,TGR 非焦炭炼铁non-coke iron making
直接还原炼铁[法]direct reduction iron making 直接还原铁directly reduced iron,DRI
竖炉直接炼铁direct reduction in shaft furnace 流态化炼铁fluidized-bed iron making 转底炉炼铁rotary hearth iron making 米德雷克斯直接炼铁[法]Midrex process HYL 直接炼铁[法] HYL process
克虏伯回转窑炼铁[法] Krupp rotary kiln iron-making
熔态还原smelting reduction 铁溶法iron-bath process 科雷克斯法COREX process 生铁pig iron
海绵铁sponge iron 镜铁spiegel iron
清铁法H-rion process
5.7 炼钢
钢水liquid steel,molten steel 钢semisteel
沸腾钢rimming steel,rimmed steel 镇静钢killed steel 半镇静钢semikilled steel 压盖沸腾钢capped steel
坩埚炼钢法crucible steelmaking
双联炼钢法duplex steelmaking process 连续炼钢法continuous steelmaking process 直接炼钢法direct steelmaking process 混铁炉hot metal machine 装料机charging machine 装料期charging machine 加热期heating period 熔化期melting period 造渣期slag forming period 精炼期refining period 熔清melting down 脱氧deoxidation
预脱氧preliminary dexidation 还原渣reducing slag 酸性渣acid slag 碱性渣basic slag 脱碳decarburization 增碳recarburization 脱磷dephosphorization 回磷rephosphorization 脱硫desulfurization 回硫resulfurization 脱氮denitrogenation 过氧化overoxidation 出钢tapping
冶炼时间duration of heat 出钢样tapping sample 浇铸样casting sample 不合格炉次off heat 熔炼损耗melting loss 铁损iron loss 废钢scrap
废钢打包baling of scrap
造渣材料slag making materials 添加剂addition reagent 脱氧剂deoxidizer 脱硫剂desulfurizer 冷却剂coolant 回炉渣return slag 喷枪lance
浸入式喷枪submerged lance 钢包ladle
出钢口top hole
出钢槽pouring lining 炉顶furnace roof 炉衬furnace lining 炉衬侵蚀lining erosion 渣线slag line
炉衬寿命lining life 分区砌砖zoned lining 补炉fettling 热修hot repair 喷补gunning
火焰喷补flame gunning 转炉converter
转炉炼钢converter steelmaking 底吹转炉bottom-blown converter
酸性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown acid converter 碱性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown basic converter
侧吹转炉side-blown converter 卡尔多转炉Kaldo converter 氧气炼铁oxygen steelmaking
氧气顶吹转炉top-blown oxygen converter,LI converter
氧气底吹转炉bottom-blown oxygen converter quiet basic oxygen furnace,QBOF
顶底复吹转炉top and bottom combined blown converter
喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉法oxygen lime process 底吹煤氧的复合吹炼法Klockner-Maxhutte steelmaking process,KMS
住友复合吹炼法Sumitomo top and bottom blowing process,STB
LBE 复吹法lance bubbling equilibrium process,LBE 顶枪喷煤粉炼钢法Arved lance carbon injection process,ALCI
蒂森复合吹炼法Thyssen Blassen Metallurgical process,TBM 面吹surface blow 软吹soft blow 硬吹hard blow 补吹reblow 过吹overblow 后吹after blow 目标碳aim carbon
终点碳end point carbon
高拉碳操作catch carbon practice 增碳操作recarburization practice 单渣操作single-slag operation 双渣操作double-slag operation 渣乳化slag emulsion
吹氧时间oxygen blow duration 吹炼终点blow end point 倒炉turning down 喷渣slopping 喷溅spitting
静态控制static control 动态控制dynamic control 氧枪oxygen lance
氧枪喷孔nozzle of oxygen lance 多孔喷枪multi-nozzle lance 转炉炉体converter body 炉帽upper cone 炉口mouth,lip ring 装料大面impact pad
活动炉底removable bottom 顶吹氧枪top blow oxygen lance 副枪sublance
多孔砖nozzle brick
单环缝喷嘴single annular tuyere 双环缝喷嘴double annular tuyere 挡渣器slag stopper 挡渣塞floating plug
电磁测渣器electromagnetic slag detector 废气控制系统off gas control system,OGCS 平炉open-hearth furnace
平炉炼钢open-hearth steelmaking 冷装法cold charge practice 热装法hot charge practice 碳沸腾carbon boil 石灰沸腾lime boil 炉底沸腾bottom boil 再沸腾reboil
有效炉底面积effective hearth area 酸性平炉acid open-hearth furnace 碱性平炉basic open-hearth furnace
固定式平炉stationary open-hearth furnace 倾动式平炉tilting open-hearth furnace 双床平炉twin-hearth furnace
顶吹氧气平炉open-hearth furnace with roof oxygen lance
蓄热室regenerator 沉渣室slag pocket
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